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The new /sci/ wiki

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To use MathJaX, put your TeX code between [ math ] ... [ /math ] tags for inline equations or [ eqn ] ... [ /eqn ] tags for block equations.

[eqn]\zeta(s) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^s} = \frac{1}{\Gamma(s)}\int_0^{\infty} \frac{x^{s - 1}}{e^x - 1} \mathrm dx[/eqn]

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>The 'Great Elon Musk'
- edition

previous >>16487736
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Bechtel is just one of many and the shit going on with SLS is probably just one example of what generally happens in government contracting
Why is Neil still getting TV appearances?
His opinion on this isn't worth more than the average person you grab off the street. Any random /sfg/ poster would have a much more informed and nuanced take than this "science communicator".
Death by a million cuts, maybe we could've been able to afford moon/Mars bases decades ago if it wasn't like this.
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>Comparison of the ship re-entry profiles on IFT-5 and IFT-6
why superheavy doesnt have water deluge at hotstaging? maybe in the future, with 9 raptor ships?
>His opinion on this isn't worth more than the average person you grab off the street. Any random /sfg/ poster would have a much more informed and nuanced take than this "science communicator".
He says what people want to hear. That's his job: "science man who agrees with me".

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Are scientists in competition to see who can waste the most of other people's money in the most absurd and grandiose fashion?
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There is a thing called debt. Happens when you spend money that you don't have.
>It's clear from this image that Interest payments (kill all (((userers)))),
The United States has never paid a single cent in interest payments
It pretends to but it first borrows money to make the payment, then borrows some more. So theres for sure a huge debt but nothing has been paid
is it so hard to understand than borrowing money to pay older debts isnt paying your debts?
Is it real to develop a new technology on 20000$ funding?
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>>16481470 (OP)
I AGREE. Most studies should have some economic benefits or a return on money spent. Why waste it on things that don't make us more productive. With trillions in debt it's mostly an exaggeration but a good example of why these studies don't have any benefit for the public long term.

But but we need to learn and have knowledge. Sure but that can be done in your free time.

Its just wasteful.

We need to spend money on things that can realisticly progress society And add economic benefit
le line must ALWAYS go up.

obstetrics edition
prev: >>16451314
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>By the time I get my first actual legit job I'm already 30 years of age.
I don't think legit intelligent people get into med for the money, they could use their intelligence to earn a lot more sooner. To go into med for money you gotta be a midwit with a decent memory, and it's these that turn out to be shitty med dispensers.
If my poop smells bad does that mean I'm dying?
when i pee, it smells like popcorn.
It’s not Mr Squatson. Being 5’6 is perfectly normal.
I'm balding. Apparently it's fairly normal while you're getting old BUT WHY THE HELL DID I SIMULTANEOUSLY BEGIN TO GROW HAIR FROM MY EARS?!

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Why is this considered a legit scientific approach?
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So, what does your common sense say about weak lensing in the bullet cluster?
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As always with this crowd they have no actual understanding of the problem. Lots of loud ignorant opinions though.

>Science that make shit up on the other hand is called pseudoscience.
Building hypotheses is a key part of science.
Jesus fucking Christ, is this board run entirely by bots that post unrelated shit? My comment was both silence and some absurd tinfoil hat shit that was aimed at discrediting slightly less tinfoil-hatty people?
However dino bones are literally fake.
Dinosaurs never existed it is all lies!

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>Struggle with ADHD and motivation issues for over a decade
>Try eating healthy, it helps but not a whole lot
>Try drinking more caffeine
>Try l-theanine
>Try nicotine
>Try magnesium, b-complex, etc. etc.
>Nothing really works. Maybe a little bit, however life is still difficult
>Try low-dose Adderall, 5mg
>I actually feel like a normal, functioning human that can accomplish tasks
>It's also much easier to relax because I'm normally restless. I always feel the need to move my body and have difficulty even watching a movie and things like that

I was prescribed it in the past, but was afraid to take it because I've heard bad things, it can be addictive and mess you up, etc. But how is it that nothing else has worked, and how does Adderall work so well? I want to stay on it. What will happen long-term?
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>>16487934 (OP)
the average Amerifat will do all this and wonder why they are all insane. The effects of overmedication and overdiagnosing have been a disaster for America!
AI slop. The Butlerian Crusade is coming and you're on the list.
yeah... nazis used amphetamines too
>>16487934 (OP)
You cannot fix an ADHD brain with anything but dopaminergic drugs the same way you cannot make a car run off wine.
Sure, the car can run a little bit off the ethanol in the wine, but ultimately you cannot perform like you can on petrol.

