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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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>"These NPCs are not scripted. We give them general goals and they figure out on their own how to accomplish them."
It's been almost two decades, why can't RPGs ACTUALLY accomplish this now? It would make their worlds far more believable and alive and feel less dead.
I often see people saying "npc schedules don't matter, doesn't affect gameplay" so maybe devs took the hint and stopped wasting resources on a feature that some people barely notice and appreciate.
Fucking hated how Skyrim turn down the schedules and radiant ai overall
they can do that though, but it doesn't lead to believable worlds (see any heavily botted mmo) and costs a ton of processor power that most gamers don't have

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Give me ONE reason this "isn't an RPG" that doesn't boil down to:
>You can't kill things in it
Because its an adventure game.
I know your zoomerbrain cant fathom this but those used to be fairly popular.

And yet this one still has less gameplay than Curse of Monkey Island, Full Throttle or Day of the Tentacle.
It's barely a videogame.
Its a RPG instead i will give you reason why its not a good RPG.

Gameplay is barebones, you dont have to do anything but pick dialogue choices. Imagine if you had to actually make deductions, solve puzzles and come to conclusions in your investigation or in your exploration, but nuhuh ZA/UM doesn't trust their players to be able to do any of that, instead they will give you this floating dot like a planet around the star to indicate to you any subtle thing happening.

And if by any chance you ever replay this game you will be disappointed how lacking it is in branching paths & choice and consequence. Its literally worse than Witcher in that regard.
You have two types of choices the red checks and the white checks and only one of them changes/permanent and ultimately it barely changes the endings, its just a few changes in lines at the end, not even a new unique path or something. There is one unique ending but its simply a game over screen, not bad but not as good as an actual 2nd ending.
Sounds like the perfect game for journos

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>Can't wait for DRH!
Been saying that for two years.
Hopefully we get at the end of this year
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>Fairy tales, classic literature and theatre
>Gothic / Victorian aesthetic
>Multiple strong female characters to self insert into
>Tragic romance
>Sexual violence
>"I can fix him" rapist with a heart of gold
Surprised tumblr isn't all over it yet. Shit's peak tumblrcore.
I loathe the day when Sseth makes a video and the game gets flooded by SEAniggers.
Looking back at his catalogue tells me that Its only a matter of time before his eyes fall on this series and this becomes a reality
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As much as I want to go against your take. It's just a matter of time at this point. Reddit already got it's claws on it and the option to disable H-scenes is basically a normalfag enabler just like that fear and hunger mod.
>the option to disable H-scenes is basically a normalfag enabler
I honestly wish he didn't add this option atleast if someone made a mod, the small effort that requires you to manually install it would have filtered most normalfags
Isn't real for any dodo here

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>Have played through Underrail about 12 times now and have all of the achievements
>Find out, after 600 hours, that there's a fucking locker in the arena with all of the drops from the fights you've been in
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Something like the Lemurian Spear for a solid versatility weapon, or the Sonocaster for absurd AoE setups
not a sequel
all we know is its a new character in a new part of underrail
we dont know when
some are straight up superior to anything you can craft, like the Red Dragon
some are pretty crap, but most are perfectly usable if not pretty dang good

I used the n16, and to a lesser extent the AFW sniper rifle, as well as a lemurian blaster as my sidearm, on my self-insert run. Quake is the best secondary hammer (to be used alongside your main hammer). Balor's hammer used to be the best before it got nerfed, and Barbaton is good. The native staffs are good for psiggers. Dehumanizer is a great secondary weapon for many builds, the Ripper too. The AR and shotty you get in DC are good but come so late. The mini izu is legit good for a silenced smg. The guy who beat the game with a crowbar played a revolver run and killed everything with it just fine. There's others.
oh, and with heavy duty installed you get the fusion cannon and the stunner, both of which are fantastic
>Balor's hammer used to be the best before it got nerfed
Everyone seething about the psi nerf still, but to me this is still the greatest bullshit Styg introduced. Balor's has fuck huge strength investment, it SHOULD be hard hitting as fuck. If nothing else Stygger should've made the accuracy debuff for not meeting the 20 str requirement greater and called it a day.

