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I don't care if this is /co/, they're pushing this ship too hard. They need to keep in mind that children watch this and don't need to be indoctrinated into queer thinking.
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Gangle will be the first to go. She's the only one without some kind of coping mechanism so she'll probably crack sooner than later. Ragatha's forced positivity is really forced, so I'd say she's second since I doubt she can keep that up forever. Zooble's disassociation might work for a while but eventually the isolation is going to get to her because she's not able or willing to be a sociopath like Jax. Jax will be a hard nut to crack for that reason. I don't even think it's possible for Kinger to abstract at this point, he seems too out of it and lives too moment-to-moment to dwell on his situation enough to break.

Being the main character, Pomni has plot armor until the final episode regardless of what happens to her or how she reacts.
Jax literally abuse all women in the circus, even strangled Pomni. He is either gay or asexual
So when did Goose come out as Trans?
Been watching her stuff since pre covid but don't really interact with the whole fanbase
>Jax calls Gangle submissive and agreeable
What the fuck did Goose mean by this
when will gangle tentancle rape jax

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if she was black you'd never hear the end of it on /co/
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I don't really see it
you might be confused by her dress
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The other threads were realy fun with some funny edits.
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I'm not even white, we all know what's happening and when it started.

#21-27, Annual #1
#39-43, Annual #2, https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8krgkt
#44-51, Annual #3
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Why are there so few western mecha series? And why is it always super shit? Where are my reals? I want Gundam but MURRICAN, dammit!

Also, combiners are fucking stupid.
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If I had to guess, the concept seems weird to westerners and Americans in particular?

The Diaclone toys were quite clearly meant to be mechs, if you ever wondered why you could open the chest of the original Optimus Prime toy, it's because the Battle Convoy version originally came with pilots that were removed from the American release. Yet for some bizarre reason, despite most of them turning into normal vehicles and the notion of them being piloted was clearly built into the design, Hasbro still chose to make them self-sufficient aliens with no human origin at all, quite possibly because Americans see robots and assume they must control themselves. Of course the whole "Aliens disguised as Human Machines" is possibly much more strange than mechs regardless of your preconceived notions of what robots should be like.

Not that the basic idea is foreign to Americans of course. Aside from the armor being just small enough to wrap around Tony's body, Iron Man isn't too far removed from the Mecha genre and that was 9 years before Mazinger. But there are some asterisks attached to this stuff, like how Iron Man is mostly just bridging the gap with superhumans or how the Walkers in Star Wars are barely relevant.

I really think it's just the "robots should walk on their own" attitude.
Said the actual fag
>I really think it's just the "robots should walk on their own" attitude.
The attitude you are pulling directly out of your ass. Seriously, if you don't actally know why Americans are paradoxically disdainful of giant robots, you can just say so instead of making up bullshit.
Robots don't deserve rights btw.
>literally nobody knows why western audiences reject giant robots
The fuck.

So... This episode feels a bit personal. The end at least because... Well my grandma passed away like 2 days ago and will have a funeral on thursday and... I can tell the experience will be rather similar to what the crew felt in this episode. Especially since she had a brain tumor that slowly ate away her mind, in a way kind of like abstraction. It is good to see that Pomni has now faith that she herself may also be mourned if hat ever happens to her as I am also afraid of that after both my grandma and grandpa died after losing big part of their mind. This feeling that you matter to someone and will be important to them even when you can't recognize them and you will not be alone at the end.

But if there is one other thing I got out of this episode besides sadness for Gumny and empathy for Pomni is that Jax will NOT be mourned. He is a terrible, terrible person that I hope gets what he deserves.
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What kind of hugbox thread…. Jax fucking rocks you guys are the ones that Suck! Lame, disappointments, friendless individuals
Hide the thread, retard, it takes 2 seconds
[farts so loud anon dies of asphyxiation]
Ok come on you know what you’re doing saying this on 4chan , this is bait in the millionth degree
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Is there something in western animation similar to Strike Witches?
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Bob wins one million dollars in the lottery. What happens?
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he probably buy a french fry cutter
and i could see him buying an actual ice cream maker, instead of just the soft serve machine he has
He'd get one of those things that cut potatoes into spirals and Gene would become obsessed with it.
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>I want more Andy and Ollie
I don't even think The Silvermans feel loke that.

