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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

Kek Philadelphia thinks it's a big city
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Skid row is similar. and that area in Vancouver seems just as bad with drug use. Only been to skid row and Kensington though
Political boundaries around cities aren't often useful outside of... politics. Urban and metro areas are much more useful comparison tools and more useful in daily life. Phoenix city covers a huge land area, so the suburbs are included in the political city. Quite different from how Philly is set up. To say Phoenix is a bigger (population) city than Philly would be correct in political definitions, but incorrect in common usage and other more meaningful ways. Jersey City is better integrated with the core of nyc than much of nyc itself is. The culture of Hoboken is no more different to the east village than the culture of bay ridge is to the east village. The most accurate definition of Tokyo as a city (the 23 wards) doesn't even exist as a political entity anymore.
So not Philly? Got it
Self hating jerseyfag please
>Kek Philadelphia thinks it's a big city
Philadelphians don't think that.
>we're the underdogs
>we embrace that
>we're a small blip on the universe doing our thing
You are lying, retarded, a troll.

I keep hearing
>Japan is a great place to visit, but a terrible place to live!
Those who've both travelled and lived in Japan, is this true? If so, why?

I visited Japan last year, I know that obviously being on vacation with no commitments is a completely different experience from living somewhere and having a job, but still, to me it seemed like a place I would be happy to work in.

>can go for a walk at night and don't have to get worried about getting robbed by a crackhead
>know that if I leave my wallet somewhere, it'll still be there when I get back
>if you live in a major city, you don't need a car, can basically get to anywhere in the country by bullet train
>japanese people are polite, pleasant to be around, and keep to themselves which is great for an autistic introvert like me

I know that Japan's working culture is extreme, but that only really applies to actual Japanese people, right? As a foreigner you won't really be expected to conform to any of the strict social rules
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Cry about it you old washed up millennial
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Not at all. I met an Urkel and an American-Pakistani both did fine there and seemed happy. In tech as well. If you're a foreigner, you're a foreigner. What matters is not being a drifter bum I.E. working teaching English or just looking for pussy.
Sometimes you get these threads chock-full of delusional weebs jerking themselves off to their idea of Japan. No normal person thinks this
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>I've been having success with cold approach
tell me more about this. Japan is consistently the country where I've had the LEAST success with cold approaches

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Bún chả edition
Or, "why is there not already an active general" edition
Where my Việt Nam chads at?
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>Damn bumble here is full of hot girls but I have a feeling that they’re all fake profiles.
they're literally online touts for bars that will overcharge you.
You fags really go hide behind a screen while in vietnam? my god

is vietnam full of hotties? yes.
What do you say tho

>inb4 "same thing you would say at home"
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Second this. I'm a long-time sex haver but I've never known how to just approach a chick because she's hot.
That looks tasty. But where are the green beans, carrots and green peas?

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Or is it an obsolete meme? And trip stories?
Hookers and alcohol is sodom and gomorra type shit. For displaced men with no tie or connection to anything and no self respect and shame. Disgusting.

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You can make it here. Schools are all privately owned, you don't even need a tefl, just bullshit a resume and dress nice. Felon? Failure? It doesn't matter, you can start fresh here.
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if you have never been to cambodia why do you speak there are no other places than phnom penh, siem reap and sihanouk and all scam oriented you can find a lot of good provincial cities in thailand in isan or even in fucking chonburi/rayong/chanthaburi. This is empty land and africa tier country in asia.
Friendly reminder also in cambodia they use dollars but if its scratched a little bit they will refuse to accept it, i had many situation where I withdrew money from ATM and they still wouldnt accept it. It's the worst country after India. Slanted eyed pajets tiers.
Are cambodians the indios of Asia? They look like it, I've even heard they share ancestry with Indians. It's interesting to see the mashups of race and how certain races came to be. So are cambodians the OGs of southeast Asia?
How old are the kids you're fucking?
I'm looking at Google maps and I see other towns so you're wrong.
>b-b-but they're all poor and there's nothing to do there
Then stay in your tourist containment zone and stop complaining.

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anything.. "funny" happened?
I’m afghan, and the people are obviously very nice and hospitable as it’s part of the culture
People don’t hike recreationally there, but there is a lot of mountainy terrain for it
Got stopped at a checkpoint after smoking weed with my cousin. Pulled the American card so they let us pass
What’s the visa process like for an American?

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>arrive at hotel
>bedsheets drenched in chemical fragrance
>instant migraine

every fucking time.
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>arrive at hotel
>room is ready
>go up to room
>housecleaning is still cleaning the room even though it's way past 3pm
>I don't want a clean room, I want slight convenience!
>arrive at euro airbnb
>this fucking thing doesn't work right
>arrive at hotel
>room is clean and spotless, area is nice and safe, tons of amenities
>most of trip spent NOT in the room

Is there a chain or franchise of hotels or motels that offer a balance? Clean, secure rooms, but minimal amenities.

