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Welcome to /ic/. If you are looking to hone your creative skills, please consult these general resources:

One-Stop Beginners' Guide
The w/ic/i

And don't forget to HEED THE RULES

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>well let me see, oh yes of course! What about you draw this fine creature (generic OC) doing this silly thing while saying something to the camera
>whats that it would be 350 usd? Sure send me the invoice
>there goes 100 usd tip for being such a sport
>*pencil wagie delivers the pic*
>wow this surely is nothing short of amazing! (looks like shit)
>here 100 usd more because I just love it
Man furries truly are the stuff of dreams for freelance artists
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schizo lmao
This is indeed the only way somebody could monetize this kind of crap art.
But honestly I think you are too autistic even to achieve that.
>I WORK for one of the biggest furry sites
Damn how many and how deep does the hole go, unironically? Are the Bogdanoff furries too?
>retarded nigger larps as if he knows something
1. if you did you wouldnt be seething
2. your anecdote without proof isnt a counter arugmnet to what i said, showcasing the insanse popularity of the model linked that everyone uses, let alone furries, despite it being made by a furry

everyone can already see how popular AI art is everywhere, you can only cope as AI gets better and better every week, while already being able to do anything
Aicel really needs to touch grass

Fantasy artwork was best when being made by coomers like Royo or Caldwell.

Now what fantasy art are you making anon?
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your eyes are yet to open

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>What's a webtoon?
Webtoon is the ancient Korean art of scrolling comics. Instead of traditional manga/comic pages, panels are spread out individually for easier reading on cell phones.

>So they're just spliced manga/comic pages?
You can do that if you want, but they're fundamentally different for a few reasons. For example, panels tend to be drawn longer to fit phone screens, and traditional 2-page spreads are not possible to fit in scrolling format.

>Are there standard page sizes?
Technically yes, but it depends on which platform you post in. Naver Webtoons uses
800x1280px, but the site automatically splices & resizes images anyway.

>Do I have to make it in color?
If you want subscribers, yes.

>Why would I make one?
To be rich & famous, of course. All jokes aside, the pay is low if you're lucky enough to get hired in the first place, the deadlines are more brutal than the manga industry, and the average reader age floats around 11. But as a novel medium with a growing industry, it may still be worthwhile enough for you to experiment.

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that's actually really good advice
I'm sorry for those who do it.
I see the first in the rankings 1150 super likes with 569 subscribers, I'm sad for him.
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I hope that at least it is added to the advertising revenue.
I see that comic too, wonder how much bigger the whales will get as this goes on, especially if they add weekly or yearly rankings

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Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans.

Some free resources


Might as well check archives and active /ic/ threads for references.

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Still very beg, so kinda wondering what I'm supposed to "get" from the different lengths of figure/gesture drawing. So far, 30 secs to 1 min seems almost entirely just a physical warmup exercise, also a way to practice some quick observation. Then 2-5 mins I find is to build on that quicker gesture with a bit more detail, starting to express the forms of the body like limbs or segments. And 5-10 (I haven't gone longer yet) seems like then adding more anatomical detail like specific muscles or other details of the figure (hair, facial features, penis or breasts).
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I've been enjoying just copying stuff from various anatomy resources. I realize that this is not figure drawing in a sense, but I find it fascinating.

I have Morpho Anatomy for kind of big picture or overview stuff, I have an android app "Human Anatomy Atlas" to spin things around in 3D and I have the photographic atlas from Rohen-Yokochi-Drecoll. I recommend all three of these if any of you are interested in the depths of the human body.
Does someone has all the images from ryan woodwards book gesture drawing vol3?
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today's session


Kenzo explained the concept well in this video
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Good to see you again.
You kind of do need to understand anatomy to draw good figures.
Fast gestures are meant to capture the essence of a figure.
Breddy nice

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It is 2024, and AI Art is now mainstream. The normies on Facebook and instagram love it.
Almost nobody gives a fuck about "AI art is theft", and corporations like WotC, Blizzard, Disney, Anime studios and art studios are now using AI art in secret.
I saw a skinny metro california guy "taking a stand against AI art theft" and it was the most cringe shit ever. Even if img2img is theft, the consumers don't give too many shits.
It was a nice run everyone, but the public has sided with AI, it has won.
We fought, we lost.
Now we rest.
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Just like you beg for your master on your tiny desk typing meaningless digits
> its a way to earn money

