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More than two dozen Republican senators are calling a potential proposal by President Biden to accept Palestinian refugees from Gaza a national security risk, following the administration’s acknowledgment that discussions are underway to help Palestinians in the U.S. bring families over from the region.

A letter rejecting the potential proposal was led by Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), the number three GOP leader, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and 33 colleagues.

It signals another avenue Republicans may try to attack Biden ahead of the November election.

The Biden administration is considering welcoming certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees as they seek to escape war-torn Gaza amid the ongoing war in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas.

Senior officials across several federal U.S. agencies have discussed in recent weeks the details of potential options to accept Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent U.S. residents, internal federal government documents show, according to CBS News.

One proposal involves using the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program to bring Palestinians with U.S. connections who have escaped Gaza and entered neighboring Egypt, the documents reveal.

U.S. officials have also considered welcoming additional Palestinians out of Gaza and are processing them as refugees if they have American relatives, according to the documents. This proposal would have to rely on coordination with Egypt, which has thus far been reluctant to welcome large numbers of people from Gaza.

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Alan Wake 2 hasn't turned a profit 6 months in because no one wants to play as a black woman
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>4chan make-believe Customs officer Zoe J. Troon enters the room
"Alan Wake 2 is great. 88% in PC Gamer great. Best Story 2023 great. It's Remedy taking all the lessons it's learnt across a long career and distilling them into something wonderful. And, apparently, not enough of us have bought it yet.

In the recently released Business Review for January-March 2024, Remedy CEO Tero Virtala wrote that—although it had sold 1.3 million copies at the start of February—the company had only recouped "a significant part of the marketing and development expenses" for Alan Wake 2. A significant part, but not all. Virtala pretty much reiterated that in a subsequent earnings call, where he also mentioned that Remedy had experienced an operating loss of €2.1 million in Q1 2024. Though it's worth mentioning the company did buy back Control in that time.

Which is a shame, as Alan Wake 2 was undoubtedly one of the best games of 2023, and certainly deserved a quicker turn to profitability than it's apparently gotten. Virtala doesn't seem too pessimistic about it, at least (then again, things probably have to get quite bad for the CEO to start screaming 'the end is nigh' in earnings calls), and notes that sales for the game have "continued with a high average price."

The game has yet to "generate royalty revenue," in contrast with other Remedy games like Control and Alan Wake Remastered, both of which have contributed to Remedy's overall royalties growing year-on-year. I wouldn't necessarily worry about that one too much, though: Alan Wake Remastered went through the exact same thing in Q1 of the year following its release."

Look at every other thread that isn't yours
"On the whole, Remedy seems pretty buoyant about its future. Virtala dedicates a hefty chunk both of the business review and earnings call to talking up the possibilities opened up by acquiring the rights to Control, which means the company can now "freely decide on the future of our two established franchises, Control and Alan Wake." Virtala says Remedy is currently exploring both self-publishing and partner publishing for future games in each series.

Virtala also provided status updates on the myriad projects Remedy has cooking. Condor—the multiplayer Control spin-off—has moved to full production; Control 2 is hitting the end of the proof-of-concept stage; the Max Payne remakes are expected to hit full production in Q2 of this year; and the free-to-play multiplayer project Kestrel is still in "concept stage."

Overall, things seem pretty good, even if more people need to pick up Alan Wake 2 before it becomes profitable. Remedy expects that its revenue will increase and operating profit will improve for 2024, and will get more specific about that "when the decision for the business model and the potential agreements for Control 2 and Condor have been made."

Oh, one bit of bad news: Sounds like it'll be a while (if ever) before Alan Wake 2 hits Steam. Asked if the game would come to Valve's platform during the earnings call, Virtala said "That's also a speculation that we cannot at the moment do. At the moment, Alan Wake 2 is available in Epic Games Store, and we hope that PC Gamers will find it there." Sorry for the jump scare, Steam devotees."

