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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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What is THE gamer's right of passage if you had to choose ONE?
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You haven't beat either game. Battletoads gets even harder after the turbo tunnel.

Emulators nowadays are accurate to original hardware or even lower lag if you want so that's no excuse.

Now post clears shitter
>Reddit spacing
How about not?
Go back to /v/ shitposter retard
idk The Mexican Runner beat Battletoads in 35 minutes. it was the second game of NESMania he did. he was complaining about emulator lag though.
Still not buying your overpriced MiSTER box.

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for me, it's kuja's theme
It's an awesome song, with one of Uematsu's best transitions: https://youtu.be/CePstt0-0PY?t=114
M, I miss you sometimes. FF9 is a masterpiece.
Lol what a garbage game, FFVIII is literally better in every way
why are you like this? VIII is my favorite FF game, but I enjoy IX for what it is

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Why did they shoot themselves in the foot by treating you like a drooling retard for these games? We could have had some actually cool shit.

Are there any other examples of companies with such a profound loss of confidence in both themselves and their consumers?
Fuck me. The development for these games should have been folded into eachother instead of coming out with 2 half baked games.
What a shame.
Twilight Princess is nearly impossible to go back to for me. Holy shit man. Its ugly. Links model looks fucked. And there is so much non-gameplay, the obnoxious intros, and it takes for fucking ever to get to a dungeon. I dont even count the forest temple as a dungeon because of how little there is going on. The game starts at the goron mines. I actively avoid money and treasure chests in this game so I dont have to deal with another annoying pop up
Windwaker's intro is absolutely agonizing. I like sailing and I think the game looks great. But then the dungeons are braindead. The triforce hunt was fun.

Ironically the biggest flaw in these gamecube zeldas is the total lack of courage on the part of the development team.
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I agree with him more than you. It would have been better with more refinement but was more fun than button pressing.
>it was more fun waving a remote around every time you need to attack for a 50 hour game
you should be gassed, seriously
I'm sorry that having to move your lardy body sounds like torture to you lol.
It's definitely gotten worse. Beginning of the end was the power-tripping jannie that was banning anyone for wrong opinions in 2021. They have been trying to turn this into /v/ 2.0 within the last year, weirdly enough around the same time a lot of people stop posting on /v/ after bear sex...
why do you talk like a woman?

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Genuinely one of the worst games on the system, I thought quake 64 and doom 64 were bad but this easily takes the cake.
Horrible levels, looks like ass, plays like shit, and despite being only 2-3 hours long somehow manages to drag on way too much.

Foul game for foul people and I have no idea why anyone would play this over the vastly superior PC version.

Seeing how shit this turned out I can only imagine how awful Unreal would have been on the system.
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And you can set the y-axis to non-inverted.
It's an N64 game, you don't need to point out it looks like ass, that's inevitable.
I prefer the PS1 version.
Wtf are you on about, you can literally do that on Turok, LMAO
In fact it’s probably one of the first games to adopt the modern shooter layout
Turok has you walk with the c-buttons (right hand),

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Is Spider-Man (2000) and it's sequel good games? Do they hold up or no?
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I only liked the first one.
The sequel feels rushed and many misions are annoying.
I always feel like I missed out on the corny cutscenes and the what-if mode since I only had the N64 version which cut both of those (the cutscenes were made in a comic book reading style to compensate). The game was fun as a kid, but I remember always wondering why I never got what-if mode despite following what the internet said. And when I first saw anons posting about the cutscenes on here, I wondered what the fuck they were on about.
the first one definitely does. 10/10 90s comicbook aesthetic, might be the best we've ever gotten from a western licensed game, it's not gonna blow your doors off with its gameplay but it's a very respectable variety action adventure platformer. the second game starts to wear out it's welcome a bit though, the charm isn't there and it's more reliant on the basic gameplay that is nothing special.
I'm already at full health!
Seeing how well this game nailed the Marvel universe just makes Insomniac dropping the ball that much worse.
That Carnage+Doctor Octopus level was intense

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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10892979

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

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For Doom modding, you're generally just expected to acknowledge your sources in your credits and who may have helped you. A few creators back in the 1990s had an attitude of "Don't ever use my assets." but that's not a common attitude now, and a lot of people are either of the opinion that it's fine if you're transformative with them and modify them, or that it's so long ago that it doesn't really matter, just credit them.

You can be autismally meticulous with credits, but if you just borrow some textures and MIDIs from Alien Vendetta and Requiem, you can just say in your credits that you took them from there, you don't have to explain where some of those textures or MIDIs were taken from commercial games, or who authored which.

Since it's not for profit, there's virtually no risk involved. The only times iD Software, and now ZeniMax, ever gets involved, is if you're a 12 year old Brazilian who includes Doom2.wad with your release, in which case they'll eventually come and tell you "Hey, don't fucking do that or you'll get in trouble with us."
This happened with some """"banned"""" Brutal Doom variant, they told the kid to not distribute their game with his mod, which he tried to spin as some corporate oppression. I think also 20th Century Fox C&D some Aliens mod for Quake 1 back in the 1990s, out of countless Aliens themed mods for FPS games in that era.