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Come share your tales
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Doesnt seem like it
You have to use the gear spell until you learn a new spell, unequip the gear, and use the new spell until you relearn the original gear spell innately. It's very goofy
No that's seven sword which is different
btw if you carry over BR the weaker characters from your older run will get a stat boost to match your current ones
So i was reading through the old thread trying to parse info from that trading wizard anon and i put up 50 spirit stones for bid but I get nothing but trash options even after like 8 fights. Did i misunderstand something about spirit stone useage in trading?

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I just finished 3, and finished 1 and 4 way back in my high school days
Is 2 worth playing? How about 5?
Also I love love love BOF Faeries
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It's funny because they share no dialogue that isn't antagonistic to each other, and the universal agreement in every for fans of the series is "oh yeah they gonna fug BAD". They're My First Tsundere Relationship.
I think Momo's just the kind of character that people want to watch getting some.
Sounds like you just have incredibly low standards from decades of playing whatever PS1 and PS2 JRPGs you could scrounge up the allowance for.
You want to see her get some XXX and XXXX? I mean, I get it, but... what is XXX and XXXX?
I honestly disagree.
3 is overall the best, specially because the dragon transformations are actually dragons.It has a pretty good story, is fun to play, the minigames can make you waste lots of time, the graphics still hold on even today, and the combat is cool. The only thing to hate is the shit desert part.
4 has some of the best in game visuals. The story is shit and the dragons are the worst in the series.
1 is comfy.
2 is just mediocre compared with them. Nothing to talk about.

What went so right?

Get the Unfinished Business mod and it is legit 9/10
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They won't need to kickstarter this time. Money in the bag.
Was always put off because it all just seemed like a dungeon crawl.

Is that the case or are the writing and characters half decent?
It is a dungeon crawl at its core which is good. The story, characters, and writing are all dogshit. But the combat is solid despite being 5e.

It is the type of game where you just fight shit, level up, and look for loot. The saving grace of this game is the campaigns people make. They tend to have shit stories, spelling errors, etc but they provide endless dungeon crawling.

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How the hell do you beat the dark aeons? Do the sphere grids even have enough stats for you to survive one or two of their attacks? I have everyone's celestial weapon except Tidus, and Dark Bahamut is blocking the way. Also Dark Valefor is blocking the last primer and jecht sphere I need. What is the best order to do Omega Ruins, Monster Arena, and Dark Aeons? I beat a few arena bosses mainly by spamming overdrive aeons. I read about a trick to farm AP from a tonberry, what's a good point to do that without making the rest of the game too easy?
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>Does something that literally takes 300 hours
>Retards comment why it was a waste of time
>It must be their only accomplishment

Nah I just expected more autism from this board. kind of a letdown. At least there are some real autists in the mon thread.
I frankly think FFXII had better endgame.
I agree. XII had a enough content spread out across the entire level range that you can do everything and smoothly go from level 1 to 99 without needing to grind excessively. Even if you want to grind (I farmed money for 2 or 3 hours at one point to buy some bazaar weapons) the gambit system means you can mostly automate it. The only times I ever did anything particularly tedious in my 100% playthrough of vanilla XII is was that stupid fishing minigame, and that's pure autism since the reward for it isn't anything important.

X nearly requires you spend several hours doing multiple stupid minigames to get everyone's ultimate weapons, multiple more hours capturing monsters, and then multiple hours more farming materials to max out your stats and customize armor before you can even start fighting half the endgame bosses.
No way, I completed all the hunts and was only at level 70 by the ridorana lighthouse. Going from 70-99 is an insane grind even on 4x speed with the exp doubling accessory
>4x speed
play an unbotched version of the game.

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What the fuck, why didn't anyone tell me these were RPG's and not adventure games? Avoided them for years since I looked at screenshots and it looked like Point and Click garbage, and then I recently had a friend recommend it to me and realized I was wrong.
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asking questions that only adults would know was really funny age verification, i don't think it was copy protection
You’re correct, I was using the term loosely for all forms of “answer X correctly to launch the game”
The question is who did you waifu in 5?
It's just a lot more work vs developing a straight up adventure game.
Mage, thief or fighter?

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>drops four defender shields (0.2%)
>drops no bright crystals (2%)
Not an RPG
yes it is
> Kingdom Hearts is a series of action role-playing games created by Japanese game designers Tetsuya Nomura and Shinji Hashimoto, being developed and published by Square Enix.

