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This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
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Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.

Do not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").

Personal army requests of any form are strictly forbidden.

WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

Are there any Fallout 4 mods that make the gameplay more like 3 and New Vegas?
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There are a few that make the perk and leveling system more like 3 and NV. Forget what they're called, iirc they were made for F4NV.
There is also horizon which makes skill leveling more like Skyrim, but adds more calibers and crafting and lots of other mechanics
>there's a mod that makes the leveling system more like one of the worst leveling systems bethesda has made

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Where does she post now? I lost track of her a couple of years ago, but I keep seeing recent social media and OF posts like picrel
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Deleted a bunch of stuff.
Morons keep giving fake answers


Irrelevant cunts

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Puma VS Dog.
Who would win?
When animals fight, nobody wins. #WolvesforVeganism
not a request
I request opinions you faggot.
>I request opinions
OK, my opinion is that you're a rather lame troll.

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i am not underage, i'm just inept at probability

we have a pin code made up of 4 *distinct* numbers, guessing the first digit has a probability of 1/10, guessing the next should have a probability of 1/9 and so on (because the numbers are distinct), therefore the probability of someone guessing the code by inputting random digits is 1/(10*9*8*7), is this correct?

moreover the probability of someone guessing all digits but not necessarily in the correct position should be the previous probability multiplied by 4! because that's all the possible combinations of the digits one can try, correct?

finally someone guessing at least 2 numbers in the correct position should be (1/(10*9) * (1/8*7)*2!) because it's the probability of guessing 2 digits in 2 correct positions * all possible combinations of the remaining digits, is this correct?
10 replies omitted. Click here to view.

Sorry, I had to split the post up.

n choose k and n permute k are kind of like shortcuts you can use in calculating the size of events. For the third question in your OP, this question is tricky because the position of the two correct digits aren't specified. However, it's easy to reason that if I give you two correct digits and their positions, then there are 8*7 (8 permute 2) possible passcodes. Note that we use the permute operation because the position of the digits matter (1 X 2 X is not the same as 2 X 1 X). So now all we need to know is the number of possibilities for what the positions of the correct digits are. Naively, we might guess 4*3 (4 permute 2), reasoning that there are 4 possible positions for the first correct digit and 3 for the second. But first correct digit and second correct digit are completely arbitrary, as this adds an order to a situation where one doesn't exist, so we should divide by 4!, which gives 4 choose 2. The size of this event is thus 4 choose 2 * 8 permute 2. This might be super redundant, but a lot of people use this terminology, which could help when looking at other people's explanations.

Also, I realized this example is kind of misleading. The event "the color of the two balls I drew are different" is a situation where the fact that the order doesnt matter actually increases the size of the event, because the different orderings are individual elements of this event (this is called undercounting). In the passcode scenario, it's not valid to consider first and second digits are correct as distinct from second and first digits are correct. This is why 4*3 would not give the correct answer (we overcounted the number of possibilities by using 4 permute 2).
where do 24 and 365 come from?
i'm still having a bit of trouble understanding, like i understand where you say given 2 correct digits there are 8*7 possibilities left, but i dont get where the 4*3 comes from (im ESL so i may have just misunderstood what you mean)
my professor does write all the events in a rather verbose way in assignments so maybe if i do that it will help me think about problems the correct way
i will try some easy excercises and work my way up to harder ones, thank you for the explanations
>where do 24 and 365 come from?
24 is 4! which gives the same answer as in your op. Also, I’m not entirely confident in my own answer, but 365 = 5*73, so I think that anon is just mistaken.

A correct digit can be in the first, second, third, or fourth position. Once we fix the position of the first correct digit, this leaves three remaining positions for the second correct digit. Then we have to divide by 2! so we dont overcount.

I’m not exactly a master at this stuff, so I hope my explanations gave some help, good luck in your class.
Oops, I realized there’s a mistake in my answer to the third problem, here’s why.

