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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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Is rucking good for you? I live in Australia for the next one year and there's so many hiking trail here but I don't want to run, I prefer to just walk. But walking is boring, hence the question.
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Rucking seems so gay and pointless. I don't understand why people do it
>putting muscle mass on while training cardio seems pointless
and this is why your opinion doesn't matter.
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No just listen to all the ex military guys whine about how their body is broken
>destroying your joints when there is lower impact cardio that also builds muscle
rucking only becomes an issue if you walk with 100 pounds or something most don't go above 30 pounds because that's how much your pack would weigh anyways on a a week long adventure and even then that'd only be for one day before you start eating all your food

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I personally go to the gym to lift some heavy ass weight, pose in the mirror a little bit when I have a pump, and look at other men lifting to see if they have good or bad form and if they’re lifting respectable weight or not. I also like to see which guys are getting close to my muscular size so I can find a gym rival to push me harder when I lack motivation sometimes.

When girls come in with their tight ass leggings or extremely high booty shorts, I literally have to look at the ceiling or the floor otherwise I feel like I’ll get reported to management for being a creep. It pisses me off, because I want to look around the gym, but I can’t do that when there’s a lot of women around me wearing revealing clothing.
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>I feel like I missed out on casual sex and hooking up.
im gonna be honest, you missed out on fucking nothing. None of it is worth it and you WILL feel like an empty husk, a fraud and a faggot afterwards. You'll also get paranoid about your wife and literally anything shes doing you'll just think about how your were gorilla fucking this thot and immediately thoughts of her getting fucked at home will enter your mind. Trust me, dont do it.
>getting mogged by a boomer just walking around
>some degenerate DINK in a big city
Sure why not
>married with kids in suburbia
Absolutely not worth the double life and added stress. Far more difficult to come up with excuses for what you are doing and just feels more wrong
Wish I was man enough to even have a wife bros...
>I feel like I missed out on casual sex and hooking up
Anon, I had a hoe phase in my early 20s. It's not fulfilling and it won't make you happy. You'll feel empty on the inside.

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>I cannot be defeated!
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this dude mogs gigachad
>you just cant do it,the gooning its disgusting,its sick and its nasty,its no good
>me after a heavy ohp press set
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>maybe you think you're changing,but you can't change what you really are.
>see we're born with an alpha instinct that you can't turn on and off like some radio
>we have to be in the middle of the mogging cause we're the slayers
>and without some,some miring,without some damn dyel to mog,the mogger may as well be dead Stallion!

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>brew coffee at home
>feel sleepy
>drink coffee at a cafe
>feel energized
what gives bros?
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I ride my bike 15kms to get my favourite coffee and I sit in the park snd enjoy every last sip of that sucker. The ride back is the most euphoric I feel all week.
90% of the job of police officers is just breaking up domestic disputes like this

You join thinking you'll be a hero who fights rapists and muggers and bank robbers ... and you end up just being a state-mandated tard-wrangler for poor people beating their spouses all day
If you're using k-cups, you're probably brewing with 8-12 oz of water per k-cup, which is a low concentration of coffee.
Brew it with 6 oz instead to make it stronger, and use 2 k-cups for double the caffeine with the same amount of coffee as 1 large cup.
can someone post some context
Coffee with a little sugar helps more than coffee alone apaprently

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No source talk
Read the Reddit wiki
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i can't imagine touching the stuff but i'm in a hot climate (florida)
worst part about fasting is the lowered test production. If you exercise and inject test instead of relying on natural production there's 0 muscle wasting. If you're taking issue with cruising during a cut why are you in fraud? Just cruising during any caloric deficit is better than doing it natty since you'll still experience test drops if the deficit is high enough
bumped up to 750 test 600 primo from 500/300. these two at a high dose feel amazing
>i can't imagine touching the stuff but i'm in a hot climate (florida)
thanks for a reasonable reply.
I'min the PNW where its still in the low 50s. I've run it in hotter weather, and its manageable with tons of water. Actually, the hardest cycle I did was in December, I think because everyone had the heat cranked up inside.
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thoughts on my epic shamu tank?
>worst part about fasting is the lowered test production
It is lowered due to lack of food and fatigue but it isn't nowhere near levels so low that will cause muscle loss by itself.
>If you exercise and inject test instead of relying on natural production there's 0 muscle wasting.
I can't believe you are this fucking retarded. Injecting synthetic testosterone does NOT stop muscle wasting. All it fucking does is MINIMIZE muscle loss. You are 100% guaranteed to lose muscle and with bigger deficit you are losing a lot no matter what. Fasting is the most retarded thing ever, unless it's done for medical reasons.
>If you're taking issue with cruising during a cut why are you in fraud?
You are absolutely clueless fucking retard, why are you in fraud?
>cruising during any caloric deficit is better than doing it natty
No fucking shit captain obvious, where do you think you are?

