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This board is for author-driven collaborative storytelling (i.e., "Quests"). In a quest there is a single author who controls the plot of the story and who drives the creative process. They can choose to take suggestions from other posters, or not, at their sole discretion. Quests can be text-based, image-based, or a combination of the two. Drawfaggotry is strongly encouraged!

To facilitate the author-driven nature of quests, /qst/ differs significantly from other boards in that the OP of a thread is considered the quest's author, and has some basic text formatting abilities: [b], [i], and color tags [red], [green], and [blue]. Therefore, only those people willing to put in the effort to be a quest author should post threads. If you do not intend to run a collaborative story, do not post a thread here! This includes meta-threads.

Dice rolling follows /tg/'s format (e.g., "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the options field rolls 2d6).
Current board settings:

Anyone can post images.
Anyone can use painter.
Anyone can use dice & spoilers.
Only OP can use text formatting.
3000 character limit.
750 bump limit.
Decreased post timer to match /tg/ (30 seconds for text, 60 seconds for an image reply).
Automatic permasage after 72 hours.
Thread specific user IDs.
Max threads per IP is 5.
Standard 7 day internal archive.

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>You are an Inspecter looking to find out the truth on the matter of Son Gohan being severely injured. His sister, Son Peppa, has not been injured, but may have some clue as to why her brother was injured. You will have to find out what she knows.

>WARNING: This is a spinoff of Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest. Being familiar with Tuffle Quest helps, but this spinoff will also have topics such as bullying, abuse, self-harm, drug use, grief, suicidal ideation, grooming, violence, and rape.


The Inspecter actually three of the tuffle Maple Son-Mahogany, Peppa's Mom, in a trenchcoat has heard Peppa describe in detail how her chocolate, meant for her girlfriend, was stolen from her on February 14th.

Then, Peppa talked of how she was fighting with her brother Gohan since that incident, but then the fights got too severe for Peppa to recount the rest, so the Inspecter motioned for her to take a break.

The Inspecter went out and had coffee, and the three components of the Inspecter (Scolding, Doting, and Inquiring) discussed some theories based on the info they had, then went over some of the big questions of the case.

In the end, there was only one question that could be answered with any certainty...
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>C. Roll Insight to ask a better question, 1d100 DC 66 (I will ask for rolls after the vote.)
Thanks for playing, y'all! Will update tomorrow.

For any newcomers joining in, this quest is slow-paced, and by that I mean I update once per day, usually.

pic not related in the slightest
“Maybe the culprit behind stealing the chocolate has a crush on Peppa?”

After a long pause, Inquiring pipes up, “Dottie? Let’s say that’s true or not. In either case, how would that factor into what happened on White Day?”


Scolding shrugs, which sorta throws off the balance of their totem a smidge. “Eh, Dottie did figure out something to link the dates together. By like, a hair. But it is something.”

Inquiring scuffs her shoe against pavement as she mulls it over. “How is it helpful though?”

Doting thinks for a bit. “...hm, hm!” She raises a finger, which jostles the crank on the mechanism for their arms. “It is something else to talk about!”

Inquiring compensates with some quick steps to the side, and asks, “Why would we talk about something else?”

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>C. You have gleaned new info about Izzy, what with these odd reactions to her name. Ask Peppa if she saw anything else like that.

Anon, I'm giving you ten million dollars of my money.

You must invest all of it in the stock market at today's rate.

If you give me a positive return, I'll reward you handsomely.

But if you end up with less than what I gave you, I'll cut off your balls and feed it to my goats.

So, good luck.

>>Buy the shares
1. You must invest the entire amount
2. You can only buy stocks listed in the united states stock exchanges
I invest it all in a consulting firm that pushes for more LGBT representation in videogames
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Challenge accepted.
I'm drunk as a skunk right now but OK.

138,000 shares Strive [STXG]

13,000 shares Tesla [TSLA]

2,496 shares Berkshire Hathaway [BRK-B]

10,329 shares 3M [MMM]

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We will return in one week, anon.

You will either win prizes beyond your wildest dreams.

Or my goats will feast on your balls.

Have fun.

