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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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My future existence depends on $100, not even joking. I'm fucking tired bros.
go work on a construction site for a day? Are you stupid or what
Death to burgers
you need to focus on getting more money to invest, not whatever's going on with your $100
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mine depends on how hard my BIAO smiles, and how well I treat my customers in the store, it's a very bright future I guess.

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Not selling isn't a mistake. If you were prone to selling you'd have made mistakes before now and very likely lost it. Those who are prone to selling WILL sell. The fact you're still here 10 years later means you're made of the stuff that lasts the course.
t. In since 2014 also. Never cashed out. Now all in Link and staked.
Buying Cool instead of getting more Aast
Not being more racist
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You got to eat big to grow big.
I lent $20 to a guy.
He died in a car accident before paying me back.
I will never see that $20, and I just have to accept it.

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I am heavily invested into this smug looking bastard. I believe it has potential to reach 2021's all time highs.
Is there any valid concerns on this project? What should I be wary of?
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Only thing I'd be wear if is that it just doesn't gain steam. Otherwise everything else is great. I hope more people notice and buy, because this has the makings of a solid project.
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Is that all the fud? I don't think there's a single memecoin project that will struggle getting traction once the bullrun hits
I remember 2021 and how crazy it went, this is going to be a repeat of that by orders of magnitude

HOKK's refusal to give up might make it one of the few /biz/ projects to leave 4chan
I literally can't think of anything else. That's why I've been holding since Feb. This will probably fly under biz for months until it's already 100x.
>This will probably fly under biz for months until it's already 100x.
Many such cases, then they'll complain this board never has alpha
I hope this takes off like the old days

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>he still thinks he can make money in a now heavily regulated market
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>goes to jail
>tweets funds are safe
Forever my boy and I don't even hold bnb
And he saved crypto because of that. Without that jewish punk we would have hit 100k without a doUbt
Couldn't care less about the legal regulation, bitcoin is already regulated by its own code and that's the only regulation that really matters if you ain't a weak pussy living on an Orwellian country
>heavily regulated
I'm not seeing anything on my eth light node about "regulation"
same thing with my dojo BTC node
tried to see if it was on cli but nothing about no "regulation" came up

seems like it's a problem on your machine
i miss him bros

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The next Retro collecting boom is about to begin. Are you locked in?
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Nothing after PS2/GC/Xbox is retro.

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It's performing like dog shit. Almost 75% of transactions are sells in the past hour. Time to jump ship?
Why did it even pump this year? I thought it was over for FTM after what happened
Sonic upgrade, Andre projects that will be exclusive to FTM and crypto bank.
>crypto bank
ah yes bank of ftm, ftm debit card, tajikistan government

good memories. 2 more years
It gotta pump at some point rig-right sisters.. ? Sonic is around the corner, the tech is solid, fantom fundation has actual money.. I need some hopium guys
>75% of transactions are sells
Excuse me, Einstein, but in order for someone to SELL, someone needs to BUY.

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Bitcoined pumped and many of the alts only up a little bit
Bitcoin outperforming almost everything else in the top 30
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Alts will pump when you sell and no sooner.
>verification not required
>still falling for the altcoin meme
ngmi shitcoiner
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It is not outperforming Qan brainlet
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Lots of eating to do soon
alts arent lagging newfag this is how it works. if bitcoin is doing well alts dont move. once bitcoin becomes boring money moves to alts. look at chart history. heck, look at any market index

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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sloppy job, intern.
small dick energy
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oh btw, this is not even the complete short volume.
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Translator's note: Cboe = CBoE = Chicago Board of Exchange = primary OCC exchange.

kek pension liquidities
>tfw i went all in at 180
At least I've averaged down a lot during these 3 years, but still sucks.
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who else here is feeling GREEN AS FUCK!

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I slurped to the minimum degree and it's you frightened bobo bitch's fault. I could've filled my pockets to the brim but nooooo, "Bitcoin gongo to $45,000". Morons.
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what to buy?
bro have you not seen the threads of people admitting they are just larping as bobo and just say it's going lower because it's funny if people fall for it

i am autistic so i'll still be an unabashed bull in every thread, there are still plenty of those. if you ignored the posts with actual reasons and fell for stupid memes you are retarded and deserve to be poor
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nigga like follow the patterns
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Buy Qan anon.
time to eat

