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Anyone here read the manga?
So far I definitely prefer it over the TV series.
>Action scenes that don't consist of the same drawn-out attack animations, featuring some surprisingly visceral violence at times (Umi getting spiked, Hikaru's dog biting her in the throat)
>More confident in it's sense of humor, Hikaru's spontaneous cat ears and the super-deformed characters never coming across as an afterthought
>Story is more concise than the TV series, though I still appreciate Nova and a couple of the MOTW capers
Between this and the Sega Saturn game I've found a new appreciation for the characters and their interactions, a prime example of how a good cast can turn a fairly banal or juvenile work into something truly special.
>Hikaru is both a fierce warrior and the friendliest person you'll ever meet
>Fuu is wise, but too dense to understand jokes or hyperbole
>Umi is a snotty rich girl thrust into a world of monsters and warlocks
It's been a couple years since I watched the anime adaptations and I've still got about 3,5 volumes left to go, but I will probably stand by most of these words long after I've finished.
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Yeah, that's why it is kind of weird that, as a Hirano work, the fanservice would be half-baked. We'll probably never know, but I'll just assume it had to do with some arbitrary studio mandate and the like.

As a sidenote, it's incredible how Umi is pure sex in every iteration, no matter what she is (or isn't) wearing .
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>it had to do with some arbitrary studio mandate and the like
This. One of the adventages of the OVA format is that you just can do those "fanservice" takes and get away with a surprising number of things. It must have been one of those typical bad studio takes that keep them from going all the way through.

Rayearth OVA was literally my first time i saw ''forbidden anime'' with nudity, they even show them uncensored on TV at the time, and i am latino, this and renting a bootleg tape of Ghost in the Shell with the HBO dubbed broadcast.
This comment will never not be funny in context of the OAV existing...
White Knight Chronicles would work well with Rayearth stylistically.

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Previous Thread: >>22608160

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

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thanks anons. i'll give it some more time.
i've watched den-o, ryuki, ooo, and am now on kabuto, but i didn't want to eat through all of the heisei shows in one go. i'll save these for when i need a palate cleanser.
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>replying to obvious bait
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look at this clusterfuck of a series
>Just that one Zein cameo where he doesn't even meet any of the cast.
Still is going to be a "what the fuck" moment if he gets curious about Outsiders/Zein and watches it.
Not worse than my dumbass decision to watch Zi-O before having seen every Heisei before it since it was new for me at the time, but still not a good idea.
>but i didn't want to eat through all of the heisei shows in one go
Wise to save a couple good series in your pocket.
The only series I personally think are actually bad for Heisei are Hibiki and Ghost and they are still watchable and not all bad where you want to bail out on episode 1 like other stuff I've seen. There are some that are underrated and some that are overrated that I didn't list but most people tend to agree that Hibiki gets fucked after a certain point and Ghost is kind of aimless

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Previous Thread: >>22601872


>King-Ohger DDL (H.265 converts MEGA by Sheena-chan):
>Reiwa Sentai Viewer (Run by ReiwAnon)
>MEGA pastebin (Run by KRSentai)

>List of subbed series:

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It's one of the best Sentai of all time, get back to it right now.
While I have some criticism (mostly CGI and fight editing), it's genuinely one of the best series and you should absolutely watch it
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I thought Gai was one of the best parts of Jetman (which was 7/10 overall) but I think I prefer Kaguragi, he just has so much more charisma. Same goes for all of the King Ohger cast compared to Jetman. The fact that only red and black were strong in Jetman kinda brings both of them down since they had to carry so damn much. Jetman is still good but I think it is brought down a bit by having a very weak rest of the team even if the commander was good as well.
It's very good but I wouldn't watch it as your first series. If you have seen other shit (especially Kyoryuger) absolutely worth watching though. In fact, if you have seen and liked Kyoryuger you are obligated to see it since it does a lot of the same stuff but better

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Post fantasy robots
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>>22612200 (cont)
In case any anons don't know and are interested:

The Knights in White Knight Chronicles were originally doomsday weapons. Giant mech-sized gestalt armors, largely mechanical in nature - i.e. magitech.
They run on the energy of a soul bound to the corpus of the armor for eternity. The more powerful the soul, the stronger the spell and the greater the power the Knight can wield. E.g. the Dragon Knight gets its strength from being bound to the soul of a dragon, which really is nothing to scoff at.

