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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

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Nikko Bridge edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR is going to adjust the prices for the pass soon, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.

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Yodobashi Camera Umeda Tower. Despite the name, the Yodobashi department stores sell practically everything, with a strong new games department.
Thanks!Ill check this one out. I was in yodaboshi in akiba, but might have missed theyr secrion as Indidnt explore everything
Yeah games and toys are on the fifth or sixth floor of the Akiba branch, each floor is a different department, should be the same in Osaka.
I'm going for the first time in August for 32 days, any tips on planning the route for my itinerary? Stuff like how many days in each city, what order to tackle them in etc. I want to at least see Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Onomichi and Hiroshima, maybe Nagoya, Fukuoka and Beppu as well. If you have any suggestions for other places to spend the night in, they are welcomed. I was originally planning on saving Tokyo for last, but since comiket is on August 11th-12th and I want to go there, that'd probably cause some unnecessary backtracking. Is there an easy way to store belongings for an extended period in Tokyo? Tokyo is probably going to be the place I buy the most stuff in and I'd rather not carry around the things I buy with me and just travel as lightly as possible. I'm only bringing a big backpack and then buying suitcases from Tokyo before I leave back.

Also, it seems that Obon is going to happen during my stay, from what I read the peak is August 11th to 18th. What's it like being in Japan during that time and do you have any advice on planning around it?
In Sapporo boys

Where do I go for Genghis Khan

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Ignore the security guard edition. Let's get back to discussing your Philippine travel related inquiries and opinions here.
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Cuckshed is an excellent meme. It really captured the personality and appearance of the anon.
The only thing missing is his frustrated wife preparing a bottle for her man-child husband
We know it's you samefagging again, mallcop anon. Nobody else has poor mental health and obsesses like you. Take your meds unironically
Imagine being a pinay and marrying what you think is a prize catch and then....surprise!
>Sorry honey I have no money, can I live with your family?
Ouch. Then the double whammy.
>Sorry honey I don't want children. Let's just malinger and grow old on the rice farm and never have offspring.
Ouch. Here comes the triple whammy, or maybe the kill shot.
>Sorry honey, I'm comfortable here. I'm not going to take you back to the USA.

You just know her family and probably her are seething. Cuckshed despite having spent some time in SEA really thinks he's found the only pinoy family for whom relationships aren't transactional? He's definitely going to be turned into fertilizer, soon.
I say this because death of a spouse is the easiest way out of a marriage in PH. He's definitely going to die accidentally on the farm.
Mf really wrote a whole fanfic about me (that I will never read) on his iFag phone. Lmao absolutely deranged behavior. This dorker thinks he's forcing a meme because one other guy who is obsessed with his Toyota also doesn't like me because I don't want to learn to drive. Meanwhile I didn't think about him once all day. I was too worried about what's going on with Drake and Kendrick Lamar to bother with this thread while I was away from home. I'll probably keep that same energy going forward because it seems to be working out just fine for me.

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I'll be solo traveling through Yurop on September/October and I have to do remote work for two weeks.
I was thinking of going to Poland and stay in either Wrocław or Warsaw, as they seem like nice cities to be a few days, and airbnbs don't look too expensive.

I'm looking for recommendations on where to stay (which cities, hostels/airbnbs), good places to eat and foods to try, and in general things to do after working or on weekends. I'm 25 y/o and never been to Poland fwiw
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Poles also eat spicy cuisines like Indian or Mexican no problem
Imagine this being the only thing you can contribute to discussion, lol.

>Using some social media slop as evidence of anything
Poland is amazing for food shopping, and there's a huge variety of restaurants in the cities. Not sure if you visited 20 years ago, are filter bait, or addicted to repeating whatever you hear on social media just to "fit in". Either way, you sound a bit like a faggot.
Non meme answer here.
It is worth visiting. But it's going to be unpleasant (of course). At some point during the visit it basically numbs you because it's difficult to take in everything at once, but it will probably hit you later during the day or the day after.
i lived in poland for work for years. not going to write a guide but ill keep it simple: just need a nice feminine white gf? you’re in heaven. need good food, likeable people, or anything else? good fucking luck
the retards whining about warsaw havent lived in poland for long. warsaw is by far their best city. krakow looks good in google images, theres nothing there but ugly blocks. gdansk-sopot-gdyna would be second to warsaw i guess..
Quite impressive to get filtered in a country you actually lived in. No wonder you didn't want to elaborate on your points.