Your brain is not made for the current farmer society. ADHD is a hunter-gatherer trait.
>>16487934 (OP)
I went through a similar path.
Wasted years of my youth trying to brute force through it through different means.
Recently, I tried Vyvanse, and it was fantastic.
It really felt like I had escaped a decade-long period of depression. I felt healthy and excited and determined for the first time in years. I even managed to escape being a NEET and landed a decent job.
But now, I've come to realize I am quickly building a tolerance to it.
What once lasted ten to twelve hours now lasts only four, and all of those honeymoon-phase effects of positivity and clarity are practically gone.
What remains of it is like an extra strong, extra crisp cup of coffee.
It's nice coffee, but nice coffee by itself isn't exactly life changing.

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Post screencaps of AI being retarded
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>>16488319 (OP)
>AI hate
Most obnoxious people on the internet right now
AI tells you what you want to hear. I'm an Ashkenazi Jew, and I'm forced to mark white on all research grant applications, job applications (as an academic physicist), and never get any privilege for it. Of course you'll just assume I am lying. Your beliefs can never be falsified, because you don't know what you're talking about.

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I have a bit of speech problems where the left side of my lips don't move well as like the right ones. Also my left shoulders stay down and stiff in comparision to my right side. What is this disease called? Its not paralysis as I can move my face and arms but its not normal
>>16490381 (OP)
sounds like you either had a stroke or have light cerebral palsy.
>>16490381 (OP)
You have cerebral palsy. Ask your mom if she smoked while pregnant.

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How to cure schizophrenia?
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You tryna make love with me fag?
Fuck off schizo, take meds. I hate annoying retards like you.
Gene, where famillies are so orthodox, that even name of a first cow is herritable, good job.


>>16489523 (OP)
Schizophrenia is often correlated with heavier aging, errors in energy metabolism... You should attempt to fix those.

Also a schizophrenia is lot of fabricated, half of symptoms is caused by pill you take for it.

Also there's this thing called GTS-21, which maybe JFK Jr. will push to the market, as it's non-hummiliating, working schiz medication.
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>>16489523 (OP)
Regular doses of vitamin B3.
That's Niacin (Nicotinic Acid), not Niacinamide or Nicotinamide.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfpQWQD6Cv4 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFW5dB3G-0c [Embed]
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>as a completely normal and well-adjusted person with no mental disabilities, I proudly believe in both modern science and the bible, and nothing else

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Give me your best arguments against Uncle Ted
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>Im only here out of a misplaced sense of altruism and peer pressure
This changes nothing though. You wouldn't be here in your free time if you hated it. But I understand that facing hypocrisy is hard and uncomfortable.
Humanity, of course.
>I don't care about the future of humanity
They why are you even concerned about how technology affects it?
>Everything will die and be reborn again no matter what you do
Yes, and? Are you trying to imply this means it doesn't matter that humanity will go extinct and we shouldn't prevent it? Would you apply the same reasoning to your own individual life if it was in danger of ending prematurely, but could be extended via technology? I will repeat the question i already asked - would you refuse life saving surgery or cancer treatments? Be honest now.
>In reality you're an abrahamoid sissy that sees everything having a beginning and an end, but its not that simple
What a constructive non-statement.
>It's best to live in relative harmony and mindful of the present rather than being endlessly restless and anxious for the future.
As i said, critical lack of foresight, though I don't think it's even genuine. Why don't you get a huge loan you will never be able to pay off then? You could improve your present circumstances immensely, and it's not like you should worry about the not being able to pay it off in the future, right?
Fuck you, fuck Hobbes, and fuck Hegel; hail Proudhon and Bakunin.
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I care very deeply about the future of humanity, and so did Ted I think until he lost his marbles (or had them stolen by monarch cultists) . The pyramids indicate very clearly that this is not the first time lasers have littered the landscape. The technological progress seems 'braided in' to trans-humanism. I'm stuck on the connotation of this suffix. what are we, humanity, crossing over humanity into?

The philosophers say before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water, after enlightenment, chop wood carry water. Ted pointed out many times that technology demands more technology to solve technologies problems. In the end, it seems earth is already a highly optimised system, almost so comically so that it demands inspecting the superluminism of the DNA helix.

I dream of a 5g grid that turns your mitochondria, fertilising a desert with a phosphate x-wave, tricking mycorrizal fungi networks to mine bitcoin, personal anti-inertial snowboards that can drift any cliff face, and automated homesteads for everyone.

I think the reality is though that the tablets disseminating such knowledge are better put to grinding wheat into flour.

