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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
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7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
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9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
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/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do your parents find you pussy to fuck in your cuntry?
In Japan this is the reality.
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No, but if they want grandkids they probably should.
How is it Japan is better in every imaginable way? Being a micro sized country and nonwhite are not an insignificant debuffs, but it still seems unfair how they keep pwning it every category.
>Alongside the drop in marriages has been a slide in the fertility rate, which last year hit a record low of 1.3, far below the 2.1 required to maintain a stable population.
>All of that has left a growing headache for a government that must somehow fund the healthcare and pensions of a rapidly aging population with an ever-dwindling number of young tax payers.
Hahahah sorry grandpa, NPNW, NPNT. Looks like no retirement for you :)
I would literally kill myself of excessive precum leakage if my mom somehow talked to the mother of a local Stacy into marrying her daughter with me.
I find this so hot ngl. Albeit realistically my mom will simply talk to the mother of a chubby Latina with glasses instead.

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whats your attachment type, anon?
i am avoidantly attached
the one where you want to call the girl mommy
preoccupied, dismissive, and fearful, also secure sometimes
Secure. 100%. Been with my partner for 4 years and we've never had a single argument. It's so refreshing to be with someone who doesn't get jealous and isn't insecure.

Holy crap the modeling industry is evil.
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yeah but homie is venturing into uncanny valley territory. he simultaneously looks 32 and 16. it's not a good look imo
jordan is overrated. seen zero women who have him as crush. Honestly most Of the normy PSL gods are mad overrated. Chico looks like a polish truck driver and hes only like 32. Men like delon and stepanov are actual PSL gods
>tfw Ramirezmaxxing
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do you think i care who she fucked after cheating on me?

im legitimately asking if you think i give a shit?
Mostly it's just stupid and driven by faggots and women who both have retarded ideas of what's attractive.

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Anyone else passionpilled here?
>the only way to succeed is to be good at something
>the only way to be good at something is to do it a lot
>it is extremely tedious to do something a lot if you have no passion for it
>so the only realistic way to find success is to have passion
For those of us without passion this is just brutal.
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Possibly it just became a habit for me. I wasn't always this calm.
uhhhhhhh not this one and i don't know that he even smokes but i forgot. do your own homework is wrong though.
oh joy more schizoposting

Not just passion, you need compulsion. Passion works great when you're winning and shit is easy for you. When things get tougher you need to have a crazed, addictive compulsion to keep beating your head against the wall.

>Clicks join ranked queue

You're otherwise correct. I've won a major in my chosen hobby. I never once had to drag myself out to practice or complete. If I didn't feel like playing that day I wouldn't. That day never came, I was addicted. The people telling to to drag yourself to the gym even if you don't want to are full of shit. They always want to be going.
all the things I was passionned about ended up being things I had absolutely no talent in and I would get mogged hard by any random beginner after a couple months no matter how hard I tried
now doing these things only bring me frustration and sadness so I just do nothing

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Perfume edition

Previous thread : >>77360905

Rules: Ignore annoying moids

>What is your signature perfume/scent?
>Do you have a favorite fragrance family or note?
>What is a perfume you really want in the future?
>What is your favorite type of perfume on others as opposed to you?
>Do you understand fragrance notes or do you just go for whatever you think smells nice?


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Gf sees you're upset. She gets to swoop in and be a woman.
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this probably, just need to hold him still
Few things better than making your partner's day better.

You are misinterpreting it as woman enjoying making men angry, just a reading comprehension issue
How do girls know all these savage torture methods. thats not very cute...
You can't actually fucking believe this, I mean where the hell do they produce simps like this?
No, that's just how YOU want to interpret it.

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>finally graduating university with compsci degree in month and will become a neet again
can you recommend some codes? or heavier than that
when I let myself consome slop for a dae I become very stupidr. have fun being stupid.

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thread for the boys. no foids allowed.
post number=number of dicks you have to suck

>did you remember to qear your buttplug/are you wearing one now?
>how was your last gay hookup?
>favorite male pornstar?
>top or bottom?
>any mancrushs?

last thread
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how do i get that good at anal without breaking my asshole?
that seems super fun
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Dick too thin
hmm i think it's good that everybody on r9k gets to see this image
What is it with r9k and bbc?
It's the jews. It's always the jews.
>tfw when this isn't original

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Sunflower Lanyard edition
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Two kitkat chunkys down the hatch
Okay imagine doing this, and Satan rapes you. That's been my life for 5 years. So, he tells me "not only do you not get to have sex, you also need to get raped". He hit me in the head with a rock like 12 times today and my head was ice cold from the pain. He's raped me for over an hour already today. So, he's castrated me and made me do slavery, and now he's been raping me and hitting me in the head. I'm so impressed with his help. Getting raped makes me scream in pain, it's not fun. It causes severe psychological fear when he rapes. I've spent a good amount of time hiding under my bed screaming while I get raped by ghosts. Literally I do that. I'm Jewish, my IQ is pretty high. We've really God a wizard who is raping me.
I think Hollyoaks is littered with trannies now
Last time I watched Hollyoaks Jambo Bolton was in it
eyenibbas definitely getting worse
another opticians trip I reckon
staying in the house is quite boring on a weekend, but needs must