>>Other anons are welcome to build their own portfolios
1. Anons with positive returns will be rewarded
2. The anon with the highest return will be the ultimate winner
3. Anons with negative returns will be castrated
4. The goats hunger
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$10,000,000 into Lockheed Martin (LMT).

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In the year 1987, crime and corruption in America is an epidemic. Drugs and guns flow into the country from everywhere in the world, and the gateway to it all is the coastal paradise, Heat City. This is a place of shining high-rises and shadowed alleys, sunsets and smog, neon and blood, ruled by ambition and greed and power. Here in Heat City, you can get whatever you want -- if you can pay the price.
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"I'm hungover. There is a big difference. And I drive one hell of a mean machine no matter what state I'm in baby. Claire there can back that up." Fresco replies before leaning back against a wall in the office. Nodding without adding in the state of the vehicles after he drove them.
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>Napps has gained a net $120,000 from Friedrich and the Farm Job! Holy shit. What are people supposed to do with $300k??? I don't think mortals are meant to have such wealth...

Navigation came easy to Napps - it helped in the races, and it helped him now, finding the new, maybe temporary office for Claire. He'd gotten the call, agreed to the terms laid out by the woman who'd led a good team in the Ricky hit, gave the Hopefully the man they'd hit would deserve a little more pain and blood than a shitty singer or a crappy ball thrower.

Slipping through the narrow door, he saw the day's leader - "Ms. Jack," with a raised hand, and.
Sunglasses. Hawaiian shirt. Cargo shorts. Clearly not Nishina, so this was the new one. "Fresco."

He tapped his fist gently to his open chest, abs and scar exposed by his hawaiian shirt above cargo shorts, all in a slight red tint from his sunglasses.
Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 6/6, Edge 14/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 0/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Flurry of Blows, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 4/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $128 408
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit


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Rolled 6 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

After the brief introductions Fresco claps his hands. "Haha alright we got the whole crew! I'll go get the car warmed up."

>Rolling for Driver now with Cool
Rolled 8 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 6/6, Edge 14/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 0/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Flurry of Blows, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 4/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $128 408
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)

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Are you a fan of World Trigger?
Or are you just curious?
Regardless, let's play a World Trigger campaign.
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> Mikumo wakes up in an unfamiliar area with a couple big and small buildings. He is in his trion body and has one of his normal trigger sets. What will he discover about this place he has been transported to?!
Could use some more to go on here, OP. Is this meant to be a narrative quest? Or some sort of RP? Usually quests are structured as a story told by the QM, with occasional stopping points where the QM will offer choices for the players to vote on to see how the story will continue.
Also, if you're looking for advice on running a quest, the Quest Thread General /qtg/ is a good resource to ask questions, in case you weren't aware of it.
What is world trigger?

its an anime

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Pick race and location
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>Acquire Resources
>Acquire Resources
We need a strong foundation.
>Acquire Resources
I have hopes for this quest, but I am not certain of its endurance.
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Big Ma'ma sends out her workers to acquire resources in the swamp! They return to the nest carrying large boulders! With some effort, flint can be chipped away from them!

Resource acquired: Boulders!

Your warriors capture a slime girl. You attempt to interbreed with her but you fail. Your reproductive systems are too different. The slimes just eat a lot and then they duplicate their core and become two slimes. Their breeding patterns seem incompatible with your current reproductive capabilities. Maybe if you evolve your reproductive system first you would be able to breed with slimes.

Year 2

Food: 6/10 (4% pop growth)

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> Improve Culture
Bugmen shall lift boulders the bigger the more food they get.