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lol we just kinda forgot we grew up together
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Is there something I'm missing when it comes to FF8 fags? because they seem to love everything about the game, except for what actually happens in the game.
>Is there something I'm missing when it comes to FF8 fags?
Not really, it stems from an interview with Kitase.

FF8 is quite nuanced in its storytelling. A good example being 90% of players didn't realize the 'interference from space' was Adel even though it's practically spelt out on the big screen during the Timber mission. The problem is if you don't like the game you're not going to give it your full attention and you're going to miss these subtleties, even if you do like the game you're going to miss some of them. So while there's plenty of content to imply R=U, most players will miss it the first time round.

When Kitase was put on the spot and said "no, that's not true" haters jumped on it and used it as ammo to debunk R=U. The irony being that Kitase himself retracted that statement and said that it's very possible and wouldn't be unusual if the other two writers who wrote the script had that in mind. So R=U exists in a funny place where there's a strong possibility it's true but it hasn't been confirmed. Kinda like how Laguna is Squalls father, nowhere in the game is it confirmed, only implied.
I should probably add that there's still plenty of people who use Kitase's "No, that's not true" line to try debunk R=U even after he publicly retracted the statement. If you ever see it used the person is usually arguing in bad faith and can safely be ignored.
How are you retards still getting filtered by this plot point 30 years later? They're reunited according to Cid and Edea's plans. Edea L I T E R A L L Y tells you so after her final battle.
The devil is in the details. It's not just Ultimecia that lacked character development, but Seifer as well.

Lol, did you forget? In this thread? Seifer grew up in the orphanage too.
It's not about what's in the game. It's what isn't in the game that logically should be.

Like how Ellone is transfering all her orphan friends into Laguna's Past.
Logically, Seifer should be include.
Reasonably, the "romantic dream" he was raving about at the start of the game was a Laguna Dream.
But they never make that connection in the narrative.

The only connection between Laguna's past and Seifer's obsession with becoming a Sorceress' Knight is the film that Laguna made.
At the very least, we can assume the film left an impression on Seifer as a kid. But there has to be a deeper connection, as there's a book in the library names the knight as Zephyr.

So there they are in Trabia, remembering they grew up together. Seifer included.

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Was thinking of getting NWN2 just to play Mask of the Betrayer (given its reputation). I've never played a NWN game though. Should I be fine to skip the OC? I watched an hour or two of both on YT and the OC looks like the cheesiest fantasy schlock, whereas the opening section of MotB was kino as fuck. Also, more importantly, the modules for these games are a big selling point, so are there any that you guys like?

Basically discussion both NWN games, which expansions you like, and which modules. I'm open to trying out both games
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I'm playing the Nether Scrolls bridge module between SoU and HotU. Currently at the Ligth ans Shadow quest, I'm supposed to recover a reluc for tge Amaunator followers but the reluc is nowhere to be found. Apparently there used to be a walkthrough but can't find it anywhere, can someone help? I know this is a long shot, but just in case.
I will! I didn't know such a thing existed.
I wonder how TDN is going to fare considering the developers are cracking down on powergaming and magic especially.
It doesn't matter. As long as their system is fun and interesting it should do well. If they're dumb and too heavy handed every imbecile will figure out the one or two good options or only viable option. Many servers also address powergaming by shifting the meta, requiring certain levels in classes or capping the enchant bonus on weapons. It never solves anything and sometimes just makes it worse. All that really matters is if it is at least slightly fun and interesting after they mess around with the mechanics.
I remember there being Planescape PW, was it for 1 or 2? Also are there singleplayer Planescape modules?

Anyone else find the setting comfy?
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as far as hellscapes go yeah its pretty nice
The sector that was a garden was
I got distracted two times already, furthest I got was meeting the remaster bitch
Dropped this game right during the Mem Aleph fight, fuck that bitch
the maze?

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I played a woman who fucked everyone that moved. I fucked Big Nose Jenny. I fluffed at New Reno. I Became a Porn Star. I even fucked Metzger to save 500 caps before I killed him.
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you can't actually fuck Metzger as a male character.
okay but how does that relate to the girl in your OP picture?
Your problem is assuming Myron doesn't self insert as the black.
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>Well, IQ is a meme to begin with
Funny how it only started to be a meme when people started calling you midwits.
the only ones who defend it are the midwits

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