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--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

Gundam 00 Raiser - Trans-Am Raiser Sword:
Altron Gundam - Twin Beam Trident Assault:
HG Huckebein Boxer info

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GC is full of units who are abnormally good or shit, Boss Borot is one I like to bring up, having some of the highest raw numbers in the game while having 3 pilots and GC giving you access to a huge excess of power parts means any flaw it normally has is just solved by a combination of Wall and Flight while also giving you a unit with finisher tier damage for literally free.
A Portable the Shuffle Aliance outside of Domon are hitting numbers when fully upgraded you'd question in the modern Era while supers that are usually the ones hitting the giant number finishers are instead hitting 700 points below them.
Alpha Gaiden's Super Gundam ends up being way better than it is now adays due to having 2 pilots in one mobile suit and being able to abuse support attack on the MK2's pilot with the split command.
The SRW channels are very active at certain hours.
I wonder if one of them would survive
Princess and maybe a Prince
>except it means that FUCKING ALTRON with its 1-7 has a move with both longer range and two extra effective range over every single move Heavyarms gets.
That's the power of ごひ

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Sequel announcement any day now, am I right?
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So yeah, there were a lot of people in line for the shop, around 100 circa
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chapter 1 is written on the tea mug
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I'm still waiting for an explanation regarding this Bravern ability.
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I didn't read any Nip mentioning that line as something weird like was that infamous Cunus' like that got mistraslated. But it's a curious thing, probably since he sucking from the core of the Earth he feels it reacting to Bravern's "magic" in some way, if you think about it Isami became one with a man who reincarnated as a robot.

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Official Sites:

>YouTube OFFICIAL Channel:

>Official Ultraman Connection Discord

>Ultra Pastebin:

>Ultraman Blazar finished airing

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ANON! Why haven't you been working on that backlog already?! Do you not take pride in your /m78/ shitposts?! Then hurry up and get on with watching that backlog already! GO!
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>Type A
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>This week’s update is about Shu Ishido, the buddy of Yuma Hize

>Shu Ishido (Age 25)
>He is a special investigator assigned by the Space Science Division of the Global Defense Force (GDF) joining Yuma at SKIP (Scientific Kaiju Investigation and Prevention center). He tackles kaiju disasters as one of Yuma’s fellows.

>Although he specializes in research and investigation of aliens and space kaiju, as a GDF member, he is the only one permitted to use the Elemagun, an anti-kaiju gun. Though he is generally a calm and logical elite who is always in a formal suit, whenever he has trouble obtaining a certain beverage, he gets flustered and becomes an entirely different person. After his encounter with Yuma, who has a pure personality and abundant imagination, he gradually develops sympathy for Yuma as they begin to understand each other.
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>Cast: Sho Kaneta
Shu will be played by young actor Sho Kaneta.
Born on January 9, 2000 (age 24) in Hokkaido. Affiliated with Shochiku Entertainment.

He made his debut after being selected as a finalist in the 32nd Junon Superboy Contest in 2019. He is an emerging chameleon actor, who initially gives off a cool and humble impression, but overturns that by fascinating the audience with his passionate acting. Fully utilizing his acting experiences in TV dramas and movies, he portrays Shu, an elite investigator almost like a role tailor-made for him, in a refreshing style.

>Comment from Sho Kaneta
>Nice to meet everyone. I am Sho Kaneta and I play the role of Shu Ishido. For a project as monumental as Ultraman, I was mixed with various emotions of not only joy but also worry and nervousness. However, we’ve been crafting this piece together with everyone pitching in and working together. Just as Shu Ishido develops as a person through overcoming various challenges, I hope you’ll also witness my own personal growth along the journey.

>To believe.

>In today’s world, where we often become worried or afraid from not knowing what to believe in, I hope you’ll find inspiration in the courage and strength of belief portrayed in Ultraman Arc!

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Zeonic just released the final update on volume 2, making the collection complete. Uploaded the PDFs on MediaFire because his site is prone to getting DMCA'd and random server crashes:
Volume 1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/a4d0bczax5rot50/
Volume 2: https://www.mediafire.com/file/944ag1uohlssi5h/

Also, please, please, PLEASE, no bullshit arguments about "canon". You know exactly who you are.
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I feel like Ribbons' ego would prevent him from using something like the Gadaleza as his personal unit. Reborns largely exists in its current form to say
>See, I can build a working Twin Drive System too
>Not just a 00R evil clone
Reborns Gundam was not a 00R clone. It had the whole fucking two in one gimmick transformation where it was half Guncannon and Gundam. It didn't share ANY design or weapons with the 00R. It even mounted the twin drives on the elbows just to be different.

