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Nta, but I do wonder how many men who are multimillionaires (like 50 mil to 100 mil) just hide it from the women they date on purpose and act like regular guys. Or if they even have time for dating and just pay for escorts.
I don't think it's very many.
I'll explain the bear meme for the virgins who are failing this basic shit-test: women love making men angry on social media because it reaffirms their desirability? Want to know how I know that's true? Imagine if it was only fat ugly women posting the bear thing. It would look like a massive cope, right? The intended effect of the meme is reveling in the indignant reaction of men who feel like they're being rejected by you, because you're desirable. That's all there is to it. Now you too can stop biting the bait.
Snuggle me plz

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How do I get the Lord to stop tormenting me?

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I'm currently doing No Contact and I have watched a lot on youtube in the psychology of what an ex goes through. You have these dating coaches and they admit it isn't always the case that they come back, but it often happens. I'm just curious to hear about you guys' experiences.
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Good advice, i secretly know this deep down. But my feelings are still stronger than my rational reasoning.

I will try and remember your post, thanks
>i secretly know this deep down
the hard part is to really believe it. what helped me the most is sports, going out and a 2 week long vacation in a surf hostel. you meet so many people and are so busy all day that suddenly, 6 days passed and you realise you haven't though about her once. don't wallow in the pain and try not to lock yourself up. also, if you have her on social media it's best to mute her stories and posts or even unfollow her. good luck
I dont have her on social media and dont have her in my contacts anymore, deleted (or back upped) all pics and so on.

yes I do a lot of sports

Unfortunately im not very rich and dont have ability to go on long holidays so i mostly just chill at home which indeed is a bit shitty and not good to improve

I will try to go out more in summer
One ex contacted me after 7 years, the breakup was particularly bad at the time, but I don’t regret talking to him after all this time (now 7 years later). Would I sit down for coffee and to chat about how things have changed? Yeah. Would I get with him again? Absolutely not.
around 5 years after the breakup he sent an email saying he took me for granted, i was the best thing that ever happened to him, he misses me and thinks about me every day etc. i do think some of his feelings are genuine. but also just reaffirms that he fucked up REAL bad if he was able to treat the love of his life like shit and only realizes it was his fault that late. he made it so sentimental but really none of anything he was saying was about me, just how happy he was and how i'm the only person who gets him and how much he wants that back again because it made him feel good. he made it sound mature too, saying he accepts if i won't forgive him or if i don't respond that he only hopes i respond just so he can hear from me again, not to be his gf. i didn't respond. later found out posts from him (he definitely did not meant for me to see it because it was on this site) about how he wishes i was his wife so bad and he'd do anything for that to be true and he's still IN LOVE with me and wahhh. it became schizo tier ramblings all day every day so often that people were recognizing him as (my name)anon. it pissed me off so much that he was posting my real name and giving so much detail about me on this site that i kept replying to him taunting him and saying things i knew would hurt him and make him think he was actually turning schizophrenic (an anxiety of his). i wish i just ignored all of it because he wasn't even in my life anymore but i allowed him to re-piss me off as if he was again.

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Where can I acquire the tastiest coleslaw?
Note: I have a budget of $10,000 to acquire this.
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If you give me that money I will make you an entire coleslaw themed banquet complete with strippers wrestling naked in a pit full of coleslaw
Observing this thread, tell us about the slaw
Bumping for coleslaw vacation update
>"Best coleslaw"
>Literally cabbage, carrot and mayo
Why don't you look for the best crushed tomatoes too, retard?
holy shit the OP actually gonna fly out to eat some slaw.

keep this thread bumped

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From the autumn of the last year to this day I can't help but think I should something more than what I already have in my life, as if all those things have no value and might disappear in one day so I should totally do something bigger or deeper for my whole life. When I'm trying to actually expand this thought and figure out what exactly I should do, I can't get any answer for myself, because I look back at my past and present state and see that I have no talents, interests and skills to draw upon, nor I have any actual deep desire to do anything more and I actually don't like most of those things that most people do in their lifes.
I don't really know from where this thought came, it's just sit there now and slightly buzzing me out like a fly. Psychiatrist, who was also providing psychotherapy and to whom I addressed this situation, said that this thought comes from the external pressure from society's majority and I should not listen to it but try to figure this out by myself at my own pace, but I feel like I could live my life like this and not doing anything better
So, what should I do here? Should I just drop myself in anything and see how it goes even if I don't like it from the start?