Let's talk about Eastern Europe travel here.

Give me your favorite Eastern European spots/suggestions.
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My final flight home would be from Pristina. Is it okay to show the border guard that?
I've never had a problem visiting Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, or anywhere, even when biking/hiking the border. I have a US and EU passport. I usually give them both and just tell them the truth.
Fuck, I'm a retard and read the post too quickly.

Last time I was in Serbia I crossed Sofia - Nis with 0 issues or questions.

Your EU passport/ID is enough to not warrant questions about onward travel. It's asked if they suspect you're going to overstay and be an illegal.

Proof of onward travel isn't an entry requirement, though they reserve the right to ask if they suspect something. Suspicions = fitting the profile of an illegal immigrant, not a backpacker going to what they consider their territory.

If asked, never lie on any border. However, do not use the word Kosovo or imply it is an independent country. Your flight back is from Pristina, which is in Serbia for the purposes of getting into Serbia.
Do you guys have any experience or tips on crossing the Serbian-Kosovo border by bus?

Some sources state that when crossing the border by bus that every passenger has to get out, walk to the Serbian border post, then reboard the bus and the same thing again on the Kosovon side. Other places tell me that the border guards would enter the bus and check/stamp the passports of each passenger individually. And then there are mentions on some travel blogs that the bus driver collects the passengers' passports and handles the border crossing for the passengers.

I'd rather not give out my passport to some bus driver, but if that's normal at the region then fine by me.
Not this specific border, but most others in the region.

Giving your passport to the driver is normal. For added fun, he'll even nominate a random passenger to hand the passports back out, who'll call your name with shitty pronunciation.

Somebody from the border will probably march up the bus and do a face control to begin, and some people may get called out for specific screening or to have bags checked. Very unlikely that EU travelers will be hassled here.

The region is '''moving towards''' creating a mini-shengen zone (the Open Balkan initiative), with tourism being stated as a key part. They're not out to get you.

>On 12 May 2022, Serbian Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić talked in Tirana with Albanian Minister of Tourism and Environment Mirela Kumbaro about cooperation within the "Open Balkans" initiative, with an emphasis on removing barriers and reaching an agreement in the field of tourism.[29]

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Is it strange for a 31 year old man to stay in a hostel? I don't mind sharing my space with 18 year old boys and girls, but will I be looked at askance for it?
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This apprehension that the 30-somethings get about hostels explains the weird demographic gap. In most hostels I've stayed in, I saw lots of teens, 20s, 40s+, but almost no 30s.

No matter how hard we try to convince you that it's okay, many 30-somethings will be reluctant to stay at a hostel.
I’ll say it every possible chance I get. Age doesn’t matter (until about 50). As long as you have a full head of hair, you have access to young tight pink pussy.

The SECOND you pass Norwood 2 you are BANNED from tight, young, smiling, giggling, mischevious teen pussy forever (unless you get a hair transplant).

Bald men know they’re sexually expires. You can see it in their eyes. They gaze out at the world as though they are the smouldering wick of a sexual candle that has been extinguished
you're a coping hairtranny with his hormone pills and surgery mop
I'm norward 3 and fuck 18-22 year olds exclusively, they love my confidence, my muscular body, and my thick daddy dick
>being over 30
>posting frogs
I can smell the autism from here
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When I was 31 I shared a room in a hostel with a girl with big tits (pic related) that was older than me, and a younger girl that was 20. There was also an older couple in the other room and we all hung out together.

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Do most of you just travel for business or are there some passport bros here aswell? I just don't understand what type of job you could have to maintain this type of lifestyle.

So my main question is, what job do you guys have?
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>You'll work every day, collect OT, get addicted to zyns, be sleep deprived
Not to different from how things currently are for me I work almost every day.