Claiming that the Reborns and 00R are clones of each other is fucking stupid. It's like thinking Wing Zero and Epyon were clones because they both had the Zero system.
But Ribbons alone made the Trial System obsolete, as he finds all sorts of ways to shut that down.
>Claiming that the Reborns and 00R are clones of each other is fucking stupid.
Ribbons used 00R's data to build Reborns Gundam

> It's like thinking Wing Zero and Epyon were clones because they both had the Zero system.
Epyom Gundam was built after using data from Wing Zero.
And yet it's still super successful.

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Turn A is amazing
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Turn-A is a sun-baked shit.
Cope harder retard
Shut the fuck up.
He did nothing (wrong).
Mogged hard by Diana, Kihel, and Sochie

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Outsourced Edition

>Power Rangers Cosmic Fury:
Currently available on Netflix

>Official YouTube Channels:

>24/7 Streams:

>Boom Comics Recent Releases/Announcements:
- Ranger Academy
- MMPR: The Return

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You don't need Sentai footage for a cartoon.
Because execs only tolerated PR for its cheapness. A cartoon that looks any good would cost more money than PR is typically familiar with.
They saw it for what it was: Disney's attempt at weaseling more control over the brand than they were allowed.
>we need our own Shredder's Revenge, or something similar
It was made last gen, it was called Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Mega Battle. It got little to no love, but it was a solid beat-em-up. The combat system has great variety, more so than any Ninja Turtle game I've played. There's an upgrade tree which lets you unlock a lot of different attacks. You start out as a teen, and once you gather enough energy from defeating enemies you can Morph. You can use any teen including the replacements, though White Ranger and the replacement teens were DLC). My biggest complaints are that it was only 4 players, and didn't have online co-op. The Megazord sections were also just QTEs, but I imagine they didn't know how else to handle Megazords in a 4 player game. I think a lot of people were put off by the cartoony style style of it, which is a shame because it's one of the better PR games we've gotten.
I keep memoryholing this game. I was actually interested when it came out; I recall watching some gameplay but I don't remember why or what made me lose interest. A couple of years after it came out I decided to give it another go and saw it was delisted, so I never played it.

Was the gameplay really that engaging? I barely see people bringing this game up, even here.

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JAM Project never made a bad /m/ song
I would still fuck her I don't give a shit if she's twice my age

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Sorry gaijin kun, only Japan gets SDF and Do You Remember Love for a limited time
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I hope Summer because that's when Macross II's BD is supposedly shipping.
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Got a real information high from that link.
It's her world, we're just living in it.
The estimated delivery date for MacII is December 2024. It'd be nice, if the disc does come before the end of the year, but I'd expect to see it in 2025, based on other AnimEigo crowdfunders (or just crowdfunders, in general).
I thought that was just a placeholder as I went to their update page on kickstarter and saw a Summer estimate from them. Plus already has me impatient enough.
The December date is an estimate, but like most crowdfunders, it's usually an optimistic guess. I took a quick look at the Updates page of the Kickstarter and can't find anything on a summer release; the pre-order page AnimEigo opened after the Kickstarter also still says December. That said, the people handling disc authoring only started working on the materials around April; unless other physical items are already in production, at earliest we'd be seeing the product is late 2024 or early 2025.

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Happy 50th anniversary, Getter Robo!
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getter cute
fucking praying for the day someone translates this. fucking love mahjong AND getter, it's like someone tapped into my brain and made it
unfortunately im a dekinai
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Iconic line.

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>Previous thread:

Previous campaigns:https://snip.dssr.ch/?13bb17497ee9288d#4sosfvz6HTqLrdA2A9RGqooWW7AgCsNoZg7tfR28dfQS

Password is gas4llspacen0ids to access page.

(Near) complete unit and character assets from Gihrens Greed: Menace of Axis V
[For those that wish to make their own creations with the potential for them to be added as mercenary blueprints to the current game OR for their own personal uses.]

Character set: https://mega.nz/folder/YSVzWbRB#iLhOMXSbzS_jBq3WGP6NxQ

Unit set: https://mega.nz/folder/EeNBQZTC#hg26dftks0YrIhTW25zL1Q
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>Priest: Genine, can you help disperse the bread? Please, there are many who can not feed themselves that need-
>Zeon Officer: Additional sacrifices will be needed to ensure an end to this war. I am sure those who are claiming to be hungry would rather endure that than being brutalized by the Federation. We will be taking all it, man of the cloth.
>Priest:...Very well.

Hiding a cache of bread beneath a section of loose flooring, Genine returns with two sacks of bread loafs. Noticing the young girls slight struggle with the weight in her hands, the Officer takes the sacks from her personally.

