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This board is for author-driven collaborative storytelling (i.e., "Quests"). In a quest there is a single author who controls the plot of the story and who drives the creative process. They can choose to take suggestions from other posters, or not, at their sole discretion. Quests can be text-based, image-based, or a combination of the two. Drawfaggotry is strongly encouraged!

To facilitate the author-driven nature of quests, /qst/ differs significantly from other boards in that the OP of a thread is considered the quest's author, and has some basic text formatting abilities: [b], [i], and color tags [red], [green], and [blue]. Therefore, only those people willing to put in the effort to be a quest author should post threads. If you do not intend to run a collaborative story, do not post a thread here! This includes meta-threads.

Dice rolling follows /tg/'s format (e.g., "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the options field rolls 2d6).
Current board settings:

Anyone can post images.
Anyone can use painter.
Anyone can use dice & spoilers.
Only OP can use text formatting.
3000 character limit.
750 bump limit.
Decreased post timer to match /tg/ (30 seconds for text, 60 seconds for an image reply).
Automatic permasage after 72 hours.
Thread specific user IDs.
Max threads per IP is 5.
Standard 7 day internal archive.

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Welcome to Cultural Civ, a civ game where your civilization's culture shifts with time !

players control a civilization through the years and decide its explorations, cultural and technological advancements, and diplomacy.

how to play:
1) choose a civ to play for. change your name to reflect your choice (ex: Bowtie Noble).
2)each turn, your civ has 1 action and a bonus action. You can choose a cultural, technological, or immediate acion, plus one bonus action based on your realms' bonus action(if your realm has a bonus tech action, you can do any action one time per turn, plus a tech action). (this part is subject to change if the game flow isn't right.)
3)discuss with your compatriots which actions you will take. Once you're done, reply to my recap anchor post with the recap of your actions.

Three tribes just landed on this island, for their own reasons. They will have to explore, and find somewhere to settle.

But first, we need to create and populate the tribes. And that's what thread 0 is for.
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Gimme a moment, gonna make myself an thirty years war based civ
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I blame the bowties
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Behold my proposal

A migratory people who swam across on horseback in search of new lands
lives in yurts
Has access to horses. Very skilled in using them in all aspects, being capable of rapid relocation to new homes, using them for war and for food
Worships the eternal sky. Fear nothing except the sky falling on them. But if the weather is bad they get upset
Only capable to converse in throat singing. Very cool, but almost impossible to communicate with others
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Independent cities, united by the desire to pillage and trade everything that exists. They live in stucco houses.

Leaguers have a culture of respected mercenary companies, warriors of fortune ready to answer the call for war at the expense of booty or plunder (usually both)
Leaguers love trade and are very skilled at it. They will annoy anyone they meet with endless trade requests.
Leaguers have found out about the existence of guns, and have decided they *really* like them.

You didn't see anything.
Yeah totally. Def didn't see anything

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In the year 1987, crime and corruption in America is an epidemic. Drugs and guns flow into the country from everywhere in the world, and the gateway to it all is the coastal paradise, Heat City. This is a place of shining high-rises and shadowed alleys, sunsets and smog, neon and blood, ruled by ambition and greed and power. Here in Heat City, you can get whatever you want -- if you can pay the price.
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Rolled 8 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

"Carry this, carry that. Can't lift this, take that instead."
Like hell Empress was going to leave even a dime behind. She remembered some sappy movie about how it's important to "let go", emphasized by the main character having to leave behind a bunch of gold. Cashing Out was the name of the movie. Some A-tier schlop about a casino heist. What a crock of shit. She was better than that, and she could prove it.
H-hey! Hey! Put the server rack down, I need that to -- okay. Okay, we can do it your way.
Rolled 1 + 8 (1d10 + 8)

Boot to the door, shot, shot. Boot to the door, shot, shot, shot, shot. Boot to the door, boot to the face, reload, boot to the face again. A rythm of violence.
>>5993887 | >>5993880 | >>5993872 | >>5993868 | >>5993866 | >>5993856 | >>5993848 | >>5993847

Blackjack: +3
Ramirez: +2
Heckler: +3
Rainfall: +1
Seline: +3
Kitt: +1
Empress: +3
Dr. Ben +1
>Total: 17

In a blitz of precision assaults and tactical movement, both the Air squad and Boat squad met in the middle, the target deck erupting into awe-inspiring orgy of violence as 8 fully prepared badass cleared space to think.