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The corpse of King Suial the Third lies crumpled before you, the fury that just minutes ago burned in your chest subsiding. The blade in your hand gleams with his blood. His crimson life pools at your feet, staining the marble floor like an accusation. You feel no remorse, however. The old man was a scourge upon the land—a tyrant who reveled in wealth while the people scraped together scraps. His lust for blood sport and carnal indulgence tainted the realm. And he silenced all who dared to raise a voice against his tyranny through gruesome public executions. Your conscience is untroubled by your actions.
A soft voice pulls your attention away from the lifeless body. "You must take his place as king," she implores, desperation etched in her words. One of Suial’s favored concubines stands before you, her gaze unwavering despite the turmoil brewing in her eyes. "Or else the kingdom will fall into civil war." The revealing, green, silken dress that clings to her pale, delicate young frame shimmers like emerald in the torchlight, reflecting more of Suial's taste than her own. Hair black as ravens frame her delicate face, and eyes the color of polished jade pierce you, unwavering in their plea.
You consider her words, as shadows of uncertainty creep into your thoughts. The kingdom teeters on the precipice, held together by the sheer force of the old tyrant's ruthless rule. Without a strong hand to guide it, chaos is certain. She takes a tentative step closer, her voice steady despite her fear. “The nobles will carve the land among themselves, each vying for power. The people will suffer more.”
In the flickering light of the throne room, you see the terror beneath her composure. She, like countless others, has endured the old tyrant’s cruelty and lust, yet she does not flee, does not turn away from the blood staining your blade.
Instead, she stands before the throne that now sits empty behind her, the gilded chair a symbol of power that bears the scars of Suial’s rule. Your fingers tighten around the hilt of your sword as the weight of her plea settles upon you. The path she offers is fraught with peril, a journey that may well consume you, body and soul.
Yet, as you consider the kingdom’s fate, a resolve forms within you. You sheathe your sword, and as the concubine holds her breath, you make your decision.

> Reluctantly, you ascend the throne, feeling the weight of the people's expectations settle on your shoulders.
> With unwavering resolve, you claim Suial's throne, his crown, and his concubines, all rightful spoils of your victory.
> You decide to establish an uncompromising rule, prepared to crush any dissent with an iron fist.
> You accept the mantle of king, but only temporarily, vowing to hand over power once a rightful successor emerges.
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> With unwavering resolve, you claim Suial's throne, his crown, and his concubines, all rightful spoils of your victory.
>> With unwavering resolve, you claim Suial's throne, his crown, and his concubines, all rightful spoils of your victory.

We knew what we were doing, we just won't be a dick about ruling. Gotta make sure things don't go crazy in the first few days, though. As for the concubines...eh, we'll see what we can do for them. I can imagine at least one or two felt they had a cushy gig up here. Interview the lot of them, see what's what and who's who.
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With unwavering resolve, you stride toward Suial’s throne, each step echoing through the grand hall. The old man's crown, his concubines, and the throne itself are now yours, the rightful spoils of your hard-won victory.
The courtiers watch, their eyes filled with uncertainty, their loyalty swaying with the winds of power. As you ascend the throne’s marble dais, you grasp the old tyrant’s crown from his lifeless head and place it upon your own, its weight settling on your brow like the burden of rule itself.
The remaining courtiers fall to their knees in unison, the silence heavy with the fear of defiance. "All hail the king," Their voices rise in a murmur of fealty, each word carefully chosen to signal their allegiance to you.
As you sit upon the throne, its cold stone pressing against your back, the green-eyed concubine steps forward. She kneels obediently then takes her place at your feet, her emerald eyes unwavering in their submission. The torchlight flickers, casting shifting shadows across the throne room, and the concubine at your feet brings the reality of your new rule into sharp focus.
One by one, the courtiers finish swearing their oaths, their promises filled with the uncertainty of survival in this new regime. With their pledges lingering in the air, you rise from the throne, a gesture that sends them scattering back into the shadows of the hall. With measured strides, you make your way toward the king’s bed chambers, the green-eyed concubine trailing behind in obedient silence as she had once done for Suial.
The doors to the chambers open before you, revealing a lavish suite now rightfully yours. The bed, draped in rich silks and furs, beckons. The green-eyed concubine follows you inside, closing the doors behind her. She approaches with the same submission she had shown in the throne room, her emerald gaze unwavering as she surrenders to you completely, acknowledging you as her king, her green dress slipping to the floor.
Throughout the night, you claim her as you have claimed everything else from the old tyrant, her every breath, her every gasp, her every moan, a proof of your triumph. The spoils of victory belong to you, the victor who killed the old king, and now has a kingdom to rule.

