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America has globally, objectively low commute times. And generally the more public transit usage and walking there is the longer the commute.
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Chris Christie, a republican, is the one who likes to close roads at random for political reasons.
>Amsterdam has over 50% social housing
At what point does it become apparent that the government is controlling supply because they no longer want Amsterdam to grow? The Dutch government seems perfectly happy keeping Amsterdam as some weird tourist attraction instead of a dominant city like London, Paris, or Berlin.
Trains moving workers in is just the most economical way of keeping the city functional with workers, it's artificial demand created by regressive zoning that prohibits normal growth.
>At what point does it become apparent that the government is controlling supply
Depends, what level of government has overall control over land use in the city? Is it the city itself, a regional level, or national level? Because if it's at the city level, it could easily be the incumbent residents lobbying the city government to keep the status quo, same as most US cities. If land use is legislated at a higher level, you could be right.

>a dominant city like London
I wouldn't include London in that list. Worse housing crisis than San Francisco but with none of the USA's stronger COVID recovery. London is important because of NATO and the post-WWII international situation, not because of anything the city itself did right in terms of housing and land use. The UK overall is just a bigger dumpster fire every year.

>it's artificial demand created by regressive zoning that prohibits normal growth.
Trains (and also bicycles for people closer to their jobs) would still be the most efficient way to move people over longer distances even if Amsterdam and every neighboring city suddenly built Tokyo-style.
buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
If Amsterdam had to rely on cars instead of trains to funnel the amount of commuting workers, it would quickly quadruple the Netherland's need for oil and refined oil products, and would make the Dutch balance of accounts completely collapse.
The same thing happens in Japan and Korea. Small, rich countries will always pick transportation and electricity which is not dependent on oil so they can lower needs to import.

What are some cities with both good highway/road infrastructure AND good mass transit systems?
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your having a laugh
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>slow, expensive, and low capacity
this describes any busy highway
>transit unable to meet the demand of the area
based on what, the meme of pushing people into overcrowded trains? the worst line in that regard was the yamanote line in the 90s, at 250% capacity. it's now at max 150% due to opening parallel routes.
>Bicycle infrastructure is largely unnecessary
it really isn't, it might seem that way if you're used to worse standards but good infra makes a huge difference to the amount of people riding bikes and their comfort/safety.
>this describes any busy highway
Tokyo highways have ridiculously low speed limits for a "highway" in many places. Other places in the world have untolled highways. Different highways certainly have different capacities.
>based on what, the meme of pushing people into overcrowded trains? the worst line in that regard was the yamanote line in the 90s, at 250% capacity. it's now at max 150% due to opening parallel routes.
Unless you're referring to the Ueno-Tokyo line connection or the Fukutoshin metro, no, there haven't been any parallel routes built.
Tozai, Chuo Sobu, Sobu, Saikyo, Yokosuka, Chuo, Tokaido, Tokyu, Seibu lines are still quite bad. Getting from Chiba to Tokyo in the morning is not fun.
>this describes any busy highway
Tokyo's highways are all tolled and are only two lanes in each direction. For a major world city, two lanes in each direction is literally third-world tier. In most of America, even in urban areas, the freeways are 65-75 mph during non-rush hour (and assuming no big wrecks or events).
Anywhere in Italy.

the mustached man edition

Read this:

Old >>199235
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thanks. I unseized mine just a while ago with hot water. I want to ride early this morning but I don't have grease lying around. Surely it won't stick right away or should I use chain lube or something?
just make sure it's all cleaned up. you'll be fine for a ride for sure.
bike fit advice trying to recitfy a singly symptom can very often have greater negative impact somewhere else along the chain.
What type of bicycle is it or if you know, thats the current tread width ? Do your knees either track in towards the top tube or out at the top of the stroke ? Since youre on flats (with no retention !?) where do you instinctively place your foot to contact the pedal, which oart of the foot feels 'right' to you to oush through ?
Also try different shoes.
I live in the alpine area. It's definately 'hilly'. I run 48/17 most of the time and my daily commute is 32 km one way. And I'm not the only one in the area running fixed most of the time.
Anons who think hilly areas and fixed don't match probably shy away from all sorts of challenges, have no ass and no quads.
You can always get a lower ratio if you're not fit. This will not only enable you to climb steeper at acceptable cadence it will also enable you to descend steeper inclines without relying on brakes.
Fixed gear bikes are no different from other bikes, if any a bit simpler. As such you won't have quality issues if you get a reputable brand bike.
Do make sure to run a front brake. One day you'll just be too exhausted to skid after giving it the beans or something and choose to just wing it et voila. First completely avoidable crash.
Is this a copypasta? I can't believe you haven't utterly destroyed your knees and joints. I don't know which alps you are talking about, but there cities are usually in the valley and the flattest you could find. I live in a hilly area where cities are really on hills, and I ride normal modern bikes. I lived in super flat cities, used fixed and 3 speeds and hated it.
So don't listen to this man from 20 years ago. Choose freedom, choose gears.