>please cite the official 4chan rule

>in accordance with board customs

I don't need to wash my hands after I shit and then shake your hand, but it's a mutually agreed custom amongst civilized people that I do.

So don't shit here and not wash your hands.


Megacorporations openly murder whistleblowers now.

A whistleblower who accused a Boeing supplier of ignoring manufacturing defects on the 737 Max died on Tuesday.

The former Spirit AeroSystems employee Joshua Dean, 45, died after contracting a sudden illness, The Seattle Times reported on Wednesday. Dean's aunt, Carol Parsons, told the outlet that Dean went to the hospital after he had trouble breathing some two weeks ago.

Parsons said her nephew was intubated, and his condition began to worsen. Dean developed pneumonia and MRSA, a serious bacterial infection, The Seattle Times reported.

"Our thoughts are with Josh Dean's family. This sudden loss is stunning news here and for his loved ones," Joe Buccino, a spokesperson for Spirit AeroSystems, told The Seattle Times.

Dean testified against Spirit in a shareholder lawsuit last year, with the former quality auditor accusing the company of poor quality control in the production of Boeing's 737 Max.

The company's unorthodox engineering practices came under scrutiny after The New York Times reported in March that the Federal Aviation Administration had seen it use liquid Dawn soap to lubricate a 737 Max door seal.

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I'm sure they'll find it was natural causes and nobody will need to investigate further.
If someone finds some evidence they, too, will be found with a self-inflicted gunshot to the back of the head.
>MRSA, a serious bacterial infection
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Staphylococcus aureus (staph) is a type of bacteria found on people's skin. Staph bacteria are usually harmless, but they can cause serious infections that can lead to sepsis or death.

So the effin' killers put some Methicillin-resistant Staph on his face mask and killed him?
Evil scum.
Smart though, better than shooting one's self in the back of the head or falling out a window
underrated story which everyone will forget about by next week
The staph wasn't introduced by a face mask, but by an aerosol in a small bottle sprayed in his face

Disgraced ex-NY Rep. released his first few Cameo videos dressed in drag
Charging people $275 for messages from his drag persona Kitara Ravache
READ: Santos announced his is bringing back his drag character to Cameo


George Santos put on lipstick, a wig and a red feather boa as he brought out his drag persona for the first time in nearly a decade.

The disgraced former New York congressman released his first five videos to a Cameo account for his character 'Kitara Ravache' after users paid between $275 and $350 for the personalized messages.

Santos announced on Monday he was bringing Kitara 'out of the closet' after 18 years for a 'limited time.'

The 35-year-old politician previously denied dressing in drag when images were first uncovered, but later admitted it was him in the pictures. Now, he is fully embracing the character to help bring in more income after he was booted from Congress.

'It's your favorite, Kitara. After 18 years in the closet, George Santos pulled me back out — whatever,' Santos said on one of the clips shared on his Cameo.

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Well, I am wearing my nice dress and all this makeup.
Lmao this thread >>1292182 got your panties in a bunch, op?
I wear woman's panties because they're so much more comfortable than those hideous thing they make us men wear
I didn't even look at it. See OP image for details.
>I wear woman's panties because they're so much more comfortable
Silk feels the best against the skin

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PHOENIX (AP) — The Arizona Legislature approved a repeal of a long-dormant ban on nearly all abortions Wednesday, advancing the bill to Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs, who is expected to sign it.

Two Republicans joined with Democrats in the Senate on the 16-14 vote in favor of repealing a Civil War-era ban on abortions that the state’s highest court recently allowed to take effect. The repeal bill narrowly cleared the Arizona House last week.

Hobbs said in a statement that she looks forward to quickly signing the repeal into law.

“The devastating consequences of this archaic ban are why I’ve called for it to be repealed since day one of my administration,” she said.

“Arizona women should not have to live in a state where politicians make decisions that should be between a woman and her doctor,” Hobbs continued. “While this repeal is essential for protecting women’s lives, it is just the beginning of our fight to protect reproductive healthcare in Arizona.”

