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Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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Every war is started by Isra—
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Whites invaded and killed off natives
The Spanish got replaced by moors at one point
Do you think the natives should have just let it happen
Israel is part of their religion
Think what would have happened if Saudi Arabia got invaded and replaced by white Christians would you accept them as the natives
Jews don't recognize ethnic european rights to land, so they can die. Fuck them.
I don't have a side, I just don't want to bankroll it. Also, I hope the war is prolonged so more people from both sides die.
And all of that started because Jews were given stolen land and kept stealing more.
>>when "the means" are just being smarter than everyone else
>you wish. you're more devious and have no honor, which allows you to take advantage of others.
forgot to mention the hubris and self-superiority but it was on display so why bother

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Better put it in cage for few years until someone adopts it
Cope. It's funny
You'd die laughing if you had SOVL
spinney pupper go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
You guys don't have dog flipping???
woof woof bzzzzzzzzzz splash

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▶Day: 801 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>A russian soldier of the 70th Division shot his command, currently he is hiding somewhere in the Aleksandrovka area (lol lmao kek cheburek)
>Russia bombed Belgorod, again (lol, lmao)
>Russia declared Zelenskyy a wanted man (lol)
>British Foreign Secretary Cameron began negotiations in Kyiv on a 100-year partnership with Ukraine
>Ukraine has the right to hit the russian territory with UK weapons; Also, UK will allocate £3 billion of military aid to Ukraine every year, - Foreign Minister Cameron
>Russia’s Gazprom Group Reports First Net Loss in 24 Years
>Macron doesn't rule out sending troops to Ukraine if Russia breaks front lines - Le Monde
>The first peace summit will be held on June 15-16 in Bürgenstock in Switzerland, - Zelenskyy. 160 countries invited, including members of the G7, G20 and BRICS (Russia not invited).
> In Oryol and Kursk oblasts in Russia there are problems with electricity due to an attack by UAVs; drones also attacked the Afip Refinery in the Krasnodar Territory
>Ukraine received Western weapons from some partners with permission to strike on Russian territory - Latvian FM

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>I've met 2 of the 3 admins IRL
>—it absolutely wasn't.
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New Crumpled Zigger
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>body so disjointed, I don't know where his torso is
AI made MUGA for everyone to enjoy

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has killed himself.
>be trans with AIDS
>voice a character in a video game
>the model turns out to be pic rel
>threaten to sue the devs for btfoing you this hard, get dunked on by their lawyers
>decide to ACK by stopping your AIDS treatments

Funniest shit Ive heard all week.
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>30 stiff person attacks
>stiff person attacks

Trannies will never recover from this
proof that it existed for real in the first place and was not a simple (and appropriate for a horror game) marketing hoax ? (because thats what it looks like)
Your picrel is inspiring, if real.
Your comments are abhorrent.
Just goes to show that its always darkest before the dawn.
To err is human. To forgive, divine.
I'm going to buy a copy of the game now. Not going to play it or anything, I just want to reward them

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Trump: "When you have crimes like this... we have to bring back the death penalty."


What is he referring to here? Just "antisemitism" in general? What is the context of this?
Is the dude in your pic the same dude in this video? It's always bothered me since i'm a little bit autistic.

He's taking about the death penalty for mass shooters, lying OP.
No he said directly that we need to bring back the death penalty for antisemitism
The video that OP and other shills are pushing us from 2018, and he's talking about this:
He was calling for the death penalty for mass shooters, not for antisemites.
He did not say that, you lying kike.

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>Claims that Jesus was not actually crucified by Simon (who help Jesus carry the cross) was transformed to resemble Christ exactly was crucified in his place.
this is not exacly true, the true is that they dont know who was on the cross, at first it was a follower of Jesus that volunteer himself to be on the cross, then their version change to Judas, then to other guy and etc
there is no official version
>Its the part where mohammed was an obvious grifter and a war lord who was making stuff up as he went along
you have got to be shitting me, do malauns do nothing but project?
Your filthy meme religion is the worst grift there is.
Ramayana literally mentions Bengal having people that were impure and had to be conquered.
fucking lmao, i forgot they existed.
It would be the dgfi doing this.
Also wow a malaun managed to mention pakistan
>Such a weird bunch of shills who are all coprophilic
the absolute projection lmao
>muh inbred
each of the 3 countries you mentioned is less inbred than india, malaun
>There is no fuckin archaeological or documented testimony found anywhere which refers to Mecca or even one merchant from Mecca. Zero. Nothing. Each kingdom and city on the same land route has many well-documented testimonies of its trade, including in places where it used to trade, (liek Qedar, Dedan, Teima) or in places the caravan used to pass through. There is no Mecca in the 7th century.
most pathetic cope excuse ever

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Meanwhile they tracked down every pagan to the remotest swamps and most desolate islands. It's pretty crazy when you think about it.