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Why does this keep happening?
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Those clowns over in ATC need a refresher course on Vitaly Kaloyev.
>i guess i would too, you guys are hot shit.
Thank you for kneeling, subject.
Swiss does transatlantic flights with A220? Quality fucking journalism.
But seriously does JFK lack a Runway Awareness and Advisory System (RAAS) or are they just dealing with high ATC turnover?

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Post some cool /n/ webms you have
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hilarious. source?
Riding a fixie you deserve it
Its obviously the cyclists fault you biased retard. Share the road
It's not a webm but it's still cool


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If you want help picking out a bike, post your height, what you will use the bike for, and a link to your local craigslist.

>I want to buy a new bike. What should I watch out for?
Don't buy Wal-Mart garbage.
Don't buy department store garbage.
Beware of amazon and alibaba garbage.

>Should I buy from Bikes Direct?
If you are clueless enough that you need to ask, no. If you have no mechanical ability, no. If the alternative is walmart, maybe. Ask first.

>I want to buy a used bike. What should I watch out for and where should I buy?

Craigslist is good for old bikes. Pinkbike.com/buysell is good for used modern mid- to high- end mountain bikes.
Ask in /bbg/ if uncertain.

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something from decathlon
>full carbon gravel bike frame for $500 from chinks
>Barely any reviews
Am I investing for a huge hospital bill or are they decent enough to get?
I’ve heard that the low grade stuff has very poor quality workmanship. It’s carbon, don’t risk your death.
You're right. Found some guy on leddit and it cracked open like glass.
I've been looking for a perfect all-year multipurpose dropbar bike that fits for a long time and my local shop has this superior x-road elite gr.


The geometry is super comfortable, but it doesn't seem like a do-it-all bike. Max tire width is 40mm and no full fender or rack. mounts

Any thoughts? should I keep looking?

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This thread is for talking about railways, and things related to railways, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Trips, tracks, tickets, trains and stations, they're all good - making up rules is boring so let's just be normal. Questions are, of course, most welcome.

If you feel like travelling, head over to National Rail Enquiries (nationalrail.co.uk/); tell it where you're leaving from and where you're going to, and it'll tell you how you're going to get there; then it'll hand you over to a train operator to buy a ticket. The golden rule is that it doesn't matter which train operator you buy a ticket from, as they'll all sell you a ticket from anywhere to anywhere, for the same price. If you're a visitor from overseas, your best option is probably Trainline (thetrainline.com/) - they charge a booking fee on top of the ticket price, but they'll accept just about any payment card. There's also trip.com/, who are apparently a 'thing' with overseas students: I've not used these myself, so please speak up with any thoughts.

Here's a few links:
~The Man in Seat 61 (seat61.com/) - easily the best rail travel resource out there.
~Geoff Marshall (youtube.com/@geofftech2) - Likes trains. Mostly harmless.
~A Visual History of Railway Rolling Stock in Great Britain (gaelan.me/br-stock/)
~Realtimetrains (realtimetrains.co.uk/) - live train timetables: ideal for keeping on top of ETAs and platforms.
~TIGER (tiger.worldline.global/home/) - live station departure boards.
~Traksy (traksy.uk/live/) - live signalling information.
~Openrailwaymap (openrailwaymap.org/) - railway infrastructure, mapped.

What's happening?
~Phase One of High Speed 2 (Birmingham-London): hs2.org.uk/

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Nottingham, of all places, had the right idea: get rid of the dank, gloomy, that-opaque-corrugated-roofing-stuff-that-leaks-in-the-rain cab road altogether, and turn it into a bright, airy extension of the concourse itself.
What is that stuff anyway, it's always puzzled me. Has it just gone fuzzy from decades of sun exposure or was it that ugly coming out of the factory?

The micro pub in the cabin on the right was fantastic. Many a pint drank while waiting for my train. I've not been since it changed ownership though so I don't know how it is now.
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They've completed one of the viaduct sets on the way into Birmingham Curzon Street, here's a drone's-eye-view:

...poor choice of soundtrack I think, but it looks like they're building from (what'll be) the station outwards. Still think it's a crying shame that Ye Olde Curzon Street the First is being left in its current state simply because the refurbishment ran out: give it ten/fifteen years and, like the rest of the project, everyone will be clucking their tongues and shaking their heads at the missed opportunities.
Funny you should say that!

>FINAL designs for a radical revamp of Leicester’s historic railway station have been revealed by the city council.
>Under the plans, the station’s main entrance will be moved from London Road to Station Street, which will be closed to traffic and replaced with a new pedestrianised public plaza.
>Work is now under way to prepare for the demolition of 48a London Road, which stands immediately next to the railway station. This will be complete by late-summer and will create the space needed for the redevelopment to go ahead.
>It will also reveal the original façade of the historic Grade-II listed building. This will be carefully restored to its Victorian glory and form the new entrance, facing directly towards Granby Street and into the city centre.
>Pick up and drop off points, including for hackney cabs. will be relocated from inside the station’s existing covered entrance hall – or porte-cochere – to a new location at the rear of the station, off Fox Street and close to the new entrance.
>The glass-roofed porte-cochère will be completely overhauled to provide an attractive and welcoming place for cafes, bars or retail.
>A new curved ramp, steps and lift will provide easy access to the new entrance and main concourse ticket hall, which will also be remodelled including a wider ticket barrier, to provide more space for passengers. Secure bike storage will be provided underneath the new entrance ramp.
>Outside, a new and now larger public plaza will feature rainwater gardens and new tree planting. The statue of Thomas Cook will be moved a prominent position within the scheme to ensure that it continues to serve as a reminder that Leicester was the birthplace of popular tourism.

