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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

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The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

If you want a place to discuss topics not related to news, world events, or politics, please try /bant/ - International/Random,

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

I can immediately tell if a girl is Japanese because of how cute they are.
Korean and Chinese girls look similar and can be very pretty and SEX0, but they're never as cute as Japanese.
Everytime I see some Japanese exchange student they stick out like a sore thumb, they are an angel among the humans, even if their face isn't perfect they have some presence about them that's cute, they exude cuteness.
I kneel to nippon.

They're so cute I don't even feel worthy of them
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Japanese are literally mixed with whites.
They have lighter eyes in general and their skin hue is closer to a pink than a yellow. Unironically I've gone down on a chinese chick vs japanese chick and japanese chick pussy is basically white pussy
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why are they so obsessed?
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>I can immediately tell if a girl is Japanese
Everyone Can, dumbass. Chink, gooks and japs All look different.
its not authentic, if you haven't notice. I'm convinced jews shill for asians desu
I would be happy if a lot of foreign men get caught by le "Japanese women are trad and kind" trap.

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based hillbilly
The one question that should be asked repeatedly until a proper answer is arrived at
>How much money do jewish groups extract out of the US government annually?
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she's not wrong
In my heart I know you are right I just hope history doesn’t see us as monsters for what has to be done and even if they do I guess that’s the price that needs to be paid
This chick on TikTok is redpilling everyone

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Nick Fuentes is blatant controlled opposition to drum up support for the ADL and SPLC. He's suddenly announced by Elon Musk himself to be getting his twitter account back literally ONE DAY AFTER an online furor over the House anti-semitism bill? Fuentes will play the role of the extreme anti-semite strawman to justify making anti-semitism formally illegal. Expect him to be artificially promoted everywhere in the lead up to this. His popularity will explode, thousands of articles will be written, ADL and SPLC will use his face for fundraisers and the laws will be passed. Screenshot this post.
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We do but that's not the only reason
you could just listen to what he says
have a great 18th when it rolls around. now off you pop, kid.
Honestly it validates what Max Blumenthal has been saying about Nick for a year now, Nick's controlled opposition and is being drummed out to scare the "anti-semitic left" back to being good goyim. Especially since far less offensive people like Jared Taylor are still banned.
Oh I'm in mid 20s, "adulthood" begins at 30-40.

What percentage of online influencers are being paid to trash these campus protests and what percentage are simply retarded goyim?
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One thing people need to realize is that these people do nothing but talk. No actions. The viewers? They just sit in front of a screen and bitch, regardless of what part of the political spectrum.
He has a Chinese girlfriend last time I saw. Maybe he works for the Chinese to rot the west.

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Dickhead, the ones protesting are the people who push those type of classes

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>acts like a 6 year old
I won't buy roses now, I can't.
You both are assholes.
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That 30yo man? Me.
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I’m a lucky boy I got ps5, xbox s, ps vr, portal and iphone 15 with infinite data.
Also I can drink a whole thing of chocolate milk in one and it only comes out of my nose if i hiccup.
Show your bitches this way I’m clearly a contender for Castle Greyskull.
Sent mom for snacks, stupid bitch fell over her disabled walking frame. WHERE MY SNACKS

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

>16k banner 1
>16k banner 2

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council, you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition and you acknowledge that jannies & mods are trannies

>Ukraine requested a waiver from the Council of Europe for (formal) suspension of several human/civil rights - https://archive.today/O20yg
>Zelensky: 'Kiev is negotiating with the US for it's support for the next 10 years - https://archive.today/uAMXX

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2ch.hk is blocked by cloudflare, what is going on? Is it Traitors 3 related?
>Open unrelated /v/ thread
>Belters squealing and going za shoo
They do always do this when they're getting their shit pushed in at the front.
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look for em in the morgue
Ukrainians are not happy with Trump, and have burned an effigy of him.

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This is crazy. We have 2 million jobs we cannot fill and 700k Ukis aged 15 to 64 don’t work because they are lazy and get gibmees.
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and why should random foreign women and vagina demons leech off of any economy, faggot?
I'm sure hohol women in your country with an onlyfans account and 1 child are very trad.
Liés, their women are already whoring, that’s the only thing they know anyway
"Non eu citizens", man, most of those are probably more "eu" than half of western europe. Having the word "european" in the union is very misleading.
in 40 years they will claim they were rebuilding germany after the war

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>Holding all men responsible for a violent minority has failed to keep women safe

>Instagram and Facebook feeds would be stripped of news if the federal government uses its laws to force Meta to pay for Australian journalism in a high-stakes threat that has prompted Labor to mull new laws to take on Mark Zuckerberg’s social media giant.

>Anthony Albanese says decision to not put ankle bracelet on detainee who allegedly bashed Perth grandma 'lacks common sense' but stands by Immigration Minister

>Three people have been arrested in connection with the disappearance of missing Perth brothers Jake and Callum Robinson in Mexico.

