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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vmg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Temesia edition
(what team setup is good for her?)
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>Insult chinks with this post >>1464052
>proceed to do a new multi and get 2 off-pity S heroes
>the exact 2 i needed for M+ (Smokey and Eironn)
I love our yellow overlords, I hope they conquer the West
>copy off M+ Odie
>four (4) dust off from being able to buy it in the shop
holy fuck stop edging me, I'm still one copy off M+ Cecia, Thoran and Smokey too
Guys you have to fucking use your diamonds. This is not a "save for the OP banner" game, it's a "get as many dupes as possible as early as possible" because you want to climb AFK stages to level up your heroes faster, and ascend them to climb dream realm and arena as quick as possible.
Every day you stay in a shit rank saving your gems for next month it's a day in which you gain shit rewards and everyone else widens the gap between them and (You).
Then you finally spend 100k gems to max that one OP limited unit and guess what, your account is still shit.
Set up your wishlist, spend your fucking gems in the all hero banner (multis only), and buy odie and marilee dupes from the store.
You're right. I'm not even necessarily sure what the correct thing to do with diamonds is anyway.
On the topic of diamonds, how much of a brick is it to spend some on the daily discounted acorns?
Don't. You'd get a bunch from Legend Trials and Epic recruitment pulls.

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What are you favorites point and click for android guys.
Agent A is pretty good
Whispers of a Machine was good too. Gemini Rue
you posted it, broken sword is my favorite point and click series period. I think the directors cut of the second one is on android as well
There are two I played with the play pass which I loved but I don't remember the names. One was futuristic (the plot iirc was around a cloned baby, the name was Nordic) and the other horror in which you play as a Gothic girl whose friend is a Christian girl.
I love the Chzo Mythos series but you probably have to run it through ScummVM.

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Did you summon for Mythic Loki?
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Would've preferred a Lapis, honestly.
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Still my favorite lance unit, though he needs an update to his kit
Dunno if she's from 2017 but believe me, NO ONE comes close anyways
at least link to the previous thread, faggot
When has that ever been a thing here

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Tick tock, genkeks. Basically a month left until the new open-world gacha will take you out of the conversation.
>Superior combat
>Superior endgame
>Superior multiplayer
>Skip button that respects your time
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Clearly only one of your braincells still functions.

I stated that I wanted the female characters to be meta so I'm not forced to roll for males to have fun, not the amount of characters in the game.
I'm more concerned about you coming here specifically to ogle the homos bro...
heh, you're the idiot for even thinging i have braincells there
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>cleavages are barely visible
>cunny wearing granny panties
>not a single girl in skin tight bodysuit
>no focus on shapes, curves and proportions whatsoever
>overdetailed with useless visual clutter
You either a femcel or a trannyfaggot if you think that this cast has any potential to attract straight men. Unironically kill yourself
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Homo rage virus lolmao

Nikke thread.
My daughterfu finally got some love.
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where do people go to meet egg shaped women? where do they hangout?
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1% easily secured
Why do you enjoy watching females being touched by other males
>10 tickets in the mail
>another dead multi
Im gonna have to use vouchers to get Crown, huh
You can keep your avatar you know.

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Official Website:



Livestream Tuesday, AS Yakumo and $A Bertrand incoming.
Previous Thread
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Probably Part 2 of the main story (which would be the Eastern arc) compared to part 3, the Hollow Arc.
In my opinion nothing has beaten the Western Mythos.
The Western Mythos was the best because they were willing to take their time with it. They had 10 chapters, which was long enough to give all of the characters time to shine, and plenty of time to let the plot roll out. It also gave the players enough time to make many of the locations (like Winged folk town, Atlantica, the Church) memorable. Future Mythos was just too rushed. It only had 7 chapters and just felt like they were throwing plot and characters at you as fast as they could. I think if it'd had another 3 chapters to help pad things out it would have ended up being more enjoyable.

Funny enough, I feel like AE tends to excel at the smaller individual Episodes rather than longer storylines. When the stories are short they tend to be fun. When they try to write longer storylines, they tend to fall apart because they don't pace themselves well. They need to either stick to shorter Episode length stories, or give themselves a lot more room like they did with the Western Mythos. Apocrypha ended up being a close second to the Western Mythos for me. It benefited from being composed of a bunch of individual Episodes, which were all solid.
Should I just break down all my weapon-specific resistance grastas? I farmed up the weaker grastas, and the enhanced versions say they're applicable to the entire party. Since I can put those on backrow characters like Uquaji, the rest can just be broken down to clean up my inventory, right?
Nah keep em for superbosses. You will be glad you did.
IDA School saga

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Good Morning, CRGietnam! Hope you're up bright and early for a thread full of various Cookie Run Games! You've got questions, we've got answers! Be there or be square!

