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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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>greatest total war game
>is not even a full total war
>is a dollar store dlc…
>with half the factions
>and a quarter of the units
>and no rome
>and a fraction of the map
I don’t get it, why do people love age of Charlemagne so much?
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What are you rambling about? I have heard some people talk about it as one of the best *dlcs*. Because that's what it is supposed to be, like all the other campaign dlcs. Still not the best even among them however.
i agree, my attilla campaign ended in the same way. after finally stabilizing as the ere and kicking the sassanids' and the huns' asses it would have been fun to go on to fight some strong faction in europe but half the map was razed and there weren't any real powers left. but i was able to get more hours and a more satisfying campaign in attilla than age of charlamagne so it didn't bother me as much.

i didn't mention razed settlements for age of charlamagne because i wasn't as sure if it was just minor factions there or if everything was razed as well, don't have as much memory of it
because weebmuts only know 2 historical setting, medieval and japan
attila is usually considered the best TW atleast mechanically
nobody's heard of atilla the hun in america
Attila has too many bad mechanics inherited from Rome 2, the last Total War game that was mechanically decent was Shogun 2. The main thing Attila did right was the atmosphere.

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Post your favorite units from any strategy game.
For me it's the Scylla from AoM
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What's that? Your perfect army of 10 sorcerers is coming to get me?
Let me get some drunk peasants with glass swords, see how your magics fail you.
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I'm a simple man
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strong bow supremacy
Honestly all the Baneblades from Ultimate Apocalypse are good, but this one just legendary
W2/W3 gryphon riders.
I just think the idea for them is neat.

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Shame it never got better than the original game.

Who cares
Thea was great, I'd rather they work on original games instead of creating dogshit remakes for games that didn't need one.

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Athens playthrough is fun so far, but unstable as all hell. Everyone always hates whoever is the ruler, and threaten civil wars perpetually. Conversely, I managed to take 1/4th of Greece in a fluke war where I decc'd Macedon just to pick up one province, only to discover their armies were already devastated. So I ended up picking up about 13 provinces and becoming a regional power. Now I just need to take overcome a defensive league and Argos/Sparta before Rome gets here.

I have never, in any playthrough, seen Rome collapse. Modded?
I'd kill to have a EU4/Imperator claims system in CK2 as it stands, love the game but the CBs are annoying and sometimes nonsensical
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I somehow managed to win as Athens, fighting off a civil war AND an Antigonid invasion at the same time, with a 0 Martial democrat as a ruler. I guess this means I am somehow good at the game now. Should I keep Athens democratic, or shift to kingdom-mode? I'm more familiar with kingdom mechanics, republics are chaotic.

You actually can in limited circumstances. I think if you become the head of the Norse religion you can do whole regions in declared holy wars. I think you can do the same with Catholic regimes as well under specific circumstances.
You can move it
My top strategy to counter Rome was to win them over water, then cripple their economy sacking Latium, Tuscia and Campania until they were fuming mountains of ruins and bodies with quick raids and force Rome to move legions all around their lands by attacking in places far from each other. It's hard to do so if you border with them though, they can really fuck you up fast.

Alright guys, yearly convening of the lords and masters of the HOI4 Illuminati. Time to make some modder losers piss their nerdy pants by leaking their slop filled gits - if you are on a mod team it’s time to start leaking files and shit for us to enjoy.

Targets of the night are the fire rises and eternal gold dawn.