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" Sir! "
" . . . Sir? "
" How *else* would you do this? They had *turret sections*. You can't improvise through that. We couldn't have gotten half this way without AMOR and your leadership! "

" Right? "

" . . . Right? "

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Are you a fan of World Trigger?
Or are you just curious?
Regardless, let's play a World Trigger campaign.
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What is world trigger?

its an anime
I was thinking more like we all kind of contribute to the story and we can all play 1 or a few characters and discard and add characters as we like... is that too random?
the manga (with the viz translations) is better!! the anime was toei'd!
Thank you.
Hit that /qtg/ up, QM.
Anime where Humans are gifted with abilities and archetypes. These abilities are ranked in terms of strength against other humans as a meta plot hook, but the main story was about humans using these abilities to ultimately fend off an alien invasion. Then one of the human-alien hybrids (if I remember right) had an ultimate ability and this hybrid joined the average-ability MC and his rookie sniper friend to boost their team rankings.

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Tags: cybernetic, high fantasy, post-apocalyptic, adventuring, improvisation, trains, civ
Oneshot probably.
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Immortal Cyborg first decree is "Fuck Taxes"

Those who work must eat expand the hydroponics. Consult with the tech savvy peoples what would be better to restore the train or the mech. If the train is fixed what routes would be open before further investment into the rails is required? Send scouts to inspect the rails.
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>mfw my quest caused the 4chan front page to go down for several hours
Absolute win. They couldn't handle the slimegirl-succubus harem.
Either way,
Seems like you're the only one, my friend. Update pending...
Rolled 1 (1d10)

>expand hydroponics
>consult tech people for repairs
>scout rails
>fuck taxes
You ask your group's tech masters, Barmat the dwarf and Shimon the human, what you should repair first: the mech or the train.

"Ah, depends on what we want first: firepower or travel." Barmat says. "The mech's weapons are preserved - they were build to last - but the topological programming system and other electronics are busted. One leg's bad too. If we want to repair it, we'd need the Traders to ask their friends for parts, and some ammunition and fuel too. For all this trouble, we'd get a jumbo-sized firing hulk that'd protect us no problem against both the Orcs and the Fanatics - for now, at least. The Labrats may have the upper hand still."

"The train is a bigger project." Shimon continues for his colleague. "We don't really know if the Traders would even be able to procure the parts for it - thing is, the main engine is in disrepair, and would need a lot of parts, including some fairly specialized ones. Perhaps we'd have more luck manufacturing them ourselves if we had access to some industrial powers. We'd need to get some deals from the Artificers too. I don't know the travelling distance for after we repair it, you'd have to ask the Traders for that - their info reach is far greater than ours. If it's decent, we'd have a powerful travelling and transportation tool, not to mention the possibility of arming it..."

Regarding the state of the rails, your scouts report they were built to last, and remain in fairly good condition from your settlement up until the territories of the Fanatics and the Orcs. Your scouts didn't dare investigate further than these due to danger from these groups. Asking the Traders for info, you receive the response that according to them, the rails run along the river in decent state for a hundred or so kilometers - they usually don't go any further and only have rumours after that. They also express interest in the idea of a train at mutual disposal should it be restored, but you didn't inquire what they meant at the time, departing with the info they gave you.

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Forgot quick sketch of the MECH. It is low-quality but I hope you like it and it is informative regarding its construction.

Also writing the event now...
The patrols report sighting a group of several dozen people approaching from the Fanatics' territory. Immediately, you mobilize everyone that is of use in a fight and go to meet them.

"...AND IF YOU REFUSE THE HOLY WORD OF THE PATRIARCHS THEN WE WILL BE FORCED TO CONVERT YOU WITH FORCE!" you arrive as the fanatic warband leader finishes his speech. They are not advancing with lethal intent yet; the initiative is on your side.

"They've been babbling about their god and how we would be happier if we accepted their faith for the past ten minutes." one of the border guards reports.

The fanatics are armed with simple weaponry and some armour, but they're numerous. You consider using the machine guns to repel them. This would, however, deplete the precious ammunition... if a single burst of fire won't be able to scare them away outright.
>Use the machine guns
>Use conventional weaponry

The fanatics are approaching through a medium-sized street. You have barricades which can inconvenience their advancement. However, it is evening, and the sun is blasting your eyes - the fanatics chose an advantageous time to attack and your sharpshooters have trouble detecting their targets. If you have any tactics you wish to use, feel free to mention them. By default, you will pepper their mass with some arrows or bullets, depending on if you use the machine guns, and if they break through to you, you will use melee weapons to push them back as they climb the barricades.
>Default tactics

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More than a year has passed since the call to arms by pope Urban II in Clermont. Religious zeal spread wildly though all of Christendom, gathering fanatics, monks, liegeless soldiers, the disinherited and the second sons to the banners with the cross. A huge mob of Christian peasantry, hastily rushing towards the Holy Land lead by Peter the Hermit, met their doom in the treacherous terrains of Asia Minor six months ago. Turks... Bohemond of Taranto scoffs. A boulder of a man, Norman by descend, is sitting alone in a high balcony, facing the huge city. As per his request, the Greek ruler, pretentiously calling himself the emperor of all romans, Alexios Komnenos, granted him a tower to serve as his guest quarters. He likes his solitude and the overindulging comfort of the Imperial palace isn't the right place for his soldier heart. Yet he admires the view, Constantinople truly is magnificent in its sheer size.