>but make good money and have more time off in large chunks than most
This is where it would be different I'd love to have large chunks of time off to travel more. I'd be making more to help fund more travel as well.
What do I do with a few hundred K sitting in a Wise account that's never been taxed anywhere? I'm afraid that if I just start transferring it into my bank they'll start asking questions. I'm not resident of a country where I can apply for a Wise debit card for ATM withdrawals
What do you do
You could of just said
>”i have a few hundred k please give me attention”
>working remote
>HCOL city
>at least I'm not renting
Imagine being this fucking dumb
Stagnant pathetic human beings should be purged from the planet or at least this thread

I have about $150,000, I don't have a home, I don't have a car and only dirt cheap health insurance. I travel with my backpack and laptop and trade my $150000 portfolio on the stock market. If I make a profit, I pay myself a few thousand dollars and continue to live my miserable life in hostels and 3rd world countries

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Bún chả edition
Or, "why is there not already an active general" edition
Where my Việt Nam chads at?
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how do you source out apartments for rent? are there websites or do you just chat up locals in restaurants/cafes?
>What do you say tho
>>inb4 "same thing you would say at home"
your inb4 is literally the answer, perhaps with some variation, but I will expand on it below.
>I've never known how to just approach a chick because she's hot.
for this I'd say approach the situation not (just) because she's hot. that's too much pressure potentially. "just" be a CURIOUS/social/outgoing guy; curiousity highly important. approach it from an angle of learning from and connecting with others in your environment.
could you look up where the pizza place is on Gmaps yourself in isolation? sure, but why not throw out this to a girl as the crosswalk or nearby instead:

"excuse me, do you speak english?
*begin to gauge her reaction* [is it positive/negative/an ignore/bright eyed/etc]

-> in japan if she says no, I just tell her in japanese that japanese is OK and I have a nihongo question.
If you don't know the language, just say sorry/ok. eject; it's ok. easy.

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continued: depending on the country, you'll eat a lot of shit with cold approach (you'll eat a lot anywhere, but some places like Japan it'll be a TON), but just think of the dudes in like...Shinjuku, Tokyo literally spam approaching women to be a prostitute/porn star. they're way more aggro and don't give a fuck lol

or more mundanely, people "approaching" you to sell a condo, get a donation for a charity, or literally just beg.

take some of their energy and pair it with knowing you are at least putting out a better offer to women than that. you are, right?
>going to the gym
>in PUA terms
I think anon just wants to get some poon, not become a wannabe Andrew Tate douchebag.
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So how hard is it to learn Vietnamese anyway? Difficult I bet

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I can't think of anything more useless than wanting to go abroad. Since I was a little kid it never made sense to me. Humans are isolationist on principle so it seems like a contradiction to want to encroach upon another tribe's turf in the first place. Even then, it's so much easier and far more fulfilling to just use the Internet to learn about a foreign place instead of spending all the money to physically go there, and inevitably waste more time walking around than having an interesting experience. I hear all the time about how you'll meet unforgettable people, immerse yourself in their culture, yadda yadda, but there's no way this is true. You're still an outsider to the locals, and you still don't know anything about their customs, their language, their landmarks, their food, their government... It just feels so stupid to me.

Maybe I'm the asshole here but I wish we could just appreciate other countries from afar and not infringe upon them. I don't care if it's for school, or business, or sex, it just seems weird. I read up on what an embassy was the other day and it made me genuinely mad, that there are these little pockets all over the world where a foreigner can go and be patronized instead of having to even pretend like they care about the natives. How is that not at least a little fucked up?

Anyways, TL;DR is that I think traveling is inefficient and stupid, maybe even disrespectful, and that you'd be far better off watching travelogues on YouTube or searching for local websites. The context doesn't matter, the whole concept is off to me.
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What's the point of anything, you dumb fuck?
What's the point of watching movies? It's just living vicariously through the adventures of characters when you can have your own.
Same for playing video game.