>Meet Sneedball Cookie - here to crack your most precious items like Handball 17!
>Time Relic Chaos - enjoy your yearly TBD CBT!
>Tough Cookie returns! Are you the strongest?
>Doughnut Ball Technical License - Come on, it's just a little jumping!
>Splashing Festival - Do literally everything for exactly 1k Rainbow Cubes!
>Treasure Mastery - Time Weaver Scissors - Snibbidy Snab!
>New Legendary Treasure - Hourglass of Asternus Tempora - No more, please!
>Meet Marble bread Cookie soon!
>Meet Caramel Choux Cookie and Street Urchin Cookie in the Town Square!
>Visit the Cuckoo Town Square - Tons of events and a gathering place it's practically a 12 hour job!
>Caramel Choux and Street Urchin Town Square Tour to obtain rewards by completing missions in the Town Square!

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Hopefully it doesn't become either a convoluted system or something that is akin to a non-repeatable limited event! Too much artificial scarcity is one hell of a fomo, takes me back to being grateful to just nab the Sonic, the Disney, and the BTS lads in Kingdom, since they're not gonna reappear ever. Also noticed the audios for the crossover-exclusive structures stopped playing their audio, like with Disney's leitmotifs of their princesses, and the BTS music. Anyways, mighty glad those are optional content, and the last Town Square update, none of the Sonic, Disney, and BTS are available as avatars at all
Burst Abyss is just hard to land, forcing players to have just enough damage to not kill blobs is tiring...
in all honesty, abyss should be a giant fucking hp shield and injury thing
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Yep, quite a hassle to max him now, wished I got the mean grind on during the guild token days (maxed out only longan dragon and lychee dragon out of all the dragon cookies) They're quite a mean gem sink, heh. At least the storymode update got purple yam cookie as choice playables. The legendary sword pet I got for pitaya dragon is just at a meek level 2 so far
where is his wings
These threads are just full of coomers and hyperfags, people will respond to your questions and discuss the games, just don't expect high quality posting when there's a female Cookie.

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The wait for SF Shadow's killing me, I need to roll my meager 28k crystals
this but 2.8k
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The fuck
I guess the next set of arma units is going to be the HIGHEST forms
RIP to anyone still waiting for a regular character arma unit
The pattern has failed. No new shadow. Hope they at least rerun green, I still need his weapon.

> be me 2017, 16M
> several woman friends (they all friendzoned me unanimously, but I receive hugs)
> I love Clash Royale, but need something more relaxing and without emoji spamming whores
> evolution games are popular, but getting bored
> I browse the play store and find a niche evolution game that's not like the other dumb entries, called Alien Evolution (pic related)
> love.png
> I grind the fuck out of this shit
> The game has horrible ads spamming the top of the phone, and intrusive ads promoting other games from the publisher
> Intrusive microtransactions all over the place
> I have to eat ads like russians eat bullets, in exchange the game gives me more humans to feed my beast and nuclear waste
> The apk crashes constantly and, every 1 to 2 minutes, I have to let my mobile rest, otherwise it burns so much that I cannot touch it
> The apk won't even open sometimes.jpeg
> Yet this was the best game I've ever played, period.

> Be me, 2024

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because evolution games are the best phone games
So, were you able to find an apk file for the game? Or is it lost to time now?
for op
btw you can play this offline
is there anything like clash royal but without the pay for this and that?

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The New Year's event story's Epilogue is now available! Clearing it will unlock this event's Special Bonus Quests!
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We need MORE fat boyfriends in vidya games.
I know Willie was released earlier than usual, was that also the case for toilet demon?
is there even one? a hot one I mean
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Alts when

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A train of thought that popped up and I've been mulling about in my head, and wanted to see what you guys think. Don't tell me to take my fucking meds, I'll do that later, just hear me out for a minute.

