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Mama is the most underrated brand of instant noodles
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tonkotsu is the best instant noodles
if you think it's mamas then it's likely you belong in some sort of correctional facility for people with donkey brains

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Give me your best bologna sandwich recipe
1. open bread
2. place bologne
3. spread mustard
4. close bread
5. cram it up your ass
> cram it up your ass
A bit intrigued about this technique
for me?
I like a straight boloney sandwich
And thats how I like to spell it too
No need to fancy it up
Its time to be real
> I like a straight boloney sandwich
What about a gay boloney sandwich?

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How did potatoes become so integral to Irish cuisine, when potatoes are originally from Peru? How did they become so dependent on a foreign substance that they starved over the potato famine. What did they eat before potatoes?

And why a re potatoes associated with Ireland when they're not even Irish in origin? Certain whiskeys and beers yes, but potatoes no.
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>blimey, the troubles for no reason at all!
you get what you fucking deserve nigel. enjoy sharia
>oi, perfidious eire made us be comically hypocritical! we had no choice but to let the Irish starve while we appropriated the product of their labor for ourseves!
Weird how also England was involved in famines in bengal and India but also THOSE were just bad luck too, according to 90% of English I’ve ever interacted with. You know what they say-same innit, different choosdae
It wasn't genocide. Genocide implies a concerted effort to kill a people; the English political class just didn't give a shit about the Irish one way or the other.

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is he right to fight against and ban lab grown meat? one part of me agrees that this is fighting against a future dystopian cyberpunk world where we eat artificial food grown in a laboratory, but the otherside of me is excited for a future dystopian cyberpunk world where we eat artificial food grown in a laboratory. what a conundrum.
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plenty of people would buy it, myself included. this isn't a case where it's plant-based "meat" that is actually an ultra-processed monstrosity, this is literal animal protein. you wouldn't be able to tell the difference in a dish. rightoids are only against it because of some vague sense of "science LE BAD" and can't articulate any further. or in desantis's case, they're getting paid off by ranchers.
There's more to food than just growing it artificially. Just because the proteins resemble the real alternative it won't mean it is not carsinogenic or harmful.
Also, if lab meat would be a thing there's absolutely no way people would not start to cut it up with alternative compounds etc.
Let's face it- this planet is a hellhole in 50 years from now.
>it would be carcinogenic because...because it just would be!
>people would cut it with alternative compounds because...because they just would okay!!?
what is it with conservatives and their persecution fantasies?
>he’s showing off for votes
I don’t know why republitards are this way. You have an effective executive that’s managing to do things people care about, and the response is ‘he just wants votes!’ Like, yea, and it’s much better than the revolting freakoids that have been running that couldn’t politic their way out of a child’s tea party. Why is that a bad thing?
bug eaters get the rope

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*taste like nothing compared to 50 years ago*
are the boomers right?
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Everything I was going to say has already been said, so I'll just tell you to grow your own stuff to see the difference for yourself. It doesn't have to be a big project, just some beets in a window box is enough to start you off.
Depends in the product. Corn and Apples have vastly improved. Sweet corn is something that you used to have to buy from the field basically, because it lost its sweetness so fast.

When I was a kid the most commonly available apples were Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Fuji, and Granny Smith. Granny's are goated because they are exceptional for baking and storage, but of the other three only Fuji is okay. Now back then Fujis were better quality because they weren't all Chinese, but modern apple varieties like Honeycrisp, Royal Gala, etc. mog the old dessert apple options.

Another vastly improved product is Brussel Sprouts. Used to be so fucking bitter, modern ones have been bred to actually taste good.

Citrus is also improved. The boxed Christmas mandarins are still around and great, but the dekopon mandarins that have entered the market recently in North America are the best I have ever had.

The only real loser is the tomato. Its been over optimized for durability and shelf life at the expense of flavour. But all the good heirloom varieties are still available at your farmers market or in your garden.