>Taxpayers pick up tab for MPs’ Gallipoli jaunt

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> actually expose what goes on in this fucked country
If covid didn’t expose what was happening to people I don’t think anything can. If people can’t see it by now that’s on them
>a referendum is required to ban cash
Why would they need to ban cash to go cashless? 90% of transactions in most retail settings is electronic as it stands, cash spend limits are already being imposed on large purchases and transfers
a referendum on cash would be political suicide when you can just bully people into not using it much more easily.

similar to the vaccine mandates, they will bait a large enough majority to accept something and then they will viciously beat the outliers with the stick.
>Why would they need to ban cash to go cashless?
They don't need to. They are pushing e-invoicing which basically means every single good bought or sold is tracked, so paying cash won't be a way to get around tax making the use of cash almost useless. And of course businesses have inventories for tracking stock, this is tied into the government like PAYG now automatically goes to the ATO along with things like dividends, crypto trades, share trades and so on.
>that's not an argument you mouth-breather
Reddit nigger
big true. big true
>Canadian researcher Taylor Owen, of McGill University, said Meta’s decision to block news had led to profound changes in how the country’s citizens accessed information.
“The news being talked about in political groups is being replaced by memes,” he told Reuters news agency. “The ambient presence of journalism and true information in our feeds, the signals of reliability that were there, that’s gone.”
top kek. suffer in your jocks desciples of trudeau

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Previous: >>466923339

▶Day: 801 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Russia’s Gazprom Group Reports First Net Loss in 24 Years
>Macron doesn't rule out sending troops to Ukraine if Russia breaks front lines - Le Monde
>The first peace summit will be held on June 15-16 in Bürgenstock in Switzerland, - Zelenskyy. 160 countries invited, including members of the G7, G20 and BRICS (Russia not invited)
> In Oryol and Kursk oblasts in Russia there are problems with electricity due to an attack by UAVs; drones also attacked the Afip Refinery in the Krasnodar Territory.
>Ukraine received Western weapons from some partners with permission to strike on Russian territory - Latvian FM
>ATACMS arrival on a russian training ground in occupied Luhansk oblast
>Drones struck Ryazan oil refinery, ~500km from the border of Ukraine
>Odesa shelled with Iskander missiles multiple times, there are dead and wounded
>NATO GenSec Stoltenberg announced a creation of a special fund for financial support of the Defense Forces of Ukraine in the amount of $100 billion for a period of five years
>Starting from November 1st, Russia will begin sending electronic draft notices and restricting military-age citizens from leaving the country.

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>what makes you lust after lesbians?

exposing even more poverty in the life experience category, eh?

lesbians are foul, foul creatures. They are not as they are depicted in the porn you watch. No one lusts after them, except, maybe, any woman you have spent time with.
The prostitute would look even at you with desire
But do you have a lada
>or steal
Nigger alert
Either way it is how Russians are created.

Russian children are born innocent as much as all children (minus the massive fetal alcohol syndrome), then the Russians beat and torture them until they're mentally disfigured into proper "good" Russians, then the cycle can continue.

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The internet is absolute furious at Ukraine, after an video surfaced online showing confirmed uniformed soldiers speaking Ukrainian burn a lifelike replica of the former president Trump. They blamed him for not giving aid, stating it could have saved more lives because Zelensky could not get weapons...they angerly promised he will never be president again. We should not stand for this.

The nerve of these people...I think its time we stop giving them our tax dollars, they demonstrate themselves to be very ungrateful for all the west has done & given them and disrespect our former president. Hell no.

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Yeah, Biden is so based... its why he declared Easter to be "Trans visibility day".
This is not wise.
Isn't Russian also the most spoken non-official language in your country too? You'll likely be speaking it after this war ends (if you survive).
Everyone wants to parasite from America especially kikes
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I am against Trump and I am a far right neo-nazi. Fuck you.

Imagine actually believing this.

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>Australia to miss target of 1.2 million new homes by 2029, according to State of the Housing System report

>Lots of men are feeling uncomfortable about Australia's gendered violence conversation. They should be

>Australia sidesteps reports it expelled Indian spies
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He’s a fed, greenlight, otherwise they would have killed him by now.

What happened to floof
Just ask for the cheapest pack of blues. I seriously recommend the vape man. Driving and vaping is so fucking comfy compared to cigs
What's aus/pol/'s drink of choice?
>Two houses have been burned down and six people have been arrested during an eruption of violence in the remote community of Daly River, which residents say has made some people homeless and put others in fear of their lives.
>Police say in the early hours of Wednesday, up to 25 people armed with various weapons drove into the community and started damaging houses, before setting a vehicle alight and firing shots.
>Four people were taken to the local clinic requiring pellets to be removed from their skin.
>The same day, two houses in the community were set alight, though no one was inside at the time.
>Police have arrested six people in relation to the violence, who are expected to be charged with weapons, property and violent conduct offences.
>Additional police support, including tactical unit the Territory Response Group (TRG), has been sent to the community to help quell the unrest.