In next post I'll provide some facts on my current state of things so it would be easier for you to formulate any advice that you can provide here.
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> Seek fun in trying things,
How exactly?
> those things must be interesting and not dangerous to you
Can you give any example of those things?
This is where you have to actually put in work and help yourself
Can you be more specific on what should I do there? I don't really get all those generalisations.
Think about something you have an interest in and do it
But I can't do that, I don't know how to do that. I wouldn't have created this whole thread if I knew how to find something interesting and do it. I'm really that stupid in these terms.

>6 months ago
>Accidentally give her the ick by not reading signals
>Really like her
>Want to say sorry because it was by accident and we'd fit so good together, and I'm interested
>She ghosts
>Hurts a lot

>3 months ago
>Continues to ghost
>Found someone else
>Feels like a wasted opportunity for me

>1 month ago
>See someone who looks like her friend at practice
>She ignores

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Your mom punishes and ignores you until you do everything she wants to prove your sorry and that you love her, doesn’t she?

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How do I find my looksmatch?
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Trial and error?
he probably just likes chubby women. they are usually better girlfriends in all honesty becuase they usually do feel they have to make up for their fatness by being extra affectionate and caring partners.
That guy is just desperate and has low self esteem
how do you know that?

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I feel like they have this incredibly strong but emotional and protective side to them that they won't let out, that I keep wanting to bring to the surface. Sometimes I feel like doing dumb dangerous shit just so that I can see them actively care, it brings us closer. I want a strong stoic and protective boyfriend so I can nurture him but I don't wanna be fooled that every man out there is like this. I've had some bad experiences with men too but I can't get myself to hate them
Sup bitch we exist. Keep looking but don't actively put yourself in danger just to find love.
>I feel like they have this incredibly strong but emotional and protective side to them that they won't let out, that I keep wanting to bring to the surface.
Some do but not all. It's also less about consciously repressing that side than it is about not having a suitable environment to exercise it. A man who is not naturally protective will not suddenly become such no matter how much you bombard him with exhortations or praise. I would be careful with assuming that all men have your best interest in mind because very many couldn't care less.
>Sometimes I feel like doing dumb dangerous shit just so that I can see them actively care
This is not you idealising anything, it is your desire to make people show they care about you specifically, probably because you had a negligent dad or something like that. Work on your mental health.

>Sometimes I feel like doing dumb dangerous shit just so that I can see them actively care, it brings us closer. I want a strong stoic and protective boyfriend so I can nurture him but I don't wanna be fooled that every man out there is like this

as a man, you doing dumb shit is not going to make me respect you. you want a strong stoic but if you're not paying for it then i dont owe it you. in fact i owe you a bad time. men usually do what women want. i dont but other men yea. shape him however you want.
as if men would ever respect women kek
Never idealise anyone first of all. A lot of men do have that quality, to protect and provide, it’s hardwired into us. But the thing about it is, it isn’t supposed to be meant for you, the woman. It’s supposed to be for your children that you have with him. That’s who it’s meant for primarily. If the man has to give it to his wife, then so be it but it means both the man and the woman are in some kind of fucked up situation. And no one enjoys that.

This is also true for women and their lovely nurturing qualities. It’s meant for the kids primarily. A man shouldn’t require it because he already got nurtured by his own mother.

In other words, OP, it sounds like you didn’t get adequate feelings of safety or belonging from your parents and that what you’re doing is recreating some chaotic shit in order to force the men in your life to play the role of caregiver, to soothe you. You may not be doing this consciously and may be unaware of the precise reason you do this, but this is what you do. Don’t be too ashamed or angry—You would be surprised just how many other people do this exact same shit in one form or another. It’s par for the course for anyone who had a dysfunctional childhood. They all do it.

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Is life worth living as a 5'7 male?
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Women hate weak males on an instinctual level, to a degree beyond logical reasoning or comprehension. They would enjoy seeing you tortured and beaten to death.
All lanklet virgin cope and lies. At 5'7" OP is the ideal height for looksmaxxing and slaying pussy.
Pick one.
I just got out of a 5yr relationship and bench 280 tho, does that change anything?

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My instincts often prove to be correct more often than not. But I also have no confidence in my decision making. How to fix this?
What do your instincts say about this
Get more vitamin d, helps me with confidence. Either sun yourself eith the window open or max dose vit d3 supps + vit k2 (you need both to prevent calcium issues) at 40k in short periods.

