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/xs/ is a place to discuss all types of extreme sports and similar physical activities, which include (but are not limited to) skydiving, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, climbing, rafting, bungee-jumping, parkour, BMX & mountain biking, airsoft, paintball, etc.

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~~Crack edition~~

>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.

>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power, but having these qualities definitely helps when you breach into the higher grades.

>What shoes do I buy?
If you're starting out in the gym, don't worry too much: get some snug shoes without dead space that don't cause you lasting pain. Some people (such as the famed shoe designer Heinz Mariacher) recommend wearing soft shoes when you're starting out -- this makes sense since your footwork will probably suck and the increased feedback will pay dividends over time. You really don't need fancy expensive shoes when you're starting out, but certain shoe properties help send harder problems (e.g. stiff shoes for standing on tiny granite edges or soft shoes for sandstone/gritstone smears).

Here are some useful resources for sizing:

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I have insertional Achilles tendonitis, pretty sure I got it from jumping off the wall and not stretching.
I need to go to the doctors, I really don't want to stop climbing. :(
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Real men get stuck at the top and cannot get down.
Not who you replied to, but I'm positive you don't need to lose weight to get stronger fingers. If you're concerned about injuring your fingers, you could try doing recruitment pulls (look them up, but it's basically pulling as hard on a hangboard with one hand while your feet are still on the ground). You could also combine those with density hangs, like this article describes:
Again, if you don't think there's a size you could hang on for ~30 seconds, you could buy a no-hang device (Tension block, etc.), a loading pin to add weight, and do your density hangs one hand at a time. If you add this to your climbing, do it before your session and keep your session lighter (lower intensity or lower volume) and maybe crimp sparingly. Also, continue to focus on your footwork and technique.
At some point, you will need to choose between powerlifting and climbing, and being fat will make that choice come faster, but that choice does not start at V4 in a gym. Also, I think that a lot of those strength metrics are for outdoor grades, not indoor ones.
Climbing real rocks is idiotic. When people in the gym ask me to come out with them I have to hold back a sneer at how retarded they are. Gym is better in every conceivable way.
Coming from powerlifting, you should know how disinformed nearly everyone is about how to get stronger. Fingers are no exception. The optimal way to increase your finger strength is to train your finger strength. You don't improve sprinting by sprinting; you squat. You don't improve sumo strength by doing sumo; you hit the gym. And you don't improve your finger strength by climbing; you hangboard.

Every sport downstream from strength sports have this inferiority complex where they loathe to admit to themselves that getting stronger is good. Even Oly lifters do this and somehow believe that getting their deadlift to 500 wouldn't help their weak clean as much as practicing technique. No, ignore all such retards and just do finger powerlifting and you will mog everyone.

Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

>Discussion starter
What are your favorite non-dominant side moves and why?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024


>Video Resources

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Men don't wear jackets most of the time in most of the world

Don't need the mental gymnastics to try and justify its validity. Your gi techniques work in specific circumstances, my grappling works in all of them
>high risk low reward
>anything with a jacket is a sport and not martial
>what about all the martial arts that were used on the battlefield that are trained with jackets
>uhhhhhhh those don't count because...they just don't okay?
>my grappling works in all of them
If you don't know how to defend against gi-specific techniques you're in for a rough time. The correct answer is to train both gi and no-gi techniques instead of being autistically narrow-minded.
Nah, I'd win

There's not really anything to defend as far as a fight goes. If someone grabs your clothes that's a gift because they're not managing your hands

resurrecting the thread for muay thai. ask questions and talk about muay thai and muay thai related stuff

>Understanding traditional scoring

>Live shows
>Siam Fight News
>Lumpinee https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYMw_GleQjXnKMjhCY58V4w
>MAX https://www.youtube.com/user/maxmuaythaichannel
>PETCHYINDEE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN96OvHRSZWiecrdPvy5Wg
>ONE Championship https://www.youtube.com/c/ONEChampionship

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Am I the only one here who practices muy thai for the social and fitness aspect, as well as self defense without having any desire to compete? I still do spar
I have L5 herniation too. I don't do MT but I do other stuff and it's fine. Yeah sometimes it gets flared up, but it's just a flare. You're not going to make it physically any more bulged or herniated than it already is; it ain't gymnastics.
For the times when it doesn't flare up, it actually flares down.
I'd try going on a light jog and if you can do that then you'll be fine at class
Strength training does however substantially increase bone density
Sparring isn't a theatrical production; it's part of your training. You spar to get better at fighting. Spar more often and get used to it so you don't freeze up. That's what it's for.