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>solves fitness once and for all
>look mom I posted it again!!!!!
legs though?
amputate them for better pull up performance

Im a fat fuck and have until jul to shrink my gut.
should I just starve my self?
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Find a good program and do that. Don't even need to go crazy just like 2x of week lifting. Eat a low cal(like 1.2k max) high protein diet. And try to walk at least 30 min a day but an hour or more is even better.

Do that cleanly and you will probably get a noticeable reduction by july but you won't be anywhere near decent looking until like october or november probably.
Starving yourself never works. To test this let me give you something to try. On your day off to do not eat any food for the entire day. Drink twice as much water and then try to go about your day. Then take those feelings and imagine working like that and being productive. Caffeine will also exhaust you faster.

Instead cut your calorie by -500 for a seven day period and see if you lose weight. All of your meals should be fruit, vegetables, and a meat. You will be drinking water.
Example meal.
>breakfast: Eggs, oatmeal, banana, water or a coffee.
Do no drown the coffee in cream or sugar, if you want to ruin cravings for junk food i suggest purchasing the foulest instant coffee and drinking it at each craving you feel to force your brain to associate junkfood with foul coffee.
>lunch: chicken(Grilled/baked/panfried), broccoli, rice, apples, and water/tea/coffee.
You will find you can eat 8x as much food if its not cake, sugary drinks, and trash.

You are also going to discover you literally cant binge eat vegetables, fruit, and meat like you can junk food.
cut the carbs below 100g and get rid of seed oils. you will definitely lose weight
start using heroin
>Verification not required.
protein sparing modified fast
basically starve yourself except for lean meat and green veg
works good if you can handle it

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Do you bring your own gym equipment to the gym?

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How the fuck did they look like this before roids were invented?
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You're calling someone a retard when you aren't even talking about the right person. The person in Arnold's picture isn't reeves RETARD
>I was just at a metal concert
Metal is alright, but you sound like a total faggot talking about this like you're some badass. You are a faggot lol
Cause I do roids instead kek
Arnold is way leaner and bigger what are you talking about. Compare their quads are their biceps or abs ffs

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>excess iron increases zinc absorption
>health professionals consider this a bad thing
what gives? What else are they lying about?
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Just overdose on potassium and VitD to counteract it.
zinc makes me more testosterone though...?
iron not good.
anemia is not iron deficiency either.
same retard logic as keto.
but it makes my zinc absorption better? Which boosts test.
it's in red meat and cooked spinach
they say it's bad because it's in red meat
they don't want you eating red meat because it makes you virile and not a good slave and it's cheaper to feed you soi/bugs

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What's the point of roiding if you look like this when you come off?
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>you just hate manlets for some reason
Yes, I hate all types of subhuman including manlet.
Allwwaayyss wattcchiinngg...
It is aggravating because it is a disingenuous shifting of the goalpost in a lot of cases. There are a lot of reasons to do it and I definitely will use it eventually, but there are SO many guys who do it and claim that they don't just to marginally increase their social status. Just playing the game on easy mode and acting like you're operating with the same constraints everyone else is is so pathetic.
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Genuinely thought he was wearing a burger king uniform
>haha this inevitable thing is so funny
>it certainly won’t happen to me
Zoomers every time

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>open catalog
>mfw no /fit/ humor

provide entertainment for my workout, I'll start
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jesus fucking christ there's a special place in hell for you

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Post physiques of famous and obscure /fit/izens.
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nigga in the middle looks like Samus
this is what chicks mean by dad bod
Anon that is a fairly small bulge
Peep CBT real quick then tell me it’s average or small
not him, but could be just big balls, fitting underwear and above average PP

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Get looks of anger and hostility than mires. I think mires are shit dyels make up. In most cultures fit men are looked at with jealousy, and bitches don't openly show any attraction as overtly.

Anyone who's been lifting for any substantial amount of time experience this?
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They seem to zero in on me a lot to start shit. Workplaces are filled with dicks running to management talking shit behind peoples back
That’s because you’re a loser and no one likes you
stay jealous dyel
Yes especially shitskins and white onions types
Eh, I get more respect and acknowledgement now that I'm ascended ottermode.
>t. black guy

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