If we could see her today what would Cleopatra ACTUALLY look like? Common interpretations portray her as this sexy caramel skinned seductress, but history portrays that she was probably some 6/10 butterface white lady larping as an Egyptian.
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it is easy to falsify bad art
look at sculpture of Alexander the Great, ancestor of Cleopatra
it is very hard to falsify incredible sculptures
I’m an old God. I have fair skin and some red patches in My beard.
you just have some blood from them. don't forget they were superior yet still failed

probably lebanese looking tbqh, I know one who is caramel colored yet is shaped exactly like the left pic, has one of those resting bitch faces that you just want to hate fuck

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Imagine how comfy it was being on 4chan in 2006. It was quiet, niche, just a few people connected together from around the world posting anonymously. Imagine being on NEETbux back then and using 4chan. I was too young for that but I know some of you guys got to experience that. I wonder if there will ever be something like that again
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I miss the old internet
You are all cancer and idiots.

The world is shittier with you in existence and that's evident by the quality of the site.
None of you bring anything of value.
The humor even though less childish is dogshit normie tier.
Everything is lowest form of bait that children could notice; yet you all fall for it.
Responding to avatarfags, animefags, 2013 tourists, redditors, twitter threads, women threads.
What a joke.

It is your fault.
Your failure to push for the social contracts we all agreed to that made the website usable.
Your complacency in losing to bots, kikes, poojeets, chinks and shills of everything brown color.

Give me a white internet.
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15 years ago in 2009 this was 4chan's hero. She's a old fat milf now
This is the kind of garbage I'm talking about.
Chink posting trannies like it's funny
>Now it's all about incels, now working and how tempted people are to nail a femboy of tranny. Disgusting what GenZ is.
Whats worse is gen z thinks being an introvert or eternally single and full of bitterness makes them "not a normie"
Thats what really killed this site, a bunch of normies invading thinking because they have weird anime fetishes and are socially awkward that suddenly counts them as an "autist" when the reality is they are just normies at the bottom of the hierarchy
Partially correct
Their minds don't work like that
They have a bunch of other people confirming how counterculture they are

Their conviction to act different comes from the fact that other people push it as a flavor of the month personality

I hate white people and especially Americans. In my country we all took the vaccine because we are 80% Chinese, and we are better people. I hope white people are extinct soon. If you come here we will beat you with a cane.
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We own everything now.
Actually the Jews do retard and they have higher IQs than you.
We've got prisons full of Aussies here. You subhumans just don't know how to behave yourselves. Since the Singapore police created an app for reporting crime, I just follow you guys around waiting for you to fuck up. I snap a photo, you go to prison. Your government won't help you, we own them.
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chinks aren't high IQ in the first place
The only whites left here now are beta males working in tech, soon to be replaced by pajeets, and ultra-rich tax dodgers that come here to launder money

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They're mocking us.
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So tsundere :3
Definitely not true and your need to even backhanded compliment me is the same reason you felt insecure enough you had to brag about your apartment

Iam more confident than 99% of your mens population
>Iam more confident than 99% of your mens population
yes, well, that's kinda the problem of your people
high levels of reddit retardation combined with utter shamelessness in exhibiting it
your only good export is games and some 11/10 trannies
how about you reply with a counterargument
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The more I argued with golems, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these Mutts, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these kike worshippers so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Golem had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.

Serious question, what really stopped Americans to steal Canada from UK in the last centuries? I am just curious.
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I can confirm this, please invade Canada.
America might seem like it's going to shit right now but Canada is always two steps ahead of you in that regard.
Alberta & BC would follow Quebec first. Maritimes would either go to Quebec or the States. Ontario will try to claim the rights to Canada for awhile but will ultimately just become an indian satellite state.
It's weird but over the past ten years or so, I've heard lots of people in the Republic say they really don't want NI back.
because they would have to deal with 1 million illogical people who don't want to be part of Ireland. Most unification arguments believe they should be deported. Same with Canada, if America took Canada how many Canadians would be against it? Either they're Americans or they're being stupid and illogical, why give a shit about Canada?
UK won the American civil war, annexation was no longer necessary.

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Is there anyone that listens to her and takes her seriously?
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Shoe pussy is only for Big Skeptical Cock
>licking pussy
How is that going to get me off?
Yes, she is somewhat of a celebrity in NZ. There are two Shoe on Head fan clubs here.
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They broke up years ago. Last I heard resorted to the typical game plan and convinced some Christian guy to overlook her past and be her beta provider.

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Why are men so heartless? How can you just deceive women into pumping and dumping them? Men are ruining the fabric of civilization with this immature bullshit
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Low quality bait but it got the job done
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>in the process of being ghosted
guys GUYS
can you stop your fucking incel thread for a minute and think about how SPOOKY all of this is?!>!!?!?!?!>>??
>my baseline requirement is that my life with you is not worse than my life without you.
Only men know your needs and only men can cater to them. Only men can make your life better.
Are you a woman?
I didn't even ask for them to make it better though. I merely asked for them to not make it worse, a challenge that seems pretty much impossible for modern women.
I think the last good women I know are some of my aunts who are 70 by now. They are genuinely loving wives who support their husbands and care about their children, not the cantankerous beasts that claim to be women nowadays.

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