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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

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>Nürburgring and its consequences have been a disaster for the car-making race
Do you agree with him?
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No that was his cope which just further proves how ABSOLUTELY RETARDEDLY CLUELESS he is about driving fast. He even got in a tiff with some racing driver who said something like:
>A racing driver would not have crashed like that
And why did he say that? Because anyone who has half a racing brain, which I must assume you do not, can see that he took a completely retarded line into that corner which is the entire reason he crashed.

Hammond's cope and denial about the crash shows how stupid he is: his logic is that because he tried to make the car slide in testing by flooring it around a corner, but the car wouldn't slide, then that meant the car couldn't slide at all..... so when it did slide it must've been some "anomaly with the torque vectoring". This is complete retardation because anyone with a modicum of experience in cars with anywhere near or greater than 50% rear weight bias knows that accelerating around a corner will INCREASE REAR TRACTION AND A TENDENCY TOWARDS UNDERSTEER, and anyone with any knowledge of handling at all knows that even a car setup to understeer CAN OVERSTEER if you swing it pendulum style (like Hamster did) especially if you snap off the throttle or brake hard at the right time.

He did everything wrong and blamed everyone else.
I would generally agree until i saw that faggot CEO squirming under scrutiny.
>>A racing driver would not have crashed like that
because racing drivers don't usually drive some cucked millenial ev appliance designed by techbros.
The CEO guy has no idea why Hammond crashed, he's a tech nerd, he could only say that they didn't find anything wrong in the data, he was nervous because someone was trying to blame him for shit that he had no idea how to deny.
Watch the footage of Hammond crashing - you can see for yourself, like that racing driver saw, that Hammond made the typical mistake of not compromising your line in the first corner to set yourself up for the second corner.
>drive Veyron 200 mph
>can't drive evo in a tunnel
wow he's sooooo good at being le EPIC racing driver.
Checked after market throttle body injection isn't worth it.

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I mean let's be honest...
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next 5 years at the current trajectory. they may start breaking fingers and forcing things sooner than projected to try and bail out their friends
For work, multiple times a week. My own personal rig, I take several long road trips a year to camp out. A buzzbox would never work for me. It's a city toy that only works in the city.
First 300 mile EV is on a 75 degree day on flat drive. Once you turn on the AC or heat on an EV like half the range is gone.
I get roughly 450 miles on a single tank in average conditions, so I'm pretty happy.
> I'm a normal worker that can afford 2 properties

>Approximately 2.7% of the 78.7 million occupied homes owned by homeowners in the United States are second homes, totaling a little more than 1.5 million. However, this figure doesn’t account for homeowners who own more than two homes or vacant homes.

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Do you fart into your car seats? Aren't you worried the smell will be trapped in the fibers?
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I let my massive, 10lb shit logs ferment in the heat with the windows up about once a month.
you could clone me from the part of the seat directly below my cornhole
No I don't. I hold it in like a virgin beta
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I turn on the seat ventilation before I let it rip
Girls don't fart.

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Post strange cop cars
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I saw them used as detective cars quite a bit back in the day.
They used them in NCIS as well.
euroland exploader
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These threads should always come with an "cars in real police service only" rule

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Medieval Edition!

>Motorcycle discussion
>Carb cleaning tips
>EFI cleaning tips
>Steel Horses
>Mirror Removal Services
>Top Speed Runs
>Kings, Queens, Knights, Princesses, Princes

The Links:

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Or this
I have a lot of these, I'll fill them in later.
>On a country boarder
>Tfw I live in Australia
D-does the beach count?
read the part under the title
Has to be new pic
Get this fellers, in my cunt you have to have liability insurance for everything that goes above 15mph.
This includes lawnmowers, e-bikes, scooters etc.
lmao gooo europe

If not, why not?
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No.I can't do anything - I'm retarded.
i sort of know how to drift but still not at a high level. still working on connecting corners and be less reliant on the handbrake.

