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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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I mean something so retarded I could hardly believe what I'm reading
Also, picrel is probably fake but still
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It was revenge for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gander_(dog), and a lot of other things.
Top cope
that time the US invaded a foreign country, with a so-called "experienced" foreign policy cabinent, who then immediately (((delegated))) the planning to the incompetent fucking morons in existence,called the CPA, and in their brilliant (((wisdom))) in full knowledge of "experienced" foreign policy advisors, in a country where 80% of the country was employed by the government and military, virtually fired every abled bodied man in the country 18-45 who knows how to operate firearm in the country with one of the highest per capita gun ownership (full automatic gun ownership ,imd you) in the entire world
there was an insurgency
>surprise pikachu face
anyone who talks about "foreign policy experience" being a qualifier is a fucking retard
Fucking hell
Same story with better presentation

I love the Baltic Fleet's whacky adventure of Doom.

Why were WW2 pilots so kino
>its a 50/50 chance of getting hit but if you survive your future chances go up exponentially
>you probably learned to fly like 15 hours ago and your ground crew shows you how the engine works
>Either your entire unit is massacred/is grounded to logistics issues
>if you don't succeed you and your entire future generations will be either shamed or enslaved
>Your fiery death being witnessed by some clueless peasant
>Yeah you are probably going to accidentally drop a bomb on civilians or crash into a field kek
>Yeah youre probably going to get hit by friendly flak in your career
>probably will never score a kill in reality but have many claimed kills
>Frequently fly into the air with no idea where the enemy is due to shit intel and shit maps
Did I say WW2? I meant pilots of the oinkraine war.
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>pilots are irreplaceable
They can't really afford to waste airframes either.
>25 Su-34s destroyed. If Ukraine's figures are accurate, the Russian air force would have around 105 Su-34s remaining in service. However, an unknown number may not be operational due to damage, a lack of pilots, and required routine maintenance.
Are Russians now flexing their air performance in this war? They really have zero self awareness.
>>you probably learned to fly like 15 hours ago and your ground crew shows you how the engine works
Only in USSR.
American pilots had about 250 hours of training before graduation. Primary training (take off and landing flying crop duster) alone took 60 hours, pilot needed to make 175 successful landings before he was allowed to move forward to more complex training and aircrafts.
It's Soviets whose entire training was 25-40 hours and German Aces record scores reflect that.
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They can always get new aircraft from the Chinks if they actually start having serious issues.
>Your fiery death being witnessed by some clueless peasant
>Yeah you are probably going to accidentally drop a bomb on civilians or crash into a field kek
>Yeah youre probably going to get hit by friendly flak in your career
Nah these are straight up descriptions of things that happened to Russians like bombing Belgorod.

>British Foreign Secretary David Cameron announced that Britain has given Ukraine permission to strike targets on Russian territory with the weapons in a new $3 billion multiyear aid package it is providing.


What other weapons does the UK possess that could target Russia apart from Storm Shadow?
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>Weird meat cubes turn up on telegram, stinking to high heaven after being dumped on the road
>Zigger shills gloat that it's cubed Ukranian soldiers xaxaxa )))))
>It's geolocated to inside Russia
>Zigger shills go ballistic and multiple stories are made about what the meat cubes are, fervently denying and insisting that it's absolutely NOT cubed mobiks
>Everyone else doubles down that it MUST be cubed mobiks due to all the zeething it causes
>They're cleaned up later that day so nobody really knows what they are for sure, but cubed mobiks is definitely the funniest option
It was a fun saga
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The Great Game will never stop, will it?
There were pics a few weeks later of dead mobiks in a different spot being loaded onto a pallet, it was definitely dead mobiks
yeah dead ukranian mobiks after they meet the 10 to 1 arty advantage, this subhumans later just removed from the captured trenches to not cause any illness
It will stop when Russia is a powerless shithole

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Post some good ones
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Zionist propaganda vs antisemitism
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It's not propaganda. Goyim are getting so mutt-tarded they don't know what words mean any more.
Why is Russo-Chinese propaganda always so gay
>you lynch negros!
Lel commies

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Guy looks like he beat ass and took names in the '80s.
just buy an aimpoint so you dont need buis
I like the the ring to use for holdovers and refence points but if I only had the 1moa dot I wouldn't complain much it rocks. Plastic BUIS is gay magpul mbus pro gets it done
I'd just use my holochang in that case and say my blessings for ping ping every night. Still I think for home defense having some buis might be good anyways.
Yeah that's true it can be good for that. I'm mostly used to pistols so it doesn't really matter. Close up I just need to aim a little higher and I intend to figure out the holds when I take it to the range to zero it. Any downsides to a fixed front? I like the idea of having that point of aim always up, and I don't want to keep sinking a bunch of money into this. Would it fuck bigly with nods in the future? I guess at that point I could just get a fold down if I'm spending several thousand on that stuff.

