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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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It's kinda hard to take him seriously when you realise how unoriginal he is. Literally every thought he has is just stolen from Jung or Dostoevsky. You could just read their works instead and you'd miss nothing.
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The person who wrote the introduction to 12 Steps referenced his love for attention and the spotlight, skillfully underhanded if I may say so. The Daily Jew has inflated this to critical mass. His suits are gay and probably demonic.
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I mean what else do you expect from a normie conservative intellectual??
Anything he draws from is definitionally going to be from the culture that came before.
Even the people who actually contributed to the field before like king and Dostoyevsky were building off the culture and literature that came before.
If he had the humility he ought have he would probably admit himself you SHOULDNT take HIM seriously
You should rather take his ideas seriously
Regardless of if he discovered them himself or transcribed them from a greater mind
>This is ok but political ideas will also be criticised as such, whenever Peterson receives some criticism for his political ideas his fans pretend that he is but a humble therapist.
At a theoretical level the argument is watertight
At a second glance, if it was true, he would had his 15 minutes of fame back in the day, not remain relevant despite almost killing himself on fucking nerve calmers.

We are also in a media cycle where skilled orators are few and far between. He isn't anymore at the skill level where he ended up cakewalking a reporter by letting her argue against herself by staying on track, but he is still quite a few level above actual talking heads you normally see.

He is also very skilled at NOT touching bad faith arguments.
And then retorting without resorting to a party line or mantra. Compared to listening to politicians making idiots of themselves by not answering questions, its night and day.
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Peterson's a facile charlatan. He only exists to promote the status quo; he has never, never, ever asserted something truly outside of normative discourse. But this is not this genuine position, as, if it were, we wouldn't be subject to such blatant contradictions whence being tortured by his self-indulgent rambling. It's understandable, to be honest, as wouldn't you be if you were offered such riches? Anyone who diverges from normative discourse to truly attack the system from its core is ritualistically shamed and destroyed. One can sympathise, he isn't speaking his mind truthfully, and history will not forget this.

Jordan Peterson: philosopher, psychologist, coward
If you didn't repeat the same nonsense over and over you wouldn't be BTFO by a prewritten pasta. Sad but true and you have my permission to cope.

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other posts you know like these? have sent some of my own before, perhaps conciser
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>sonic becomes mind-broken because he can't just take free steak from walmart
this is hilarious
These posts have convinced me that the task of "writing incel novels" was awarded to unintelligent women with nothing to say because, if we gave actual peculiar individual men an outlet to express how they really feel, every single normalfag would develop a third eye and start detonating power grids until all the brown people fled back to their country of origin and the dollar became worthless.
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what dumbas takes a screenshot so fucking wide and zoomed out that you need to scroll sideways to read it? resize your window so it's longer Vertically
Stick your gay children's toy smartphone up your faggot ass, nigger zoomer
You ever looked at a book, retard? It's a principle of typesetting that making a line too long horizontally makes it a pain in the ass to read. Taking shitass too-wide screenshots doesn't make you an oldfag, it makes you an idiot.

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Allow me for a second, my quirky fecund, friend.
Of which are nothing more than smiles lost to the eternals sands of misery.
Because as a dizzery, of lies and lies and more lies.
I see it clearly, now chud, clearly how you're nothing more than a slave, trapped in computations of economists, towards the release of economic miss, and eternal collapse of your nation.
Of which there's nothing more than indocrination, towards the retardation of your population minds, that causes the inflamation of your brain, until you snap, and craft, that utter crap, that destroys your ego.

My dear chud.
For ever and whatever of those ever soever anons who keep calling me an ESL.
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Can you draw?
Post a sample and I'll tell you if it's up to VN standards. But making a VN is a good idea, I'd do it if I could compose music or draw
how do i filter this colombian schizo
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right now I workinng on making manga style pages, then later it would be a matter of coding it on godot.

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DRUGS edition

previous >>23350107 / >>23352659
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Proust said something like this and look where that got him
Why are we posting the xx lyrics again?
it's moving
Into the canon right before they shut the door?

This is a place for all things fiction, poetry, history, and philosophy regarding the New Aristocracy movement. - #2

In order not to clutter the thread here is a pastebin link explaining and clarifying everything I outlined in the previous thread:


Bronze Age or classical antiquity? Provide arguments for and against each.
What is the first indispensable historical work which the list must begin with?
Should it be FROM the period or ABOUT the period?
It's important to reason out which works are truly necessary to understand the period so that whatever knowledge comes next becomes embedded in the context of the previous (in this case of the FIRST). It is sometimes misleading to go strictly in chronological order.