The titular White Knight though? Kind of a special case. The White Knight was created by binding the soul of a condemned mass murderer to its corpus. A raging lunatic with a soul so restlessly violent it outpowers even a dragon. So; great- now how do you control that shit and prevent the pilot from succumbing to it when merging with the Knight? Answer: you kill off 100 innocent babies from the crib, suck up their souls and clot them to the murderer's soul as a buffer.

Now--- as for the SRW punchline:
imagine the face on Kamille in the Zeta Gundam when his Newtype powers kick in, tap the Biosensor and he realizes WTF that thing is all about.
Speaking of

Though I appreciate anons posting less common seen examples
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Cute girl
Oh. NOW we're cooking.
The real question is: would an SRW double-featuring FMP have the balls to also upgrade Mr Soupy to be an Arm-slave power-armor?

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Turn A is amazing
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The entirety of Gundam ended with this shot. Amazing.
17 episodes in and nothing has happened. They keep negotiating while all the retards around them start a new war over a pin dropping 1000 miles away. It's still better than Victory but man I'm starting to hate Tomino
If Victory should've taught you anything, it's that it's probably for the best that nothing is happening.
How did you feel when Wing was playing musical chairs with its MCs and politics?
>nothing has happened!!!! WAR WAR WAR WAR!!!!!!!!
Harry Ord kissing Poe was so out of left field.

just things we did for fun, feel free to do whatever you guys feel like doing to them. consider us as unknown artists.

https://vocaroo.com/1lWI6nTmnWxA - Coffin of Steel
https://vocaroo.com/1eVPGxRN1EVU - Falcon's Might
https://vocaroo.com/1bRGVFIndV9Y - Fall of the Duke
https://vocaroo.com/1mBgSoYoHcdF - March of the MechWarrior
https://vocaroo.com/1dtgJreIz1iS - Mercenary
https://vocaroo.com/17RITIF3av9A - Steel Embrace
https://vocaroo.com/1iwGfdu84KUL - Timber Wolves Ascend

don't care what you do with them, as long as you enjoy it

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>Based on a December 16, 2023 survey conducted by Nikkei Entertainment, the fanbase of Gundam within Japan has an average age of 42 years, and a male-to-female ratio that skews 90:10.

So basically they made G-Witch as a show to appeal to young women? No wonder why it sucks so much.
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>Yuri is for old men though.
Depends on the yuri
Not a babyface, 100% for homos
Fujos go nuts for Char x Amuro.
no build shit was around for G-Reco
No, they target 'women'.

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Which shows have the leanest mechs?
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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

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army builders are a different breed
There should be someone on the opposite spectrum that only has one kit but autistically builds accessories for that one kit.
Like that Build Divers guy.
finally Bandai can say HG Mike is a popular item thanks to this hoarder.
what is happening there at akiba?
I don't get it. I've built many armies over the years as a wargamer across multiple scales (both in terms of the models and also the force size themselves, from single squad/lances to company size forces) but all of those projects had variance to them and were actually then used for something, That guy just snaps the kits together and lines them up on a shelf.
I thought I was going to lose my mind doing a 15mm scale Soviet Tank Battalion for a mate and that was (iirc, was over a decade ago) something like 32 T-34s and 14 T-70s, plus some attached logistics and rifle units. I could still have fun varying up the weathering and stowage on tanks, wrote a few slogans in messy Cyrillic on a few turrets, things like that. I'm going to do a squad project with demitrays when I am done with my Acguy and my group build entry, that is just three demis but I am using parts from at least 7 boxes (3x demi, 3x parts set, 1x barding) plus bits from the bits box and varying up all three to fulfil different roles. The dude with the shelves of unadorned plamo kits is a fucking psycho.