The revival of the 19th century law had put Republicans on the defensive in a battleground state for the presidential election.

“Across the country, women are living in a state of chaos and cruelty caused by Donald Trump,” Vice President Kamala Harris said in a statement on Wednesday.

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>He's a racist too.
I honestly don't think he's racist. He's too schizophrenic to form the coherent thought necessary to build a worldview. He literally comes here to post the voices in his head.
He comes here to smear his shit all over the board because the voices in his head told him communist UN/WEF transjews post here.
>He's a racist too.
I like intelligent schizoid racists.
They are diametrically juxtaposed to my intelligent schizoid wokism.

>He comes here to smear his shit all over the board because the voices in his head told him communist UN/WEF transjews post here.

I come here to smear my shit all over the board because the voices in my head tell me this board is a bridge that I should live under and challenge anyone who walks across it whom I deem to be an idiot, especially intelligent schizoid bigots (racist is outdated term as there is only the human race, and in this race, blacks have a metaphorical socio-economic 10 kilo handicap weight attached by whites)

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Former president of England Boris Johnson was turned away from voting because he forgot his photo ID. England, like the rest of the first world, has common sense voter ID laws that make it too difficult for blacks and illegal aliens to vote because democrat say black people and illegal aliens don't know how to drive a car or go to the DMV and get an ID
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>there was literally ballot harvesting and fake ballots made in 2020 you fucking faggot. in both 2020 and 2022 there were those mysterious 3am ballot drops in notoriously corrupt blue counties.
>vote by mail is not secure. half the country doesn't think it is secure. it should be banned

I didn't say there wasn't ballot harvesting in 2020. California had legal ballot harvesting, as do other states to limited degrees (eg only relatives can harvest ballots). As for the rest of your nonsense, facts don't care about your feelings, or your delusions.

>still harping on about reddit spacing
Bitch, "reddit spacing" is a term invented by some autistic newfag a few years back and you using it only tells me you've been here for less time than I have cause double spacing is a normal fucking part of 4chan. You should have shut the fuck up and lurked more instead of embarrassing yourself, dumb parrot. I told you you failed the fucking test and I fucking meant it. God damn, do I wish election tourists like you would fuck off and die.
>reddit spacing
cool, so you admit that the 2020 election was rigged and vote by mail is not secure and also you have no dick.
>so you admit that the 2020 election was rigged
Just cause you don't like the rules doesn't make an election rigged
>and vote by mail is not secure
Cry moar
>and also you have no dick
Pretty sure current meta is to say I'll never be a woman, not to accuse me of being one.

You have no president, btw. And never will again.
>cite the rule
>/news/ is a text board for sharing and discussing current news articles. When starting a thread you must include the complete URL of a news article from a credible news site
TL;DR You're a faggot
you are clearly the one here seething, reddit spacer. Doesn't biden have like a 30% approval rating. Don't count your chickens before the hatch. especially after the GOP won the 2022 popular vote in hte house
there is a cumplete URL in the op

Puppet to Tyson Foods Bans Lab Grown Meat


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed a bill banning lab-grown meat in his state Wednesday, in what he described as an effort to “save our beef.”

“Today, Florida is fighting back against the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals,” DeSantis said in a press release Wednesday. “Our administration will continue to focus on investing in our local farmers and ranchers, and we will save our beef.”

The bill, S.B. 1084, makes it “unlawful” for people to “manufacture for sale, sell, hold or offer for sale, or distribute” lab-grown meat in Florida.

“Florida is taking a tremendous step in the right direction by signing first-in-the-nation legislation banning lab-grown meat,” Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson (R) said in the press release.

“We must protect our incredible farmers and the integrity of American agriculture. Lab-grown meat is a disgraceful attempt to undermine our proud traditions and prosperity, and is in direct opposition to authentic agriculture,” Simpson continued.

Good Meat, which describes itself on its website as “the first company in the world to sell cultivated meat,” said it was “disappointed” that DeSantis “signed into law the criminalization of cultivated meat in” the Sunshine State.