> You, a foreigner passing through the kingdom, witnessed entire families crucified by Suial's orders, men, women, and children, and resolved to overthrow the tyrant.

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>You, a foreigner passing through the kingdom, witnessed entire families crucified by Suial's orders, men, women, and children, and resolved to overthrow the tyrant.


As a foreigner passing through the kingdom, you learned of the king's monstrous enjoyment in feeding peasant children to starving dogs, deciding that such evil had to end.

Both seem plausible at the same time. The first one if we can only pick one, though.

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You are an enforcer. The year is 2098. Nation states are obsolete and in their place the megacorps hold the highest authority and power. When carrots are not enough, you and your squadmates will be the stick. At the moment you are a Lance Corporal, riding a helicopter with the rest of your squad.
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Raymond Donovan Lynch IV

>Corporate upper class: You were born as one of the lucky ones, at least in material sense, but you never felt right with the limpwristed elite. Not insane enough to run away from your family altogether, becoming and enforcer was the only option you saw as a way to become a man by your own terms.
>Bonus: Your familyname pulls some serious weight and if you can stand to swallow your pride, you can pull some strings inside the company.
>Minus: Your family considers your career as a hobby or a childish temper tantrum, depending who you ask. Expect meddling. Additionally you will face resentment from people with average background.

>Aurora: Aurora has a narrow lead when it comes to medicine. Even if countless corps compete in this sector, Aurora's private hospitals and designer drugs are widely regarded as the best and also most expensive.
Wilbur Orville
>Corporate upper class

Alright, I'll throw my hat in the ring

>Walter Klein
>Corporate middleclass: Your parents are clerks, saving for retirement. You didn't have the aptitude to become a manager or research personnel as they wished, so you did the next best thing and rolled into enforcer program.
>FriAir: Largest aerospace corporation still operation on Earth. When it comes to athmospheric flight, FriAir always has the last word and their shuttlecraft is the gold standard when something needs to be sent into space.

I want to see if we can pilot the latest and greatest death machine.
>Streetkid: You were born on the streets, your parents were poor and most likely dead, not that you care much. After doing some favours(most notable, you sold some info regarding a criminal who had offended your megacorp), a company handler sponsored your education and after a few years of schooling and drills you graduated.
>Aurora: Aurora has a narrow lead when it comes to medicine. Even if countless corps compete in this sector, Aurora's private hospitals and designer drugs are widely regarded as the best and also most expensive.

Jason Jager, Script Kiddie turned Enforcer.

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You are a weirdo, an absolute strange one. After a lightning strike against some magic clay, you were born. You have no name, no goals, and an entire world of poorly illustrated weirdos who each likely have their own schizophrenic wants and needs!

Our story begins on the road where you finally have your ego slip into your new form. No deity claims you, and you don’t know what to do with your hands. In the distance, you see a quaint village bustling with activity. Its inhabitants are just as bizarrely drawn as you, moving in peculiar, jerky motions as if they're part of a child's flip book animation.

Nearby, a crooked sign swings slightly in the wind. It reads 'Welcome to Twisty Hollow.' Just past the sign, a group of creatures, looking like a mix of turnip and human, argue loudly about the best way to grow magical carrots.

As you stand there, trying to make sense of this odd world, a small, scribbly cat with two heads, one smiling and one frowning, approaches you. The smiling head purrs and says cheerfully, 'Hello there! New to these parts? You look like you could use a purpose! The folks around here always need help with something. Maybe helping them will help you find your own path!' The frowning head adds grumpily, 'Or just create more confusion. They're a weird bunch, after all.'

Your hands still feel weird and awkward, but you decide it's time to interact with this strange world. The cat continues, 'If you're looking for something to do, I know a few troubled souls who could use a hand:

>Help the turnip-humans with their magical carrot cultivation problem.
>Assist the local baker, a floating loaf of bread, who seems to be missing some crucial baking ingredients.
>Investigate the mysterious singing coming from the old well on the edge of the village.
>Simply explore the village and see what other odd jobs you might stumble upon.
What will you do?
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Couldnt get into it today, currently dealing with a divorce, ignore me forgetting to remove ai text because I couldnt be bothered today, lmk if this thing fucked up anything i failed to mention to it
>Write in
Use divination to identify the unseen blight
I agree with this.