>Zeon Officer: When was the last time you ate, young lady?
>Priest: Genine-
>Genine: I...have forgone my daily bread to share it with those who have been cast from their homes.

Looking to the Priest with a harsh glare, the Zeon Officer opens one of the sacks, handing over five loafs of bread to Genine, before ripping a sixth one in half.

>Zeon Officer: Make sure to make those last those you are sharing with until we return. As for these, I want to you eat this half right here before I go. The other half, you use it for yourself and nobody else. Uh...here.

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Cutting apart the bread left behind to be dispersed to the churches patrons, Genine finds numerous Zeon soldiers entering into the confessional booth. As her stomach growls at the bread left for her, she distracts herself by shuffling next to the booth, listening in against her better judgement.

>Zeon Soldier:...It was a moment of weakness, sir. I have not been with my wife for so long now...I-i just needed comfort. J-just...I know it was wrong. I'm really...really scared i'm not going to get to apologize to her when I get home. I'm just...so fucking scared man, that I am going to get hit by something, and there is going to be like a lake of fire waiting for me for all-
>Priest: I am not here to forgive you, my son. By accepting your sins though, the lord will understand...and he will forgive. Accept him into your heart, or even if you choose not to...Jesus Christ will not abandon you, or your wife.
>Zeon Soldier:...*Sniff*. Thanks man...

Stepping out from the Confessional booth, the young soldier wipes his eyes of tears as he steps out from the now nearly vacant church. As he steps into the open sunlight, he releases a long sustained yell.

>Zeon soldier: God! Christ almighty! Take of me what you will, but I ask that you reunite me and my wife! I'll serve in your kingdom as a janitor or a soldier, but I want to know she won't be alone! Praise be onto you! Praise be onto-

The soldier is pushed to the ground as Richard makes his way into the church, his Gouf Flight Type barely holding together as it is hauled away. Huffing at the crucifix near the confessional, Richard sees the small girl shuffling away from the booth. His face red and coated with sweat, Richard legs quickly carry him into the unoccupied booth.

>Priest: Good afternoon, my son-

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Remaining silent, the Priest waits for Richard to continue.

>Richard: I hear that those who don't join your club have an ending torment awaiting. Really awful stuff. So...how about those who just don't know? Who could never know? How about those with different ideas about how to live their lives? How about those who are...a bit hesitant? They all going to burn for that? How about those who found a better way to live, and your people just can't help but make their life a living hell? Gods all powerful, and yet he needs a bunch of mud slinging, backwards followers to threaten lynchings, burning and hanging people up on piles of wood...shaped like that little mark you got outside of here?
>Priest:...Whatever is troubling you my son, I am here to listen-
>Richard: Do you think God has preferences on who he rewards for being loyal? "Thou shalt not kill", but if its in his name, its all fine, right? If, for example again, someone who was fighting for his country and freedom, did not cry out for god loud enough, does he deserve to be nailed up on a hill, being left in the unforgiving sun alongside dozens of others? Actually, you know what? I have a confession for you. I have killed. I've killed a lot. I felt good about it. So good, I want to keep going. Does that make me a sinner? Does that make my girl a sinner because she found her own god? I want you do something for me...and its real simple. So, very simple...I want you to forgive me. Not god, not Christ...I want you to tell me I am forgiven. That my comrades are forgiven. That my love is forgiven. Can you do that for me? Please?
>Priest:...It is not my place to do so, my son. Only after you have forgiven yourself-


Crashing out of the confessional, the Priests waist bleeds onto the floor. Rushing to her guardians side, Genine calls out for help as Richard steps out from the booth, spitting onto the Priest's face.

>Richard: See what faith in your song and dance got you?

Genine reaches for a candle, only to have her arm held by the now critically injured priest.

>Genine: Someone!! Anyone-
>Richard: This your daughter? How'd you get her to believe in this bullshit? Hit her? Love her? A lash for every missed "praise" and "prayer" in the morning-

Breaking the Priests grip, Genine tries to thrust the candle into Richards face, just for her arm to restrained by Richard.

>Richard: Giving into violence? Maybe your little girl has some fire in her after all. Lets see what kind of work you have done on her.

Yanking at Genine's gown, Richard rips away multiple sections of its cloth before being restrained by another soldier.

>Richard comrade: Rick! Stop this-
>Richard: You saw what they did back in the south, and yet we have people lining up to be for their help?! Let me have this! She needs to know at least some of these bastards are-

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The only Titans remnant of note left is ironically Monsha's Brew Desides. Brave could be cooking up a counterattack somewhere but he's probably mindfucked from exposure to the psycho gundam.