Part of it is just we spend less on food than ever before. People in the 60s spent 18% of their disposal income on food, 15% on groceries for the home.

Before COViD that had dropped to 10% on food and 5% on groceries. I bet if you just tripled your grocery budget the food would be better across the board.

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That would require looking around in smaller farms for decent seeds, doesn't it?
I think I might pick up gardening in future, the soil depletion is going to fuck us over soon.
You can order heirloom varieties online
Ah, of course.
I wonder if there is a way to make sure the seeds are legit, tho.

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Fuck it. I give up. It is fucking impossible to brew a good cup of coffee in a moka pot. Ever since I bought this piece of shit a year ago I've been making cups that consistently taste like shit. Fuck this, I'm buying a Bambino.
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Itt moka copa.
Cubans put sugar in their moka because your coffee rations are full of garbanzo beans as filler. You shouldn't have to do that with bustelo.
I tried spinning off the top half by holding the plastic piece and it snapped clean off on my second pot after purchase.

Used it like 3 more times after that and said
>f it
You don't use Hoffman's method, do you?
>t. never had a bad cuppa on moka (even with mid tier beans)
I keep an ice bath so I can dip it real quick when it starts sputtering.

y'alls knows i be butterins my grits!
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you gettin a edge piece now u lil bitch ass
Based lunch lady
Americans are disgusting
nice wig
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having to use that same fridgerated pat of butter on your toast that isnt going to coat at all and plastic cutlery to boot
life aint easy in da ghettooooooo

>*tastes like paraffin*
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I've always been a sucker for real whale blubber.
Beer tastes good. There are lots of times I want to taste beer but don't to want or can't consume alcohol. The real problem with alcohol free beer is that it's expensive to get it as close to beer as they currently get, and they're still not very close. If you could get a beer flavored non-alcoholic beverage for the price of soda, it would be popular.
>If you could get a beer flavored non-alcoholic beverage for the price of soda, it would be popular.
A subscription for athletic brewing Co is like $2 per non-alcoholic beer when bought in quantities of 30+
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Not a fan, but I'll mix it with coke if I get a nice discount nearby. I tend to prefer Famous Grouse if it's on discount though.
I never really got the hype around red label, the black label is good for the price, but I don't care for the others save for green label which is nice.

Currently got these 2 for the coming days since I have days off and I plan to play vidya and get fucked up and enjoy life a bit while smoking pipe / drinking.
Redbreast 12 is good stuff for the price.

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If you are not using a rice cooker to prepare your rice, grow up. Boiling it in a pot is not the correct way to prepare your rice. Get a rice cooker. Grow up.
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>Microwaves makes water the hot water
>The heat of the hot water cooks the rice
I don't see a problem
Grow up.
Rice cooker is the wrong way, you keep all the arsenic in it. You have to boil it in a giant pot to rinse of the arsenic.
Any reccomendations for a rice cooker? Don't say the retarded £500 japanese ones because i'm not going to eat rice for every meal like japanese people do.
If you're not eating rice 3-5x+ per week, a standard fuzzy logic zojirushi is fine. Zojirushi NL-AAC10/18 would be my recommendation, shouldn't be more than $150-200.

You think the footlong fries will hit on in the west?
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>Harajuku Gyoz
Plastic. It's an idiot aussie thingie.
you shove it right were you deserve it, wheeb
Idk, going out on a limb here.. Maybe insert in mouth and chew it it?
Is this a new thing or what?
During the last ~week or so I ate those twice and haven't ever encountered them before.
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The chinese can only copy

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Post your loot and recipes
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Shitloads of Blackberry around me. Bramble bushes are actually a bit of a nightmare, thorny, spread really easily and are hard to kill.