>attempt to use divination to diagnose the problem
We aren't a druid, we have a diverse skillset and the willingness to use it.
Rolled 2, 11, 2 = 15 (3d20)

First 2 are for how clear of a vision, 3rd is what is causing it

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You are perched on your sturdy Arabian stallion, scanning the horizon. The sun, a molten disc descending beyond the hills, casts a deep amber glow across the battlefield. Your fingers grip the curved hilt of your scimitar, its steel eager for blood. Ahead, the Crusaders falter, their formation breaking under the relentless onslaught of your fellow Muslim warriors.
“They are cowardly and weak, like sheep ready for slaughter,” you mutter to yourself, voice tinged with grim satisfaction. It’s a scene you’ve seen countless times—these invaders faltering in the face of determined resistance. You know the Holy Land better than they do; you were raised under its burning sun, tempered by its harsh deserts and rugged hills.
In a heartbeat, you kick your steed forward. The horse leaps, snorting eagerly, and in moments, you’re charging toward the fray, your blade arcing in deadly sweeps. The first Crusader falls before you can register his scream, his eyes wide with shock beneath his helm. The second drops with a gurgle, your scimitar severing his windpipe. A cry goes up, a desperate yell from the Crusader ranks, and they scatter like leaves before a desert wind.
“God is great!” You shout, rallying your men. The wind carries the chant across the battlefield, and you revel in the power it lends you, pushing you to strike down another infidel with swift finality.
The Crusaders came to these lands seeking glory and wealth, a misguided delusion that warps their sense of reality. They are like children, clutching at fantasies while ignoring the harsh truth of your scimitar. “This is our land,” you think, your breath heaving, muscles straining with each swing. “We will not yield.”
You glance to your left, where your commander leads the charge. His spear rises high, catching the sun’s dying light, and for a moment, you see it burn like a beacon, a rallying point for your people. You press forward, weaving through the battlefield, moving with the ease of one who knows these sands well.
Every swing of your blade is purposeful, every movement calculated. This battle will end with your victory because your cause is righteous, a cause that burns bright within you and your fellow warriors.

>>Who are you?
>Zayd ibn Khalid: A veteran warrior who grew up in Damascus, Zayd joined the Saracen forces to defend the Holy Land after witnessing his family's farmland burned down by Crusaders.
>Yusuf al-Fahd: Yusuf is the son of a respected emir and was trained from a young age in swordsmanship; he now leads a small cavalry unit in defense of Jerusalem.
>Salah ibn Omar: A former merchant who traded across the Levant, Salah was drawn into the conflict after the Crusaders occupied his trade routes, devastating his business.
>Kamil al-Rashid: A scout known for his keen eyesight, Kamil grew up as a nomad in the Syrian desert before joining the Saracen army to help fend off the Crusader invasions.
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“And you must be one of the fools who thinks crossing the desert will win him glory. There are no demons here, boy - only men like me to send you to god for judgment,” you reply evenly, your voice low and steady. The title they’ve given you—Desert Wind—whispers through the ranks of the Crusaders, turning you into a phantom that haunts their nights. Your sharp eyes have tracked their every movement from the dunes, your blade striking unseen.
The boy hesitates, as if pondering your words. “Why are you here?” he asks, voice thin with desperation. He looks to you for an answer that might save him.
“For my faith, and to bring crimson death to you Christian invaders,” you say simply, closing the distance between you. Your sword gleams under the dimming light, as it had in the countless battles you fought to protect this land. The Crusader tries to hold his ground, but you see his resolve crumble as you move.
A sharp rustle from the side, and you glimpse another Crusader charging. You pivot, parrying his blow, and bring your sword down in a swift arc that sends him sprawling. He barely has time to gasp before the sand claims him.
The boy watches, frozen, as his comrade falls. His gaze flickers from your sword to your face, disbelief clouding his youthful features. With a swift motion, you disarm the boy, sending his sword clattering to the ground. He stumbles back, clutching the empty air where his weapon used to be. You step forward, and for a moment, you see the fear in his eyes deepen.
But you stay your hand.
“Run, you may yet live to see the next sunrise,” you command, your voice firm. “Tell your people to leave these lands, or the desert will be their graves.”
The boy stares at you, disbelief mingling with gratitude as he backs away, then turns and runs into the desert. You watch him disappear into the dimming light, knowing that he now carries a message that will echo through the Crusader ranks: the holy lands will never belong to them.