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press F to pay respects for her wonderful world bringing science to americans
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The only endurance race with a large enough sample size to conclude women are better at that particular sport is long distance swimming, where it is thought their natural upper body buoyancy gives them a biological edge. The other sports are too niche to determine if there's a gender difference or individual difference.
Males and females are built different, something understood by humanity until a few years ago when a small slice of it went insane. As long distance swimming shows, it is possible for an athletic competition to exist where the biology of females gives them an edge over males. But that's not what activists are pushing. They want everyone to believe that females are as good at basketball as males, which simply isn't the case. When you show that head to head males destroy females in such competitions, they claim that's because females aren't given the same resources as males instead of observing the obvious biological differences that give males a performance edge.
It's weird that they keep pushing on things that are obviously untrue instead of focusing on creating athletic competitions that advantage female biology. Long distance swimming is one such competition. There are some like Netball that males rarely play so we don't know if females are better than males or not. We do know that in sports like football, males are better due to biology. It seems unlikely that long distance swimming is the only possibility for a female advantaged sport but activists don't like putting in hard work to create, they just want to wear the skinsuit of what others have created and call it their own.
this added context didn't make it any more intelligent or interesting
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>>16475964 (OP)
so brave
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8C_qHRrUZT0 [Embed]
>natural upper body buoyancy
or to use a technical term, booba

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People say "don't fuck your sister, it will ruin the genes" but actually it's the opposite, and in this post I will explain why.

Let's start with the conventional view. Genes can break because of mutations. However normally if we have one faulty gene copy, the other healthy gene copy can compensate. This situation is known as a recessive genetic disease. It's recessive because the healthy copy will "dominate" the unhealthy copy. Not all genetic diseases are recessive but it's the most common one.

Now imagine that your dad had one healthy gene G and a very rare broken gene g. Your mom had two healthy genes. Now there is a 50% chance you got your dads broken gene. But since you got a healthy one from your mom you are fine. Your little sister also had 50% chance of getting the broken gene, but she will be fine either way for the same reason. Together, it's a 25% chance you both have a broken gene.

If you either of you have a kid with a non-relative then its overwhelmingly likely that your kids will get a healthy gene from the non-relative. But if you have kids with each other, that's when problems arise. The kid may get one broken copy from you and one from your sister, leading to a sick child.

Now imagine there is not one such broken gene but several. Suddenly there may be big risk of issues.

So as promised let's turn this on its head.

Consider again what happens in the above scenario. The broken gene is masked which lets it proliferate.

But now imagine yourself fucking your cute sister. If the healthy genes combine then the broken gene has been eliminated! Success! If the broken genes are combined and the child has issues, then the child will be less able to pass the broken gene on! Partial success! However it may still happen that a child gets one broken and one healthy gene. This means that although the bad gene is selected against, it still has some chance of slipping through.

This is why fucking your sister leads to better genes in the long term!
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I think inbreeding and outbreeding (such as race mixing) are both bad for us although in different ways.
the effects of close inbreeding are just more acutely visible. while outbreeding leads to disturbing disconnects and ,maladaptations and eventual infertility or proneness to disease.

I favour the intermediate level which seems to reflect a sort of tribe level relatedness and leads to optimal relatedness and fitness
no you utter clown
creating new lives was intenirionally limited to marriage
>creating new lives was intenirionally limited to marriage
Does that mean abortion was reserved for non-marital pregnancy?
they had many herbs and drinks and options to induce miscarriage, one of which is (IIRC) in the fucking bible.

delusional retardation. bastards were a very common thing among the nobility of europe and these sorts of things among commoners just weren't reported.

I get it's nice to look back and see think about how great the ancestors were but you're just denying reality.
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>>16472673 (OP)
man i wish i had an older sister to pin me down and force me to do probability with her

LMFAO "don't die" bro is literally dying and he can't even tell.
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he doesn't look very good
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there is one problem though, with doing 200 times at once, and the only metric to judge is a scam life clock
>. Consequently, when he's clearly showing signs of decay, I will laugh at him for being a dipshit who's poisoning himself with excessive transfusions.
How is he poisoning himself when hes healthier than hes ever been?
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>>16489171 (OP)
what a fucking retard
I will piss on his grave

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and elon musk is just like him
they market themselves as geniuses
change my mind
>>16489070 (OP)
How it's going in Palestine?
>>16489070 (OP)
captains of industry lead manpower and capital into productive uses. They are like generals
musk mindbroke the same group of mentally fragile faggots trump did and he did the same way too, by heretically failing to worship government and the msm as the sole giver of truth
>>16489070 (OP)
>they market themselves as geniuses

your very own op picture proves this is wrong, for at least one of them. Therefore you are the biggest retard.

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Is this an accurate prediction? It's spooky bros.
>>16489441 (OP)
There's nothing inviting about this blogpost. State your thesis and your arguments. This writing is just farting around.
>>16489441 (OP)
Does he just ignore that nuclear power works?
>>16489441 (OP)
life will end in 200 million years. It will be painful
...which is the reason Elon Musk is trying to jumpstart planetary colonization as quickly as possible.

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