Bohemond, diligent as always, was first to arrive. The metropolis was set as the gathering point for the nobles who were joining the crusade. For the past few weeks he met the arriving Baldwin of Lorraine, Godfrey of Bouillon, Robert II of Flanders and their retinues, all experienced and respected commanders. Then came bishop Adhemar de Monteil, a dear acquaintance of Bohemond, selected by the pope as the crusade's spiritual leader. In another week's time came Hugh of Vermands and Stephen of Blois - the former just a boy, the latter - a noble without any notable achievements. Then there was Peter the Hermit who miraculously survived the Turkish attacks. Despite failing the peasant's crusade, he is warmly welcomed by the orthodox Greek community. Finally the rich but inexperienced duke Raymond IV of Toulouse arrives with a huge retinue. Bohemond surmises that he must be contributing almost forty percent of all crusader forces.

Alexios Komnenos is always there with Bohemond, greeting each new arriving crusader noble, inquiring about their journey, graciously providing lavish gifts, luxurious resting quarters, brand new barracks for their men and horses, calculated smile on his lips. In exchange for supplies along their long way, the crusaders are scheduled to swear oaths to the emperor in a few days, guaranteeing that all conquered lands by the crusaders will be returned to the Byzantines with the exception of Jerusalem.


Forces: 7 000 knights | 35 000 foot soldiers | 9 000 archers and crossbows

Morale: High ---> piety: +piece of the True Cross +Adhemar +Peter the Hermit -in a city (prostitutes/drinking) | provisions: +food in the city +water in the city +many war and pack horses
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majority is for tunnels under the city walls, if the miners aren't successful after the diceroll we will make another poll on how to continue the siege

no one is accusing him of that, anon

Battle update follows
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Eastern side
Rolled 55 + 40 = 95

Bohemond and his crusaders are outside the range of the archers alongside the city walls, so now hundreds of light cavalry have used the huge main gate to ride out fast in droves, galloping in circles close to their fortification, raining arrows over the Normans. Light and heavy cavalry tease the besiegers but are repelled by masterful crossbow and archer volleys, keeping the Turks at distance successfully. Mounted knights clash with their enemy counterparts only a couple of times, yet manage to slay them in huge numbers, proving the superiority of western chevalier prowess in open engagement. Bohemond believes that the Turks aren't trying their best with him and suspects that the pressure of the battle is put somewhere else. He dispatches messengers to the other two sides of the siege, inquiring about their status. The Norman lord is right, soon the Turks retreat through the main gate, putting an end to the fighting.

Battle on the eastern side is over.

Distinguished fighters:
Guidmund of Apulia, knight
Tedbalt of Bretel, knight
Youseff of Carthage, Christianized berber crossbowman

[final losses: 6 knights, 40 infantry, 1 archer]

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Northern side
Rolled 55 + 30 = 85

Here the seljuk turks fight viciously. Mixed Turkish cavalry is constantly charging and retreating only to charge again, probing relentlessly for weak spots in the newly made fortified positions. They sure are mobile, making them a harder target for the Christian archers, yet receive a vicious sting in their numbers whenever they get too close and meet volleys from the crossbowmen. Godfrey orders some knights to dismount who are now assisting the infantry with long spades on the makeshift wooden battlements, others stay mounted and play the cat-and-mouse game along the flanks. The turks form an infantry line of their own and steadily get closer, in the distance their Northern gate is spitting multitudes of infantrymen.

"They are really going for it" Godfrey says to the his two Swabian twin guards, Gelfrid and Gebehart. Maintaining defensive orders across his wing, the lord of Bouillon rides towards the lake, gathering his heavy cavalry in one cohesive unit, the two germans follow at his heels.

The turkish infantry assault is at hand. Normal ladders are used to reach the top of the crusader palisade and ferocious hand-to-hand combat ensues. Archers and crossbows deliver volley after volley into the enemy masses. Sergeants rotate the already exhausted fighting soldiers, giving them a chance to catch their breath before joining the melee again. The turkish forces accumulate for another couple dozen minutes under the wooden palisades, swelling their number to almost 3 000, making another great attempt at piercing the crusading position. This is when a battle buisine is heard, sounding the knight's advancement.

