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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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Previous: >>968906

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

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>Is it one of those "free" softwares where you have to buy all kinds of hairstyles and whatnot or is everything actually free?
...are you bullying me?
Just pirate everything
Fuck it I'll just do that and watch some tuts :3
no, i answered you.
>Is it one of those "free" softwares where you have to buy all kinds of hairstyles and whatnot
>or is everything actually free?

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Ladies and Gentlemen of /3/,

The next 4 upcoming years, i will spend every single day in the production for the pilot-episode of a new Berserk adaptation.
>Narrative - 100 % faithful to the Manga
>Art Style - inspired by Netflix Arcane (pic related)

Without any doubt: this project is a Behemoth, but i am dead serious about the production.

Truth to be told, i am lacking experience, which is why i created this thread in the first place.
I would like to know your opinion on certain topics - Roughly spoken about project-management, planing and execution.

I am not asking for direct involvement in the project - at least not until i proved myself with regular updates and progress that i am the real deal.
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Well going through the tools was good call... I can't comprehend whats going on with the head when i morph
So, this is really fucked up. ZBrush can't handle any interaction with the head because of the corrupted geometry. No dynamesh, no Zremesher. 8VRXTJ
When you morph? what are you even trying to do bro?

Upload the obj and I will take a look at it. I highly doubt you messed it up that bad.
Each polygon must be assigned a bone with a zone. Using Morph means you have the brush individually wrapped around it and causing the image you see. You need to fix the model to only have the necessary parts (head, chest, arms, etc). So you should have 7 model parts on the right side of the panel, not this >>982267
Damn I’m rooting for OP. This is a great thread. Keep it up!

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Why did you guys choose 3D over drawing? Is it because drawing it's too difficult?

I've been thinking if I like drawing or 3D more and what to invest more time on, because with 2D you can also animate
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3d is also pain when y
They both have their set backs. Its a different kind of dirt, but its still dirt. One thing I find difficult with 3D is that it's harder to fail forward faster. I can't edit mistakes as quickly. Especially late in development.
I really don't know wh
well in 2D you dont have to deal with UV mapping

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Previous thread: >>973562
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I'm already finding problems with my solution. I should have done mix shader instead of add shader. Anyway, I don't feel like fixing it all now. Maybe you can figure it out.
one day Pablo will come back and make blender sculpting great again
what did you meme by this
>animate on twos
>faster motions on ones
so how does one define a fast motion then? where is the threshold?
>where is the threshold?
When an action on twos has absolutely no in-betweens before the start/end, it'd probably be a good idea to switch to ones.
Likewise, when an action needs a bit more to sell it, like with some extra anticipation/easing and you can't quite make it flow right on twos, use ones.
There's not a hard threshold, you just know it when you need it. As shitty an answer as that is.

Doubt it. He's busy doing dumb shit with iPads. I don't see a reason that he'd come back. Nor do I really think he should.

Is learning blender a waste of time if I'm serious about learning animation?
I just want to animate anime girls with bouncy boobies fighting with weapons and magic like RWBY.
I've seen people say that Maya is better for animation than blender but I've not seen people actually explain what makes it better specifically. Is it the UI or something? I only have experience in Blender and cinema 4d. I prefer animating in blender over C4D. Right now I'm not doing shit professionally but I don't want to waste time learning Blender if I'm just going to have to learn Maya later. I'm not getting any younger over here.

I've taken a 3d animation and modeling course at college just for an art minor. I plan on taking animation again but learning Maya instead of cinema 4d. Would it be better to just fuck around in blender making meme shit until this fall or should I just dive into Maya?
Maya if you want to get a job
animation is animation, software is less than 1% of the actual work. Blender is free, so that's good enough for me. I have used maya too and personally I like it but this shit isn't my job and at the end of the day I prefer blender's ui and ease of use over maya. mostly I just know blenders shortcuts better.

studios use maya because they have always used maya. if they could seamlessly move to blender and save a buck without disrupting the pipeline, they would. but it would unironically cost more time and money to transition to blender than it would to simply maintain the status quo. so yeah, if you want a job go with maya. blender will always be there for you if you want to play with bouncy anime tiddies though, there is no rule against using both programs.

a casual image that i will use for my new album
made with bryce 4 and photoshop 5
Looks like something you'd find in the CD section in a 00s pawn shop.
And I mean that in an endearing way.
Good work OP.
One thing, you might want to do is super sampling or rendering at a higher resolution for anti-aliasing.
If you want to go for the look without antialiasing turn it off for the font as well and use the same resolution.
nice art. i would change the title to something else but i think it looks good.
Looks really ni
Painfully generic.

