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File: balls.gif (346 KB, 500x506)
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346 KB GIF
/gif/ is dedicated to NSFW gifs &webm files. Please review the following rules to ensure your posts contribute to the overall board.

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Flat Earth v Round Earth
post your best webms proving either side
best webms win
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>- Also how tides work
the explanation for tides on globe earth doesn't really make sense. it's allegedly the moon but the tide schedule has no correlation to the position of the moon at all.
I think it's something else I don't know though.
>- Please explain how the solar terminator works.
same it's just the edge of night and day why would that change?
>- Also pls explain why the night sky in the southern emisphere is different than the northern
same reason why when you look up in a stadium you can o-nly see the roof directly above you.
>- And while you are at it, why does the sky revolve around the south star in the southern emisphere regardless of your position?
interesting issue, please find a time lapse video showing the stars of the southern hemisphere circling a central point in the night sky, that doesn't have CGI or added in post star trails.

If you actually go look for one, you'll be fucking SHOCKED there's 2 or 3 you can find easily, and ALL OF THEM are super distorted and have obviously added in post star trails. None acutally show stars rotating all the way around a central point.

There is some theories about how it could happen if it's happening, but I think the stars in the southern hemisphere would more transit, like move laterally than circle a point.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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so use his argument to debunk us
you can't thought because we're right (so far I think it's just me lol) and you're a faggot.
>same reason why when you look up in a stadium you can o-nly see the roof directly above you.
What? Why can't the southern hemisphere see Polaris on the other side of the "stadium" then?
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>You have yet to provide a model that explain all astronomical and mathematical phenomena
gravity can't predict the orbits of the solar system fuck off with that model shit bot boy
If gravity isn't real then why do things fall down? Your model can literally not predict or explain everything in one go, sphere earth does.

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Post webms of black queens & goddesses.
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How it feels to chew 5 gum
God I would love to colonize her
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Rikka Rodriguez. She doesn't post any more as far as I'm aware, but there's some stuff out there from her now-closed Onlyfans. No B/G but she's had vids of her using dildos and playing with herself.
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Post cuckold BJ TALES and anything related
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Rolled dubs.. Kinda gotta do it now huh?
Holy fucking sex.
Why the fuck would you want your GF sucking on some AIDs and Herpes riddled homo dick when she could have a nice clean bull to service? Does she watch porn?
Go swinging. Have a couple of drinks while she's picking her dicks then enjoy the show.
Do it tonight bro
Get drunk, lose that inhibition, and do it

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No flat earther took the corona scam vaccine.
Let that sink in globetards.
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>How the hell was it even possible to truly land on the moon with 1960's technology?
Six times, not once. America never does things only one time. Also kinda stupid to suggest six fake landings.
It's Michael Smith spot on.
1. i have no idea what this means
2. you underestimate 1960s technology
3. yes
4. the sun will get burnt out at some point in the future. The space ship + space suit protects the user from the sun
5. space is not jewish
very funny post
ur cringe, ur webm is cringe and this whole thread is cringe
I take the bait.

>If the earth really is a globe with gravity >how come we were told rocket ships broke past the atmosphere and into space?
these parts of your question don't contradict themselves like you're trying to make them look like it. results into a question making no sense whatsoever. Try again?

>How the hell was it even possible to truly land on the moon with 1960's technology?
not being able to comprehend it doesn't mean it's impossible. You also don't understand the quantum mechanics behind NMRIs and it works anyway. If you're asking to have a holistic essay written for you on all thousands of factors that allowed the moon landing to happen using outdated tech, that's something nobody is willing to do. This bullshitting technique of yours is called 'setting unfulfillable expectations' so that you can bitch about it if they aren't met. "See? Nobody seems able to give me proof for what happens after death! Which means there is no death and I will live forever!". literal insanity.

>You mean to tell me that they can take enough oxygen up there to be able to breathe plus all of this shit will somehow still work properly in the vacuum that is space?
Why wouldn't it work? We build hermetically sealed power stations that operate at thousands of degrees and several hundreds of bars in pressure, but it's hard to make something operate in space which pressure is JUST ONE bar lower than earth's? You do realize that oxygen ≠ air, yes? Air is only ~21% oxygen. Pure oxygen can be densly compressed without much effort or maintenance needed. Also, and more importantly, management of oxygen in space primarily relies on producing it, not storing. They utilize devices called life support systems that continuely produce O2 by electrolysis of water powered by the station's solar panels. Storage of O2 like you're picturing it is only used for external use like space walks and as an emergency reserve.