Jews, though? Oh yeah they get a section of their own in Christian cities.
>lets just kick them out 109 times, that'll fix it christbros
We never learn
Well, yeah. Jews worship YHWH too, the god of forced unification. Pagans worship differentiated beauty, they had to go.

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>Tories hit by big council losses in last pre-general election test

>Bleak picture for Rishi Sunak as Tories take election hit

>Post Office lawyer accused of 'big fat lie'
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You smoke a pipe?
They get 50p, £1 tops. Little bitch wants a draw dont she
order £50 worth of shopping
tesco says ay yo you can get this little shop of yours in 30 mins with woosh for £2.99
ok. cool. change to woosh
>shopping is now £72.99 and 5 items unavailable
Several, yeah mainly during the winter
Real men have AR-15s.

This is what modern culture has bred. Ungrateful whore cunts.


Until women start loving men again, give them nothing. They're cooked.
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White men are cucks who g8vgive ir women rights
You framed the question wrong, leaving no room for them to answer differently.
What they heard was this:
"Are you a strong and independant woman that doesn't have to rely on men to provide for you?"
If men didn't exist I think women would still have gangs if not militaries.
Jesus Christ, who fucking cares what any women thinks. A 3 minute news clip can make women completely change their opinions if "experts say."
White men are cucks who give their women rights

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When Jews speak. Listen and learn.
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Yes, learn how not to be a kike, and don't convert them because they'll just fuck up Christianity because they always have and always will hate Christ.
Jesus Christ was literally murdered by Jews
Can't think of anything more Jewish than worshipping a literal Jew
Jew on Jew violence
What about joining with the Jews on their primary mission to turn the West from Jesus, or is that too much self awareness, you kike golem?

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Right now, on Twitter, he's spewing bravado and "fuck all y'all" machismo. And we've seen this movie before. It won't last.
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can a nigga get a webm
>Hairy as a Turk or Jew
>Calling others Jews
jew kid
Oh no. Not the bots.

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This is a direct response to the millions of young White males who have dropped out of the labor force as they become increasingly aware of the total lack of incentives to sacrifice and work and pay taxes towards a system that is actively working to eradicate them.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvbPJE9wpb0&t=66s - "we will confiscate your weapons"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB-rnDmOU-M - The Mouth of Draft Dodging
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnVfY4Orz8k - Broke my arm before WW3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beCzyoYK1CE - CANT DO 1 SIT UP
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqnuRN9cpAM - SAY NO TO THE DRAFT MAN
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svQPPc1vxds - fat, asthma and autistic?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtSwkLJ0Xh8 - go die in a war while i WFH
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDcQQUeNgcA - BE ALL I CAN BE ASMR
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Boomer/zoomer generational divide psyop was so that boomers would support trumps based and redpilled draft next year
Tali has good shit
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>The tyres were manufactured by homosexuals and aren't UV resistant.
I love the Talibantz.
You'd be surprised with what the vets who are still fully together mentally and physically can come up with.
t. Knower

Many studies to follow. This is the second thread, I will post some additional studies this time and include some of the ones given to me last thread.

Original OP:

I recently found a few great selections of studies regarding the negative impacts of diversity. It's often hard to find this stuff because they certainly don't try to make people aware of it and search engines make it impossible to find. I thought it might be good to have a thread to discuss said studies and for other anons to post their own. I'll start with my picrel and another brief list of studies accompanying it in post 2, then I'll post some more with excerpts and brief analysis.

Please post any of your own so I can add them to my collection, and let's discuss any that you find interesting.
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The New White Flight – Suein Hwang (2015) and The New Separate But Equal – James Chen (2005)
1 https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB113236377590902105
2 http://archive.vn/jeTWj

1 http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2005/12/the_new_separate_but_equal.html
2 http://archive.vn/ivrc1

>Asian migration into liberal San Francisco and surrounding suburbs causes White parents to pull children out of public schools.