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Is it okay to just be alone? Do I have anything to be ashamed of if I can't do it? I mean for real, don't sugarcoat it
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If it guilts you, just donate a spare fiver, or whatever, to March of Dimes, or Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
I'm kind of unhappy but mostly because I feel like there's something wrong with me for being the way I am. It doesn't really sound that appealing to me to have a gf
If you get a girlfriend you'll regret it, if you don't get a girlfriend you'll regret it.
Is there anything to be ashamed of in loneliness? No, not at all. Forget feeling shame over it, that’s a waste of time. Shame has to do with punishment and humiliation and both of those things imply the judgement of other people. And you can’t be judged by others if you’re alone.

It’s not shame you have to worry about. It’s sanity. Let me put it to you this way: There’s a reason why isolation and solitary confinement is used as a means to torture people in high security prisons or in militias. It breaks people. And if you remain lonely for too long, it will break you.

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1) Are there people here absurd enough to unironically hold the position that opposition to the Catholic Church is evil/satanic
2) If so, do these absurd people masturbate
Meant for /his/ but I’ll take advice on this too if anyone has
Religion is a history lesson. It is humans trying to make sense of the world they lived in.
It has not much to do with God or what happens after death. Religion can point the way to truth, but no religion is "the truth ."
Freemasonic ecumenist slave moment

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We all know women have too much power in the current dating market, what are some psychological warfare things men can do to fight back? Theorycraft:

>tell girls their pussy is too tight or too loose
Rough equivalent to shaming penis size. The trick though is you have to not get off to sell the illusion. If you tell her this and cum anyways she'll know you're full of shit. This is effective because it demonstrates a double standard; lots of women are totally fine with selecting for penis size especially when it comes to casual dating

>normalize male sex toy use as comparable or better than pussy
This works because it devalues pussy and makes women compete with toys. Once again this is effective because female sex toys are already commonplace and some women don't even try to hide the fact they prefer their vibrators to actual penis. If the same were true for men, women would feel threatened and more likely to need validation
The fucking ‘tism coming off of this post
Grow up and get real.

My girlfriend has a really loose vagina, like, I can stick my dick and a dildo inside of her and it doesn't hurt her at all. Shes super insecure about itt and I don't know how to tell her it still feels good and I can still cum fine. What do I do.. and I'm curious but she says she just... was born with a loose vagina but... I dunno... I met her first boyfriend, he took her virginity and in private he told me that she was always loose af.
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imagine what your gf would think if she knew how you talked about her behind her back lol, human socialization is weird
Look at the bright side, she's probably going to have an easy childbirth. She was born for this, while other women were born to be overwhelmed just from PiV
yes some of them are like that, I can confirm as well.

try anal?
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OP is disgusting. Who the fuck talks to their Eskimo brother about how loose their current partner is.

Shame. Shame on you. Trifilin ass nigga.
Me high fiving my Eskimo brothers as I pass my (our) girl around the room talking about how loose her slutty pussy is and how much we love that before blasting wad after wad onto her face

>always anxious
>can't talk to people
>don't have friends
>(gotten to a point where I don't even want to talk to people even when they try to talk to me & hangout).

i don't have any real goals, I don't really care about anything. I've lost interest in pretty much everything a few years ago.

>just workout
>talk to more people

i'm not saying these are bad but isn't confidence supposed to be from within? aren't you supposed to be comfortable in your own skin? be who you are? if I workout and then naturally lose my gains due to age or lack of consistency, wouldn't my confidence go with it? if I had a skin routine and stopped, wouldn't my confidence also go with it? how are some people that don't great are able to be super confident?
you've lost hope bro. that's the only thing that's changed. the question is, is this how you wanna go out?
>i'm not saying these are bad but isn't confidence supposed to be from within? aren't you supposed to be comfortable in your own skin? be who you are? if I workout and then naturally lose my gains due to age or lack of consistency, wouldn't my confidence go with it? if I had a skin routine and stopped, wouldn't my confidence also go with it? how are some people that don't great are able to be super confident?
this isn't the problem anon, the problem is the dynamic motion. it's kind of like asking "why should i go on an adventure if i'm just gonna come back home anyway?" sure, but you'll have changed along the way. i don't know if i believe in that three ingredient formula that's supposed to be a panacea for a bad life, but people recommend it over and over again because it gets people going. once you get going, you might get somewhere - perhaps thanks to the formula, perhaps because you find something else that you want to do. the problem is to get going.
much love. best of luck.
>how are some people that don't great are able to be super confident?
not caring about consequences. ever seen ferris bueller's day out? a skinny manlet does whatever he wants because he thinks its funny.
confidence is a skill that not everyone can get. confidence comes from A) being confident in your skills, identifying strongly with something. B) realizing you have nothing left to lose and you might as well just do anything.
so the people who have supreme confidence are highly skilled people, or complete bum losers.
Eat better.
Stop fucking around and eat.

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