Godfrey has made a classic crescent-shaped encircling maneuver, crushing the Turkish cavalry on one of the flanks and is now leading 500 knights in the back of the enemy infantry at full charge. The sound of metal clashing in metal and bone is deafening. People are impaled, slashed, maced, trampled by the huge western war horses. Realizing that their flank is destroyed and the enemy is hacking and slashing both in their front and back, the Seljuk morale crumbles and soon all infantry routes. The friendly battlements are no longer in danger and the infantry advances as well. However, now Godfrey's knights are closer to the city walls and are in enemy archer range, already taking several enemy volleys in their exposed backs, killing men and horses.

Godfrey sends out orders...

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>Hugh gets off the palisade and approaches the turkish officer. He draws his queer blade [Duel begins. Incoming dice roll (known dueller +10, has 'Bathing Virgin' +10, swollen black eye limits view -10)]

>>focus on destroying the pinned 3 000 enemy infantry (morale and significant number loss for the besieged; surge in knight fatalities)
A tough choice. I'm willing to hear out other anons, but I find destroying them now more urgent even though it might bite us in the long run.
>>Hugh gets off the palisade and approaches the turkish officer. He draws his queer blade [Duel begins. Incoming dice roll (known dueller +10, has 'Bathing Virgin' +10, swollen black eye limits view -10)]

>>>focus on destroying the pinned 3 000 enemy infantry (morale and significant number loss for the besieged; surge in knight fatalities)

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The solution to no earthly secret is beyond the grasp of your little elvish head. After living for thousands of years only boredom and the road are your constant companions. Oh, Adelyle too. People always assume that she is your caretaker because of your short height but then they notice the leash around her neck. She is a tall and slender demonette, lead on a leash after loosing her eyesight privileges. She overboiled the potatoes the other day. She is now complaining but it's not your problem.

Humans approach you constantly with offers to buy her, as she is the last of her kind. The attention that she always gets irks you a bit. Just slightly. Now you feel guilty and return her sight. A hopeful potential buyer approaches you again and you enter tirade mode. You start a convoluted story, which is an allegory to a verbal representation of saying that you are a collector too. Then you proudly show off your other, non-person, collection. It is the string of seashells that form a necklace around your neck. Each seashell is taken from the shores of a different sea. Great way to fight boredom and existential dread, you have found.

My goal is to collect a seashell from every sea! Now this is a reason to keep on living! you say with childish enthusiasm.

This is stupid Adelyle murmurs to herself. You are forced to take her eyesight again. She puts on her leash with a sigh.

So in short, no, she is not for sale. Keep moving, pal, not my problem. The nonsensical verbal barrage repulses the buyer successfully.

Adelyle is very loyal, Stockholm syndrome you assume. One time, after another fit of existential anguish, you let a group of drunk humans to put their what-nots in your whatever and once the demonette learned about your clandestine endeavors, she pursued the men for several days in search of retribution. You went chasing her, concerned about her potential collector value dropping, oh, and her safety, only to find her innocently sleeping under a peach tree, covered in someone else's blood. You took her eyesight privileges for a few weeks, you recollect, she made something that wasn't your problem, your problem, after all. After that whole ordeal you started calling Adelyle Aids, but you do it sparingly now because she tends to cry after hearing her nickname for some reason.

Soon both of you enter another human settlement. The demonette has soft purple skin and mouth filled with shark teeth. The whites of her eyes are actually black and the irises - blood red. Despite all that, children always want to be around her. Adelyle claims that it's because of her gentle face and nature, you say that's the effect of her subconscious demon longing for easy prey. And guess what, now a child approaches and starts pulling your skirt.

Ah, my blond hair and blue eyes, that betray my noble lineage, are gathering admirers with good taste! you proclaim to your temporarily blinded companion with the satisfaction that for once you are the center of attention.

The child just wants money. Then he notices your pointy ears and asks if you can perform magic.

Most definitely, little fella. Let's see, I know arcane magic, blood magic, elemental magic... the boasting goes on for a while ... necromancy, healing magic and most importantly - invisibility magic! The child is impressed by the emphasis on the last one, his eyes are sparkling with hope all of a sudden.

My mom is very sick and needs help. Come, elf woman, help bring back my sweet mother to her feet. Or at least to her knees, so she can again support my multiple siblings! he finishes with the exact same emphasis. You take that into consideration, knowing that imitation is the highest form of flattery.
>"Lead the way, beggar child. Let's see your sweet mother's knees and feet."