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"most dangerous job in aviation? boeing whistleblower" edition.
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What did you expect?
>power-off 180s
how are you supposed to get the cum stains out of that faux fur seat cover?
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Is there a airplane pokemon or are we just sticking to the bird types /gag/
literally everybody who has ever flown a glider at least once will tell you it's the purest form of flying and endlessly comfy. it's just your lack of experience talking.
Latios and Latias are jets

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Any fellow Texans here? Summer is right around the corner and I am starting to feel the heat. I'm expecting that we will reach 100F (38C) temperatures very soon. Is there any way at all to deal with this? or I just have to embrace being sweaty?
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you should kill yourself as if you lived in texas
Like everyone says a change of clothes, also before I change I usually wipe down the extra sweaty areas like underarms and my back with the shirt I was wearing so you at least remove a lot of the sweat that way
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go faster?

I rather a place where cars are NOT essential for a satisfactory work/life balance
Spanish here.

Shower and use a mild body gel every morning. Apply odorless deodorant.

Wear natural fiber clothing only, not too tight and in light colours.

Shower in the evening if needed but without soap.

You could be sweaty, but never smelly
Embrace sweat. Two bottle cages, always.

>haters gonna hate
This is not tra/n/sporting anything. Nice try.

Please post BIG or otherwise interesting at-grade railroad crossings.
Another one, on the "interesting" side of the scale. Don't mind me, I'm just parking in a lot.
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In my old home town, virtually every thoroughfare with at least four lanes already has their level crossings replaced by bridges, the only exceptions being in our harbour (pic rel), branching off like this onto very minor terminals or company grounds, and in our outward industrial areas, which haven't seen rail traffic in literally decades
I've been on that dutch highway lately.

Americans would fear the fact you can travel 100kph (62mph) when coming from that 30km long levy and there's that out-of-nowhere railroad crossing.

What is the most pleasurable airport to be a passenger in?

Pic unrelated.
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In Paris they have Xbox and you are free to play
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La Palma. Canary Islands. Its smol also.
DCA's central position and having a Metro station immediately next to it is great. Although I like the Dulles design better (and the new silver line connection seems cool athough I haven't tried it yet).
MIA needs work, train was down for a while and every time I've been there's some busted walkway or escalator.
New LGA is good. A+ imo.
The tunnel's lighting and ambient music (?) is cool.

Way fucking far, but okay looking and competent.
Rocking chairs and observation areas are neat. Is this a final destination for anyone? It's a great hub but fuck if I know about parking or local transportation options.
Landing in a valley between mountains is amazing to see. It's a tiny airport with some regional connections but it's amazingly comfy. They have a nice outdoor deck and the staff is very friendly.
The new silver line connection to Dulles is not nearly as conveniently located unfortunately. It's not *bad* but it's much further from the terminal than DCA and the tunnel to get there feels like walking through the Catacombs. Navigating the airport is just kind of weird in general because of how labyrinthine it is. Once you get to the terminal you go back downstairs and into even more tunnels then back upstairs again.
>they put it all the way across the parking lot
>its still elevated above the level of the parking lot
This seems like a really low bar to clear to have just put it across from the arrivals/departures lanes, above the parking lot. I'm glad it's built, but really?

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Hi /n/
I'm a bike commuter and i'm sick of dick head car brains shitting up the already shitty bike lanes
Whats the best way to ensure I don't get caught for slashing a tire, breaking a window, breaking a mirror, or all of the above?
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Bolshevik paste a propaganda sign on the back window.
Kick cars while you ride next to them duh
Just pull up behind the vehicle, lean against it with your hand propping yourself up on the vehicle, and start loudly drumming your fingers until they move.
I guarantee this will send the average driver into a blind rage, but is probably legal in most jurisdictions. Won't send your blood pressure spiking either, since you're taking a breather.
love punching the shit out of side mirrors
also modern plastic front bumpers are fun to kick
Be black

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Winter is coming, or rather, it's here.

What now?
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>Frankfurt - Kassel
I really like the cheeky "IC34" on the relation, which is rideable with a D-Ticket from Dillenburg to Dortmund.
The time table is constructed as to it never being the fastest connection for anyone coming from Frankfurt, but it's really a nice throw-back to the days of the InterRegio.
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traveling to Siegen on a IC with the D-Ticket. sounds interesting. I'll buy some Sauerländer Gurken.
Oh right, it was via Siegen, not Kassel/Warburg.
Sorry for that brainfart.
not the problem of the rest of country that Bavaria decided to dig a hole in Munich to burn money there (7 billion €uros cost estimate currently). 2. Stammstrecke is making Stuttgart 21 look like an absolute bargain.

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