Yeah one of the worst ways. If you are doing it for this reason you are a moron. Much easier and better ways to make money.
Sucking cocks doesn’t count anon
Totally, such as——
Dumb crabggot stfu

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Previous thread: >>7146185

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

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your work, not your prompt result lmao
Imagine manually drawing in 2024 LMAO! Actual dinosaurs.
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my lewd for the day
Stay badgeless, bitch.
Challenges are an interesting way of drawing stuff I wouldn't even think about drawing.
Stay in you comfort zone, bitch.
>inb4 I aint badgeless nigga I got them season badges my nigga
Doesn't count because they are the easiest to cheat on.
Stay bitch, bitch.

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>What is /fag/?
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.

>Rules & Guidelines
Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.
This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!
As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!


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I like it, anon. Visually quite striking.
Thank you! Was worried the clothes looked a bit too spandex-y!
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Not really a furry artist but I decided to draw a friend of mine who is a muscular horse mommy. Just gonna post progress pics
once you draw the animal people you never stop.
please stop yourself before it gets bad
it's like a drug
especially once you loosen up and see it is as fun as cartooning with how more expressive to can make characters since you aren't bound so much by the uncanny valley effect of drawing humans

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No /TRAD/ general? Aight, this will be the trad general. Post your recent trad artworks/WIPs in this thread.

I will begin. Will really appreciate critiques.
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i think ima start a blog
Beautiful work

Hell yeah
you look like the sus guy
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Hello. Is this the correct thread to post this enviroment practice i did yesterday? I guess it is because this place has the objective of recieving art critiques anyway.
If so, I want to recieve feedback and critiques of what I made so I can improve it and have those advices in mind when i make more arts like that in the future.
And when I want to paint it, how i can do it? Because i use mainly colored pencils and I'm trying lately to figure out ways to make a better coloring than I have right now as an art skill, but I'd like to learn more tricks so I can figure out how to accoplate in my techniques.
Anyways, I hope this works and if I've explained well what I wanted to say.
>painterly approach to draw
holy kek

Post facial expressions.
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ok im done and now ill pmw(ips)
trying to improve my stylization and actually git gud with rendering but both are hard
this is what amalgam filling does to your brain over the years. search for madhatter syndrome Anons and ged rid of that poison til idz late
He also had a traumatic brain injury from a motorcycle accident. But yes those fillings are poison.
Cute, where she's from?

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Previous thread >>7115012

If you're looking for a place to practice and post all sexual works, from simple pinups with exaggerated proportions to explicit pornography, then this is the right general for you. Both Eastern and Western styles are welcomed, and encouraged.

>Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of cartooning styles are welcome; submit and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 before posting.
3) Share your knowledge, any tips are certainly welcome for all beginners.
4) Do to not be afraid of asking for critique, please be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY pornography, FURRY and BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

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Figure this doesn't deserve its own thread, so I'll ask here:
Does anyone have any good sources for NSFW settei? Seeing how artists set up their coom characters is really helpful for me.
i don't, i'm sorry
what does "fish" mean?
There's a lot of stuff that looks weird with this
Tell me about it. I dont mean that in a combative way either. I did design everything for compositional purposes. I wanted to emphasize depth with the inside of the fridge, the middleground with the characters and the backdrop establishing a kitchen setting.

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>No asian genes
>Will never be able to draw like this
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>or this
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>will never be able to draw such perfect women
i don't get it. Is the joke supposed to be that you aren't asian and your drawings aren't appealing?
The joke is that all of these ugly drawings are drawn by Japanese people. (Granted, the first one isn't even that ugly - it's just that the facial structure is messed up. Everything else is nice.)
The real joke is that OP just found out there's a 'sort by new' feature on Pixiv.

I'm filling someone's request from last thread
Nikola Vitol Casual Poses 2 500+ jpg

download link
If it expires I can reupload

Make requests
Share what you have
Draw your pile of refs
Don't let the thread die, please!
I'll add more later if I have time.