the cool thing about drifting it's an very rewarding and fun skill that doesnt require triple digit speeds (so it's somewhat safe), isn't that harsh on the car (when it's wet) and you can do it during every commute.
god i want a sierra so bad
Just imagine if the FF trend never took over and all the 80s and 90s grocery getters were like this little fella - Group A touring legends in disguise.
>I like not blowing up my rear end
OP sounds like he loves getting his rear end blown up

>*slowly bankrupts tesla in your path*
nothing personel
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Saw one of these yesterday when I was working. Didn't even know they were fully released, don't follow nor do I care about these modern shits on wheels. Think looked absolutely terrible. The proportions are even worse in person. Almost burst out laughing when I did a double take and realized it really was a Tessy. Very sad vehicle.
I say a cyber truck the other day. It was cool.
It's going to be wild when it gets assembled inside the US and starts getting tax refunds.
In what way is it impractical?
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ICEsisters...our track record on tesla hasn't been too stellar on /o/....

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shut yo ching chong bing bong wing wong ning nong ting tong wong bong sing song ding dong ming mong sink sonk chong bonk fling flong hong chong quing qong king kong lil dong sing a song smok a bong bitch your rong my name is som his nose is long he has a shlong its not long his dad is long gone
پژو ۴۰۵ همچنان گزینه ای برای افراد متفکر است. ترکیبی زیبا از اقتصاد و قابلیت اطمینان. پدرم یکی را رانندگی کرد و من برای پسرم یکی جدید می خرم.
خدا ستایش شود
The car has exploded.
ما شاء الله
that pic was taken in germany

ITT: famous cars of pop culture
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>you should admire le soulful jazz negro
Is this you?
Wasn't even his car.
"Downfall of Western Civilization" the Re-make.
do you think Al Cowlings went off-roading in his Bronco or just use it to drive his murder friends out of the country?

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Why do Libtards think it's a human right to be able to cross a border, but not a parking space?

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>Sees a big truck
>Immediately thinks about penis

What mental illness is this?
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I don't think you've ever been happy
>shits on nu-trucks
>drives the niggerest of all niggertrucks
Grow up.. White men use their words.
I used 17 of my words in that post
no one:
absolutely nobody:

Why is OP like this?

>Land Rover
>Aston Martin
>London taxi
Half chinese

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as long as the jobs are within the country who cares. They should be more worried about chinese cars arriving on their shores.
>Aston Martin is not Indian.
literally built by jeets
>Le bri'ish roadster
shoulda said japanese, miat is the last one standing
>literally built by jeets
No it isn't. It's either built in the Warwickshire countryside (Gaydon) or in Wales (St Athan).

(This is the moment where you produce the "Ahmed Munir" inspection plate and think you have made a point)
But the profit leaves the country

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>take my brand new car to carwash
>sit down in waiting area while they wash it
>get up cause bored and go look at my car
>monkey employees are washing it with a fucking BROOM

what the fuck. how fucked is my paint?
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Dod you get the complimentary bag of meth?
That doesn’t sound much worse than automatic car washes with brushes. You’re basically just paying to have dirt rubbed into your clearcoat.

But in the future, do the right thing and always hand wash using only clean microfiber towels.
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How about you get a house and wash your car in your driveway like a white man.
In europe there is a touchless self serve cleaning station on almost every corner. Just don't keep the lance too close to the bodywork and there is 0 chance anything will get damaged.
Why are americans so retarded?

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I've seen some rise in the number of Hyundai Ioniq 5 on the streets of Tokyo in recent years, which was unimaginable only a few years ago.
Why are Korean EVs slowly gaining traction in Japan? Have the Japanese finally come to a realization that their domestic EVs are total jokes?
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Turned it into a pickle, funniest shit I've ever seen
japan is about 90% jap, 9% brown, 1% white
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Japan hasn't been the same since the great gook invasion
Toyota has openly admitted that they are the descedants of the ancestors who moved from Korea to Japan.
>I don’t think I’ve ever seen a korean car here (5+ years in japan)
Yeah, that's because you live in bumfuck of nowhere. This is happening only in Tokyo.

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