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>You gather the faithful for a quick prayer, asking for guidance and strength before the next assault.
>You tend to the injured Mujahideen, binding wounds and offering water under the desert sun.
>You scout the nearby terrain, identifying potential ambush spots for the next battle.
This should be a default dialogue choice.

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It has been 100 years since ancient beings, known as the Old Ones, walked the Earth with their two strong feet. Now they are gone and we animals now rule the remains that they left behind. With our new knowledge of sword and sorcery, we were able to survive in peace for a while, but then came the three factions.
The Apes: Strong giants, claiming to be as just as the old ones and believe they should be the ones to rule over the new world.
The Pigs: An intellectual but slothful group who wish to rule the world with an iron hoof and remain kings while the others remained as dumb animals.
Then there the Lizards: A fast and large group that want to set the world a blaze. Trying to forget the harsh past that the old ones left.
All three sides wishing to go war and destroy one another to bring in what they believe to be true peace.
But, unbeknownst to everyone, there was another group. One that was trying their best to find a way to heal everyone. To bring back order.
You found it.... and now you are taking care of it.

A D&D Homebrew Adventure.

Previous Quests:https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Rise%20of%20the%20Awakened
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Do what you need
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Sorry for not being here guys.
Also I found out that I cannot have a fridge til Friday.
Damn. Sorry guys, wished I noticed this earlier yesterday. If I had then I'd have let you all know that I wasn't gonna be available today. I should probably let you guys know that I won't be available this Thursday either, in all likelihood. Though given that Kinny says he may not be available on most Thursdays, that may not be the biggest issue. Still, really sorry about this.

Sorry to hear about the fridge man, that sucks.
Not going to be avaialable tomorrow
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Update on the sour dough starter, I have made bread dough now I am waiting for it to rise before baking it
Pic was a bout 20 minutes in the rising process so it’s going to be good

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More than a year has passed since the call to arms by pope Urban II in Clermont. Religious zeal spread wildly though all of Christendom, gathering fanatics, monks, liegeless soldiers, the disinherited and the second sons to the banners with the cross. A huge mob of Christian peasantry, hastily rushing towards the Holy Land lead by Peter the Hermit, met their doom in the treacherous terrains of Asia Minor six months ago. Turks... Bohemond of Taranto scoffs. A boulder of a man, Norman by descend, is sitting alone in a high balcony, facing the huge city. As per his request, the Greek ruler, pretentiously calling himself the emperor of all romans, Alexios Komnenos, granted him a tower to serve as his guest quarters. He likes his solitude and the overindulging comfort of the Imperial palace isn't the right place for his soldier heart. Yet he admires the view, Constantinople truly is magnificent in its sheer size.

Bohemond, diligent as always, was first to arrive. The metropolis was set as the gathering point for the nobles who were joining the crusade. For the past few weeks he met the arriving Baldwin of Lorraine, Godfrey of Bouillon, Robert II of Flanders and their retinues, all experienced and respected commanders. Then came bishop Adhemar de Monteil, a dear acquaintance of Bohemond, selected by the pope as the crusade's spiritual leader. In another week's time came Hugh of Vermands and Stephen of Blois - the former just a boy, the latter - a noble without any notable achievements. Then there was Peter the Hermit who miraculously survived the Turkish attacks. Despite failing the peasant's crusade, he is warmly welcomed by the orthodox Greek community. Finally the rich but inexperienced duke Raymond IV of Toulouse arrives with a huge retinue. Bohemond surmises that he must be contributing almost forty percent of all crusader forces.

Alexios Komnenos is always there with Bohemond, greeting each new arriving crusader noble, inquiring about their journey, graciously providing lavish gifts, luxurious resting quarters, brand new barracks for their men and horses, calculated smile on his lips. In exchange for supplies along their long way, the crusaders are scheduled to swear oaths to the emperor in a few days, guaranteeing that all conquered lands by the crusaders will be returned to the Byzantines with the exception of Jerusalem.