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Riding season started above the equator Edition

FAQ on buying a bike that nobody reads anyway:
> What good bike can I get for under $500?
a stolen bike. Possibly a newer used entry level hardtail but don't expect it to survive rock gardens, jumps, or drops. Or an older mtb which won't be as good as newer ones and will still have a front derailleur, but it'll be good enough.
> What good bike can I get for under $1000
Good used hardtail, new entry level hardtail
> What good bike can I get for under $2000?
New Hardtail, decent used full suspension
> What good bike can I get for under $3000?
Used full suspension, decent entry level full suspension but prepared to put more money into it.
> What are the excellent value brands?
Marin, Commencal, Canyon, Polygon, YT, Propain, Kona, and many more. Sometimes the expensive brands have an excellent alue bike
>> What are the differences between an XC, Trail, Enduro, and Downhill bikes?

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That's how it goes
Then I accepted the paying for overpriced strapping tape.

anon 200ft in one mile is a very mellow climb. But depending on how chunky it is can be very tiring
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>anon 200ft in one mile is a very mellow climb
thats kind of what I was thinking too.. Im the new rider from like 20 posts above and my 1st couple of rides so far had like 8-900ft of climbing in maybe 2 miles which didn't really feel like much. Then again pic related from when I started road biking almost a decade ago so maybe I'm delusional.

Also what cheap bike computer do you guys run? I really only want speedometer, odometer and time elapsed
Here is an out and back ride that I would consider steep but people still climb it regularly. It's just before the point where I would consider walking the climbing section.
On the last mile it is 800 feet of climbing which kind of sucks. But it is super fun going mach Jesus on the way down.
My Tism apparently keeps me from posting images the first time
anon, literally everyone told you don’t use gorilla tape, I literally would bet money that the first time you heard of people using gorilla tape on rims was someone saying “don’t use gorilla tape as rim tape”
Sealant doesn’t seal tape, spokes pokes happen and you are supposed to re-do the whole rim tape if it happens. It should be a 20 minute job if you only used proper rim tape (I peel off the old tape, wipe my rim with a dry rag and then start taping, 2 layers, EXTRA tight), but yes gorilla tape leaving an awful residue is the exact reason you do not use gorilla tape on rims

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Grappling causes skin infections
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No it's part of an ego tripping hierarchical grift where a business owner brainwashed paying customers to maintain his property
Doing chores is strictly reserved for people who aren't paying so they bartered their time to be use as currency instead
Such as a club where everyone is there pretty much on a volunteer basis, or whatever modest dues collected are for purchasing shared equipment or renting the space

Not when it's a fucking for profit business
Start your own competing business that holds higher standards and run the non mat washer out of business
>he’s still crying about cleaning mats
Fuck staph when I was in Thailand a guy took it and that shit create an hole in his leg deep at least 4cm
>or the toilets at school
They make you do that in Japan.

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Is sailing extreme?

Introducing the sailing, boating, yachting, etc general.
Any sailors? I recently started as a skipper for a local crew and it's quite fun.

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Imagine using discord lmao
nah i seen him walking bro
how u got thiago moises in here
where is he cunt. its just these other ATT dickheads
damn caseoh really fell off

Old thread: >>191222
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Secret skinheads unite!
everything skaters do is for attention, especially the ones constantly posting on instagram which is most of them
Looking jacked
>everything skaters do is for attention
Don't project your loser tendencies onto me
did you guys see the newest Moose video? he has an actual schizo for a neighbor.

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Just finished rereading Teppu and All-Rounder Meguru after remembering a storytime on /a/ 2(?) years ago where some Brazilian dude got me into martial arts. If you browse this board, thank you you bastard, soon I'll be participating in my first competition.

