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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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Hey there anon, it's been a long week, the bar is open. How've your lifts been going? You lose weight this week? You gain?
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>not a whore
This is only unrealistic because women collectively have decided to indulge in obesity and whoring. Both of these things are choices. The only thing unrealistic in anon's post is expecting women to be responsible and not be fat sluts.
So the girl I've been semi flirting with is dating someone, good to get rejected so I can move on.
>all i want is someone single whos beautiful, a good heart, modest, from a good family, and quiet so i can dominate over her. is this so much to ask? i am posting on 4chan after all, i demand the "highest stock of female" the world offer
put a bullet in your brain.
Literally none of those things are difficult to be.

>don't be fat
>don't be a dumb whore
If you think that's an unrealistic standard for women then you've set the bar for them in the sewer.
>let me condense this multitude of completely separate demands into "fat dumb whore"

Gomad edition
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I got uncomfortable too
kam, how many chin ups can you do?
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20% navy method, 24% calipers...185 bp, 255 sq, 275 diddy...40 yo 159lbs 5'7"
Reminder people here are real people just saying
to save humanity you have to save men who want to kick & scream the entire fucking way
as many as the world record

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Should the kings be manlets to uplift the lesser ones or Chads to represent what every man should admire and strife for?
>strive for something you can never achieve by your own merit but purely genetic fortune
sounds about right
>what is utopia

What is the most important life lesson your /fit/ journey has taught you?
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i just wanna know what having those two monster thighs on either side of my head (or cock) feels like
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>i just wanna know what having those two monster thighs on either side of my head (or cock) feels like
based monster thighs lover
just imagine trying to pry her thighs apart once they've gotten a death grip on your skill. is it even possible to escape at that point?
Never believe anything you read on 4chan.
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>just imagine trying to pry her thighs apart once they've gotten a death grip on your skill. is it even possible to escape at that point?
wouldn't want to, that's marriage material

Do you mog the average American sodlier?
>getting an 80 or higher score withe evrything means that you don't have to do group PT with certain units
why did they change it from the 2 mile run 2 min push up and situps.
>recuit numbers are declining
>people are leaving the armed forces
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They wanted the PT test to represent stuff that the average soldier would be doing down range
You never know when you may have to do a tactical 2 minute plank or turn backwards in order to throw a 10lb circular container 10 meters.
who is unironically responsible for that kind of shit though...

I present to you my version of the army pt test:
8 mile ruck march uniform w/ boots 45 lbs (dry)
300 yard fireman carry of another recruit of similar weight
200 yard farmer walk 45 lbs in each hand
30 min run for distance
push ups until failure
situps until failure
pull ups until failure

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looks like a tranny/female, not gonna watch
Start with cheat pull ups and push ups one armed holds until you get used to them hand around fore/wrist, try to get into doing negatives etc.

Tempo training is also important and pacing yourself to get into high rep ranges.

For example with push ups doing one slow one quick and one plyometric push up in a circuit round will force more adaptations in the body than just spamming single exercise, archer push ups and pull ups are also good one sided calisthenics moves.
good dude. Married. Christian. Positive vibes.
He doesnt train for hypertrophy. You can get a much better physique with only calisthenics
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>have a beautiful day, my friend
I just don't believe it.

The wholesome shtick honestly feels manipulative.
I do like positive people, but for some reason with him I don't believe it. It feels like a product.

Actual positivity is Steve off MRE info.
Hampton is selling something.

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Should we be allowing it? What does /fit/ think?
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She looks so much better than the disgusting lean whores you people normally post here
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big women are best women, seethe
>She looks so much better than the disgusting lean whores you people normally post here
so true
i'm more of a "belly that just barely bulges over her waistband" type of guy.
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>i'm more of a "belly that just barely bulges over her waistband" type of guy.
based power tum enjoyer
women doing anything that is traditionally done by men or involves some relation to masculine identity is inherently cringe

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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)
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I ran a mile in 7m 15s last fall at 28 bmi. I forefoot strike in barefoot shoes too. Only run casual Z2 5ks once every couple weeks, otherwise no specific training.
I believe I weighed 290 but you can verify against the calories burned there for what I had entered into Strava at the time.
The brainwashing is already too deep, its over for you now lad
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Sorry to interrupt your guys's convo but peep the lifting dungeon
needs some hotdog wolves and waljaks 2bh

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I took my blood pressure today and got 163 over 136. How bad is that?
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That's considered very high and actually, life risking condition, but I also didn't feel sick while having it. Go to the doc.
Its gonna strain your kidneys and other shit long term.Get it checked.Do cardio, check your electrolyte levels, get more magnesium and potassium if required, see if your sodium intake is too high if youre not sweating enough.
the diastolic is so fucking high bro. that narrow of a pulse pressure is not sustainable
It's over.
last reading: 119/70
top reading: 167/100
scared-about-BP reading: 169/64 (I had a bunch of mushroom coffee and was seeing my pulse in my vision)
year ago: 133/88
my blood pressure has sucked for years, only recently getting better as I stopped being obese, and I still never saw a dia anywhere near that high.

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No source talk
Read the Reddit wiki
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t. doctor with fragile ego
No matter what dose Adex you take, is it better to split it in 2 every 3.5 days as opposed to once a week because of the half life?
Can you explain the rebound to me when you take it?
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ideally you want 3x a week. Half life is shorter, and it's non suicidal. I'd pick up some Aromasin next time desu.
tren is lighter yellow powder, that's definitely DNP.

The best smelling raw is NPP, it smells so good. The absolute worst smelling one is Test Cyp, which makes sense because most people who use Cyp are faggots.
Redpill me on tendon growth peptides.
It's over.

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Back edition
Already a CBT up

I lift for Power.
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I lift for African kweens.
>supermodels vs least mesmerizing cashier
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I lift for Domination, Unbound
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This is why I lift

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>pack of zoomers start bullying boomer
>boomer fights back
>zoomers piss and shit themselves in fear
Are zoomers the weakest generation in history?
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>eye witnesses
I remember that, Sheena, the only sober one, said no one touched Miu before he punched Coen, but they did on video. She was asked if she wasn't sure if they touched him, or the definitely didn't, and she said they didn't. She also said the police took pictures of Coen's face, but no police have any pictures. Sheena was Coen's friend of course, not a random bystander.

There's also no video of Miu punching Coen or anyone else, and there were several different stories of what he did before most of the stories changed over time to become him punching her. Almost like self-serving lies from a pack of bullies.
this. ive done these river floats before. everyone there are belligerent drunk hillbillies.
This. They got what was coming to them
Serves that retarded boomer right lmao. Now he's going to rot in prison for the rest of his life
he is still on this earth,regardless of the outcome,the same cant be said for those zoomers dead friends. haha

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I started working out and taking supplements and I'm still depressed and anxious, you told me I would be cured. I thought fitness was the answer
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>you told me I would be cured
No, we said it would help, yet you did like half a push up, drank a choc-milk and think you're putting the effort. Wrong, fool, you are still a faggot and most likely you will ever be one
He had a good jaw, good hair and decent height and most of all he was high energy. Most males will not see the same results on gear and they won't have the same positive vibe due to many traumas and setbacks throughout their life.
It just doesn't work for everybody.
Orwell clearly never went to any great parties or he'd know how fun it was, dude probably sat in his room doing the whole ''Im edgy cuz I ponder my melancholic solitude'' shtick before it was mainstream
that quote is fake orwell died in 1950
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you have this ready in a text file?
I do agree.
lifting doesnt solve anything. Made me few friends but das it.

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