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Zeonic just released the final update on volume 2, making the collection complete. Uploaded the PDFs on MediaFire because his site is prone to getting DMCA'd and random server crashes:
Volume 1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/a4d0bczax5rot50/
Volume 2: https://www.mediafire.com/file/944ag1uohlssi5h/

Also, please, please, PLEASE, no bullshit arguments about "canon". You know exactly who you are.
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Kira never actually beat Destiny Gundam.
Yes he did.
Keep coping.
Destiny's databook calls it the "most powerful mobile suit ever made" for its Era, and the databook writer specifically says it only lost to IJ due to pilot mental issues. Sounds like that's better wording than what SF has.
Anyone think it's weird how Kira wasn't affected by Destiny Gundam's after images, but was completely fooled by Black Knight after images?
Easy, he just came out of mind control and was pretty depressed for a while

So is the Gundam Mark II superior to the 0083 Gundams?
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So I think the general thing here is the GP series was OYW tech taken to its then pinnacle but the Mk-II and azeta Era suits where the start of a new tree so to speak
There's still some minor overlap like the GP series inventing thruster binders that become a big part of Zeta era MS. But yeah, for the most part the only thing the GP series has to brag about is raw thrust. In other areas like weapons, they are very much NOT more advanced than what Zeta era brings to the table.
People don't seem to understand something

Gp01-FB is like a 1983 Ferrari Twin Turbo Charged GTS.

Gundam Mark 2 is like a 1987 Toyota Pickup Truck with some new suspension system for the tires.

Gp01-FB was the absolute best Anaheim Electronics could do for its era. The absolute cutting edge and loaded with luxury. Even the seats had extra nice cushioning with leather imported from Italy.

Gundam Mark 2 was absolutely NOT the best the Titans could make. It was simply a "no frills" suit they made to test some new technology. It was serviceable, and did its job well for testing purposes. But Nothing more. The seats were a little stiff and cushioning was basic cheap stuff the military always uses.
7 episodes later and the Titans already have suits that can match it in performance (Marasai).


The GP suits could contest the Mk-II, but the GP suits also had no growth potential in their design.

A more apt comparison would be the last piston engine fighters versus early jet fighters. They weren't *that* much better, but those piston fighters were the absolute best of the best, refined by war, and the jets were just the beginning of what they were capable of.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think anon just means that one suit is a top end luxury model and the other was a mid-range model. A Ferrari from the 80s can still outperform a modern budget Toyota Corolla in speed and performance

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what is the best watch order for someone getting into gundam? should i really just do release order or hop around?
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I watched UC in chronological order. It breaks it up nicely so you don't have 3 back to back 50 episode shows.
Hi drool
Mr drooling....how was your day? sir?
Zeta, CCA, and Victory are all audience-repellant.
Start with The Origin. Then go by release order from then on.

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I'm on episode 14 of Gundam ZZ.

Why did he smack everyone around in Zeta over nothing, but he lets everyone get away with everything now? Is he afraid of Judau?
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Who wouldn't be, he took out Wong Lee!
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This is gangster pimp (where's my money bitch) wong lee btw
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> Is he afraid of Judau?
On the contrary he was afraid of Amuro as Ryu stated because he didn't know how to deal with him. Kamiille mellowed out quite quickly in comparison and he didn't have nearly as much trouble as the other two. With Judau and his gang he didn't really have to try hard because they were just a bunch of dumbass kids and they were pretty easy to fool given he tricked them with the prospects of money (of course Leina helped with this as well) so its more or less that he was self aware enough through his experience with Amuro and Kamille that he didn't take Judau NEARLY as seriously.
because anime ja nai
The Shangri-La kids have spines that Kamille, Katz and the engineers didn't.

What went so wrong?
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>>Bunyip Boomerang

Those fucking racist Japs.
Bootleg Code Geass
Careful anon, hating Kyoukai Senki is not allowed on /m/
I'm still mad the plamo line bombed so bad so the Chinese and Russian grunt mechs never got any kits.
The plot and characters were bad.

Previous thread:

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Recommended Anime torrent and ddl sites:


>https://www.acgnx.se/ (torrent mirror/scraper)
>https://animetosho.org/ (eng anime, torrent mirror, subs)
>https://animk.info/xdcc/ (XDCC index)

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Godzilla Minus One
Also on Nyaa. The subs are out of sync, though.
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all this new shit showed up in Srungle just as their toy sponsor fucking died
Srunglistic joy! Thanks for this.
>their toy sponsor fucking died
Makes one wonder how Galvion even got made at all
Galvion was Takatoku not Clover. The latter was also doing Dunbine simultaneously. Note that Tomy rescued their DX Billbine from oblivion.

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