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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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I'm tired of GMing. Every time I GM I'm a perfectionist, and when I do make a mistake, I own up to it. I've GMd for the last 11 years, and I'm essentially a forever GM. This has, predictably, worn me out on GMing.

I have a notepad where I've been collecting the usernames of every player I've shadowbanned from my board. These are the worst of the worst players, furries, metagamers, etc..

I want to have fun GMing for once, in the most selfish way possible.
Tell me how to be the worst GM possible, bad enough that these players will flee to reddit with stories of how bad I am.

Setting will be a homebrew D&D 5e world. I don't just want your bad experiences, I want to know how to intentionally misinterpret 5e rules to make it the most unplayable experience possible for all 8 players. Yes, 8 players, because I want combat to be as excruciatingly slow as possible for all of them.

They're all desperate to play because they get banned from every table they visit, so even if the first couple sessions go terribly, at least a few will probably still show up for more sessions, so feel free to have multi-session ideas like settings and overarching plots (if those still exist).

Give me your ideas, anons.
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Too much of a pussy to do a domestic violence scene sober, but I might improvise it when I'm drunk.
And thanks anon :)

Honestly might use some of these ideas with my regular party too, just in a less dickish way.
5e xp is homebrewed 90% of the time, so I'm going to be homebrewing it for this too.

Thankfully I'm okay with gaslighting being hard work. Thanks for the suggestions, anon.
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My advice is to stop playing with terminally online people, and play games in-person preferably.
Get a new hobby, man.
I experienced something like this from an actually good GM. At least it was only one session, but the literally unbeatable lies really rubbed me the wrong way when the GM acted like he'd outsmarted us when he revealed that no matter what we rolled there was no way in game for us to ever know he was lying until he already killed the people who hired us.
The loli circus copy pasta seems appropriate here

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Post art!
Art of characters!
Characters for cool fantasy and sci-fi games!
You have great art - show it off! Do it now!
Last thread: >>92617689
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Might wanna have a look at Degenesis. https://www.sixmorevodka.com/not-so-famous-work/degenesis/#&gid=1&pid=292 Has a lot of concept art.
New thread >>92693103

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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

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Which shinma? There is no shinma of Death. Immortality is probably not literally impossible to achieve, but then coming up with countermeasures disabling someone else's immortality isn't any more impossible, either, so you're never going to be, like, actually immortal as long as someone has sufficient reason and motivation to kill you. Making everyone immortal is obviously a tall order, anyways, seeing how First Age Solars didn't manage to make even the people they cared most about, ie. themselves, immortal.

Shinma were in the 1E Fair Folk book, and Jenna Moran made it clear that they were supposed to be something players could interact with. Whether it's good that they can be interacted with is a different matter, but they did exist in 1E.

Why do people so often boldly claim that some idea they personally happen to like is "the whole point of Exalted". It's not. It never is.
Would Romans have done that if they had no-bullshit demigods on their side, as well as plenty of experience with putting unruly gods in their place?
that isn't what he's saying. 1e portrayal is about punching them to change the universe. 2e portrayal is that the shinma apparently care about stuff and cry when Solar's do certain charms.
Why don't Lunars get any plothooks about attacking / infiltrating Heaven? It's only Getimians, who are KoS, who get them.

>because...why should Lunars care what's going on in Heaven
good one.
essence fever is a thing that exists

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92686872

>Thread Question:
What is your favorite PDF cyoa?
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Interplanetary arcology monmentalism is just the default, except this universe, this galaxy, this solar system, and even this planet isn't void of other intelligent life.

Ayys created us millions of years ago, and we've been through countless advanced civilizations that have fallen during that time. Modern humanity are the Inheritors, the Reclaimers of this ancient legacy and more, due to the variety of different ayy genetics woven into our dna. But there are factions of selfish humans in the know who do not want the populace to escape their iron grasp of control...and will do anything to keep us down.

