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Bob wins one million dollars in the lottery. What happens?
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+ they find out after all of it they still have to pay taxes on it and be worse off than before
Where's that website with every burger of the day and explaining the puns?
Uhm excuse me.
>Then they find out the ticket is actually expired or one of the winning numbers was...
That reminded me of a recent news story where the lottery website showed the wrong numbers.
IIRC the non-winner still got a few thousand bucks so the lottery or website owners don't come off as assholes.
He publishes a burger cook book that doesn't sell and spends the rest of the show giving all the copies away.

Realistically, Connie cheated on Steven, right?
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Connie giving Greg head.
You are either a cuck that self-inserts as Steven and would want that to happen, or you're a shitskin that envies him and would want that to happen.
Either way, get fucked =)
Not that anon but I am a man whose friend looks identical to steven universe, he even made steven his avatar, he was identical, same body, same hair, same fat but friendly face

I don't remember heartless women ever finding him attractive, at first he coped claiming to be bi, and now he is just fully gay, he is my best friend
Why not both?
I mean Steven is banging her mom so it could be worse.

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i love this dyke
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Also this.
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They could have given her some simple looking hoof's like PicRel, But they really needed to glue pig-feet you buy in a bag from the fucking cold-section onto her ankles.
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I like Chaggie but I feel like it's missing a lot of context or content in general since it feels too shallow, specially when Charlie is not doing much in her part of the relationship, it's mainly Vaggie.
Hope S2 makes them better.
Oh no, I do want to fuck Charlie Hazbin.

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Once I reach page 10, this board will be full of my fear toxin, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it!
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Who's the girl?
I ship him and all the other inmates gang banging him because without his mast and fear toxin he's not the super smart, classy, well-mannered, imponent man. No, he's just a faggy weak nerd
It's over
The board is lost
Fear has taken a hold of me
do you remember the first game with the whole, move the third stick bit
Or stickying it.

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It has been over one year since his first appearance
Now that the dust has settled, what do you think of him?
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Whatever, pedo
I mean the Amalgam stuff is getting rereleased so it's possible things got hashed out.
I appreciate that he has his own power set rather than just copying Peter's and having extra powers on top, he's mostly fought his own villains rather than sharing Peter's rogues gallery, and he has faced real hardships from the beginning rather than having everything handed to him on a silver platter like Miles. That said, it will never not be fucking stupid that Peter had a child sidekick whose existence was erased from everyone's memories by a magic knife.
No, Bailey's fans are 99% gay pedos but they're distracted by another thread right now.
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He was Bailey in any issues and is already Miles better than the other guy.

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Yesterday Loki fucked shit up and cost Captain America his life
Today we just have a bunch of weird one off stories

Past Threads:

Issues ITT:
Spider-Girl #89 - #92
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I wonder if ultimate spider-man destroys the need for spider-girl. Editiorial considered mc2 as a book for marriage fans during bnd
Not really. Spider-Girl isn't JUST the "marriage book" although it does also fill that niche.
It's also a time capsule of a lot of ideas from the 90s taken to their full conclusion, not to mention that this book follows May more than it does Peter, which neither nu-Ultimate or RYV do. This effectively makes this the epilogue to Peter's story more so than a continuation of it like those other books
well yeah but editorial thinks differently. There is also slott that thinks we only read mc2 because of peter and I have no doubt he conveys his opinion as opinion of all fans. This is how he justified killing peter, to finally make mayday interesting
Yeah I don't see Mayday getting another book any time soon unfortunately. But then again I doubt DeFalco and Frenz would be the ones to work on it so maybe it's for the best.
I'd hate for her to be ruined the same way her Uncle Ben has been
Why does she feel bad? Howard was acting like a total A-hole acting like he was the hero from past issues

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/co/ only cares about the cartoons they can jerk off to

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You were NOT in the threads
mindbroken by broccoli heads lmao
cart before horse
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He had the same level of self-esteem as a person who browses 4chan

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Is it going anywhere? It got popular and suddenly died down.
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>everyone's already realized the whole thing is a metaphor for being queer in a heteronormative religious society and the house is the villain who forces everyone to act how it wishes them to
Actually sounds like it could be interesting if done well. It's also implied in old art that Julie (or rather, her handler) had an abortion or could have been raped. I think the handlers' trauma reflects on the puppets themselves, and not all of the trauma is queer related.
who's the other couple Clown referring to?
Even if it were the idea I stated alone it could be fine (Nightmare on Elm Street 2 anyone?)
The problem is it was spoiled so damn fast that its value as an ARG kinda dropped. Namely not because of the theme itself being spoiled but because it very quickly enabled everyone to figure out the House is the main bad guy
Where did you find this?
They haven't said, so it's probably plot related.
NTA, but it's part of the old lore bible. Some of it's still floating around on tumblr. Clown's been working on this for a minute, so it's gone through several revisions. Humans were meant to be a cosmic horror deal for the puppets at one point and that's art from that era. That era also featured a male bird that doesn't exist any longer, but given Poppy's trans, that's probably why.

