

4chan is the original and largest English-language image board with over 20 million unique visitors monthly. Our boards cover a wide array of interests, including Video Games, Anime, Television, Film, Comics, Technology, Fitness, and Cars.

Self-serve advertising campaigns are available on a CPM bidding basis with features such as board-targeting, geo-targeting and frequency capping.

For more information about self-serve campaigns, please e-mail advertise@4chan.org with details about what you'd like to advertise, your budget, and flight dates. A representative will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

Ad Units

Positions/Dimensions: 728x90 Leaderboard in both header and footer positions in desktop view, 300x250 Medium Rectangle in both header and footer positions in mobile view)
Example Placements:

Desktop Header Desktop Footer Mobile Header Mobile Footer

Ad Guidelines

  1. Creatives must be of acceptable quality, and "work safe."
  2. No ads inciting harassment or containing personal information will be accepted.
  3. No ads that are harmful or malicious in nature will be accepted. This includes landing pages with pop-ups, pop-unders, redirects, dialog box loops, malware, etc.
  4. You may not advertise products or services that violate United States or local law.
  5. Landing pages must match ad content (i.e. no "bait & switch" advertising).
  6. No creatives imitating video players, close or cancel buttons, download buttons, browser/system/anti-virus alerts, etc.
  7. Ads cannot purport to be "official" 4chan ads.
  8. We only accept banner ads in JPG, PNG, and GIF formats. We reserve the right to reject animated GIFs that are annoying, distracting, or otherwise objectionable.
  9. Purchasing any advertisement on 4chan does not exempt you from our strict "No Advertising" rule while posting on 4chan. You are purchasing a banner ad only, and not the ability to advertise your product/site/etc in regular posts.
  10. 4chan reserves the right to reject any and all advertising at its sole discretion.
We will not accept ads for the following products or services:
  • Gambling
  • Controlled substances or paraphernalia
  • Alcohol, tobacco, tobacco products, or prescription drugs
  • Affiliate marketing (referrals, direct marketing, etc)
  • Firearms, ammunition, or weapons
  • Pirated software or hacking/cracking tools
  • Discriminatory content, including content that promotes discrimination by race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability, gender, age, or sexual orientation


  • Page impressions per month: 500,000,000+
  • Unique visitors per month: 20,000,000+
  • Posts per day: 900,000-1,000,000


  • Age: 18-34
  • Gender: ~70% male, ~30% female
  • Location: United States (47%), United Kingdom (7%), Canada (6%), Australia (4%), Germany (4%)
  • Interests: Japanese culture, anime, manga, video games, comics, technology, music, movies
  • Education: Majority attended or currently enrolled in college