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Texas wins bigly under the wise conservative leadership of Greg Abbott. He's single handedly nearly fixed the open border issue in his state caused by Biden. Illegal crossing encounters have plummeted by roughly 50% in his state, while simultaneously increasing by 50% in both Arizona and California, which still have open borders due to their democrat leadership.
Texas Is No Longer the Hotspot for Illegal Migrant Crossings

number of encounters between law enforcement and suspected illegal migrants across five regions of Texas fell dramatically in the 2024 fiscal year through March compared to the same period in 2023, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

The figures depicted sharp declines in the El Paso, Big Bend, Del Rio, Laredo and Rio Grande Valley quadrants, which combined cover the state's entire border with Mexico. Over the same period, the number of encounters increased across both Arizona and California.

This is a significant win for Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who has introduced several measures to combat illegal immigration, including the deployment of thousands of National Guard troops and installing razor wire along the border. On April 12, Abbott said that 507,200 suspected undocumented migrants had been detained in his state since 2021 when he launched Operation Lone Star to combat illegal crossings.

During the same time, CBP data shows encounters in Big Bend plummeted 63.7 percent, from 1,200 to 436, while those in Del Rio dropped 52.8 percent, from 23,904 to 11,281.

The 2024 fiscal year through March also saw encounters in Laredo and Rio Grande Valley fall by 42.8 percent and 49.5 percent, respectively, as opposed to the same period in 2023.

Noticeably migrant encounters increased in Arizona and California, both of which are governed by Democrats.
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>No argument
I appreciate your concession. You freely admit you don't care that Texas breaks the law so long as it gets you the outcome you want. Based MAGAtard finally confessing their contempt for rule of law.
>implying that protecting our national borders is against law/order and constitution.
No. You just said they lost a lawsuit and went against it. That is illegal.
>That is illegal... when republicans do it.
yeah, ok
To be fair, you retard they didn't actually "go against" any laws or judgements.
The lawsuit decided that they could not prevent border patrol from carrying out their official duties and so they didn't, they just simply continued to build barriers and place national guardsmen on duty in the area to protect the Texan border.

Nobody actually broke any laws, well, except Biden who fought for uncontrolled illegal immigration

No matter how you cut this, Texas is directly responsible for the majority of any drops in total illegal border crossings.

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Here are the top American cities Joe Biden is sending hundreds of thousands of paroled migrants - so is YOUR home town on the list?

The Department of Homeland Security revealed that it sent over 200,000 migrants on a controversial parole program to 45 cities across the United States between January and August 2023.

The policy, which was enacted in October 2022, allowed migrants who had not entered the country illegally to fly directly into America.

Migrants were also required to have a sponsor in the US and pass various vetting tests.

It was initially announced for Venezuelans, before adding Haitians, Nicaraguans and Cubans amid one of the worst migrant crises in American history under President Joe Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Around 80 percent of the migrants were sent to four cities in the state of Florida: Miami - which got 91,821, more than any other city - Fort Lauderdale, Orlando and Tampa Bay were among the top 15 destinations, according to the DHS.

Under fire Secretary Mayorkas says the program led to a reduction in people from those nations illegally crossing the border.

'It is a key element of our efforts to address the unprecedented level of migration throughout our hemisphere, and other countries around the world see it as a model to tackle the challenge of increased irregular migration that they too are experiencing,' Mayorkas said.

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DailyMail is the pinnacle of journalism.
Quit being an anti-mailite.
you lost
You're lost. /news/ has always been a DailyMail board.

Who do you think you're fooling? There are no newfags here except you.

The Day is Saved Once Again.