Get ready for some hearty keks and time to start Jamin’!
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>yet another HoI4 thread
praise kek

File deleted.
Keep the leaks coming.
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>9/2 Spam
>Warrior Caste
>Strike The Arteries
>Do not attack any non-unifier
>Kill Vyatka while they are at war with Komi/WRRF
>Rite of Ascension asap get linefillers incase Samara attacks
>Kill Komi and/or the WRRF by snaking
>Let Samara walk into noncored territory while you push and take their VPs
Tbqh there's a bit more RNG than I'd like but that was my general strategy. If Samara puts you into a two front war you might wanna load a save/restart depending on your abilities but 9/2s should have enough pushing power.
How old is that leak by the way? Two years now?
It's from around september last year.
Just smoke and mirrors btw, a tree without effects based on the Git leaks from a while back. They do this a lot (not a TNO-exclusive problem admittedly) where they invent a fancy tree with flashy names and then bolt on effects later. That is, if it doesn't get reworked. The Jeckeln rework leak from years ago is a good example. It was a chart with a hundred focus names but nothing came of it and it was scrapped later for Ostland's tenth rework and that one didn't even get a toozer I think.
gender doesnt exist, your interests and personalities are your own, and there isnt a need to invent anything to onstrict yourself or others into some stereotype.
>Just smoke and mirrors btw, a tree without effects based on the Git leaks from a while back
This wasn't on the git leaks.

No other game actively insults the player for trying to play 50% of factions the way this piece of shit did.

Everything from units, economy and abilities were hilariously skewed in the "good" guys favor.
There's nothing to offset the imbalance either.
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Never played that one. In what way could it be worse?
Let's recap some of the crimes of the first one
>evil factions do not have walls for their base even though they're always depicted with fuck hueg black walls in the movies
>good guy cav instant kills any infantry it touches, evil cav cannot do this
>arrow fire is the best way to kill anything in game, and renders 50% of the roster of the bad guys unplayable, mainly expensive monsters and heroes
>majority of the "fear" abilities are useless and do not work correctly
>mega op skills that are unlocked through winning fights are somehow set to be double the cost for "evil" factions, while plainly being worse

Basically it's an extremely shit game I had the bad luck to play as a child but thinking back it was clearly made for retards, by retards
the set pieces in the campaign are fun but yeah this game is completely broken in terms of balance.
>try and spam cheap cannon fodder units as evil to overwhelm the enemy
>also makes them unlock OP powers quicker
>also levels their op as fuck heroes while you get... ringwraiths that end up getting a dragon that instantly dies to archer fire
>but they get a scream that kills morale
>the Nazgûl scream does nothing and doesn't prevent archer fire
Yeah but you get a super sick balrog at the end tho! Shame it gets killed by le ghost army and also archers kill it all the same.
You are supposed to play the second game + the Edain Mod..

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Since there isn't a thread up
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>implying arnold was human
I just don't remember people mentioning modders this much few years ago. These past few threads I seen anons posting modder misdeeds, obsessing over people like nia, obsessing over discord and trannies, and some other stuff that's related.

I was hoping more from Starsector after a few years, but the big additions seems to be the abyss, few new quest, some new ships, and some changes in hyperspace. Otherwise seems to be the same game. I don't think Alex is lazy, but he doesn't seem to have his priorities straight with all these balance changes to ships and skills. At least some QoL changes are finally coming, maybe I'll see the game completed in another few years.
Probably a consequence of stagnation.
Well the main aspect of flying your ship around, buying, selling and fighting is already pretty much set. Not sure exactly what they could add to that beyond more ships, more types of contracts, more weapons, etc.
So the main focus for a while has been on colonies and rebalance.
some of them were obviously getting off on it - and similarly some of the rapesector users were as well

the whole thing is extremely gay

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Does the singleplayer campaign still hold up after all these years? I just realized I have RoC+TFT discs from more than 15 years ago yet haven't played the game except for a few matches at an internet cafe.
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I needed 6 shades to stop him but damn it worked. blocking them + taking down the blood elves first really helped out
best tavern heroes?
All of them except for Firelord are good, hell, even he has his uses.
Explaining them all would take ages, just watch Grubby's video tier list for Heroes.
TLDR: pick Panda if you need a frontliner, Sylvanas if you need utility, Naga if you need to delete a hero and Beastmaster if you need bodies in the field pronto.
>on hellscreams 15k lumber mission
>wiped out most of the elves and if i go any further the mission will complete
>14k lumber and have access to 3 or 4 goldmines
>start executing some units
>train peons
>start building walls of watchtowers around remaining elf bases
>down to 9k lumber
>not enough
>start building more watchtowers in randomass spots
>5k lumber
>take out the elves
>11k lumber
>more goldmines
>start building even more watchtowers

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So what's the best way to play the campaigns? Is Reforged fixed yet?