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>You know, Anon's actually kinda cute but he never talks to anyone.
>I know, I wouldn't mind being his gf but it's like he's avoiding us girls.
>Think he's a virgin?
>He's definitely never been with a woman before.
>Mmm, I can fix that.*giggles*
>*giggles*C'mon Anon! Talk to us, baby!
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it most definitely has not

This. PUA and self help faggots want you to beleve that girls are just WAITING for you to approach them. Bro that shit is gonna get you arrested or put on a sex offender list. Then again maybe that's what the PUA guys want. Prison guards and probation officers need jobs you know.
it happened but i had bad social anxiety back then
>>Think he's a virgin?
>>He's definitely never been with a woman before.
>>Mmm, I can fix that.*giggles*
While I could believe that an exchange like this happened, I don't think this kind of sentiment is at all popular enough to have been expressed while talking about me. And the small handful of women who either doesn't mind or is into virgins, is probably also looking for other characteristics, that I most definitely do not posses.
You need to be chadlite or at least look the part before cold approaching. That's when "creepy" becomes "quirky".

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Femoids, describe yourselves using the following template:

>eye and hair color
>facial features
>career/home keeping skills
>personality type
>dress style/aesthetic
>do you do anal?

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haha well they liked leather and were into homos so it kinda makes sense
haifa has a bunch of gay bars apparently
wait a sec when you said anal sex I thought it meant that uh, YOU were the one getting penetrated cuz after all you said
>Ofc but I won't do it unless I'm 100% sure I'm clean inside and out
From the river to the sea, sister.
Yeah idk who the other responses are, none of them are from me, lol. But I 100% myself getting penetrated. I'm not into pegging, that's gay.
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white slavic
im at healthy weight but i have wider build and naturally a bit more muscle sp i look like a linebacker
>eye and hair color
blue eyes and brown hair
>facial features
eyebags,big forehead,light freckles,chubby cheeks
>career/home keeping skills
still in school bur i can clean and i enjoy cooking and baking for my family and other people

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Are you sourdough?
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Same and what I said stands anyway.
>and feel left out.
lmao, like I was saying about bootlickers ...
If they sit there and decide that everything they hear is a lie without asking clarifying questions, that's their fault. It is 100% their fault.
Agreed, the only time I would disagree is if they aren't being given sensible answers or the person refuses to communicate or answer properly.
why are people taking so much offense with what i said? The person not only lied to me, but they also weaponized a person that abused me when i was underage, and sent that person after me to berate me after i dared to argue with them. I specifically meant they lied about their past to me, to make themself more appealing to me.

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There's a phenomenon I witness daily but nobody else has registered.

I'm an old balding incel and when I started to ponder over the causes for my condition, I realized the following: I haven't been rejected by a woman in years. I never get rejections. So how can I be incel? Because I cant find an adult woman to get rejected by. Why's that? I don't go out? That's not it, I go out 3 times a day and bike 10-20km per day all around the city. The reason is that every person I see is a 15-year-old girl in a crop top.

Yesterday I spent all day at the beach. It was full of teen girls in crop tops. Went to the store, every customer was an obnoxious belly button girl.
Everywhere I fucking go there's a group of teen girls in crop tops, I literally have not seen an 18-35yo woman since covid-19.
Nobody believes my theory, nobody listens to me. But I'm dying of inceldom out here and I cant even begin to get laid because for some reason everyone in my vicinity is a provocatively dressed child. The Matrix has really fucked up where I live.
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>women should not leave the house, they should be the property of their father and later husband
>omg why dont women leave the house, they dont have any hobbies
We have hobbies and go out all the time. But we go out with our friends, not alone. We like to make everything a group activity. Errands, going to the bathroom, having fun, etc
Single women should leave the home
Taken women should stay at home

Theres a difference, it boils down to her ownership status
you answered your own question. All adult women are taken I guess :) enjoy
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>But we go out with our friends, not alone.

I'm a lonely incel and I'd like to pick up a girl IRL
How do I talk to a hot girl if she's with her girlfriends?
You mean I gotta humiliate myself in front of 3 women and become a meme?

I just told my wife and kid that I had to go run some errands.
But I'm really abandoning them.
How do I go about starting a new life
if this isn't a pathetic larp, you are pathetic and should troon out. get fucked by men, you dont deserve to call yourself a man

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