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I'm just starting a Ravenloft campaign where a party of three outlanders are just dropped by the Mists somewhere in Hazlan (the classic/Sword & Sorcery version). Can anyone suggest some adventure hooks to get them started from here? The adventurers already all know each other.
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Hitting up Fraternity of Shadows is the best advice you will get from this thread. Just be aware many of the domains of Ravenloft are actually kinda retarded.
Have LeStrahd be harvesting souls from Hazlan for sport, and then the adventurers are brainwashed to join his harem.
Already well-acquainted with the Books of S and Quoth the Raven. But I was originally thinking maybe drop them in the wilderness first; you think dropping them relatively close to a town would be better?
I don't know how familiar your players are with the setting, I've assumed they don't know much beyond that it's Castlevania-flavored D&D. If so, they need to get introduced to things like Outcast Ratings, language and cultural barriers, the Darklords and the factions intentionally or accidentally fucking up each other's plans, the effects of the Darklord's influence over their domains, how magic doesn't work like it's supposed to, the difference between cultural levels... you know, it can be a lot, I'm of the opinion that new players must be gradually introduced to these things while having some sort of... let's call it "safety net" to fall back to, for the first few sessions. Ravenloft is not your typical D&D setting, I've found that people are prone to be too weirded out if they are just tossed into a spoopy forest with little explanation and have to learn everything about how different things work in the Demiplane on their own. Ironically, Outlander characters are supposed to do exactly that, but I've been a Ravenloft dm since the late '90s and I've observed that pulling off this shit tends to create a "where the fuck do I go" feeling that frustates people and turns them off more often than not. Your mileage may vary, but remember that the sense of isolation you can evoke by having the Mists drop the party in some remote shithole and refusing to elaborate hits just as hard if it's instead caused by them realizing that there's nobody they can trust now and it's time to sink and swim.
You don’t even play games

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Previous thread: >>92599036

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

Thread Question: Have you played in any alternate history setting? If so, which one?
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So, how many of you are trannies?
Does the 'Pitiful' appearance modifier apply to characters considered 'cute'?
Make sense to me i did it in the past when trying to stat aisaka taiga in gurps, don't ask why
It literally says so in the description.

Catachans Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Tau Rules:

>Emperor's Children Index is coming:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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How am I supposed to force people at my LGS to be my friend and play games with me?
Play space marines if you want that.
Turning sisters into more space marines is retarded.
The old meta of poorfag crying about how people spend their money remains strong though
>Presumably mixed daemons players.
Oh, so like 2 players?
Found the findom lover.

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Previously: >>92683939

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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she's wildly mild
eat a single boardwipe and you have to completely rebuilt your whole game plan with a single dragon per turn
Would somebody who likes Pratchett really want to see it butchered by WotC? But hey, at least black Rincewind would make some amount of sense, his main thing is running away...

Peace Offering = Squirreled Away > Animated Army >> Family Matters

>Family Matters
precons excel at creature boardwipes and wide precons can rarely recover from a good wipe. Deck would need some top tier reprints to hold a candle. this is the stinker of the set.
>Animated Army
The wild card. Junk Tokens are on the strong side of the token spectrum. Gruul is okay in precons. I expect a mid tier deck.
>Squirreled Away
tribe with strong support. Chatterfang is a solid engine at casual tables and is pretty much guaranteed to be in the list. Contender for the strongest deck.
>Peace Offering
I expect some really overtuned bombs in this. Group Hug hasn't been explored by WotC before. I expect the full suite of Propaganda, Ghostly Prison and Windborne Muse which lots of precons will struggle against.
redpill me on this guy
Thinking about either this or Locust God, don't have any decks with blue yet
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They remain the token you choose even after combat. That means if you copy gilded lotus, you have insane mana. Or you copy a creature on the board for insane value. Although a simple 5/5 dragon token is probably enough as base to beat people. Alternatively you can do silly stuff like copy mind's dilation with this and get a dozen triggers for every first cast, quickly exiling their library.

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Has anyone actually played pic related as written? I’m taking weapon speed, simultaneous turns etc, not just B/X with AD&D shit stapled onto it.
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"Locked" was too strong a word. I meant emphasizing the grid lines to the point where square-counting is the dominant way of thinking about positioning. I think this is the case with 5e, though whether it's the rules or the players or popular examples to blame, I do not know.
>more TotM than it actually was
this is about myself not 1e but I wanna say I was stubborn about TotM for a long time because I thought the alternative was drawing every encounter on a detailed battlemat with carefully measured movement, and that is not true, you can go a long way with some basic tokens to show formation, who's in front, which monsters are close vs. far, who's watching the door, etc., and the 1" scale makes it easy to eyeball without drawing anything most of the time. I felt stupid once I realized.
Playing on a grid is a variant rule in 5e that gets a quarter page in the PHB and another two pages in the DMG.
Yes, like 30 years ago. Was a kid though.
What do you play now?

Are same sex couples tolerated or actively persecuted?
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I've got news for you- going around touching snakes can, in fact, make it a bit more difficult for you to reproduce.
It's almost as if humans have natural reactions and instincts for a reason, faggot.
I've got news for you, if you don't have snakes around, you're carrying an entire baggage of genes for precious nothing for no reason.
And if you can like dudes for whatever reason it can help or harm life in general. Social responses are also part of it. Just as faggots tend to be underestimated.
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>'Natural reactions' aren't a sort of mandatory pillars for normalcy, retard.