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I've been using SourceFilmmaker over the past year to make a voiced-acted visual novel. It's called "Please Fur My Wife" and Pizza Girl is one of the heroines that you can date.

There's a demo out and you can see a few completed SFW scenes at youtube.com/@chadchan3d

The game's premise is that you're one of the last humans in a world of furries. This was an NTR fetish parody game (still is) but it's growing into a story about furries vs humans.
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So what are the 3dcg related updates? Have you made any transparent sprites you can reuse?
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The updates are in using 3DCG for storytelling. I made sprites initially but felt that it was visually limiting so I chose instead to make a million renders for everything.

In hindsight, sprites is the right way for an efficient workflow.
How much is every ren
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Every render is about 8mb but when the project is compressed for distribution, each render becomes about 200kb. As of now the project has 1,300 renders.

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Missing features and lacks artistic improvement to match with Unreal and Unity
All marketing PR talk, no real experience in using Blender. Knows nothing about the real reason.
>Open source
Open source projects doing dumb things like glTF animation implementation, dead software, not documenting important stuff, heavy relaying on Blender instead of other 3D software
>Unity and Unreal
They have a monopoly in 3D games, not a single open source can export to console. Open source projects limits artists like you and me with dumb ideas like TIFF format. Heavy restrictions to Windows only. Dumb downloads for developers like Microsoft Visual Studio. None of that matters with Unity or Unreal.

Never trust YouTubers
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>MaKe tHe CamRa thE PlAyeR
Do you know how stupid that sounds to everyone.
That's how it works.
No, the camera is not the player, the camera is the camera. It’s like saying you’re an alien in a alien spaceship filled with aliens. No, you are still a dumb human without alien special powers.
Brackeys in parricular will fuck you up in the long term if you follow his tutorials. He is designed to gatekeep indiedev by culling newcomers
i swear anyone who unironically advocates for godot is a retard
the main purpose of a game engine is to provide a render engine, physics, audio systems and being able to easily port to different systems
godot is like retarded in all of that so all you really get is a shitty editor and at this point you might just grab an off the shelf render engine and start from the ground up

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What are /3/'s thoughts on this new GLITCH animation?

Personally, this is some of the most creative modeling and animation I've seen in years

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the amazing digital circus sucks ngl
the thread lived longer than the meme
shes cute
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Episode 2 is releasing, how will it fare compared to the pilot?
I just watched the first e

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Need help, I'm relatively new to charactermodeling in blender and ambitiously chose to go for an anime-ish style. I edited the normals to make the lighting more presentable, but to my knowledge you cant edit the normals for individual shapekeys, which sucks because facedeformation messes with the light.
Is there a quick and easy work around for this or do I have to redo my shapekeys manually, but better?
It's supposed to be a game asset at the end of the day.
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>>982233 (OP)
that is done with normal transfer.
Cant be exported>? Cant be exported to what? I use custom normals in a unity project and they imported fine
If you're using data transfer in Blender to keep the face normals working through deformations via shape keys, just know that deformations will still break the face normals on export to Unity/Unreal. You'll have to modify the face normals per frame like how CC2/Arc System Works handle it.
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Another solution which I've seen used in Hi-Fi Rush and Genshin Impact is to use an SDF texture. You'll have to set up a custom shader in Unity/Unreal but the huge benefit here is that face deformation of any kind won't destroy the normals. Downside is that you're essentially using psuedo lighting. It's not 'real' but it doesn't matter.
This, the best sol

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I am now much stronger, and now have mastered AI as well as 3D and 2D.
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That's good Cris it's always good to ha
I just wish none of present and future hobby would involve po
Completely agr
this is actually kinda good and SO
Cris is getting b

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Did anyone know what happens to @BeanBeanis
All platform had been deleted
No idea who that is but based on your picture I can scry how it was Jail Jesus or both.
probably nuked for making something too based with etna and flonne apparently
I was hoping to see more of his content but he deleted his pixiv account
I think that he committe

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itt we post /3/ stuff that makes you go "huh."
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ct scan of a gamers brain after he tried giving himself amnesia to re-play his favorite game for the first time again
wow, that's crazy.
That's completely ama

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le donut of blender. based!
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lard? based! blender? based!
this is what blender is all about
Blender is a free and ope

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