Anyway, I'm looking for more stuff like this, I already read Ippo btw. Also, movies and other media are also cool
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about mountaineering and rock climbing, but probably the single best /xs/ manga out there
All Rounder Meguru
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Mou Ippon!! and Yawara! cover female judo.
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Others have already said it but Baki, the Anime and the Manga are both good

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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
I only do it because it's trendy edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question: What kind of amenities should a gym have?
I think there should always be a bowl of oranges on the front desk for anyone to have
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>pulls guard
>guy is sitting on his butt in front of you and you still manage to give up your back
>referee standing there to ensure you climb into his guard willingly or you lose the game
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I watched a bunch of different grappling instructionals, it's like the same 4 techniques for arm, leg, feet and chokes and a group of more specific ones

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soaping bros, we're home
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i love the 90s vibes these videos give off
I kind of want to buy a pair of these
I tried to get into rollerblading but I bought a pair that was somehow way too small and I don't wanna risk it on another pair
anyone else wanna buy grindshoes, link up, and travel the world to shoot a revolutionary grindshoe video and create a new extreme sports trend?

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Asking for a dwarf friend, what kinda of risks and injuries are there. Would 6 months of training be good enough?
People think little people would hit like children but in reality that is a full grown adult condensed into a 1/3 sized body. This means despite how they look those blows are packing grown man power and they only can withstand it due to the density of their skulls. Your friend shouldn't consider fighting another midget until he has at least 2-3 years proper experience and has sparred many times with regular sized people.
Dwarf boxing is extremely dangerous. 6 months of training will not be sufficient to prepare your friend for the risks he'd be taking. Risks such as:
>Accidentally being trodden on by the referee
>Getting lost in his boxing gloves
>Hitting himself with his ice axe as he ascends the ring
>Traumatic brain injury
>Fending off enemy gnats
>Slipping through the molecular bonds of the canvas
>Being kidnapped as a Warwick Davis substitute
>Fed to the manager's pet tardigrades if he loses
Dwarves can be really tanky. Tell your friend to roll up a paladin and he’ll be fine.

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>spend 30-40% of time on practicing takedowns and 60-70% on practicing ground game intead of 10% on takedowns and 90% on ground game
>start sparring on foot rather than on knees
>give -2 points for guard pulling in competitions
>Legalize slams for brown and black belts. And if you're scared to do it, instead ban jumping guard.
>legalize heel hooks for brown and black belts in gi, just like you did in no gi
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>spend 30-40% of time on practicing takedowns and 60-70% on practicing ground game intead of 10% on takedowns and 90% on ground game
>start sparring on foot rather than on knees
that's what we do in our school
>give -2 points for guard pulling in competitions
>Legalize slams for brown and black belts.
>And if you're scared to do it, instead ban jumping guard.
-6 points deduction
>legalize heel hooks for brown and black belts in gi
disagree, people need to understand that at this point no gi is a different sport altogether
t. no gi only leglocker
That's fine, but your position basically is let gi continue to be a fucking joke so it goes away like it deserves to
The lack of heel hooks is not the problem
I agree and I say this as someone who dabbled in Sambo because I lived nearby a heavily Russian area (judoka here).

Leglocks are the last submissions that people should learn and practice. It'll develop bad habits without learning guardwork, sweeps, rolls, control of positions.

The first submission that someone should learn is armlocks. Then chokes. Finally leglocks. All in that order, but you have to really master armlocks and chokes first because you'll have a good grasp on how to fight on top as well as on your back.

I don't like slams. In self-defense and street fights, I'd advocate that but not in competitive sport.

And you can't butt-scoot. You have to initiate some kind of action to engage instead of passively waiting for the other guy to come. Within 30 seconds of being on your back while the other is on their feet, you either get back into standing position, or you try to attack the opponent's legs.
Too many changes at once. They need to make butt scooting bad in some way and then see what shakes out. That's the biggest thing making the sport a joke.
Imo you should get a point deduction if you go to ground without maintaining control of the opponent.

Not sure if this is supposed to go on /xs/ or /sp/, but what do you think of the sport? All I see on here is HEMA.

I'm trying to get into it and I'm looking to pick up some gear. I probably want to fence Epee. Any recommendations? The club has gear, but a lot of it is gross and sometimes not working, especially for left handed stuff.
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yes, we should have women's fencing require dresses again. also instant red card if your hand comes off your hip
damn bro, got him *tips fedora*
Got StM 800N whites from their site, shipping was a bitch given current circumstances and since I bougbt a rollerbag to boot. The feel is comfortable enough that it doesn't trigger my skin rashes, though feels a bit heavy.

Will get back to you after I break them in after a couple bouts.
how tf is StM still around, wasn't their factory in eastern ukraine

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