Enjoy everyone! Make lots of art!
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Afro girl. She's super fun to draw. Add your own puff jacket or whatever you like!
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Grand champion
By Azura! You must be the greatest painter in all of Tamriel! Can I follow you around?
could you screenshot the thumbnails? curious on the lighting/poses, not really a fan that the hair isn't lit

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>There is one thing not to do, and that is simply to drift along with the daily routine, making no extra effort. You will soon find yourself middle-aged, having done nothing more than routine jobs, and being little farther along than you were years ago. The extra effort is the difference between the great mass of mediocre artists and the comparatively small group of very good ones.
>And in Art, study can never stop. You will find sketches galore in the studio of the good man, with the paint quite fresh. The mediocre artist's sketches are old and dusty.
>I have seen so many middle-aged artists still hoping, whose samples are frayed at the edges, and thumb-marked with time. Sometimes it has been a matter of years since they sat down and actually did something to give their hopes any promise. They are plodding their lives away at something they hate, and doing nothing about it. These are the men who never seem to have had a chance. The truth is, they never seized a chance.
- Andrew Loomis, Creative Illustration

/Studies/ General is all about improving your art and never settling for mediocrity. Every artist is a student, forever and ever. Anybody, from beginner to pro, can post here. Any style is accepted. Critiques are welcome and encouraged. Let's make this a productive thread!

Read the fucking sticky: http://www.alexhays.com/loomis/

Recommended Resources:

Last Thread:>>7062670
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>never settling for mediocrity
I definitely settled for mediocrity, at least to some extent, with this study. for the bigger portions I was more labored in my measure making, but with some of the smaller stuff I eyeballed it. I also did not go as far with the variation of darks as I could've; I almost entirely just used an HB (I know, I know). just wasn't feeling that amped to finish this one, maybe cus I'm busy with end-of-the-semester shite. took a little over 2 hours in total. also
doesn't work for me
bargues just seem like one of those things where the materials are really important for doing it correctly. as a normal pencil sketch, that foot looks great
thanks. and yeah, I should make the resolution for my next plate to try to use the materials as advised. I've done a few plates up to this point so I have a decent idea of the method, but my process is based on how this chick teaches it:
she uses charcoal but says graphite is fine. but she had a bunch of freshly sharpened sticks, which I have for HB pencils but didn't make use of them.
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also did the exercise Huston suggested, exaggerating the core shadow and highlight.
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i wasn't familiar with this painting, it seems very rare or under some copyright. it's also one of the worst sargent portraits i've seen, i'd recommend almost any other thing to study from.
you didn't really copy the drawing. you should focus more on accurate colors, values, and drawing. your edge control is non-existent, you're not matching light values, and the shapes are just wrong in a lot of places. you're copying the idea of his impressionism as noodly blobs of color and not the shapes and forms he's conveying (for example, the downturned plane between teh cheekbone and beard). focus more on accuracy of the drawing and the colors.
the charcoal drawings are good to study, if you can find larger scans of them

stick to bigger brushes and don't worry about them being textures. hard round/flat/elliptical is what you should be using before playing with effect brushes

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Do any of you use your art to further important political movements, like a free Palestine or democratic socialism? How do you draw inspiration for that work! How do you make sure it’s seen both by supporters and, more importantly, opponents? What makes for a compelling piece that influences others?
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>suspiciously large amount of israeli supporters on thread
this thread is incadescent with how much glowing is going on here
He says after cheering on Russian missiles landing in Ukraine.

Muslims have attacked the west over and over again, I do not care about the people that were in the streets dancing and cheering 9/11 as it happened. And I get nothing is ever their fault and they can do no wrong if you frame it as oppressor vs oppressed but what they did on 10/7 was monumentally retarded and they are being held accountable. Want to not get bombed by Jews don't do terrorist attacks in their country, the living standards in gaza prior to 10/7 was higher than Lebanon, gaza enjoyed BILLIONS in donations. Now they pissed it all away. There is nothing in this world I love more than people that try to spin the narrative being held accountable for their own bullshit. They shoved their cock in a hornets nest now they see the results of that action
JIDF hands wrote this post
Fuck the Middle East. Bunch of fuckin backwoods barbaric savages.
You know what I am "jdif" everything I said is still valid

Gaza got billions in donations
Gaza had a better quality of life then some Arab states
Gaza is directly responsible for ever bomb dropped on it since 10/7

Facts don't care about your feefees now go wear you picnic cloth on your head and cry dawa bitch boy

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