>"Not my problem, kiddo." you say with a smile, patting his head.

>make the child disappear forever

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>make the child disappear forever
For the record, how many times we went on a murder rampage in random human settlements? I assume we already got these kind of things out of our system?
>>make the child disappear forever

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You are perched on your sturdy Arabian stallion, scanning the horizon. The sun, a molten disc descending beyond the hills, casts a deep amber glow across the battlefield. Your fingers grip the curved hilt of your scimitar, its steel eager for blood. Ahead, the Crusaders falter, their formation breaking under the relentless onslaught of your fellow Muslim warriors.
“They are cowardly and weak, like sheep ready for slaughter,” you mutter to yourself, voice tinged with grim satisfaction. It’s a scene you’ve seen countless times—these invaders faltering in the face of determined resistance. You know the Holy Land better than they do; you were raised under its burning sun, tempered by its harsh deserts and rugged hills.
In a heartbeat, you kick your steed forward. The horse leaps, snorting eagerly, and in moments, you’re charging toward the fray, your blade arcing in deadly sweeps. The first Crusader falls before you can register his scream, his eyes wide with shock beneath his helm. The second drops with a gurgle, your scimitar severing his windpipe. A cry goes up, a desperate yell from the Crusader ranks, and they scatter like leaves before a desert wind.
“God is great!” You shout, rallying your men. The wind carries the chant across the battlefield, and you revel in the power it lends you, pushing you to strike down another infidel with swift finality.
The Crusaders came to these lands seeking glory and wealth, a misguided delusion that warps their sense of reality. They are like children, clutching at fantasies while ignoring the harsh truth of your scimitar. “This is our land,” you think, your breath heaving, muscles straining with each swing. “We will not yield.”
You glance to your left, where your commander leads the charge. His spear rises high, catching the sun’s dying light, and for a moment, you see it burn like a beacon, a rallying point for your people. You press forward, weaving through the battlefield, moving with the ease of one who knows these sands well.
Every swing of your blade is purposeful, every movement calculated. This battle will end with your victory because your cause is righteous, a cause that burns bright within you and your fellow warriors.

>>Who are you?
>Zayd ibn Khalid: A veteran warrior who grew up in Damascus, Zayd joined the Saracen forces to defend the Holy Land after witnessing his family's farmland burned down by Crusaders.
>Yusuf al-Fahd: Yusuf is the son of a respected emir and was trained from a young age in swordsmanship; he now leads a small cavalry unit in defense of Jerusalem.
>Salah ibn Omar: A former merchant who traded across the Levant, Salah was drawn into the conflict after the Crusaders occupied his trade routes, devastating his business.
>Kamil al-Rashid: A scout known for his keen eyesight, Kamil grew up as a nomad in the Syrian desert before joining the Saracen army to help fend off the Crusader invasions.
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>You scout the nearby terrain, identifying potential ambush spots for the next battle.
Might as well get all the info we can before sharing it with Yusuf.
>You scout the nearby terrain, identifying potential ambush spots for the next battle.
>>You scout the nearby terrain, identifying potential ambush spots for the next battle.
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The sun has set, and the desert is draped in the cool darkness of night. But darkness has always been your ally, and tonight is no different. You move through the dunes silently, with the grace of a desert fox. The Crusaders don't know the holy lands, not as you do. Even when they try to move stealthily, they fail, their heavy boots and clanking armor giving away their positions with each step.
You follow the faint trail they've left behind, the disturbed sand and broken branches that mark their passage. "A large group," you whisper to yourself, crouching to examine the tracks. Judging by the number of footprints and the depth of their indentations, it’s clear there are many. The Crusaders who fled today will likely join this larger group. But not all of them are soldiers; among them are camp followers—whores, washerwomen, and merchants eager for coin. They trail behind the knights and foot soldiers, seeking what little profit they can scrape from the conflict.
The Mujahideen, on the other hand, are accustomed to moving through the desert in small groups, all fighters, disciplined and silent. The Crusaders cling to their luxuries, pleasures of the flesh and wine, both forbidden by your faith, burdened by the weight of their own excesses. It makes them sluggish, and it makes them vulnerable.
You climb a dune, its peak giving you a vantage point to survey the land. In the moonlight, you see their path winding through the desert, the clumsy progress of a large, unwieldy force. You estimate their speed and direction, mentally marking the best spot to stage an ambush. A narrow pass between two ridges will funnel them into a confined space, where their numbers won't offer them much protection. Your people will strike like a desert storm, catching them unaware.
Satisfied with your observations, you melt back into the shadows, retracing your steps to your commander. Yusuf al-Fahd will want to know every detail. Your footsteps are soft on the sand, leaving no trail for anyone to follow.

