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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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Any idea what it is? Slumlord tried to paint over it.
Try and get a closer picture. Is

But at first glance it looks like a bad dry wall repair or dry wall damage. What's on the other side of that ?

Suppose you have rooftop solar panels, but without storage batteries. That way you are supposed to just use the energy in the moment it's produced, or it gets sent back to the grid.
Basically I don't want to send anything back to the grid because fuck grid operators. I can already monitor the solar production and the current house electricity usage, so I know when I am "wasting" solar energy. When that happens I can setup an automation that trigger a relay to turn on something that uses that energy (which ideally also saves/generates money)
So anons have ideas about what the load can be?

>turn on the hot water tank
I already have a solar tank
>bitcoin miner
Initial cost is too high
>Charge stuff
But what. I don't have an EV
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Use it to run a high powered light, then beam that back toward the sun. Just return the energy that you're not using so you can use it again tomorrow when you need it.
Ice cube maker, then bag and sell them
He wouldn’t complain about that, he’d just ignore it
More than likely his baby momma found him and wants payments
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mine XMR?
What do you use fully charged car batteries for?

So I was wondering how difficult this dream deck/"treehouse" would be to DIY? My property is next to a steep canyon and I always wanted to place an access deck around the oak tree in my backyard. It's 80+ years old so I'm terrified of permanently killing it. The slope is not vertical but nearly, and the actual tree is a lot smaller than the image.

I calculated the cost and it will be roughly 20-30k in materials. If I can even find a professional who would bother to do this I'd expect it to cost 100k+

So my question is based off the concept image, is this feasible to attempt DIY? Or am I being way too optimistic?
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How do you think our ancient castles on the mountain top along steep edges and places like picrel still stand?
I agree with you tho it should not be underestimated, it seems those guys think buildings rest on topsoil, kek
>red tape
Can you explain that expression to a germanon?
Captcha: YTA x2 kek
Im not that anon but i once renovated a house that was built in 1604 on a hillside, the medieval carpenters did not have a equal height footing and so cut all standing beams different heights, now the groundfloor was sloped and the first flloor was level, you had to crouch if you walked uphill in that house, and the foundation was made of an assortment of river and field stones thrown into the ground. And if you say we get the flood of a century EVERY century..
Nigger its an ai inage, you cant discus carpentry details inferred from it, obviously its fake and gay.

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how do i make my room better?

also male living space thread
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There was fucking 3 months where all the makers tried to give credit to trannny Fran for inventing how to put screws in without crossthreading them.n thank God they shut up

(It was only like 2 but I only watch 3)
>they remain indoors.
i see my cat once every few days since its gotten warmer
To be fair to the dumb bitches who waste money on them, the posted weight limit is maxed out with one full pencil holder and a miniature cactus.
>cactus stabs into wall
>it is now more load bearing than the floating shelf

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3D Printed Breakfast Edition

Last Thread: >>2787167

>Your print failed? Go to:

>Calibrate your printer.

If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings

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I was designing a sheet metal + 3D printed parts ITX PC case for hours but then i had to make a change to the first part which introduced a few new faces. This part was the basis for all the other parts (it's part binder was used to design everything else) so the entire project got borked and i will have to spend a lot of time fixing it, pretty much having to do most work from scratch
Should I shift to openscad? I am a programmer so i don't think it'll be too much of a jump
Forgot to add, i am using FreeCAD now
OpenSCAD is kinda limiting. You can't do complex transformations of composite shapes like adding chamfers, and there's nothing in there that even knows what sheet metal is. You don't define a hole as being 8mm from an edge, you define it as being at a certain coordinate, if you mess around with variables you can get stuff act as if it's parametric, but it has to be manually set up that way. It's bare bones and not at all optimised for practical design. There are more powerful versions of software like OpenSCAD, but I don't think they'd be much better.

FreeCAD should have a proper parametric design with forward propagation of changes, but it being a buggy mess does tend to get in the way of that. Are you using vanilla FreeCAD, or are you using the RealThunder branch like you should? Ondsel might be more stable, idk.
>Are you using vanilla FreeCAD, or are you using the RealThunder branch like you should?
I'm using vanilla. I'm scared of using realthunder's branch because I don't want to get used to any design patterns which are not standard
>Check the extruder open/close lever, I hear it can get stuck not properly closed on the filament.
i fixed it. Was the gears in the extruder that needed a cleaning and relube

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Baby Ape Edition


In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?



> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)


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didnt mean to reply
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openIPC are adding customizable OSD
i just got my AIO, im gonna test it with the radxa zero 3w
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its ~14 gr without the cooler block, 19gr with it
on stock settings camera+stock settings VRX im getting ~65 ms latency at 1080p 60fps. fairly smooth and flyable

ill mess with it more then i get it on my drone
I just thought this was cool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l21Ev1SPKzE
>I just thought this was cool
because it is.