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Wizards and incels are not the same
Wizards are content with their lonely fate and choose to pursue their passions in leau of intimacy
Incels blame the world for their loneliness and refuse to introspect
That is what the word means though.
Also incels aren't all over 30, in fact most are 20-something misanthropes angry at the world

Wizard is a 30+ year old virgin. Incel is involuntary celibate. Nothing more. Nothing less.
The two are not mutually exclusive.
I know, but it's still fun to point out to people who get tricked by synonyms.
They just made a new word to use the old insult without sounding quite as juvenile.

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Just as it says in the title, post the most abjectly shitty comics you've ever read in your life. It can go either way, from hilariously bad to irritating and painful to read. As long as it's the worst of the worst, it's welcome in this thread.
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Action Lab is great at making interesting premises and then doing nothing with them.n I'm not entirely sure how that company works, but it seems really decentralized. I know Vampblade was basically only being kept alive by crowdfunding.
Surprised to never see this in the woke comic cringe threads
>The ONLY thing I remember about it is that she sodomizes the fuck out of a kawaii anime fangirl with a pool cue.

I never understood why the fuck there were still normal people in the city. Like, the situation would have made more sense if, after she took over, the US just went full Escape from New York, evacuated the populace, and turned the city into a prison where they deported all the rapists and murderers and that was that. A city of rapists raping each other is a logical consequence of that. But no, there's regular law-abiding citizens and busloads of children everywhere that really only seem to exist for the express purpose of being raped and murdered.

Which sucks, because they really could have done an interesting "Megamind but with ultraviolence" thing where Bomb Queen won control of the city but then realized ruling an entire fucking metropolis -let alone one full of murderous cunts- involves a tedious bureaucratic circlejerk just to keep the lights on and every day some new superpowered cunt wants to challenge her for control.

But no, we got a one-note cardboard cutout pregnant with Barack Obama's baby sodomizing preteens with a pool cue that got way, way, way more issues than it ever had a right to.
Could've made it some kinda supervillainous scam plot, similar to Arkham City.
>convince the government to send all their criminals to this one walled-off city
>enjoy ruling a personal fiefdom
>get good PR for decreasing crime everywhere else (annoying the heroes is a bonus)
>gain a huge recruiting pool for future nefarious schemes.
The story just writes itself, really.
Ironic shitposting is STILL shitposting. And more hilariously, we've got fuckers further out there RIGHT NOW in real life past that comic.

It really contends to be standard, but that division is so overloaded it takes something really shitty to stand out and I think it's only mid trash.

Compare it to something like Marville or that one comic about mensturating panthers that goes off the rails so bad it becomes a question of what is a narrative? A chris ware of shitposting if you will.

Boys who watch Transformers only want one thing, and it's fucking disgusting.
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>t. hole
Again did not draw it.
Uhh ok. Here I go.
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Based arcee booba.
So humans and bots can spark bond now? Since when did humans have sparks?
The idea of human and bots being in a romantic relationship is far older then spark bonds

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>The Simpsons
You’re over 30.

>Family Guy
The only reason you’re on this website is for the memes.

>American Dad
You like Family Guy but also want to be different for the sake of it.

You want to appear smarter than you are.

>South Park
You’re an edgelord, a middle schooler, or a disgusting pedophile shotacon fetishist.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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What is your fucking problem?
Well, I like them all.
So the only good 'adult' cartoon is Beavis and Butthead?
>>King of the Hill
>You gave yourself a chance to grow up and appreciate things from a more mature perspective.
Found OP's favorite... not a bad favorite, either, to be fair
And? Rick and morty fans were 14 ten years ago, and they are still 14 nowadays. Do you know about renewing the public?

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You lock them in a room together. What happens?
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>That guy is clearly a furry
Whatever you say horrorfag
I finally desu'd this horrorfag guy and holy shit you all are autistic schizos looking for a boogeyman
>He’s horror fag!
>He’s horror fag!
>You’re horrorfag!
>I’m horrorfag!
>Are there any other horrorfags I should know about?
And you are calling people schizophrenic. Oh the irony
He will wish to be.

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Trunks or no trunks?
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>Bikini Bottom
>Sandy Cheeks
This guy looks trustworthy. The other guy looks like Ultra Man.
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>Oh, man, urp... What did you think was in that danish? You think... it was... Uh... Cheese? Cause I can't handle cheese...Ugh...
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This actually wasn't a bad interpretation of April if you watched the movie.
What are your criteria for what makes a good interpretation, because I think you're grading on a severe curve if you think
>Loser teenager who pukes a lot and wants to be famous so people stop calling her "puke girl"
Isn't really in line with any previous iterations of her. Let alone the ones people actually like.
For one thing, she wasn't the sassy, black "I'M THE FIFTH TURTLE" incarnation like Rise. She stayed in her lane, was more of a reporter like her original incarnation, and was actually useful.
Hi Seth.
Everyone knows your standards are rock bottom.

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