>>3 anons roll dice+1d100+10
Rolled 41 + 10 (1d100 + 10)


Anon, I'm giving you ten million dollars of my money.

You must invest all of it in the stock market at today's rate.

If you give me a positive return, I'll reward you handsomely.

But if you end up with less than what I gave you, I'll cut off your balls and feed it to my goats.

So, good luck.

>>Buy the shares
1. You must invest the entire amount
2. You can only buy stocks listed in the united states stock exchanges
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$10,000,000 into Lockheed Martin (LMT).
all into dogecoin
>8 shares of Berkshire Hathaway Inc Class A [BRK.A]

>1,324 shares of NVIDIA Corp [NVDA]

>12,285 shares of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd [BABA]

>21,440 shares of Reddit Inc [RDDT]

>149,253 shares of First Majestic Silver Corp Stock [AG]
"just kidding. there's no way i'm gonna have the highest return with your boomer stock."

>sell 8 shares of BRK.A
>buy 64,838 shares of Cloudflare, Inc [NET]
what's the timeframe here? when do we have to close all positions?

I'll go forward and assume it's every week.
>buy 900 000 SQQQ at 11.08 (last close)

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One moment, you were sound asleep. Probably dreaming of something that could not or would not happen in reality. Something esoteric and obscure. It could be anything and everything, as that is how dreams work. What was being broadcasted inside of your mind is of no importance at the current moment because at some time during your slumber you passed away. Died. Your heart had stopped beating and your chest had rose and had fallen for a final time. A fate that meets all living creatures, both young and old. At least your life ended painlessly and without any suffering, right? The same cannot be said for most other mortals whose flames have been snuffed out. The world of the living is behind you now. Whatever responsibilities, unfinished business, prospects, goals, or relationships you had are left behind. Now it is just you, standing in the middle of a small yet indescribably long pathway of dirt. You cannot see where it leads, as your eyes travel up ahead until the view forward becomes shrouded by clouds. All around you and the pathway leading up to nowhere is a sea of grass, beautiful white flowers sprinkled about in that green sea. A blue sign points forward, a language you cannot read being written on the side of it. The only symbol you can decipher aside from that arrow is a picture of a tree providing shade for a humble sitting bench. With nowhere else to go and nothing else to do, the only choice is to begin marching up the trail and see what awaits at the top, however far up that may be. But first, you must remember. Specifically, you must remember you who are. What life did you live leading up to your death? Who are you, traveler?

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Hmm. Sure. I'll bite.

This seems legit

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The corpse of King Suial the Third lies crumpled before you, the fury that just minutes ago burned in your chest subsiding. The blade in your hand gleams with his blood. His crimson life pools at your feet, staining the marble floor like an accusation. You feel no remorse, however. The old man was a scourge upon the land—a tyrant who reveled in wealth while the people scraped together scraps. His lust for blood sport and carnal indulgence tainted the realm. And he silenced all who dared to raise a voice against his tyranny through gruesome public executions. Your conscience is untroubled by your actions.
A soft voice pulls your attention away from the lifeless body. "You must take his place as king," she implores, desperation etched in her words. One of Suial’s favored concubines stands before you, her gaze unwavering despite the turmoil brewing in her eyes. "Or else the kingdom will fall into civil war." The revealing, green, silken dress that clings to her pale, delicate young frame shimmers like emerald in the torchlight, reflecting more of Suial's taste than her own. Hair black as ravens frame her delicate face, and eyes the color of polished jade pierce you, unwavering in their plea.
You consider her words, as shadows of uncertainty creep into your thoughts. The kingdom teeters on the precipice, held together by the sheer force of the old tyrant's ruthless rule. Without a strong hand to guide it, chaos is certain. She takes a tentative step closer, her voice steady despite her fear. “The nobles will carve the land among themselves, each vying for power. The people will suffer more.”
In the flickering light of the throne room, you see the terror beneath her composure. She, like countless others, has endured the old tyrant’s cruelty and lust, yet she does not flee, does not turn away from the blood staining your blade.
Instead, she stands before the throne that now sits empty behind her, the gilded chair a symbol of power that bears the scars of Suial’s rule. Your fingers tighten around the hilt of your sword as the weight of her plea settles upon you. The path she offers is fraught with peril, a journey that may well consume you, body and soul.
Yet, as you consider the kingdom’s fate, a resolve forms within you. You sheathe your sword, and as the concubine holds her breath, you make your decision.