Of course they are. Normal reactions are a stample of being NORMAL. And there's a difference between fear of touching a spider and falling into catatonic state when you see a spider at the other side of a room. The first reaction is NATURAL because our monkey brains perceive spiders as potentialy lethal creatures (which is 100% true), second one is unnatural and exaggerated reaction to a non-existent threat - it's called arachnophobia. To sum it up - cope harder.

In my setting NPCs follow this simple logic.
>second one is unnatural and exaggerated reaction to a non-existent threat - it's called arachnophobia. To sum it up - cope harder.
You mean like homophobia?
The problem with homophobia is that LGBT circles define it as EVERYTHING _THEY_ don't like. And it has nothing to do with real phobia.

There's a difference between being AFRAID of homosexual people - and perceving homosexual acts as something disgusting. Perceiving homosexual ACTS (not people!) as disgusting hasn't ANYTHING to do with GROUNDLESS and excessive fear.

In my setting it's a common knowledge.

The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Khan Sarah Weaver killed in the Racice Delta (Day 3 of Operation Scorpion) edition

Last Thread: >>92688124

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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got bored with a few friends, have fun


might post more in the future
The Blakists experimented with it for stuffing normal humans in protomech cockpits built for aerospace pilots.
He became... The Architect.
what was that comstar's buffed urbanmech on steroid 'mech again? is it any good?
>TDR-5SS and WHM-6D
>or TDR-5SE and GHR-5H
will these make an ok introtech lance?

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Thread title.
This is a Lancer campaign, No Room For a Wildflower. Our group is basically in space Vietnam, fighting against guerillas who cosplay as aliens.
We've finally turned the tide and got the upper hand on the enemy, but people are arguing on whether to accept a surrender or to finish them off. In true mecha-cliche style, the lead enemy machine comes forward and the enemy ace (a girl) reveals herself and says:
>"If you still want revenge, if you still hate and fear us, you can kill me. Just spare the others."
It's a big martyr moment and the other players are all for it, but one PC goes:
>"I march my (flamethrower-wielding) mech forward and burn her alive."
So the group started arguing that it's not in the spirit of reconciliation of this story, but the PC refuses to do anything else and one of the other guys sided with him.

How do I go like, "This isn't the mood the campaign is going for, you can't think like that" is what I'm saying, I guess. It feels like everything is going off the rails because half the group consistently wants to kill the enemy and treat them like Viet Cong
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Force a situation where the same character has to get out of their mecha and make them face near impossible odds not to die. The more parallel to this event, the better.
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Of course its the Genghis player who does this...
>How do I go like, "This isn't the mood the campaign is going for, you can't think like that" is what I'm saying, I guess. It feels like everything is going off the rails because half the group consistently wants to kill the enemy and treat them like Viet Cong
You say X "isn't the mood the campaign is going for" but half the group clearly think it is. What makes one side any less valid than the other?
NTA but he did say it was one guy doing the thing without consulting the group and another backing him up after the fact. OP never actually gave a number for the amount of players.
Also if its like a 2v2 with the GM leaning towards one side they you need to come to a group consensus.
If its a 3v2 then you need to have a table wide discussion about it and keep those two on a short leash.
If its a 4v2 then you give the offending player a personal talking to and a warning, optionally walking back the action if the majority want you to, and then if he or his buddy steps out of line to the same extent again remove them and continue on with the 3 other players who you clearly gel with better. They will be better off with a different group and your group will be happier.
The key is to listen to the players since as the GM you have a tone of power over the game itself mechanically. If push comes to shove and your not having fun with those guys take a good look at how many more sessions the campaign is going to take, truncate it down if your not having fun and just don't invite those players back next time.

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Dead Shaak-Ti edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>92680786

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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I don’t samefag, those are all my posts.
Reasons? Because I’m bored during the sequel marathon of the general Star Wars marathon, lot of alcohol in my system and I want to start small talk with my fellow 4channers.
>The FO and Resistance stuff could be a nice addition to an Imperial Remnant/Empire and New Republic roster.
Yeah becauseRemnants couldn't exists without Phasma and New Republic is certainly needs "dey here" specialist
very rude, Nightsisters are not thotts
they are for consensual lovemaking and repopulating Dathomir

Unless you want to have Grievous capture them and sell them to the Hutts.
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Nightsisters are amazonian snusnu machines that WILL repopulate Dathomir, whether you like it or not.
>EU Nightsisters and Witches
>hot amazon women straight out of fantasy, with cleavage and all
>NuCanon Witches
>lol just put them in rags and make them boring

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