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Real, fake, whatever as long as there's some talk about being related...
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I miss siris tits man. Girl had *the* perfect body. Breast cancer is a bitch
Adopt you retard, unless you want some seriously fucked babies. Seriously. That's the whole reason incest is taboo really. There's honestly no other reason. Also you may be able to get away with people thinking your married, but you can't fool the doctors when your baby has a cleft lip and cerebral palsy.
kek, good post anon

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A good YLYL-thread needed
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forgot about her, awesome stuff, thank you
really makes you think
They want men they find attractive to look and admire. They don't want unattractive men to look, and they don't want it recorded so other unattractive men can look.
This has to be the most fucked up comedy sketch I've ever watched.
For once this browsing /gif/ has paid off.

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I have to disagree with this video. If the ground is hooked up to the fence, and he touched the fence, the fence is by far the better conductor. Hes just goofing for the camera.
adding on
Also its DC from the transformer, so he would lock up, not dance.
nah the music was perfect
you wish you were white ey?
What a dumb way to die. Same vibes as the dude in austin powers getting run over by the rolling machine

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Post slutty bois in any fashion either being fucked or being horny in general.
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Who is this?
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You know that some people are into this fag shit ?

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Bright/weird hair colouring is always a giveaway.
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Her shits look fairly normal, she should do more scat stuff in general actually.
t. downloaded her Scatbook stuff.
Well that's a new one
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120 Russians died today because Russia is so stupid they had them train within ATACMS range
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Around 2010, an anon posted a solo cum video which stood out due to his considerable load. Another anon offered to pay to see said load on a chick. An exchange was made, an escort was hired, the deed was done, and this video appeared.
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Has anyone considered he had a limited amount of cumshots and simply died after it ran to zero?
A part of history
She's cute I wish there was a longer video
Dude, he fucked and got sucked by her for like 15 minutes. Look up Epic Cumshot Guy Complete Collection on Erome, thumbnail is the girl in the red panties near the bottom.

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Voyeur Thread
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Next time can you say no toilet cams? Sick of the piss/scat spammer fag.
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roommate gf
Oh my god
You're so right
Guess we all should stop liking something because faceless overlords said so. Heaven forbid we see stuff with our eyeballs. Thanks for pointing us back to the herd of sheeple where we belong.
Any frontal view? You have any chance of fucking her?
I think it's more about possessing this kind of content or even viewing it will get you in legal trouble but go off king.

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i made my first webm in a while yesterday. it's a testing one, i've got many much better ones lined up for the summer when i'll have time

sauce: lindsay lee, for 'gloryhole swallow,' filmed on 14th of april 2023, her 2nd visit. should i have put this in the metadata or not?
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they're literally satanic pedophiles
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The right is the new national socialist party, those red hats are the new armband. Trump is just rehashing the nazi attempt to take over America in the 1930s with "pro America" rallies. They failed. Trump is just recycling it . Maga commies are the real problem. Sorry you chuds are blinded by your manosphere faggotry. Have fun getting btfod in you upcoming chimpout
Fuck off rino, socalist hick inbred faggot
Tucker Carlson is the biggest shilll faggot ever. You cant tell thjs cuck is lieing off the bat then you deserve whats coming to you. Try again retard.
Lol you chuds are gonna be so fun to watch after trump get convicted.
Let's not ignore the fact that statistically the majority of pedos in America are straight white dudes. Mostly right leaning and they fucked their fri3nds daughters or their own.

It's almost like the leader of the Maga cult talks about fucking his daughter on live television. Multiple times.

Facts don't care about your feelings. Maga rino pedo. Just recently a Maga dentist got sentenced to 30 years in texas for blackmailing children into producing porn for him. That's sounds pretty satanic to me. But it's the drag queens your worried about. Probably scared they're gonna teach your kids it's ok to narc on daddy for diddling them.

You're not fooling anyone rino nazi.

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