> Reluctantly, you ascend the throne, feeling the weight of the people's expectations settle on your shoulders.
> With unwavering resolve, you claim Suial's throne, his crown, and his concubines, all rightful spoils of your victory.
> You decide to establish an uncompromising rule, prepared to crush any dissent with an iron fist.
> You accept the mantle of king, but only temporarily, vowing to hand over power once a rightful successor emerges.
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>> A boy slave catches your eye, a grim reminder of the old tyrant's twisted perversions and corruption.
> A red-haired concubine gazes at you with wary eyes, once the daughter of a prominent merchant before Suial claimed her.
>> A boy slave catches your eye, a grim reminder of the old tyrant's twisted perversions and corruption.
>A dusky-skinned concubine piques your curiosity, the daughter of a noble family eradicated on Suial's orders.
Knowledge of the political climate is more imperative as a foreigner. Were our character a local, the red-haired woman would have been the pick for her economic education.
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Lana leads you through the halls of Suial's palace to the old tyrant's harem, a collection of his trophies and playthings. The first you meet is his legal wife, a handsome woman in her forties, exuding a mature beauty that still commands respect. "Your radiance," she greets you gracefully. Lana had told you Suial had long ignored her, finding her too old to entertain him. You suspect she harbors little regret over his death.
Next, you meet a blonde foreign concubine, draped in jewels and silk. She admits openly that she prefers the harem's decadence to starving on the streets and wishes to remain in the palace as your concubine.
A red-haired concubine follows, gazing at you with wary eyes. She was once the daughter of a prominent merchant before Suial claimed her. She lived comfortably before being pulled into the tyrant's harem, and she now considers returning to her family, though she requests more time before making her decision.
"Suial's sons?" You raise your brows at the sight of beardless boys in the harem. "No, they are slave concubines, just like us, trained to pleasure the old king," Lana answers. Disgust wells up within you at the depth of Suial's perversions, more so when you learn that these boys were castrated before puberty or fed to starving lions once the tyrant grew bored of them.
You meet more concubines. One has her back scarred by whips, marked by Suial's cruelty after a failed escape attempt. Another, a once-proud warrior woman, has had her spirit dulled by years of captivity in Suial's harem. You also encounter a mute concubine, her tongue removed by the old tyrant for one of his twisted games.
"He fathered no sons?" you ask, surprised at not finding a son who might threaten your rule. "King Suial ordered his sons to be buried alive after birth," Lana hesitates before continuing, "because he didn't want any competition to his rule." The more you learn of the old tyrant, the more you despise the monster. How can you possibly succeed such a man as king?
Among the slave concubines, a dusky-skinned concubine piques your curiosity, the daughter of a noble family eradicated on Suial's orders. You learn that the old tyrant had ordered a temple of the gods demolished and a new one erected in its place where he would be worshiped as a god. The dusky-skinned concubine's father had protested this blasphemous act and was buried alive for his defiance. Her mother was handed over to the soldiers, to be ravaged endlessly until she died. Her brothers were crucified, and the rest of her family was burned alive, even the babies smothered. She was kept alive only to satisfy the king's perverse lust, forced to worship him as a god.

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You are an enforcer. The year is 2098. Nation states are obsolete and in their place the megacorps hold the highest authority and power. When carrots are not enough, you and your squadmates will be the stick. At the moment you are a Lance Corporal, riding a helicopter with the rest of your squad.
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>Lock the doors, open the windows and try to snipe the possible rioters as they close in on ground
>>Try to secure the ground floor, retreat back into upper floors if situation becomes too hard to handle.
I think either of the "snipe from upper floors" and "fight on ground floor" options is viable for different reasons. Holding the ground floor will protect the assets of the company (the building and stuff and staff inside), and we could treat any wounded when we retreat to the upper floors since we have a medic with us. Cons: we might get overwhelmed.

Sniping from the top floors is good since we've got a sharpshooter with us and it keeps us safe from the mass of the rioters while thinning their number. For cons, we've got less initial area to hold and rioters could wreck the building below us.

Let's go with
>Lock the doors, open the windows and try to snipe the possible rioters as they close in on ground
>>Lock the doors, open the windows and try to snipe the possible rioters as they close in on ground

Situation has changed, there are at least double the hostiles then Head Office anticipated. We might have been able to hold against a hundred odd laid off workers, but a little less then 200 are unknowns, possibly serious opposition. Name of the game is triage, hold what we can.

>Hole up in the fifth and sixthfloor, cut the power from elevators, lock the doors, stay quiet, monitor the situation.

If I understand the tactical situation correctly, I would argue that this is the best way to create a natural choke-point here - with no elevators, the mob will have to ascend the two stairwells, and that would maximize the effectiveness of our riot-control troops.