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What's everyone watching or reading or building? Looking forward to anything this year?
Let's keep it /m/-related.
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Kamen Rider Zombie has felt the agony of the lack of stronger power ups like Shadowmaru did in his show. Coincidentally, they're both purple.
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Picrel is my current backlog, any suggestions on what to tackle next? I like MJP-like humour, Takahashi and pretentious things.

If this is your backlog why are you asking for more suggestions?
Watch this stuff first.
I wasn't asking for additions but for some spoonfeeding on what's the most interesting and what is worth skipping on this list.

Project Ako
Armitage III
Betterman(dont bother with that BD version and just watch a dvd rip)
Iczer one
Blue submarine no.6, find version with dolby 5.1 or dts with subs and not that dual audio one.
Gun x Sword
Macross DYRL instead of that one on your list.
Watch og Dominion Tank Police before the new dominion one.

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New edition.
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Dunbine had some pretty great girls in it.
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Nanoha has always been /m/

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Anyone here read the manga?
So far I definitely prefer it over the TV series.
>Action scenes that don't consist of the same drawn-out attack animations, featuring some surprisingly visceral violence at times (Umi getting spiked, Hikaru's dog biting her in the throat)
>More confident in it's sense of humor, Hikaru's spontaneous cat ears and the super-deformed characters never coming across as an afterthought
>Story is more concise than the TV series, though I still appreciate Nova and a couple of the MOTW capers
Between this and the Sega Saturn game I've found a new appreciation for the characters and their interactions, a prime example of how a good cast can turn a fairly banal or juvenile work into something truly special.
>Hikaru is both a fierce warrior and the friendliest person you'll ever meet
>Fuu is wise, but too dense to understand jokes or hyperbole
>Umi is a snotty rich girl thrust into a world of monsters and warlocks
It's been a couple years since I watched the anime adaptations and I've still got about 3,5 volumes left to go, but I will probably stand by most of these words long after I've finished.
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There is a hack around that reverts the Working Designs gameplay changes. Sadly AFAIK, there is not a combined version with the undub hack, at least for now.
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>sega lost the source code
Jokes aside... That happened to Panzer Dragoon Saga.
Can't disagree with that.
>holded back at the very end by, at leadt, not outlining the nipples
I agree. And it's kind of strange they would, since Hirano always packed his OVAs with pretty good fanservice. Maybe they just thought it wasn't worth the effort drawing some extra lines and adding a little more colors, since their chests are usually obscured anyways.

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Why did it fail?
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It felt like it was inspired by everything else except pacific rim.
Racists are irrational. Please understand.
The most important aesthetic aspects of mecha are really difficult to communicate. The proportions and geometry of the mecha, how they move, the scenes in the cockpit, these all make or break a mecha show/movie. These are all difficult to express, mecha fans may have a feeling of when these are done well or poorly, but to the avg person PR1 was no better or worse than a Bayformers movie (some of which had redeeming qualities)
PR1 nailed all of them. Particularly the piloting system, the idea of pair piloting and the drift was such an amazing vehicle for interpersonal drama (and PR1 didnt even really make full use of it)
You can tell just by comparing the designs of Gipsy Danger to Gipsy Avenger that the film was headed by people without the requisite taste level to make good mecha
Pacific Rim 1 makes every motion of the machines an event. Gypsy Danger's got so many moving parts, and so much care and thought put into it's design that every time it does anything it's visually and audibly exciting. There's all of these wonderful little flourishes to its movements. A really good example is during the Knifehead fight, when it does the two fisted smash. You hear this sound like a winch or cable being pulled taught, and as the sound reaches it's highest pitch, and the arms lock back, the forearm guards lock down to the elbows, signifying that it's locking it's joints down to withstand the impact. That stuffs almost completely absent in Uprising.
For me, it was mecha design and the way they moved being worse in the second movie.

For one, Jaegers in Uprising were too mobile. Yeah you had Red Typhoon in the first that was super mobile, and the Australian one could run with a turbo booster, but still everything had weight to it. They remembered these are literal walking skyscrapers that weigh thousands of tons. Meanwhile Uprising had them pull acrobatic maneuvers, everything felt weightless and free of inertia and less special. There's "tech advanced ahead" and then there's bs.

Boyega is a less charismatic actor overall, killing off both heroes of the first movie shot them in the foot.

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Post your continuity breaking cash gra- I mean, obscure prototype and limited deployment mobile suits from MSV
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>I was made
When did zeeks start making intelligent mech AI?
... I as in "Zaku I"
you know, 1
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