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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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American Protestantism in recent years has done more harm to Christianity then any person or event in its history. The asshats who call you awful people for not reading the Bible, the retards who take the Bible literally, who think the Earth is 6000 years old, believe the Earth is flat, grifters who put American flags on bibles then sell them to the public, mega churches that preach nonsense etc. I understand interpretation is subjective but without SOME kind of authority you get millions of denominations and cults like Mormons and Waco.

Tomorrow is actually Pascha. Just a reminder to all that the Gregorian calendar is heterodox and false.
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How dare you, anathema!
Do some of them reject the Julian Calendar too? and say things like "The first month in the year of our Lord" or something like that?
>Also, the Birthrate in Europe is lower now than it was in the 1970's.
France and Britain are literally the most atheist countries in Europe and their are the ones encouraging immigration in regards to declining birth rates. The previous not only legalised abortion but at also plans to legalise self-eutanasia like Canada.
>Most Christians worship Israel.
The US, the mother of dispensationalism and home to almost half the entire world population of jews was founded by deists and freemasons and is willing to screw their own people for antisemitism with their new laws. They value money more than faith, especially since they also invented the prosperity gospel. If anything, you're just making a case against american evanghelicals, which even high church protestants regard as a joke.
>Oh, and by the way, there are more Christians in Europe now than in the 1970's.
It's literally the opposite. Pic related.
Still smarter than most of this board.
No, there are still countries using it like Russia. It was the change from it that caused schism in the first place.
>No! I know when to celebrate the imaginary escape of the Jew slaves from Egypt, hells yeah!

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Ever notice how Christians turn into moral relativists when it suits them?
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>but the covenant was expanded after the coming of Christ.
The Mosiac Law was outright broken by the Israelites and a new superior covenant was given in its place.

"For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:
Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.
For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:
And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.
For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away."
(Hebrews 8:8-13)

This passage is also a reference to what it says in Jeremiah 31:31-34. The Mosiac covenant was broken by Israelites and so done away with. The old covenant was always intended to be replaced with the new testament in Christ's blood.

Now, this is unrelated to the matter of the promise to Abraham's seed, which was before all of that. That promise was unconditional, but the thing is, that "Abraham's seed" refers to one individual, Jesus Christ. See Galatians 3 and 4, Romans 9:6, etc. It doesn't refer to anyone else except Jesus. So if you reject the Son of God, you don't become an heir of that.
>Why would I be raped and tortured?
Because you don't see anything wrong with rape and torture.
>Why would I be the slave?
Because you see nothing wrong with slavery.
>False, most Christians in history had a brain. Non-whites don't count.
They do count. That's why most Christians are Africans and South Americans. It's a religion for idiots.
>I don't know, why do you believe in the (Christian) Semitic concept of universal brotherhood and natural rights despite hating "Christards"?
That isn't a Christian concept. In the Old Testament the god chosen Israelites genocide all the other peoples. In the New testament all the non-believers go to hell for eternity and Jews are still God's chosen people as per Revelation:7
Sound like you forgot about Revelation:7 anon.
>Sound like you forgot about Revelation:7 anon.
That's talking about after the resurrection of believers when people who lived in the Old Testament will be back. Those people are Old Testament believers.
>That's talking about after the resurrection of believers when people who lived in the Old Testament will be back. Those people are Old Testament believers.
They are literally the only people who get to sit on the throne of God in Heaven regardless of their belief. The only prerequisite is that they are pure blood Jews from the 12 tribes of Israel. Stop lying you stupid Christian moron.
>They are literally the only people who get to sit on the throne of God in Heaven regardless of their belief.

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>The Dark Ages were caused by Christianity
>"Dark Ages" don't even exist if you include Constantinople in your equation
Why are atheists so dishonest?
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>Constantinople circa 800 was as good a city as Constantinople circa 400
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>there were no dark ages if you dont count the western roman empire
ok lmao
Yes, the only thing that declined was political centralisation, which allowed for grand megaproject.
Pretty much anything else improved, science improved, monasticism allowed for the rediscovery of philosophy, agriculture improved etc.
It's true that certain fields which required political stability and oversight stagnated but the rest mostly progressed.
So because there was no dark age in one area you conclude there was no dark age in any area? And you are presenting yourself as a master of logic . Lol
The Byzantine empire was in economic decline starting from Justinian and had a hard dark age between 600 and 900, with most cities shrinking into villages, Constantinople itself losing over half of its population, and society completely reorienting around the Church.

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>least bloodthirsty Allah worshipper
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no u
>totally because of that and not because he's a direct male-line descendant of Genghis Khan
you got wrecked.
I was going to comment that you don't read so good, but then I remebered that you are just a lonely and sad troll.
And you're just another lying mongolboo who had the audacity to claim Timur was a chinggisid
Timur is why I am revolted by steppe. This guy was an actual murderchimp.
I hope china, russia, or india subsumes all nations of central asia. Then I hope their graves gets robbed or something.