>Russia Says Capable Of Intercepting Hypersonic Missiles
>According to Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, the Russian Armed Forces will receive the first samples of the highly anticipated next-generation S-500 air defense missile system this year.
>The Russian Defence Minister’s announcement, reported by the state-owned news agency TASS, signals a significant advance in Russia’s military capabilities.
>Shoigu outlined that the S-500 system will be delivered in two variations: long-range air defense missile systems and anti-missile defense complexes.
>This revelation comes along with the planned supply of other defense systems, including S-400 and S-300V4 air defense missile systems, Buk-M3 and Tor-M2U missile systems, and next-generation radar stations.
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>old man yells at ABV
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I've seen Russian soldiers beg for basic equipment, ammo, shotguns vs drones, beg for real armor.
Despite the amount of money Russia has it's hopelessly corrupt. Everything is stolen, everyone lies, soldiers get raped, they still use meat waves in 2024.
People are sent to die in Ukraine for Putin's ego, he wants to remembered because he's old and everyone's drunk because they got nothing to live for.
>Vodka has been a featured player within the Russian military as well, to the deep chagrin of many. Vodka used to feature prominently in the rations of soldiers. In the late 1800s, several studies showed that after a year 83% of newly drafted soldiers were taking the vodka ration and 27% were drinking extra rations (up from 57% and 10% respectively).[6] The defeat of Russia in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 is suspected by many to be owed to the excess of vodka among the troops, which not only impaired ability but decreased morale
Ukraine are fighting drunk retard rapists that are just there because there's no work and even if they somehow survive and go home they'll return to a home that's lost everything because other Russians stole everything while they were gone.
In other news, they pulled a 'lets rebrand the T-72 to T-90 after the gulf war' moment. Everyone now knows that the S-400 is a bloody joke, so they gave the latest minor update a new name and now they gonna hype it to the moon untill the next conflict shows the truth.
This should be posted in all mainstream US media for normies, specially FB for boomers.
I bet the support for Ukraine would increase just out of spite to show uppity russians who's boss.

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>In service until WW2
>Fast firing
>Everyone tried to buy it or copy it
>usefull for all artillery roles
Queen of the battlefield and the dominator of krauts fr fr 1897 rules
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Can you tell me about how Russia fucked up their 3-inch gun?
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There's not much to say, one autist developed something interesting but they foverment didn't make many guns and it ended 'forgotten' for decades. All their 76mm are based on Schneider designs + Krupps influence so they're actually good and modernized often.
>2.5": 63mm Baranovsky 1870s, 20 years older than the French 75 so it's nowhere as good as that field gun
these cocktails are fucking delicious and dangerous. Champagne, a shot of gin, lemon, powdered sugar. It's like long island iced tea. creeps up on you
you're not wrong

Ukr is using those guns for regular IDF missions mainly. I get that it's practical, but it's also sad and unromantic, taking away the "special" ness of the funky smoothbore AT cannon4shmj
Frenchmen might have invented blowjobs but they still haven't got around to working out that you can receive them from a woman.

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wait, what
is mtlb even an armored vehicle?
wtf where is this and who?

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The Comeback Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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if your taking some cold war suggestions, here's the GDR Fallschirmjagers
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Spanish National Police
Italian Frogmen
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Spics do eagles with a gusto I appreciate.

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Are lever actions more popular than ever?

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Why are Brazilians fighting for ukrane?
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BRICS is not an alliance, it's Goldman Sachs' 20 year old list of "I think these countries are going places, you should invest in them".
In South America most pro-russian are mentally disabled commies (redundancy to emphasize) that hates the military.
It's natural that a lot of ex-military would have an anti-lefty and russian bias.
Fighting against the subhuman country that has been fucking around with their cancer since 1950s is a natural choice.
Anti-communist + Brazil being one of the countries with the biggest Ukrainian community outside of Europe
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Why did the chinese assassinate him?
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don't worry he'll rise again on the third day
> It is necessary that I should die for my people, but my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know I was right
- steve1989mreinfo
Knew too much about Boeing
I want to see a hypothetical symmetrical war with China because I would just love to see how much goes wrong for them outside of combat. Logistics breaking down, soldiers getting food poisoning, weapons falling apart before they even get to be used, shit like that.

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>kneed in the balls
>acts like he was hit in the face

They mustve only had one take worth of film, and they fucked it up.
Seconded, these are retarded expensive now and a lot of them aren't legal because lol it isn't registered as an SBR/SBS fuck you. Meanwhile if the NFA didn't exist I'd have something exactly like this. What a great trapline gun. What a great gun for shoving in your pack just in case you want to take a shot at a squirrel while out checking traps; put a 10" barrel on it in .22 with a silencer. And hey, chuck a .410 barrel on there. Why not?
>inb4 the contender exists
Prices still fucked, still waiting.
There's a Baritsu class at my local fencing club where I take my HEMA courses. I'm not sure I'm cringe enough to learn cane fighting.
The fucking .577 Express chambering should be a bit of a giveaway.
You sure it's not singlestick? Bartitsu is a meme, singlestick is a legit training discipline for cutlass and sabre.

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