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Remember when this was supposed to be the future of the Marvel brand
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>What if Thor but woman?
>What if Captain America but black?
>What if Wolverine but woman?
>What if Iron Man but black and woman?

I cant believe I defended this cancerous bullshit back then and I cant believe the entertainment industry is STILL doing this gimmick
Most of these characters are still being pushed. Half of them probably won't lapse into obscurity anytime soon, barring some major financial disaster fir Marvel. Agent Redditson and Red Wolf are the only ones we won't see in the near future.
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>those shitty MCU style costumes
I remember reading early Jane Thor and enjoying it a lot, or at least up until they reveal the mister. Everything else was kinda ass specially the X-men
>that ass and tits on Gwen
I'm being overwhelmed by impure thoughts

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How woke is this show?
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It needs to be about 20% woker.
maybe I'm an optimistic retard but I still have hope that trans artists can make art unrelated to their gender and sexuality
i would have sex with all of them
When did Goose come out as Trans?
Been watching her stuff since pre covid but don't really interact with the whole fanbase

What would it be like if Jenny was the protagonist instead of Johnny?
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I meant this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbPfIBtW93w
S p o o k y
Damn, how the hell I didn't know about this? Whats the name of the episode? Also who's the white lady?
That sounds great, go ahead! (Unless the image you attached was your own drawing? I assume it isn't tho cause it's not exactly the outfit I mentioned. If it is yours though it's great!)
The Fury. The white lady is Masami's mom, believe it or not, which makes wonder what she'll look like when she grows up

With the new TADC episode it feels like a good time to a fem!Jax. If I did the fighting game thing with him what character would he be?

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Star Wars cartoons are so dead it's unreal
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A very, very slight increase followed by most of those fans leaving with everyone else as the franchise continues to reach unimaginable lows, until the only ones remaining are actual paid shills and media addict womanchildren on the same level as whoever still reads Amazing Spider-Man.

By and large, everything has become worse than "the same"
So what's the consensus?
I like to think that Barriss was raped in prison
By me
>media addict womanchildren
The Rebels subreddit is literally all women.

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Just as it says in the title, post the most abjectly shitty comics you've ever read in your life. It can go either way, from hilariously bad to irritating and painful to read. As long as it's the worst of the worst, it's welcome in this thread.
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>Criticizing Mark Millar
Look man I can appreciate that you have learned to stomach shit, but that doesn't make it good, if the criteria for this thread were that at least one person enjoys it so it must be disqualified and not bad, then all the comics in this thread wouldn't be allowed on it. Millar is an ideas man who dedicates 5 pages of writing to an entire universe so he call sell the movie rights fast, he's notorious for that, a lot of his stuff can be said to be just plain badly written because of it.
Also put the hard fag on normalfag nigger, don't be afraid now.
The Dark Knight Strikes Again. Visually and from a story point a dumpster fire
How is this bad? This is based, i kekked
Civil War

Jap mom with a ghost sword and a tight bod.
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I went to /tv/ just to check up on that show and those threads were a hoot:
>this Japanese actress isn't Japanese
>this white british actor isn't white or british either
Feels like the perfect example to keep in my back pocket whenever you need a reminder how goofy people get about supposedly obvious racial definitions.
I miss middle-aged mom Tatsu. I can't get into yet another 22-year old generic supermodel with a sword and an edgy attitude. Also why can she not wear armor anymore, she's a samurai not a fucking ninja. But they have to have her crawl around rooftops with her tits and ass wrapped in a bodysock. Shit sucks, they turned her into bargain basement Psylocke.
A lot of that stuff was seething from ricecels, we were raided at one point. One of them was pretty famous, he was vietnamese and even tried to start shit on /pol/. The other part of it was people shilling it as not being affected by le woke goywood so contrarians started focusing on nitpicks like how Cosmo Jarvis is half-armenian or how the show is actually a girlboss feminist fantasy because 1 trained female assasin manages to kill a few guys by sneaking up on them and stabbing them in the back
/tv/ is somehow worse than /v/
Most normal people think she was excellent. Emphasis on normal.

In an effort to expand his empire, Annihilus led an invasion army from the Negative Zone into the positive matter universe.
Avengers Disassembled
House of M
Secret War

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Lots. Especially in middle/high school when they feel pressured to look more "mature"
Even knew a girl who wore a "water bra" with sacs in the cups she could fill with water that would inflate her bust but still jiggle like it was natural.
Dunno how common those things still are.
Yes /thread
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