>follows a religion started and spread by Arabs
>end up larping as Persianate Societies

Unironically why did Muslim Empires do this?

Why did it take several millennia for people to start drawing realistically? There doesn't seem to be any hard barriers to drawing a portrait with chalk for a talented artist, except for a lack of color or shading.
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So you think humans have only existed for 2000 years? That's stupider than YEC.
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Humans don't exist.
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Why didn't the greekoids abandon their worthless identity and assimilate as Venetians?
Because Greeks were building robots and calculating the circumference of the planet when Venetians were living in reed huts near their swamps

>be IRA scumbag
>get arrested for arson or armed robbery or murder or one of the countless other crimes you and your psycho friends commit on a daily basis
>demand to be treated as a political prisoner
>but you're not imprisoned for your political beliefs, you're imprisoned because you commit crimes for your political beliefs so the state rightly treats you as a common criminal
>start boycotting clothes in protest
>nothing happens
>start boycotting showers and toilets and also smear shit all over the walls
>nothing happens
>start boycotting food
>die of starvation
What the fuck did they expect?
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>We demand to be treated as soldiers fighting a war!
>Get ambushed and shot dead
>NOOOOO you can't do that! How dare you murder civilians like us?!??!

Ah yes, the glory of <checks notes> nailbombing children outside a branch of Boots.
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I hate to say it but I'm starting to feel like Ireland would have been better served under the crown of England, an earlier rebellion getting a Catholic monarchy put in place throwing out the British landlords. It sickens me to think about but it would have been superior to how we ended up

This is what you fought for Taig cunt. Brits out, browns in. Remember your teasock the gay Paki said you have to be an open and inclusive society or you get the fucking truncheon to the skull
imagine the smell

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He was the original blackcel, literally me fr. Spent his entire life seething that he could never be white. To the point of writing an entire manifesto that was basically the black version of "billions must die"
Should I read his manifesto?
>original blackcel, literally me fr. Spent his entire life seething that he could never be white. To the point of writing an entire manifesto that was basically the black version of "billions must die"
So you didn't even understand or read the material lol.
what does “cel” mean nowadays?
>In 1948 Fanon started a relationship with Michèle Weyer, a medical student, who soon became pregnant. He left her for an 18-year-old high school student, Josie, whom he married in 1952.

The ancients did nothing wrong
Left: dorian aristocrat from miletus
Right: spartan helot
Miletus was a Ionian colony, retard.

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There's not a single line in the bible that condems the consumption of loli doujins
There's not a single line in the Bible that condemns these digits.
Tibetan Buddhists are doing a lot more than doujin reading.
There is actually. A very famous verse goes like “if you hate your brother, you have already committed murder, and if you lust after a woman, you have already committed adultery” you can extrapolate this into other contexts to something like “if you lust after loli doujins, you have already sexually assaulted a child” - of course the meaning is “spiritually” or “in the spiritual realm” so of course you will not be physically punished here on Earth because you haven’t physically assaulted a physical child, but in the astral or heavenly or spiritual realm, your crimes are obvious and your spirit will be condemned there. And basically, it’s still wrong for you to do and there are still negative consequences to doing it and you will not and cannot escape justice so you will be punished for it. And the spiritual punishments you receive will be mirrored here in the physical realm. I suggest that you call on the name of Jesus Christ and repent. Amen

>everywhere else: humans arrive, megafauna goes extinct
>Africa: humans always been there, megafauna just chillin
I don't get it.
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>If you want to be a deceptive retard,
How the fuck am I being deceptive? Bears are megafauna, wolves are, reindeer and moose are too
>>Americans are so retarded and brainfucked by politics that they're now outright denying even the possibility that climate change could cause changes in the way people live

Americans are so retarded and brainfucked by politics that they're now incapable of considering the possibility that climate change isn't responsible for everything that happens in the world.

Not him, but if you include animals that aren't even larger than humans (like wolves) the term becomes watered down to the point of redundancy
>How the fuck am I being deceptive? Bears are megafauna, wolves are, reindeer and moose are too
Wow, so how in the absolute fuck could megafauna NOT be around?
What was even the point of making your deceptive statement?
>completely unique character.
Oh wait let me laugh harder.

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Are you afraid of death /his/?
Would you rather live forever?
Not sure. Depends on what "live forever" entails. I'd likely get bored eventually and would like a way out. Still the idea of death frightens me.
Fear is why you fail.
I'm not afraid of death, but what comes after.
If I knew what would happen to be 100% after I die, I would be more comfortable. Not knowing one's fate is a scary thing.

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