(picrel came up when i google checked how vicariously is spelt, hnnnng)
>I can't think of anything more useless than wanting to go abroad. Since I was a little kid it never made sense to me.
i come from canada and our oligarchs ruined our country
At least video games give you instant gratification the same can't be said about travel
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Read the first sentence and skipped the rest, yeah bro you're the first one thinking about these things, unique snowflake and philosopher. You're actually the first person ever to post this kind of stuff here.

There are other boards for these kind of self masturbatory texts. Talk about traveling on this board or fuck off

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I've decided that the most reliable way to tell who is an NPC is to look at who closes the shutters/curtains on planes and buses. Anyone with a soul leaves these open.
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Mega based.
>Have window seat
>Turn on GPS
>Open OSM
>Match the map to what you see down below
>Let your imagination go wild as to what all these places are like, and how they interconnect
Confirmed soul haver.
maybe i want it dimmer so i can read a book or nap nigga leave me alone god damn
>so i can read a book
You need light for that, retard.
>or nap
What kind of little baby manlets are you guys that this is even possible in an airplane seat?

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how is lebanon as a tourist destination?
It's nice if you're visiting (I live there)
i worked in beirut for a bit. it was a perfectly reasonable middle east city
but that was before that massive explosion

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You can make it here. Schools are all privately owned, you don't even need a tefl, just bullshit a resume and dress nice. Felon? Failure? It doesn't matter, you can start fresh here.
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>Income status is defined by GDP
from now on anon I want you to use google before you post, so you don't waste the few brain cells you have left on worthless post that are wrong.
>I want you
I don't give a fuck what you want, faggot.
It's clear you don't give a fuck about making factual statements or the topic being discussed either. If you do what I told you others won't think you're a fucking retard all the time.
If you stop sucking dicks, others won't think you're a fucking faggot all the time. Maybe we should just agree that neither of us is likely to change.
Currently in Siem Reap, leaving in 3 days to Battambang, will stay there for 2-3 days, then continue to Kampot for another 2-3 days - will have rented motos in all 3 cities and want to explore any interesting destinations up to 1-hours drive max from the cities. Any suggestions from past experience that are worth driving out to?

Had to be drug-related right?

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they arrested a bunch of mexicans involved in their disappearance already, they were cartel shits
this is the most first world post I've ever read in here
mfs really don't know how things work here
happens all the time puta
don't white knight for narcos, they are nasty fuckers
some guys wanted my dad to take packages back across the border in his kayak a couple years ago, so he agreed and then left the kayak on the side of the road after driving away, and of course never went back to his favorite spot
Your dad is retarded. There's a difference between actual cartel operations and a random ahh drug dealer.
You tell the latter to fuck off. Simple as.
holy shit paco you moved those goalposts in record time, I know you love the futbol but goddamn

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Going to picrel for 5 days next month. What do if I want to eat with and talk to Polish people and avoid filthy tourists like myself
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>Step 2 - Chechlo Lake - Wygielzow

We left the lake, and vaguely wanted to head in the direction of a castle which lay to the south - "Zamek Lipowiec".

This was the shittest part of the journey by far, and our lack of preparation of route planning was quite evident. We had to cycle on fairly busy roads, with the sun starting to shine like a motherfucker. It also turned out that we had a 100m ascent over 7km to the town of Plaza we had no fucking clue about.

The beer wasn't settling nicely at all, and I felt pretty sick and dizzy at points, with obvious sunburn on the cards. After numerous "lets check the directions, lol" stops, which turned into cigarette breaks walking the bike along the side of the sun-drenched road, we finally finished our climb up to the village of Plaza, where we bought a couple of cold drinks and sat near the bus stop thinking "ffs".

Deciding now to actually check the maps a little more carefully, we had 2 choices from here
>Downhill on the main road
>Ups and downs on the country back road

Downhill it was, and it was fucking kino - a 111m descent over 3.7km. The world absolutely blitzed by, making the previous climb a foregone memory. With my eyes laser-locked on the road for bumps, I was reaching such speeds that cars couldn't even overtake me anymore, and without a helmet, I was often thinking about those cycling safety videos, and replaying my future death in slow motion. I just couldn't help myself, the gentle weaving of the road left and right downhill through the forest was too much to pass by.