Degreelet here and no I am not going to post in the SQTDLGBTQ because fuck jannies and I'm not gay.
I want to chop this tree down. My plan is to rent a chainsaw and start with cutting the limbs down away from the house at the top and work my way down.
Is this an actual a good approach? It's not particularly high but at it's highest it's definitely a long 25ft thin branch that exceeds my roof line.
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real men take a piss however they want.
>piss sitting down?
I keep dropping my dick in the bowl water when I sit.
I bet you wipe the tip of your dick too you liberal
Yeah on your mom’s chin
>i wanna chop that tree
Yeah brother,right on, chop that motherflipper down, HOOOAH.

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My retarded boomer Dad cut down a bunch of tree branches (red circles in the picture below) and now you can see straight through into our backyard. These trees are 20 years old. I don't know why he did this. My Mom is very sad that he did this, she is crying.

Mother's day is coming up and I want to be a good son. What can I build or do or plant to try and help fill this space back in and have it look nice?
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Yeah they go fucking nuts when they retire.
It's sad actually. In the last 10 or so years of their career they can do nothing else but look forwards to retirement. As soon as they retire they go nuts within literally 3 months.
People need to do shit, we need to work. They spent the last decade of their career looking forwards to putting their feet up and doing nothing, and immediately realise it's hell.
As soon as the body stops working, it starts dying.
My conspiracy theory is that this is by design. In my country we have to pay on average 10% of our income year on year to our pension. This is a legal requirement so there's no opting out. Employer pensions are a legal requirement as well, so it's actually higher than that 10%, and then there's normal tax on top of that. So you pay a big chunk of your gross income every year, for 50 years, with the promise that you'll get it back when you retire, and then on average you'll live 5-8 years after retirement. Government keeps whatever is left outstanding. Massive profit for them.
Oh and also the state pension is invested in real estate, driving up property prices which won't be allowed to go down. If the housing market does crash then every boomer will realise they've been in a ponzi scheme.
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Actually, quite a topical thread for me. Zoomer here with a boomer dad who hasn't retired yet (old enough to see the moon landing), and I find that he *over* DIYs.

He knows his shit in a few places, for example he did a full cabinet overhaul for our living room and his shop from scratch, and has a carefully restored vintage motorcycle. But I find the prestige gets to him. It's making me resent DIYing. Everything has to have the "dad touch", save for some more larger and intensive projects which he contracts out. I've found recently if there's something that I want or that needs to be fixed around the house, either he doesn't fully fix the problem, or leaves it in a bandaid like state where if you touch it wrong, the whole house of cards comes crashing down and I have to have him "fix" it again.

Why would I ask dad for help with the squealing noise on my car's brakes, if when I get it back it's still making the noise? Clearly you know some things about cars to swap the brake pad, but not enough to solve the problem. There goes a day of my vehicle being nonoperational just for the problem to remain the same. I'd rather just bring it to someone qualified and have them do it for a little bit of cash.

I know you can save a ton of money DIYing, but how do I overcome this hump of the DIY not being "right"? I really don't like this attitude of "let me fuck it up first then go pay someone to unfuck it."
Ignore him, do all of it yourself and because you studied thoroughly it will be right. Most people refuse to study and make other mistakes like failure to have factory or high quality tech data (easy to download most times).

You don't have to let him do shit if you're an adult. You don't have to involve him at all. He sounds insane so I wouldn't.
Plant some roses and build some rose-grwoing helper trellis thing. Your mom will like it all bitches love roses.
Been saying the same thing, i cant find it now but there ws the case of a nun who did her regular nun work until she died and when she died they did a brainscan and her brain was seriously torn to shreds by alzheimers and strokes and what not, but you could not notice in her daily doing because she was still fit because she was required to.

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Are Greenworks power tools any good? Saw this 24V set at Costco, wondering if I should grab it, usually I go with Dewalt or Milwaukee, purely because that's what I see other people using.

>usually I go with Dewalt or Milwaukee
>purely because that's what I see other people using
Are you allergic to all forms of critical thinking?
>300$ for four tools, 2 batteries and bits & bobs
i can only imagine how bad these gimmick tools are

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for leatherwork, you need a very dense material to tool (draw) and stamp on. We all have little granite slabs. I make luggage and messenger bags almost exclusively so that little slab is just top small. 2x3x8 slabs of granite are reterdedly expensive.

here are a few factors I'm considering.

1, my house doesn't have a concrete foundation so reverberation will just always be an issue. I want to get as much force transferred onto what I'm working on as possible.

2, I have read that a work bench the size I'm going to make will weigh 100s of lbs.

3, even the best concrete tables eventually Crack, sometimes within a year.