We all know waifu and husbando collection games both have their own group of whales. I'm talking the hardcore paypig kind. The ones that can shell out enough money to pay for all the operating costs all by themselves. Those kinds of whales. They play their respective waifu/husbando games, because it ONLY has women or men, and will refuse to touch any game that has the opposite. Obviously you can't wring money out of both these groups at once, so all gachas that do target these whales will pick a lane and stay in it. Arknights and Genshin have both genders and big whales, but they don't attract the ones I mentioned earlier.

So what if you decided that you'll be the first to double dip and snag both parties, well how would you do that? You can't go with Granblue's "everyone is protagonist-sexual" philosophy, because these whales will run away at the mere notion of the same gender being in the gacha pool. Or will they?

Now, I can't put myself into the head of one of these whales to really see things from their point of view, so from this point forward will likely just be me schizoposting into the void.
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make a gacha where NPCs are all the important dudes in the grand scheme
and the only ones you can roll for are all literal whos by comparison
wait a minute that's arknights
a successful game like that could have a very interesting media presence and fanbase interactions
Sauce for pix?
>Of course, there's always the chance that the whales we've been targeting this entire time take one look at the game, see a man/woman in it, and are immediately turned off without looking into it. In this case, the gacha has already failed to do what it was set out to do.
>the chance
it's 100% of the time for anyone worth targeting
if blue archive falls to the male plague you can kiss goodbye the entire whale audience
lately there's been too many retcons and story addons that add non selfinsert relationships in the story
AI chatbots are the future and nexon is already investing
A game where all characters are crossdressing shota. Should it work for both whales.
For those who want a real husband... if you pay enough you can make your hero not to cd.
For thos who want a real waifu... if you pay enough you can make your hero to grow tits and/or cut his dick.

No need to thank me.

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Welcome to my thread, here we recommend games that follow some of these crtieria
>no ads
>no energy system
>no microtranscactions
>no online requirement
>no gachashit

Tower defense
>PvZ 2 Eclise / Grind Thousand
>Infinitode 2

>Phantom Rose
>Night Of The Full Moon

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recommending Harvest 101, small pve deckbuilder. it's not as replayable as other card games because it's level based and not run based, but fun nonetheless. Though there's paid stuff and ads they are both unobtrusive and not needed to complete the game so I reckon it fits the thread's theme
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Any good ecchi /lewd games that are actually fun?
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I had a LOT of fun with Insexsity, but you can fuck it up if you miss certain event at certain time, and some other bugs.
Although I played this some years ago, idk if it got some fixes, might replay it again but more recommendations for games like this would be sick.
Are you looking for outright porn games that are actual games or just suggestive ones?
Either one. Mostly something that is fun and the girls are hot AF. I played a couple recently like "hero by chance" "beautiful mystic defenders" etc that have an actual game to them.

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Christmas events, draws, and 2x CP are currently live. Warzone is coming soon™
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Here is the new Lucky drop.
I dont know what Path to nowhere is. But its Chink only?
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>Garena is getting another collab after GFL
>Console duty datamine shows they're getting a fallout and motherfucking Gundam collab
>global has gotten dog shit after the GitS collab
This game makes a shit load of money we could use some global love
>This week tourney is to choose between big head blizzard or tpp isolated Blitz
Fucking kill me

Garena is mostly South East Asia, but China is probably also going to get the collaboration.

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So how is the mega mooth event going for you jp players, do you think you will be able to beat it before it ends ?

game is battle cats btw
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is this bcen only?
>Now to plan out my ToS/GalGal/Dhono pulls
Which GalGal should I leave for later?
you'll probably want at least himeyuri for the combo, she's also a pretty good cc unit too. out of ruri and deale, I'd go with ruri but that's just me
Is Breakerblast the best cat base for general use?
>I'd go with ruri but that's just me
She seems like an Uber Roe Cat, but I'm drawn to guaranteed CC units over those with just "a chance" to proc.
So it'll look like this:
>Guaranteed multipull on 1A, get Ruri
>Get Himeyuri from 11B
>Swap to ToS banner
>Get Daji from 16B
>Trackswap on 18B to 20A
>Wait until Ebinfest
>Get Dhono on 28A
>Too bad the fest-only Uber at 27 is a dupe Tengu
>Swap to ToS banner again
>Grab RR Mollyanna on 33A
I'll need to farm XP something fierce, I'm down to a few million after I hit max before Miku.

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