Always see people walking along the roads here picking them, not sure why they'd pick in locations that ensure they'll have a fine coating of soot and diesel. It's also one of the shittiest berries.
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>searching for and collecting edible plants, fruits, nuts, seeds and fungi from the outdoors
>from the outdoors
>thinks this board goes outdoor
good one
blackberries are the best berry fuck you
Looks beautiful, I’m too much of a spaz to forage (get worried) but I appreciate the ability to do so.

I like blackberries but I agree with everything else. There’s a popular patch growing next to a metal recycling plant that makes me question people’s intelligence. Also if it helps I’ve found the curved end of a wrecking bar works really well for pulling the vine ends up (wedge it into the groove and lever it out of the ground).
>allium ursinum
Very nice.
It's called Bärlauch in the southest parts of the Germanic language region. "Bär" means bear, as does ursinum. "Lauch" stands for the garlic family.
I love the stuff. Also great in cheese.

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>woke up
>dad brought home some wendys for me
>double baconator and fries
>doss sum chicfila sauze on dis bidge fug yeh :D
>was about to rip open the bag from the front but stopped myself cause beautiful Wendy was looking at me
>ripped the bag from the back instead
We're eating good today bros
Did you cum on the bag anon?
Be honest.
Even the Jetsons had the good sense to not give the robot hips and a short skirt
I should have though

Corr got an absolute whopper from chippy
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>Bong spam on every board
>I’m muslim and I can’t eat fish
fish is made from pork now?
Tomato sauce on your chips instead of malt vinegar? Sus.
Or just to be a good guest. Reminder that Muslim immigrants who refuse haram meat have no intention of being goid guests.
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>Corr got an absolute whopper from chippy
It never looks good on a plate, this needs to be eaten from paper.

Ketchup? . . . .seriously??

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If it was a roti wrap it would make sense as that's basically a sandwich, but curry and rice is sauce and little grains, in addition to the mess it would just take so much time.
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It's probably the silicone spray and industrial green paint on their vegetables, like holy shit, a few years ago I avoided buying any vegetables from China due to fake-everything, but I thought India was safe since they are British Commonwealth, and I thought they were a spiritual Eat Pray Love kinda place before I started seeing the webms this year. I actually went out of my way to find Indian food made in India (butter chicken sauce, ghee) cause authentic, now I wonder if that's part of what made me sick back then.
>or use a piece of skull from all the dead bodies lying around.
lel, yikes. There is a South Asian place called Nanthur Caters I used to love eating at when I worked nearby, I've been craving it until all the weird Indian stuff I saw recently, but I think they are actually Tamil? Whatever it is they are, they've been there for over 10 years, I never got a weird feeling from the men over there, I guess I'll just squint and take a closer look at their kitchen, but I never gotten sick. I went to an Indian Buffet with my boomer mom ran by one of the newer Indians in Markham last year and I got a tummy ache afterwards -- there was flies at the fruit bar -- so I didn't eat any of that, but the other stuff must have been yikes as well. Can't remember the name but it had purple walls.
I was thinking, just wrap the basmati rince and lentil goop in a boiled cabbage skin like a spring roll.
Just checked, and "Since 2007, Nantha Caters and Bakery has been serving up delicious Sri Lankan, South Indian, and Tamil dishes in Toronto" so a) they're not FOBS, and b) they are from SOUTH India, and the flood of FOBS we got later are almost entirely from Punjab in Northwestern India. I used to get a bag of fresh hot roti 3 for 5 bucks, it's probably higher now, it was panfried in ghee. Cheap samosas, mutton rolls -- they didn't have any Chinese there but because it was a Chinese area, they sold spring rolls that was pretty good too!
I just got out of the train rekt thread on /gif/ and had no idea why so many Indians were getting killed walking dramatically on camera. Fucking retards holy shit, thanks for enlightening me.

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i just ordered 3 whoppers from burger kirg and dipped them in ranch and arby's horsey sauce and it was the best thing i have ever tasted holy shit
Grim existence you have if that’s the best thing you ever tasted i I hope you die early
dumb cirnoposter

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