>“in a continuous arc of high—performing public school districts ringing San Francisco Bay, Asian student enrollments have climbed sharply over the past decade as white enrollments plummeted. These include middle—class neighborhoods in cities throughout the most liberal region in the United States. Suburban cities in the area with both rapidly—growing Asian student populations and steadily—diminishing numbers of white students include Alameda, Albany, Fremont (Kerry by 51%) Cupertino, San Jose (Kerry by 29%) and San Mateo (Kerry by 40%).”
Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2011 – National Center for Education Statistics (2011)
1 https://web.archive.org/web/20120507050045/https://nces.ed.gov/programs/crimeindicators/crimeindicators2011/tables/table_07_1.asp
2 http://archive.vn/V8wrU
1 https://web.archive.org/web/20130602085456/https://nces.ed.gov/programs/crimeindicators/crimeindicators2011/tables/table_06_5.asp
2 http://archive.vn/U5Rrd
1 https://web.archive.org/web/20130701115832/http://nces.ed.gov/programs/crimeindicators/crimeindicators2011/figures/figure_13_2.asp
2 http://archive.vn/5PcCv

>Diversity within schools increases: racial tensions, verbal abuse of teachers, classroom disorder, student disrespect for teachers, gang activity, cult or extremist groups on campus, quantity of serious violent incidents.

>See table, specifically “Percent combined enrollment of X race students”. Serious violent incidents include: rape, robbery, and actual or threatened attack with a weapon. Hierarchy of student races from most to least violent is as follows: Black, Hispanic, White, Asian.
In Search of the Key to Closing Achievement Gaps – Michael Hansen (2016)
1 https://www.usnews.com/opinion/knowledge-bank/articles/2016-01-08/the-academic-benefit-of-reducing-school-segregation-may-be-overblown
2 http://archive.vn/2EONj

>School “integration” (forced proximate diversity) does not close race achievement gaps.

>“New research indicates that integrating schools to equalize access to teachers will not significantly close student achievement gaps.”

>Despite massive government investment and long-time policy interests, schools are becoming more segregated, not less.

>“American schools have had an unremarkable track record in achieving greater levels of school integration, in spite of long-time policy interests to do so. […] schools did show an increasing trend towards integration in the decades immediately following the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision, that trend has reversed over the last 20 years, and schools in many states are now only slightly less segregated than they were before the decision.”

Ethnic nationalism, evolutionary psychology and Genetic Similarity Theory – J. Philippe Rushton (2005)
1 https://web.archive.org/web/20120201083150/https://psychology.uwo.ca/faculty/rushtonpdfs/n&n%202005-1.pdf

>There is extensive that evidence people prefer others who are genetically similar to themselves.

>“Altruism toward kin and similar others evolved in order to help replicateshared genes. Since ethnic groups are repositories of shared genes, xenophobia is the‘dark side’ of human altruism. A review of the literature demonstrates the pull ofgenetic similarity in dyads such as marriage partners and friendships, and even largegroups, both national and international. The evidence that genes incline people toprefer others who are genetically similar to themselves comes from studies of socialassortment, differential heritabilities, the comparison of identical and fraternal twins,blood tests, and family bereavements. DNA sequencing studies confirm some originmyths and disconfirm others; they also show that in comparison to the total geneticvariance around the world, random co-ethnics are related to each other on the order offirst cousins.”
Another bump

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Imagine living in a country where you can’t carry this. Even as a non felon.
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Well, I wanted smaller but the pliers wouldn't fit in my hand
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Uh oh looks like i broke the law
that handle is fucking hideous

two tones almost never look good except on metal (blade/gunslides) and wood grips (1911/knife handle)
>earthtone outdoorsman's folder
>not carrying a fixed blade

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What happen??
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>get phone call from pew research
>"do you like china"
do you
a) hang up
b) lie and say you hate china
c) tell the truth, that you like china, to pew research, who will probably send that right to the cia or some shit
media. China bought up a ton of US debt during 2008 crash but they pushed anti-china media war because they knew that the chinese were eventually going to go their separate way eventually as they kept growing. There is no way for China to make US elites happy. War is inevitable.
China virus and libs helping to hide it
covid was just an excuse to increase the propaganda the line started going down years before

Obama started the pivot to Asia and Trump doubled down on it
>Americans had a very favorable view of China in the late 2000s

What caused us to go from China Good to China Bad?