tl;dr be polite enough, and don't do something really stupid.
Only problem I see, after trying it yesterday, is that it's hard to make stuff sound "just perfect" for your map specifically, if you're autistic about it, also editing midis while being 100% clueless about sound editing can become slight bother (not to the point where it's impossible to do or hard though, only slight bother), in the end, I just looked through what instruments that midi used and arranged cacodemonphony of farts of my own instead, still not sure if that was a good idea.
That is a very well thought out response and I do appreciate it sincerely anon - I should have been clearer and I'm sorry. I meant old thrash as in 80s speed metal, so say I'm making a WAD and I wanna be funny, my first level music is a MIDI of Elimination by Overkill - that sort of thing. I have a theory that adding stuff like MIDI Sepultura etc. tunes (not even direct conversions, just obvious remixes of 80s and 90s metal ala DOOM 1 and 2) to levels is like a missing secret sauce, I just don't see anyone doing it - but then there's tons of WADs, I imagine someone has to have done it, I just want to be sure before I even begin to put effort into it.
I am no stranger to tedious digital music autism fortunately - I have this idea in my head of a short and sweet Dead Simple-core map accompanied by a MIDI remix of Kairos by Sepultura, and I want it to exist so badly I don't even care if someone gets there first.
Oh also remember to check how midi file itself sounds early and often, every free midi editor online will sound nothing like the actual midi and in worst cases it won't even process certain instruments that work when you save it as mp3.

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What were the best GBC exclusives? As in, not a dual GB/GBC game, or something that's more or less a port (like SMB DX). Wario Land 3? The Oracles games?

While I loved (and still love) the console, it feels like the most popular games at the time were titles which were simply "enhanced" for the GBC, like Link's Awakening DX or Pokémon G/S, and that a lot of the heavy hitter handheld titles for the GB line were either released during the lifespan of the original GameBoy or didn't come until the GBA.
Dragon quest 3
I'm curious about this too. Been playing handheld games recently and want some more GBC stuff. Obviously Pokemon Gold/Silver are up there. Survival Kids is pretty neat. I don't like Shantae at all, but there are fans of it. Oh and MGS Ghost Babel. Those are about all I have.

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Let's have a /vroom/ thread. What racing games are you into lately?
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Toca games are fine but BTCC theme sucks. I wish it was a DTM game instead.
Hello there, fellow /vroomers/

I need some advice in a couple games:
Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong in dirt bike races in Moto Racer PS1. The bumps and jumps always kill my speed and everybody ends up taking me over. Always pick the most balanced bike and AT.

Also in ATV Offroad Fury PS2, can't figure out what the bottom right green bar does, I get I can control it tilting the left stick before takeoff but not sure what Im supposed to do with it and always end losing speed in multiple bumps sections.
>Age making a Viper clone
You mean the Licorne from >>10896061? That's just a Gillet Vertigo.
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Silent fixed the pc version if you are so inclined.

try moto racer 2 and world tour, are better in my humble opinion.

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A thread for those using their phones for retro-gaming, from emulation to ports of retro-games.
I have a Poco M4 Pro and I use Retroarch with a Bluetooth controller (one of those cheap ipega controllers) and it works fine outside of N64 emulation giving me stuttering, heard I'm better off using mupen64fz instead.
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Every time someone mentions vimm net I get reminded that this site is literally older than me by a few weeks. No idea how it survived that long...
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The 8bitdo lite?
Archive.org has a DMCA exemption for archival and research purposes. I personally do a lot of research on retro games and the rom collections there are vital for that.
>Where do you even get roms now a day?
Unironically the r/roms megathread GitHub site otherwise like others said vimms lair
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When are they gonna make a phone like this?

Fishe Girl
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there are unlimited ways to draw anything. it all depends.
issue is that general western public sees anything deformed or stylized as "for kids", hence the ultra-realistic approach.
That's about all there is to that.
Surprisingly rage inducing game
The west is under jewish control and jews hate beauty.
i agree
who the fuck thought enemies respawning randomly was a good idea in a game where you die in one hit

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Retro vidya gifs thread
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who's this character? they have the same hat as quote from cave story
honestly this one isn't too bad
>gummy gems
core memory unlocked
Retards actually think this game is bad.
This game had no right to be that good

What's your favorite box art /vr/?
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she had no luck
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I like that one fancomic that actually tried to build some sort of in-game story for the cover.
I never liked this cover. It looks like it's going to be some europe only janky fighting game.

May the 4th is coming
Let's talk about /vr/ Star Wars videogames.
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have a nice star wars day, /vr/.
>Real Star Wars is the Lucas movies 1-6
Real Star Wars is the original trilogy and original trilogy only.
I say this as someone who likes the pod racing N64 game.

The prequels look like masterpieces compared to the offensive propaganda sequels but that doesn’t make them good. They were weird dumb and shitty then and they are weird dumb and shitty now.
It can be a fair statement to say RotJ is the weakest of the trilogy, but it’s absolutely untrue that retro Star Wars games are shit.
What a fucking game. I played the ever living fuck out of this in ‘98. I still play it every few years to this day.
I love everything about it including the jank, the jank literally improves the experience for me.
Super Star wars return of the Jedi
Dark forces
Jedi outcast
Jedi academy
Pod racer
Rogue squadron
Star wars arcade
Uhhh I know I'm missing a few gooduns.
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it's been around since the 70s

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Collector bros....we've been haggled!

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Posting in a vacation thread.
>It's over 3DO sisters, our games are literally gypsy flea market tier

I mean, this is how it was when the 3DO was being sold, too.
I like physical games and I'm sick of pretending I don't.
Well, I don't. If someone sells me a physical copy of something, I'll get it every time. Most of these games would never see a physical copy otherwise.
Consume product then get excited for next product.
Wow! Imagine playing a game that was BURNED instead of PRESSED! You could never show your face in public again after that!

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