Our boys can back-up the riot control troops, obviously.

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You are a weirdo, an absolute strange one. After a lightning strike against some magic clay, you were born. You have no name, no goals, and an entire world of poorly illustrated weirdos who each likely have their own schizophrenic wants and needs!

Our story begins on the road where you finally have your ego slip into your new form. No deity claims you, and you don’t know what to do with your hands. In the distance, you see a quaint village bustling with activity. Its inhabitants are just as bizarrely drawn as you, moving in peculiar, jerky motions as if they're part of a child's flip book animation.

Nearby, a crooked sign swings slightly in the wind. It reads 'Welcome to Twisty Hollow.' Just past the sign, a group of creatures, looking like a mix of turnip and human, argue loudly about the best way to grow magical carrots.

As you stand there, trying to make sense of this odd world, a small, scribbly cat with two heads, one smiling and one frowning, approaches you. The smiling head purrs and says cheerfully, 'Hello there! New to these parts? You look like you could use a purpose! The folks around here always need help with something. Maybe helping them will help you find your own path!' The frowning head adds grumpily, 'Or just create more confusion. They're a weird bunch, after all.'

Your hands still feel weird and awkward, but you decide it's time to interact with this strange world. The cat continues, 'If you're looking for something to do, I know a few troubled souls who could use a hand:

>Help the turnip-humans with their magical carrot cultivation problem.
>Assist the local baker, a floating loaf of bread, who seems to be missing some crucial baking ingredients.
>Investigate the mysterious singing coming from the old well on the edge of the village.
>Simply explore the village and see what other odd jobs you might stumble upon.
What will you do?
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I agree with this.

>attempt to use divination to diagnose the problem
We aren't a druid, we have a diverse skillset and the willingness to use it.
Rolled 2, 11, 2 = 15 (3d20)

First 2 are for how clear of a vision, 3rd is what is causing it
OP here, plans have changed unfortunately, I may get around to updating later but no promises, quest is not flaked on I promise just busy
You got this OP.

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Pick race and location
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Big Ma'ma sends out her workers to acquire resources in the swamp! They return to the nest carrying large boulders! With some effort, flint can be chipped away from them!

Resource acquired: Boulders!

Your warriors capture a slime girl. You attempt to interbreed with her but you fail. Your reproductive systems are too different. The slimes just eat a lot and then they duplicate their core and become two slimes. Their breeding patterns seem incompatible with your current reproductive capabilities. Maybe if you evolve your reproductive system first you would be able to breed with slimes.

Year 2

Food: 6/10 (4% pop growth)

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> Improve Culture
Bugmen shall lift boulders the bigger the more food they get.
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You introduce boulder lifting culture with the bugmen! The population begins to become stronger! However, they start eating more and so the food situation degrades slightly.

The slime girl multiplies.

A bunch of orcs show up at our settlement. They kill a few workers and leave. Our warriors track them back to their tribe by scent. The orcs have more warriors than we do.
> Send a gift to the orcs seeking peace
> Launch a raid on the orcs
> Now is not the time

Year 2

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it was year 3 I forgot to change
> Now is not the time

> Improve Food
Expand the fields. Use the Shinanas to clear the weeds.

> Diplomacy/War
Have Big Ma'ma talk with the slime girls and then release them.

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You are Argentinian who sees himself as an Italian but speaks only Spanish.

You are just Argentinian, Otto, forget this Italian stuff your best friend says.
My paternal and maternal bloodlines dare to disagree, Poncho. Methodically, patiently, placidly, contentedly, I have successfully traced them back to Tuscany, you rootless mutt! you have started disliking him since he came out as gay.
Your name is Otto.
Ah, Tuscany! Old country, home...
Your name is Otto, Otto.
My parents saw themselves as Schleswig-Holsteiners but I refuse to bow down to anything non-Italian!

...gay silence...

You are also obsessed with some French hussar that was obsessed with dying at 30. Now you are kind of obsessed with dying at 25, can't let the French win. Your pompousness, swaggering and boastfulness are also your best allies in making that obsession come true. It is the Italian blood in your veins!!!

Currently you are in a gay bar. Not Italian, just an Argentinian gay bar. Poncho, your gay best friend, was adamant of bringing you here. He believes that you are secretly gay too.

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>the same way Mussolini's royal guard came out with rusty rifles at The Inspection of 1939, my affection for you and your gayness has rusted like a their long rifle barrels [strike a pose, roll dice+1d2 for one that is gay or non-gay]
I’m hooked from this opening
Rolled 2 (1d2)

This pose is definitely not gay!

(it's actually super gay)

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