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14.8 seconds of airtime edition

>Last Thread: >>2637085

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: When in line for a coaster with a bunch of normies, feel free to autistically infodump to them every single iota of information you know about the ride you are about to go on: opening date, manufacturer, # of inversions, stats etc.

Roller Coaster Database:

Amusement Park News Sites:

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Current rumor is a Mack rocking boat ride apparently, so a Water Temple theme would be my guess. Maybe they'll reuse the water effects from Poseidon's Fury.
Probably not a total bulldoze but definitely more than just painting it over. They'll want it to specifically look like the games if the current Super Nintendo Worlds are anything to go by.
How is Universal Studios Hollywood these days? I haven't been there in 30 years and don't recall it being all that memorable. I've heard they've gotten tons more IP-related attractions since then.
Breath of the Wild Zelda isn't as iconic as Ocarina of Time Zelda and I don't think it ever will be. I think it would be a mistake in the long term. Not as bad as Star Wars land being based on the sequel trilogy, but I hope they go with classic green hat Link.
Man, if it all pans out to have Pokemon in Springfield and Zelda in Lost Continent, it'll be such a smart, money-grubbing move to have a Harry Potter and Nintendo property in each of Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure, and Epic Universe. Unironically, how does Disney compete with this
I think Disney is still Disney. That will always count for something. Even when right now it seems like most theme park enthusiasts have a lot of good will for Universal and Disney is doing some things to turn them off, it is still Disney World. But I am seriously hyped for Epic Universe and I can't wait to go.

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Nikko Bridge edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR is going to adjust the prices for the pass soon, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.

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>Went to the dragon quest section
I just looked it up and it made me sad
>Participants will be a party of four
>*You can play with 1 to 3 people.
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The nerve of this fucking cunt. Maybe if you like high crime rates and third world scenery.
If you have under four they give you npc partners. I was just with my wife so we had two npcs
Yeah it's insane trying to get an implant. I guess I will decide closer to the date. Maybe a cute japanese girl will think im a hockey player or something since im super broad shouldered with a bit of a gut.

Thing is such a pain in the ass to wear too
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JFC he needs to shut the fuck up. I'm in Japan right now (Kyoto specifically) and the only immigrants here are random Indonesian, Fillipino or random Egyptian dudes, but they're very few and far between and they almost all work at combinis. As soon as Japan falls under U.S. peer pressure to open the floodgates, the sooner their unique and beautiful culture is destroyed.

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I'll be solo traveling through Yurop on September/October and I have to do remote work for two weeks.
I was thinking of going to Poland and stay in either Wrocław or Warsaw, as they seem like nice cities to be a few days, and airbnbs don't look too expensive.

I'm looking for recommendations on where to stay (which cities, hostels/airbnbs), good places to eat and foods to try, and in general things to do after working or on weekends. I'm 25 y/o and never been to Poland fwiw
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>Ss banderites
>Sexual immorality
Stfu nigger script bot
>'I say this as an American."

This biggest lie you will ever read on /trv.
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Asking a related question, is Auschwitz worth visiting?
I care about history, so I tend to think yes but I have limited time there however
Hello fellow citizen of Kentucky Oblast
Food gets boring real quick. You realize it's a bunch of white farmers who never leaned to use any spices. Dill is the best you'll get

What's Reno like? We've spent most of our lives in Las Vegas, even lived there a few years, but never bothered to travel to Reno because of how out of the way it is
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>high desert Portland
Agree on this. I lived in Portland 2009-2015 when it got “cool” and Reno reminds me of Portland’s heyday. Lots of hipsters and craft beer and good pizza and art, which isn’t my scene really but makes for a good night out once in a while
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Will it go the way of portland?
Nevada will never be as deeply blue as Portland. I’m a liberal and freely admit leftists can only destroy society.
>yet another urbanist
Obvious troon take Reno mogs Seattle in every way
Best brothels are right outside it

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Flying to SF for work at the end of the month, decided to extend the trip a bit. Now I've got four days to fill. What do I do? I know nothing about the city.
>what are you interested in/want to do
Relax, discover a new city, bit of photography (land/cityscape). I like walking.
Red woods or Yosemite. Also giants game. Don't listen to anons saying it just sucks, there's a lot of cool areas
Wasn't intending to rent a car. Red woods should still be doable, any way to get there from downtown?

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What is it actually like to live in Florida?

To put it short. I'm sick of cold winters. I want to live next to theme parks... (not a disney adult)
I've visited Orlando a few times, so I'm not just shooting in the dark, but I wonder from any locals, what do I not understand as just a tourist?
What is the deal with all of the development complexes and HOA's? how do you even know which ones are for old people? What area's do I avoid?
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Sorry forgot the pic
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>there's a good chance that nice looking forest down the road is going to be cleared to make way for two dollar generals, a car wash, and a smoke shop
sad but true
Boy, you are in for a surprise.
Nobody is referring to heroin Buffalo when they're talking about NYC pizza. You might as well be in Topeka.
I hear about OBT a lot, and I see that it runs all the way through Orlando. At what point does it become good / bad?

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