Forces: 7 000 knights | 35 000 foot soldiers | 9 000 archers and crossbows

Morale: High ---> piety: +piece of the True Cross +Adhemar +Peter the Hermit -in a city (prostitutes/drinking) | provisions: +food in the city +water in the city +many war and pack horses
34 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
Always nice when a choice made is vindicated, and glad to see the army actually agrees and respects the punishment meted out towards the knight turned Rapist. In any case, I say go for Nicea hard and fast. The bastards are going to be surprised of a force of more then 2,000 knights suddenly appearing before their capital, with a hoarde of more then 10,000 soldiers at the ready to climb the walls or breach them should the fortifications be as pathetic as they were in IRL, it also helps that we are rolling a 1d100+40 thanks to Bohemond for our armys rolling. Besides, if we rush in fast, not only do we have a great chance of catching the city early, we also get a chance at capturing Arslan, and if we get him, then we can pull off either a Richard the Lionheart and Bankrupt his kingdom in its finances and supplies for the captive price, or launch it into anarchy by killing the king and throwing its command structure into utter chaos.

>we are rushing towards Nicea, Kily Arslan has to be in our hands
Alright, so if we want to have everything go as in canon, then letting Kily go would be the correct course of action, the problem with that is that their is no way in hell he would actually defend his holdings from the Turks. He spent that entire seige raiding and harassing the crusaders seige, before getting off Scot free and proved a continual thorn in the side of the Greeks and Christian’s for almost a decade afterwords before his drowning. And while he did at times fight the Degismen, he mostly focused on raiding and attacking Edessa and the Byzantine holdings in Anatolia. Which was why the crusade of 1101 A.D. ended in such a military defeat before it ever marched down south to the Levant like it had originally been planned for.
With that knowledge in my mind, I don’t care about ransoming the bastard, though the money would be nice, I want to just kill the bastard and be done with him, before or after the ransom.
>we are rushing towards Nicea, Kily Arslan has to be in our hands
>we are rushing towards Nicea, Kily Arslan has to be in our hands
Oh shit! I forgot, he’s also the fucker that helped cause the break up of the army, because he helped cause massive fire and salt campaigns to cause as much logistical problems for the crusaders as possible, hence why he poisoned many wells and burned crops that otherwise could have easily have been pillaged and harvested by the crusaders as they were moving through his territory after they won the Seige of Nicea. Now I doubly stand by wanting to capture and kill this fucker now. Because for whatever harm the Turks could cause to his holdings, they would still need to break open the holdings to get the stuff, rather then the holdings just following orders of destroying their own supplies in order to spite the enemy without losing a single man to enemy raids in the process. And from whatever the Turks can steal from Rum, we can just as well steal it from them as we make a detour in order to move along into further southeastern portions of Anatolia in order to make allies of the local Armenians in Edessa that would love to have some solid protection against the local parading Seljuk raiders.

"Become my husband, Yuusha! Together we can overthrow the demon king and rule the kingdom as equals!" The demon king's top general whom you've fought multiple times as the chosen hero makes a shocking proposal! How do you respond?

>No, you're evil, I'll never marry you!
>You're just going to betray me after defeating the demon king!
>Sorry, I already have a girlfriend.
>Write In
44 replies omitted. Click here to view.
>>You don't know what married humans do, do you?
>>Also humans can't pronounce your name, it's just impossible for us. Can I call you something else?

>I don't understand that at all
and therein lies the problem... I don't think anyone truly understands it, in truth. Perhaps it can't be truly understood. But if you wish, perhaps we could try to discover this unfamiliar realm together.

>captcha SN00
oh boy.
>"pull your skirt down. you don't even appear as a boy."
>You don't know what married humans do, do you?
>Also humans can't pronounce your name, it's just impossible for us. Can I call you something else?
>You don't know what married humans do, do you?
>Also humans can't pronounce your name, it's just impossible for us. Can I call you something else?
>Write-in If you marry me and I always keep the defense barriers up you will never be the strongest in the world. What will you do then? What goals will you have if you can't have your dream?