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>Step 3 : Wygielzow - the Austrian Fort overlooking the Railway Bridge

Our original plan was to head south to the Wisla River, then cycle back along the banks home, so we continued south to the village of Olszyny. We were quite happy to have pavement on the side of the roads, especially given there were a fair few big vehicles using the road around here.

Upon entering the village we passed a shop. Knowing there'd be lakes and riverbanks ahead, we knew we needed to stock up on survival supplies - 4 cans of Lech, and 5 kabanos.

Though, just 2 minutes cycling later we came across another shop which had an umbrella and chairs outside. The temptation was just too much to pass by - 2 bottles of beer just had to be bought, and we joined actual stereotypes of Slavs squatting outside saying 'kurwa' every 5 seconds. One guy was showing off some kind of huge rusted blade which looked like farming equipment. If it had been a saw, it probably would've been the only thing with teeth in theat little corner of shade.

We made our way to the lake southeast of the village, passing by people riding horses. We finally made it to the water and I complained "my bags too heavy man, think we need to unload some supplies". This was code enough to crack open 2 cans by the lake, as the group on horseback shouted "Na Zdrowie!" as they passed as from behind.

The going was pretty tough from here. I switched to Open Street Maps and was following all kinds of colours. We were mainly cycling on the flood protection banks, and made our way to Oklesna, where we spotted a kino bridge on the map.

We totally missed the obvious cycle path leading there and ended up having to walk our bikes down a live railway track, while debating how wide trains actually are and whether putting your ear to the rail works.

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Grateful for the shade, we stuck around in the fort for a bit, hoping to see a train go by. Unfortunately, the only group we saw were some fucking kids, who obviously thought this was a kino place to play around, totally ruining the vibe. They were soon joined by their parents who seemed to have no qualms about kids walking along 30cm thick brick walls with 10m drops. I grinned as I said "Dzien dobry" in an obvious foreign accident holding my can of Lech proudly.

Along the bridge we went.a little regretfully not having another beer to crack open. We decided to head further south to Spytkowice, where there was a bar - Cafe Cameleon. It became relatively amusing we was meant to travel east back home, and had spent the last 4 hours(?) only going south.

A plate of fries and 2 beers came to 25pln, which is like ancient history back home in Krakow. Wondering what to do next, we spotted a ferry back over the river which we just HAD to take. It meant doubling back on ourselves pretty heavily, but was totally worth it.

From this point, we were pretty pissed, and the 'cycle paths' were non-existent - mostly shitty grass and dirt tracks which took ages to get across. At one point, some faggot had built a house in the way, and we had to somehow get our bikes up this steep as shit bit of forest, before downhill off road biking back onto the track.

It was evident at this pace we'd never make it home, and instead opted to cross the river for a 3rd time - over the hydroelectric power station - to Polwies, where we could take the train home.

A bunch of teens with skateboards kept egging each other on to shout random things in English to us as we laid in the sun drinking some more cans we'd picked up. By this point I probably looked like a fucking beetroot, and couldn't wait to get back and die.

Didn't quite set out to achieve remotely anything we had intended to, but it was fun nonetheless.
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From the UK. Bridge would've been picrel. There's definitely a weird feeling you get from all the traffic blitzing by, and the din in the background. It's like feeling you're in some kind of wind tunnel, and you shouldn't really be there.
you’ve never left america sweaty calm down
ive lived in vienna porto krakow warsaw belgrade malta and split. warsaw was by far the worst english speaking city with krakow second. im talking about men mostly. girls sound like they grew up in la in the remotest shit hole in europe

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Not sure since my mom and dad were born there so I didn’t need one. I believe you need to contact their gov for a visa but I believe tourist visas are easily approved
Which area did you visit? Did it seem like the economy was doing better?
How's the food situation?
I'm Irish
It's recovering now that all the retarded women and their pretend/make work jobs have been put back in their homes to raise their children, and men are paid properly again.

Afghanistan has a simple culture and economy, and was not prepared to begin a women's liberation movement. There simply wasn't enough of a labor market to split it in 2.

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