Having an atlas will be indispensable so I've done some research and boiled it down to two for now:
>The Complete Atlas of World History 3 Volume Set, 1997, Routledge - John Haywood
>Atlas of World History 2nd edition, 2010, Oxford University Press - Patrick O'Brien

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>If the idea is just to imitate the aristocrats of old
it most definitely is not, I specifically mention this in the pastebin, but I should probably post all the text in the pastbin here because because I'm starting to suspect people don't open the link
thank you for the encouragement and the advice, anon
>a bit of thought will have to go into for it to be of actual value, and therefore maintain and grow in popularity
that's the idea, I came here at the beginning of the beginning of this project precisely so I can make use of knowledgeable anons and use the time to whittle everything into shape
Sorry, I did read the paste bin, but I guess I really just mis-read it. I can see that you are not trying to imitate the aristocrats of old, but I felt like I had to mention it in the thread because there seemed to be quite a few anons leaning in that direction.

I love this idea and I will be monitoring this thread and posting any ideas that I think may be of some value.
Well it's probably outdated in some aspects due to archaeology and archaeogenetics but I don't know any ways in which it's completely obsolete. From what academics have told me, most of his theses have just been confirmed by new research. He also had a better knowledge of all the primary sources in Greek and Latin than basically any academic nowadays which is important.
IMO it's better to read something outdated that has mostly held up than trying to keep up with whatever cutting edge new research is being done. It takes a long time to actually come up with firm formulations based on new research, so inevitably most books that are founded on new research just give hypotheses that will be proven false in a few years.
to add, I agree about the fact that learning more useful languages is in order, but also consider this:
eventually adding Latin and Greek to the curriculum I'm making is going to permanently open the gates to the ancient world and provide a direct link to the source of many of the ideas and seeds which grew to become later European culture as >>23353009 noted
but what I'm actually after is the fact that it's going to present a filter for those unwilling to do things of no immediate utility - I am interested in the value of things beyond their use as tools for orientation, expediency and progress in the current systems of the world
I see it as a beautiful and something which will bring people closer to the European spirit which doesn't translate into anything tangible and that is precisely the point
this is an ongoing debate, so I'm not saying I'm completely embracing the idea of making the ancient languages part of the core project, which is why I've left that for a later date
anons don't read the pastebin and even if they do they have abysmal reading comprehension for some reason
thanks, anon, since you told me about it I researched the book more and I've added it to the top of the list for consideration when we get to classical antiquity
I am getting more and more information from different sources that The Making of the Middle Sea should be the first book we start with so we can embed the knowledge of classical antiquity in firm soil
Idk, sounds like a cult and/or pyramid scheme

Why does Reddit hate this book so much?
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everyone hates Atlas shrugged and its embarrassing to see it being discussed as a serious work.

>Newfags don't know this, but discussion of Rand used to be banned on /lit/
>troon headcanon

Imagine you are hungry and there are two sandwiches in front of you, one is with lettuce and cheese and the other is filled with dogshit. Which sandwich do you choose and why?
bot post?
anyone else feel like they pretended to read this book at 17 so now they don't have to?
Just answer the question and yes esl

Let me guess - you "need" more?
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I try not to, but then again, I do write on /lit/.
>I try not to, but then again, I do write on /lit/.
Fair enough but seriously who is moronic enough to fall for your switcheroo? Could you give me an example of how such a conversation would go? I would appreciate the insight.
Almost everything that's good in Rand is already in Aristotle, and what Rand gets wrong Aristotle gets right. Just be an Aristotelian.
As Rand pointed out in Philosophy: Who Needs It, a great tragedy should involve a noble character suffering an undeserved reversal of fortune thanks to their mistakes, but leftist moochers deny this
Could be pretty much any point from her metaphysics or epistemology, most people don't know enough Aristotle to argue.
>like Aristotle says, the three basic axioms are existence, consciousness and identity...
>Aristotle rejects the notion of consciousness as necessarily diaphanous...
You'd be surprised how often you can get away with this sort of thing.