Spring surprise: Southern border sees unprecedented dip in illegal crossings
Migrant crossings at the southern border have decreased more than 40% since December and have remained stable through the first four months of 2024
Maria Villarroel / May 02 2024, 15:09 PM EST


As crossings of the U.S.-Mexico border show a drastic dip since December, the Biden campaign can use the data point as a breath of fresh air on an issue regarded as a liability on his reelection bid, The Washington Post reported.As crossings of the U.S.-Mexico border show a drastic dip since December, the Biden campaign can use the data point as a breath of fresh air on an issue regarded as a liability on his reelection bid, The Washington Post reported.

Migrants crossing the southern border have decreased more than 40% since December and have remained relatively stable through the first four months of 2024. In April, U.S. border agents encountered about 130,000 migrants entering illegally from Mexico, a level that is high by historical standards but lower than February and March, according to U.S. enforcement data obtained by The Post.

"This spring has been an anomaly," said Adam Isacson, a border security analyst who tracks monthly enforcement data at the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), a D.C.-based advocacy group. "It's gotten much, much harder for migrants to make it to the U.S. border."
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>In April, U.S. border agents encountered about 130,000 migrants entering illegally from Mexico, a level that is high by historical standards but lower than February and March, according to U.S. enforcement data obtained by The Post.
>"This spring has been an anomaly," said Adam Isacson, a border security analyst who tracks monthly enforcement data at the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), a D.C.-based advocacy group. "It's gotten much, much harder for migrants to make it to the U.S. border."
I guess Texas sealing up half of the us-mexican border made a huge difference, despite Biden suing him to open it back up.

Considering Texas has 1300 miles of the 1900 miles of us/Mexican border within their territory, and given the fact that since Abbott worked so hard to close the border that border crossings dropped by 50% in his state, id say that 40% overall drop is probably about 85% Greg Abbotts doing.

Thanks texas
>illegal border crossings dropped 50-60% in Texas
>Increased 40-50% in California, Arizona, new Mexico.
Texas is *literally* single handedly responsible for any and all overall drop in illegal immigration
>One of the primarily cited reasons for this decline is Mexico's recently launched operation to reduce crossings. At the request of the U.S., the country is using military patrols and highway checkpoints, intercepting roughly 8,000 U.S.-bound migrants per day, according to officials from both countries.
Womp womp. Never reading articles comes back to bite you in the ass again.
Uhhh...Trumpbros....our response?! OUR CAMPAIGN TALKING POINTS!
You are the shill.

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/pol/ fucking LOST
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>It absolutely does, lying faggot.
It doesn't. If you had read the bill you'd know this.

>It specifically limits the behavior of people who benefit from federal aid,
Every law limits behavior, you moron. The contention is whether or not this limit on behavior is tantamount to regulating free speech. It isn't. You can say or express whatever views you want. That isn't what this bill regulates. The bill regulates discriminating against other people based on these beliefs. Saying "I think black people are dumb" is not regulated. Saying "I think black people are dumb so therefore I will not hire them" is. One is free speech. The other is not. I can't explain it any simpler. If you still fail to grasp this there's nothing I can do to help you.

>You would know this if you had actually read the bill instead of shitposting.
I think we both read it, you just lack the IQ to understand what it means.
>You can say or express whatever views you want. That isn't what this bill regulates. The bill regulates discriminating against other people based on these beliefs.
No it doesn't. It changes the definition of antisemitism. The civil rights act regulates discrimination, which is what this bill impacts.
You can't even lie correctly, jesus fuck.
Where does that say it's illegal to deny the Holocaust? Is your brain working?
Shit was so retarded even the EU didn't adopt it.
>EU law is the same as American law

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Former President Trump on Wednesday confirmed he told Secret Service agents he wanted to go to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, while he mocked the claim that he lunged at officers in his vehicle when they refused.

Trump, speaking to supporters in Wisconsin, complained at length about his legal cases when he began attacking lawmakers who probed the Jan. 6 riots at the Capitol.

“Remember the person that said I attacked a Secret Service agent in the front of the car? It’s not my deal. I’m a lover, not a fighter,” Trump told supporters in Waukesha. “Remember that? And these are tough guys. You know these Secret Service guys, I hate to admit it, they’re slightly younger than me. Just slightly.”