Let’s say I guess the correct passcode, then all of the digits are correct. My method of counting considers cases where the first and second digits are correct, the first and third digits are correct, and so on. But the correct passcode fits all of these cases, so I have overcounted the number of passcodes in my event. So the correct approach would involve splitting this event into specific cases, exactly four digits are correct, exactly three digits are correct, and exactly two digits are correct.
this makes my brain hurt, the professor isnt even good at explaining either
and this is supposed to be one of the easier assignments, well i will look up some problems with an attached explanation
thanks for your time

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You know the type. You say something they don't like and they dig through your likes and followers to prove you're a hypocritical faggot even if they have to twist it. I don't post outrageous political statements and I don't go insane over lolis either way. How do I avoid and handle these people?
2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
log off, avoid any interaction
>handle these people?
U mad bro?
>Any response
Yeah u mad
So what? You can always ignore anyone, specially online
stop getting in twitter fights like a retard?
just block them if their replies are hurting your feelings and you don't wanna talk to them

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Who's this girl supposed to represent? I swear I've seen here somewhere
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What's the full image?
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at 58:15 and 59:05
Since you saw her here, is it possible that she could be /s4s/-tan?
Thanks for the reply anon, but I don't think it's her.

If you look at the other characters in the full image, they are all much closer to their original versions.

I'd say it's closer to a stylized Chiyo Mihama than to s4s-tan.

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>A Contemporary in Dissent: Johann Georg Hamann as Radical Enlightener
>By Oswald Bayer
>In English
Any format is fine but PDF or DJVU is preferred.

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I have a pair of WF 1000XM4 earbuds from Sony and over time, the sound has become more and more muted, and now I have my PC cranked all the way to 100 and I can barely hear anything out of them. I’ve tried everything. Initializing, resetting using the charging case, I switched the ear tips, I cleaned the ear tips to make sure there was no wax, I’m at a loss. Sony troubleshooting and Reddit couldn’t help me. Any ideas?

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Is there a site/service with high-effort wallpapers without watermarks, low resolution, wrong dimensions, etc? Wallpaper packs are good but they give you random images. I want something more specific
how can i search images by aspect ratio on palanq.win?
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Unsplash has a good amount of pictures for free, including wallpapers.
Also has plenty of pictures, but mostly focused on stock footage.
NTA but for this you kinda have to do it manually by searching for the width of the landscape image you want. IE 1920 for 1080p or 2160 for 4k etc

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A Japanese artist sawaratsuki1004 has been making cute logos for programming languages and tech services, and the logos were freely available on GitHub.
Repo (now 404): https://github.com/SAWARATSUKI/ServiceLogos
Artist's Twitter: https://twitter.com/sawaratsuki1004

I wanted to download the latest repo, but it looks like it's gotten nuked. There has been no communication about this, only a few people mentioned it on twitter.

Does anyone have the latest backup of the repo or all the logos in full res? It would be best if you could also include when the backup was taken.
I found this tweet, and it looks like it's because he kept changing the licenses of the logos in the repo: https://twitter.com/sawaratsuki1004/status/1786039573463884275

I'm skeptical as to whether or not all the logos will be available if(!) he ever uploads them again, so if anyone has them, please upload them.
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I found a repo which has data from 3 days ago (2024-05-01), so it includes stuff like the new PHP logo: https://github.com/ryohidaka/ServiceLogos
I don't know if this is the most up to date one, but apparently Github is cancer and it seems impossible to search for forks of a deleted repo (at least I couldn't find a way).

Can't archive it ono archive.org right not because it's down.
Mirror: https://files.catbox.moe/c3kfm0.zip

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I deleted important shit including this one. I really need this one back to study for this and whoever gave me just won't answer.

Please. My test is in one month from now.
Starting point is possibly here https://www.examcollection.com/
Tell us WHAT the exam is for and we might be able to dig deeper, probably somewhere else.
This kind of suff usually isn't indexed by most search engines, so you have to search on many websites the hard way.
This might be a better starting point:
>not https
>in the year 2024
The file is 200-301 200-301.examsforall.premium.exam.275q

And it's for the CCNA test. 200 - 301
Did ya find it?
I think this might be it. But I didn't know it was pay for.


Doesn't anyone here have one already??

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could you please edit out the orange haired girl. thank you
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amazing!!! thank you anons!!!

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Please color the image of the character on the right to look like the image on the left. The blues, and purples, and such. She's supposed to be made of lightning!
I'll post the image to color below!
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Requesting shadowy penis edit
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