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>current book
>your thoughts on it
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>I'm only 300 pages in, but it's really good. The Proteus chapter, especially, was something out of this world, but the quality of the whole book is just unmatched by most of the stuff I read so far
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feet are for punishing not worshiping
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>Blood Meridian
The most violent piece of literature I’ve engaged with! This was the first book where I went Jesus Christ and had to set it down for a little bit because it made my stomach churn. Jeez Louise it’s dense. I’d say at this point it’s a fun adventure story because the symbolism and everything is so opaque I have no idea what McCarthy is getting at. I’m a little bit pissed off because I was trying to do some reading about the book and spoiled a major plot point for myself.
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the inhabited island (prisoners of power)
berry good. you follow a guy crash-landing on a shithole of a planet. the atmosphere is so thick that you can't see the stars, so the natives have no concept of other planets. main character struggles to fit in their military dictatorship as an outsider

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I've realized that this is completely true.
Every female character that people praise as being realistic is exactly like this.
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Thank kind stranger, ti-hi, heres some plebbit gold kind sir
>they suck ass at writing on suffering, the human condition
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I’m a actually writing a female character with reason and accountability as one of the chapters in my novel
Curious how a publishing house will react to it ultimately
what characters get praised as being realistic?
They’re not mad. They’re all too monstrously, sickeningly, terrifyingly sane. That’s the whole trouble

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How many books are you currently reading? How many books do you usually read concurrently?
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In no particular order:
A Thousand Sons (wh40k slop)
Kinder- und Hausmärchen by the Grimm brothers (extremely comfy)
a history of Indian literature, the series edited by Gonda, volume III on Kāvya (and hopefully also some Middle Indo Aryan stuff but not thusfar)
Kathāsaritsāgarah by Somadeva
ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑΙ by Herodotus
I pick up Hitler's War by Irving once in a while but I've "been reading" it for like a year; I think I'm almost half way through.
I've been making my way through Geiger's Pāli grammar, but it's also not an every day thing. Not a huge book, though.
The number of books I've got going generally corresponds in some way to the number of languages I'm reading in. I've been loosely thinking of maybe adding the Mahāvamsa in Pāli but that would definitely become too much.
pls don't be mean
Depends how I define it, there are like 50 things I've read some part of that I may or may not try to continue/finish at some point in the future. But the great majority of those are either poetry collections or nonfiction stuff that can be read more piecemeal, they're not really longform narratives.
Am reading 4, usually read 4. I have 2 fiction books and 2 non-fiction books. For each group i have one book i have to concentrate on and one that doesn't take or merit much effort (some light comedy read ect.)
3 or 4
are you the /clg/ cat poster? didn't know you were into Sanskrit too, that's cool.

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My theory of perception? Heh, naive realism of course - what I see is what it be.

Throw that philosopher babble in the trash where it belongs.

I want to read pic related this summer but I'm afraid I'll be way out of my depth. Is there anything I should read before diving in and are there any reading guides for this book?
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Just read Derrida, he was also like signs only point to other signs now, but was like "and here's why that's a good thing"
Read “The Gulf War Did Not Take Place” instead. It is shorter and would make this book easier to understand if you still want more Baudrillard
Honestly the meme title might be beneficial in this case because he organizes ideas in short chapters/essays so you can parse it out over time if it really is a struggle. Also he references movies and fiction which would help in understanding what he’s trying to say. Like I watched the China Syndrome because of his section on it and it did help my comprehension of what he means by ‘simulation’ being indistinguishable from reality. Just be glad you’re reading it today when thirty years ago these concepts would really seem esoteric. Nowadays it’s pretty relatable.
Be prepared to take notes, the language is less rigid but its essentially a textbook.
Just get AI to summarise it and pretend you read the real thing. It's what he would have wanted

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Will literature be able to survive zoomer moralfaggotry?
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I literally just understand how to use words.
Words have meaning insofar as we imbue them with meaning
That's wrong.
Read the thread, what you're talking about is what we've been discussing. From a practical standpoint, a morality of tolerance couldn't accept the actions of the KKK, these actions need to be criminalized and acting out those views needs to result in imprisonment.

Based psychopath
Sure, but the concepts behind them are something deeper, as if on a different level. And for at least some of these concepts behind the words, it seems as if they’re more like something we discover, or somehow deeply engrained in the human intellect itself, than they are something entirely invented. To get too deeply into this would be a whole debate stretching back to Plato about universals and particulars, etc., but, basically, the Sun is still there and does what it does even while different cultures call it different words in different languages. Likewise concepts like “taller than” and “shorter than”, “larger than” and “smaller than”, etc.

I think everyone in this thread is a retard FYI, including me.

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You guys told me this was garbage, but it's actually extremely profound and mind liberating.
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>I have a job.
I honestly doubt you do.
Interesting theory.
Yes, if you think Harlequin Romance novels are "profound and liberating."
why are people getting back into Rand all of a sudden. Was she mentioned in a Joe Rogan podcast?
Never forget, OP. The kind of industry overlord being attacked by the government in this piece is normally who's rigging the government to favour them and opress you. I bet the actual story is a competitor to the Taggarts that was smart enough to do exacly that and squash his opposition. Think about how Google, Microsoft, Facebook and others, that started as disrupting empreteneurships, keep their monopoly by rigging themselves to the government and you'll understand.

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