Trump continued to mock the testimony of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, who told the congressional panel investigating that day she had heard from others that Trump “lunged” for the steering wheel following his speech near the White House in an apparent effort to veer toward the Capitol.

“This is crazy stuff. I sat in the back, and you know what I did say, I said ‘I’d like to go down there because I see a lot of people walking down,’” Trump said Wednesday. “They said, ‘Sir, it’s better if you don’t.’ I said, ‘Well, I’d like to … whatever you guys think.’ That was the whole one of the conversation. These people are crazy.”
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Says the party of people who believed in voter fraud conspiracies because a bunch of random hearsay testimony from random Trump supporters who saw a guy carrying a box.
>unnamed driver
Why is everyone else putting their name on record fine, unless it's the Republicans trying to damage control for Trump?
>A citation isn't needed.
Thank you for admitting that you made it up
I did make it up. I'll do anything to give any Dem some sloppy toppy. And since I'm a Canadian, it doesn't matter if I spread disinformation to fuck up your country, because I'll have already done MAID before the next US president takes office.
Imagine not liking Trump in general

In a shocking turn of events, a California Democrat legislator has a hate boner for gays and is running for Senate after maxing out their congressional term limits

What is not surprising, is that she's corrupt
Ex-Congresswoman Labeled 'Most Corrupt' and 'Anti-LGBTQ+' Is Now Seeking State Senate

Laura Richardson, a former U.S. Congresswoman from California, is now running for California State Senate.

A Democrat, Richardson formerly represented Congressional District 37 from 2007-2013. Now she hopes to be elected by the constituents of Senate District 35 — a district currently represented by State Sen. Steven Bradford, a Democrat whose term limits have hindered him from running for re-election.

Richardson’s experience makes her an ideal candidate for some, but her past could be coming back to haunt her.

In 1996, Richardson sent out a campaign mailer that accused her then primary-opponent, Gerrie Schipske, of being “committed to a radical gay rights agenda” and of backing “ultra-liberal” Sheila Kuehl, who was the only openly gay state legislator at the time.

Schipske, a lesbian, felt the attacks were directed at her in a very targeted manner.

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>So you don't know
I know that shes considered one of the most corrupt politicians in the US, it was even mentioned in this article, but it doesn't surprise me given her political affiliation
>CREW/Los Angeles Magazine
Ignored. I'm voting for her, 7-12 times.
>Whoever smelt it dealt it!!!
Sure, boss.

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I worry this could inspire further antisemitism among the younger generation (which, even before the war, was shown to be growing increasingly antisemitic).
>Critics argue the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which gained overwhelming GOP and Democratic support, is an effort to silence criticism of Israel

>House Republicans are seeking to unite their unruly majority around an evergreen conservative cause, devising a strict response to the wave of pro-Palestinian protests that have roiled college campuses across the country in recent weeks.

>GOP leaders this week announced plans for new oversight investigations of elite universities where - in the words of House Republican Whip Tom Emmer (Minn.) - "pro-terrorist anti-Semites [are] taking over." And on Wednesday, they passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which its advocates said would empower the federal government to crack down on anti-Israel protests on campuses by codifying a definition of antisemitism that encompasses not just threats against Jews, but also certain criticisms of Israel itself.

>"We must give the Department of Education the tools to ... hold college administrators accountable for refusing to address antisemitism on their campuses," said Rep. Michael Lawler (R-N.Y.), the bill's lead sponsor.

>The bill was approved by a vote of 320-91, with a majority of Democrats - 133 - joining Republicans.
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no, the jew worshipers, aka christians, did this
jews hardly do anything on their own, they just gladly take whatever their christian slaves offer them
>I definitely think a lot of religious zealots in America think we have to support Israel taking more territory so that Jesus can come back and that is fuckin insane
Yes that is insane.
You are insane to believe that.
Online propaganda has turned your brain to mush
Is this actually the best /pol/ can send?

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