Any plans for a new playthrough when the DLC drops, anon? Aside from the wet fart that is the endgame crisis, 7.0 beta is pretty good. For me, I've been wanting to do a custom Eleventh Hour start where I try to ally with the Split and form a separatist Argon faction. So I think I'll finally do that.
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Straight up mine raw resources and when you automate that kit out a ship with marines and do fly by boardings. Sell stolen ships and their parts and repeat.
Oh and there are some mods that rebalance bounties etc so you can make some money off that as well. Think chillmatica or deadair mod for that.
If you run the beta disable tides of avarice. I did that and it fixes the issues like miners breaking. I would say between the performance enhancement in 7.0 and built in TAA it's worth it.
I have a set of self-sufficient factories that make all the Terran stuff and another that makes all the Commonwealth stuff, they just don't make enough money, I need like 1.2 billion just for the XL Terran fab and Asgard blueprints.
Is boarding really that good? I've done the fly by method a few times for missions but it took like 20-30 minutes per ship so I kind of wrote it off once I started spamming those +50% ship value missions with my entire cash stack invested.

The plan is to "finish" this mostly vanilla save by wiping out the Xenon with a fleet of Asgards and then start another heavily modded save once 7.0 comes out and all the big mods are updated
Nice. Think you've done everything. Boarding isn't as good as it used to be due to ship selling nerfs. I usually due custom starts and make everyone hate each other so the war economy is okay. That's the only slowdown in vanilla or modded is if it's too peaceful nothing gets blown up. Not sure how you could fold in more credit gen with your setup in a major way. That one deadair mod lets you see resources across factions which is handy though.

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Very true.
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Assimilation more complex than "pops turn into your culture" confirmed?
Please someone needfully confirm if the Aryan nations of Prussia and Bharat will be playable sirs?!
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dominions bread
hopes/dreams/fears for dominions 6?
total list of known (so far) changes in 6: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2511500/discussions/0/3807281445020039925/
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damn normal ai has hands
Keeping fire gems for next game I guess
Master of Magic kinda if we follow >>1734831 line of thinking.
Press d
Hold down +
If the bad men are really strong, script mages to cast 'summon fire/air elemental'
There ya go, you're undefeatable+

Age of Empires 2
Why is black forest even on the 1v1 map pool, delete arena if that's going to be a thing
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You can get away with that at low elo
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Putting an annoying Khmer in his place
Hot shit until he gets all his elephants flattened
You now remember the Inca blacksmith feudal rush
Good riddance
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I don't remember nothing, because I play singleplayer campaigns only.

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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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Also cant you use the admiral outfit and a battleflag to restore TUs? That still exists last I remember
Umm no you won't steal my waifu Rabid Corpse's virginity!
You can, but you really probably shouldn't for obvious reasons. Energy is needed to CQC an adjacent enemy trying to shoot you; if you don't have the energy, they'll automatically succeed in shooting you point blank. And the evasion modifier counts for both dodging melee attacks as well as dodging enemy ranged attacks in CQC.

see >>1746741
Battleflag (as well as battlepipes and the astrocaster) got changed after Gentle Push and the Lokk Commissar were introduced.
>You can send hot babes to tank chryssalids in chainmail+shield?????!??
Don't do this. She MIGHT survive, but it's not the kind of gamble you want to take.
>More of an RPG thing but why not have a damage type that specifically disables enemy units either reducing their stats or TUs or something. I have no idea what kind of pain in the ass it would be to implement status effects into an XCOM game or if it would fit or play good either.
Do the stun rod/freeze bomb type weapons that knock things out in the base games not exist in openxcom?

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