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What would you do if you had sent 1155 Bitcoins to a scammer?
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dude the tech is available to do this with almost any chain right now, just very few people use it/know about it outside of at least one international agency (that I know of) and a few private security companies
No, more like go to a crowded mall and just shoot myself in the face in the middle of the food court
kek, underrated joke
They should still be able to use their brains though. Wealthy people pay private intel agencies with an army of former spooks that dont give a shit about borders to solve their problems. BlackCube and several others specializes in retrieving stolen things for their clients, from wherever and whoever has it
You are a retard, LLM's can't do shit at tracking txs, this can easily be done with a program.
Also say I was the scammer, and say I sent it to a new address so no other txs except this, what do I do next? Well just wait, in 5 or 10 or even 20 years this person will have forgotten and given up on this, if along the way I can find someone who can wash it for a otc monero conversion maybe but still won't trust it because those that are connected enough not to sell me out or get caught are connected enough to torture me for the seed. So yeah your kids will be rich that's good enough and assuming the scammer is 30 he now has a great retirement plan. If the one who lost it is still butthurt about it after 30 years then you worry about it then.
Of course you'll be blacklisted everywhere, but along the way some new chain or protocol might come to mix them like tornadocash but between bitcoin and monero or something, maybe some protocol built on Rose and CCIP or someshit.
Giving it back is a retarded move.
The issue is that if they hacked the other guy's computer they might be tracked unless they wete on librebooted tinkpad x220 in a mcdonalds with no cctv 100 miles from where they live with tail os and tor etc. if the scammed guy still has money then any forensic opsec firm will fuck you up for the right amount.
If the hack was done via a virus downloaded from somewhere etc. since it just changes the clipboard and doesn't send anything back then good luck tracking that.

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It's dumping again...
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we did it reddit!!
Just hodl tight, anon. The comeback will leave most paper hands in awe. I utilized this opportunity to slurp up more AAST, and I'm at peace with myself.
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>thread created April 18
>it's now the 3rd of May
Turns out when you make it harder to bot on 4chan that there were very few human posters in the first place.
and thats a good thing

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>no source
>gets called out
wow, that's convincing. your screeching is so loud, i've forgotten all about your not having any evidence of your claim
>muh source about ripple banking adoptiunn from 7 years ago huh uhu huh?
ok shitposting aside, how new are you?
the point is that all these "partnerships" are fake as it has been proven time and time again
When people thought it was real, it pumped.
When people found out it wasn't, it dumped.

Seems like partnerships mean a lot to people.
Chainlinks baggies are the best, love them. 7 more years...

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It was on its way to 10M and they dumped hard, what happened ? I think the dog hole schizos might have been right ...
You tell me, I never bought
Got me, but this happened in the mean time... seems like they are plugging along still.
The sponge normie coin did something absurd like 400M mcap, thought SQUID was an easy play

Timing right now sucks with the halving sell the news event. Most meme coins are going to range or fail. If they survive then maybe they'll blow up hard

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>one of the most important projects in crypto
>the price refuses to go up
what the fuck is this piece of shit's problem?
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>when it comes to Chainlink, nobody gives a fuck about the prospect, or the actual adoption
Except they do.
>What does LINK do in the real world
A crypto Oracle has a lot of uses. Use google
I guess every other token has the ability to decouple from BTC on good news but somehow Chainlink can't?

Retarded ass shills.
no one. i'm waiting to buy SUPRA at tge.
Other tokens don't have to decouple from BTC, because BTC doesn't dump on their news.

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I don't ever go away.
OP has no idea that there is no going back mow. I'm picking up the dips on TURT, AAST and UPO.
I'm still holding mine and have some extra USDT because I'm saving for the launch of Peaq this year. There's no specific date yet, but I'm bullish on the DePIN sector.
I'm not selling, I'm waiting for Supra to have its TGE and I'm fucking aping in.
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I am not selling my Qan bag. I will still be here

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Actually big. Basescan is Etherscan built and owned.

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Munger edition.


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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i also post in bant so i can prove im just a patriotic leaf flag pumping my leaf pennyscams

dunno bout the rest of u
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Its retail. Its fucked.... its all fucked.
That’s what I like to see. I’m staying away from AMD, NVDA and SMCI cuz it’s just too volatile for me atm.

Otherwise I like ur shit. Do u do options as well or just pure stocks?

The best time to plant a time was 10 years ago. The second best time is today. Start ya goof

Bro earnings are and absolute scam 100% they will crash soon. It’s a total fraud what they are doing. Anyone who works in the automotive industry knows the numbers Carvana showed yesterday were absolute bullshit. It’ll crash for sure, question is when?

If you don’t understand anything at all, just put the money into SPY, VTI, or some equivalent. If u go to ur bank you can talk to someone who’ll explain that shit to you. Do NOT fall for their shams saying they’ll manage the money and grow it for u. After management fees and fund fees and “ups and downs” in the market, you’ll end the year with a measly 1-2% gain.


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Cryptocurrency has no value. If I bought all the crypto coins that exist, what would I be able to do that I can’t do now?
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Comparing things that are similar makes sense, not apples to... weird coins. Buying all the crypto in the world? Sounds like a lot of effort for nothing. You’d just make them more expensive and use up all your money. It’s just simple economics. Or, you could just make your own coin, but then you’d have to find someone else who actually wants to buy it. Sounds like a lot of hassle for something that doesn’t even get you a discount at the supermarket.
It's not worthless as long as you're making money. I've noticed many people are following the latest narratives like DePIN, RWA, and AI. Currently, I'm exploring the liquid restaking protocol, and it seems beneficial. YieldNest has caught my eye.
> Your medium of exchange is worthless. As proof, consider if I was the only one using it: I couldn't do anything with it.
You continue to impress.
I don't know, my shill alert is going off in my head rn
There is nothing like utility memecoins. I'd rather hold my Sol and Qan instaed

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