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okay fuckers what's the deal with the hate against redheads
literally every single one of them cuties (girls) say they got bullied, received death threats, get prejudice etc
i smell kikes on here
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white ppl may "lose" (big if) the political etc power. but genetically can't die. european/white/causian whatever word u want to put are the strongest they can't die.
gazillions will die if so called white people not have power, literally no one else can run the society we have/had, now is that a good or a bad thing? irrelevant. the africans naked in the middle of nowhere in africa are surviving js like ur very sophisticated white nigger from California or Switzerland with his very intelligent and smart job and technology and advancement and number goes up etc. it doesn't matter.
can u imagine white women naked all the time like those african women? if anything i hate sophistication but huh whatever we are here already ._.
It's mostly Shanifuas and Amerimutts seething at pure white features, green eyes and red hair is peak Whiteness, even higher than blonde/blue.
Of course, giants are killers. The vikings called them the Jotun. Which literally means to eat as they are cannibalistic warriors. Not all of them, though. Hubba-hubba.
kikes hate gingers because Esau was ginger and was the chosen one to receive the blessing, meaning that in the end Jacob steal the blessing from Isaac, but he was not the preferred by God.
ur making fanfictions out of nowhere
i will confirm what u already know and wrote
white women don't find u attractive
latinas prefer culturally similar guys so idk what kind of brown are u talking about regardless of color
no one dreaming about ur retigga ass u bitch lol. maybe they confuse u as Chucky so yeah u are in their dreams nightmares lol
tho it would matter bc u are literally a filthy bop
disgusting whore over here bragging about fucking 40 dirty holes that who knows who used it before.
ew rope max ginger freak without soul

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At 26 years old, I can safely say that I am turning schizophrenic. I have voices in my head shouting at me constantly, I cannot focus on anything unless I block out all distractions, I randomly shout or wince throughout the day and sometimes during normal conversations. I can no longer "bluepill" myself nor can I mask normalcy, I'm just fucked up and that's apparently how the rest of my life is going to be. My presence drains the energy in a room, people talk to me with a caution they don't use with others and I cannot even begin to imagine attracting a woman. This is all on top of ADHD, an eating disorder, body image issues and many other ailments.

Does /pol/ have any solution for early onset schizos like me? I don't think it runs in my family and I know that I'm still *there* but it's getting worse each year. I did nothing wrong in my life, but I still feel like I'm being punished by an invisible force.
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5 grams in silent darkness.

I hear voices, I don't consider myself schizophrenic because I know they are not me. It's another person, a women I think. They are very weak and need me to carry them through life. I feel pain of their body, like she has a bad hip so I feel that lot. I know it's not me, I can feel her sex organs sometimes too, that's how I know it's a women. I believe this is the source of many people with gender identity issues, I'm a straight male though

Anyways, I dropped out of society because I can't have a conversation with anyone, when I try to listen and understand people "they" start whispering about what they are "really" saying to me and there's too much cross-chatter to trust the direction of the conversation. I tried medication for a couple of years, doesn't help me.

So I'm living in the forest with my dog, a solar panel, my laptop. I write code to hopefully get some financial independence soon, and help others that want to improve the world. I'm a true socialist and just want to evolve as a species but this jewess is depressing

Anyways, not much help I know, but know that someone else understands a bit of what you're going through
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The only thing you can do is take up running as a hobby. if youve never ran before, start by trying to go for 10 min runs and then up it to 20 mins, youd be shocked how much of those voices begin to diminish, theyll be exhausted out of your body. if you have panic attacks and shit too, running is really good for forcing breathing patterns in the body that will prevent them. best of luck
Those are demons, I suggest to ask Jesus or a believer, or you yourself to command them to be cast out in the name and authority of Jesus Christ and to never come back.
Ephesians 6:10-18 "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;"
I'm usually in off topic threads screeching at hairless monkeys
This thread's pretty cool

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Which brands of sweets are based and not pozzed like Nestle?
Haribo is patrician tier honestly.
Haribo and Hitschler (a German sweets brand which was established by Hermann Göring).
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Haribo Dinosaurs are the best, followed by twin snakes
> twin snakes

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