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Welcome to Do Your Best Quest: Relevant Times. A collection of auto-conclusive short sidestories in Prancijan!

Select one of the characters, complete their short story, and move to the next one! You’ll decide the fate of each one, help them succeed or watch them fail! It’s all down to your choices!

Please, pick who you want to play as first:

Rob Banks – Officially demoted (again) from his position as Police Chief, Rob Banks has been tasked to aid the mysterious Unit 95 with its most important mission so far: Apprehend the most powerful homeless man in the shelter. Can they defeat the man blessed by the city itself?

Dunja – This Orange Star United spy snuck into a high society party where President Lazarus Gordon Junior and his cabinet are guests of honor. Her mission is to assassinate the ‘Air Force General’ Wichapi Cherrikano. Will she taint her hands with blood? Or will she die in the process?

Ivanna L. Tavarez – After years under the tutelage of the former head of government Lazarus Gordon Senior, the second phase of his revenge is underway. As the future head of state, Ivanna has to pick a right-hand man from the prisoners locked up in the highest security prison in the country to serve her. Will she choose wisely?

Uzziel – The most outstanding prospect of the Saoinji & Koroma Educational Program of Excellency is being interviewed to work directly under presidential candidate Elicarto Lloydington. To test his competency, he’ll face challenges not even the bravest in Pokyo Lokyo could hope to survive. Will he tame the metaphorical White Tiger of the Concrete Jungle?

Richard Wright – The reinstated detective started his own private investigation on Elicarto Lloydington, and gathered enough information to get a search warrant for his office. He’ll find more than mere clues if he’s not cautious. Will this be the first step towards the politician’s downfall? Or will Richard be made to disappear like countless others?

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65 replies and 15 images omitted. Click here to view.
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“That’s what you know about me? Haha!” The man cheerfully claps. He asked if you knew who he was, and you went on a long tirade about why he is here for life. “I’ve been writing my biography, care to share some pointers with this old man?” He’s not taking you seriously.

You took an elevator, and walked through a long corridor to get here. You’re standing in front of his cell as you watch him wash his hands. There’s plenty of space between the jails in this section.

“It’s on me if I sound lethargic, I can’t tell if it’s day or night from here anymore. Can’t say I’m used to visitors either.” Wigmar the Conspirator acts like he has just a little bit of wit left, but that’s not the case. He’s sharp as ever. “Now, can you enlighten me as to why you called me a *Cake* Plotter?”

...You did what?

>>How do you respond?

>“I misspoke. It’s not a big deal.” Retain your dignity with humbleness.
>“Build a case. I can let you go if you agree to be my right-hand man. I’m sure you’re interested in leaving this place.” Don’t play games, be straightforward.

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>>“Build a case. I can let you go if you agree to be my right-hand man. I’m sure you’re interested in leaving this place.” Don’t play games, be straightforward.
>(writes note to pretend mistake was deliberate) “Shows an ear for small details…”
>“Build a case. I can let you go if you agree to be my right-hand man. I’m sure you’re interested in leaving this place.” Don’t play games, be straightforward.
This guy's good. I like him. He's in.
We only get to pick one right hand, anon.

Also, I'd like to think that the recipe Kobashi made was developed from some sort of failed secret Prancijanian government MK-Ultra-esque project to create sleeper agents for assassinating dissidents and political rivals, but it just made the test subjects heavily attracted to whoever made the cake.

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You are a Cutémon!

You are one of the rarest types of mon: a mon that looks like a cute human girl!

Like all mons, you gain energy by fighting and defeating other mons. Your trainer is the human boy Joe Apple of Patina.
34 replies and 10 images omitted. Click here to view.
Rolled 72 (1d100)

>>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
>Unlock the pen from the outside
Rolled 77 (1d100)

>Keep trying to free Dipoelagus (roll 1d100)
Snowsquash showed up last time we cried for help, but I'm not sure what he can do against this reinforced pen.
Rolled 99 (1d100)

>>Keep trying to free Dipoelagus (roll 1d100)

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