what are your thoughts
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Yeah i know them, for a leatherworking bench idk about their cons their surface does sand a little bit though i think that stops after a while. For bzilding they are arguably slightly worse (or rather different) than your standard clay ceramic brick though you can use them interchangeably (slightly worse thermal insulation but better soundproofness). Here in germany they are mainly used in exposed brick walls because of their nice smooth and white surfaces. Their main selling point nowadays is that they soak up CO2 from the air (as lime does because you burned out the CO2 during burning and it wants to bind as much of it as it has lost during burning to revert back to CaCo3) CaCo3 is also the base of cement though burnt above sinter temperature 1450° C which makes stones melt. Cement would also like to soak up as much co2 as it lost during burning but we cannot let that happen otherwise the rebar steel is going to rust. Makd no mistake the lime used in creating them is still burnt lime.
Hit the mold with a hammer repeatly if you followed my advice and did not use rebar, also bear in mind how concrete works, any leftover water that fails to bind to the cement will leave it eventually leaving you with holes in your surface. The ideal ratio of water to concrete is somewhere aroun 0.45 to 0.6, i recommend to go for .45 and also leave it in the coverage for maybe like a week, the official number is 28 days left in coversfe but noone does that. Additionally you could let it cure under water since that pretty much unlocks the maximim hardness for concrete (this is how cement probes for testing are cured)
>sharp sand
Sharp sand is the undesireable sand, made by glaciers who crushed every pebble at its THICKEST point, easily reproduceable by something called a "einschwingiger Backenbrecher" in german. Round sand on the other hand is the rarer one everyone needs, made by rivers banging pebbles on one another breakinh them at their WEAKEST point meaning the grain structure of anything made by this material will be homougenously stable. Also the round shape makes it bind into the grain structure more easily, sharp stuff increases your binder needs.
"Breathability" is kind of a meme and the long and winded formulas we had to learn could be replaced with common sense, especially in the way this type of brick is used. Main thing to understand is that your house breathes and sweats through its windows.
Also sorry for my late response, i genuinely thought this thread was gonna die within a minute of me posting, kek. They tend to do that.
Sry my bad The ideal ratio of CEMENT to water is 0.45 to 0.60

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2789553

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.

(except the guy with the 15A outlet on a 20A fuse)
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I'm a crossposter who knows very little about DIY. I'm looking at renovating a basement into a one-bedroom suite. The immediate things I'm looking at are ripping out all the carpet, putting in some kind of hard floor, and installing a kitchenette. No need for remodeling. For the floors, the reno guy I talked to today said I should just get LVP, which is tempting but also I'm concerned about it looking too cheap/shitty.

So, first question is, any immediate thoughts or opinions? And second, any resources I should look at for learning to do the easy bits myself? Even though most obvious resources, I literally do not know where to look other than blindly searching for stuff on youtube (also I tend to prefer reading materials to video)
>Remove carpet
Pretty straightforward and doable yourself.

>Hard floor
If there's nothing weird under the carpet, this step is also pretty straight forward. I wouldn't do LVP personally because it looks and feels cheap. But if you do decide to do LVP, get the click type. It's stupid easy to do. If you can put two Lego pieces together, you can do this. I'd opt for tile personally but you'd need to hire someone to do it. Hardwood and laminate is not ideal for a basement.

Pretty straightforward esp if you get something from IKEA.
>Each cookie oven also has doors made of wood.
The oven doors aren't made of wood. That's the prep room where the supplies are kept and the cookies are prepared for the oven.

BTW: Cookiemonster was never able to gather enough supplies to make 6 million batches of cookies. That's just a (((Sesame Street))) dream.
i reccomend putting tile in the basement
If I plaster over this shit with finish plaster is it then ready paint or will it need a finish layer?

The manufacturer of the finishing stuff says use no primer to smooth out existing granol/stucco and then it’s ready to paint but I’m sceptical.

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Orange and white?
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Objective assignments
No, like most things, what damages your eyes is transitions. Once your eyes adapt to darkness they can stay there fine. What hurts your vision is dark>bright>dark>bright. That wives tale got started because reading by candlelight did fuck up your vision, which people thought was becasue candlelight was dim, when it was actually because of the flickering.
dropped IMAGE
But I feel orange lights aren't bright enough as whites are. I have op pic rn and they seem more brighter. My mom forcefully changed them claiming my room was too dark but it was easy on my melatonin receptors
They aren’t as bright. Your bedroom is for sleeping, not doing shit. Your mom sounds like a spaz.
I do homework in my room

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Trade Jobs Are DYING OUT...


Why is this so ????
>yea low pay is going to be one of the main factors.

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>Plumbers can make insane money if they own their own business

yeah. by cheating people
>oey vey goyim i need 100$ an hour, deadline unknown. Oh man i tiled your bathroom but they cracked so now you need to pay me 6 hours of labor to undo my own work, then do it over again. Hopefully they dont crack this time amirite ;)
I can tell you're stupid because you're paying a PLUMBER to lay tile in your bathroom. Try using a flooring or tile contractor next time.

And yeah, plumbers in some areas can charge whatever the fuck they want because the alternative is paying a plumber an hour away who will charge $300 fuel surcharge then tell you to go fuck yourself because you're not worth the drive to work on your plumbing.
The cnc production job oddly feels more productive…

Like how are those little Palestinian kids going to get drone strikes if I’m not out there on the shop floor cutting metal ?!

We can’t let those little anti-semites live
Seconding this. I’ve never programmed before and am shit at math, would I still be able to do cnc? Can it be a comfy gig?
You do not need to know anything to be a CNC operator.

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I just bought this shower rough in valve from amazon and i noticed the water flow is restricted by this much smaller hole on the NPT ports.

Wouldn't this massively reduce pressure?
Are all shower valves like this?
Should I return it?
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so nobody knows for sure?
>Wouldn't this massively reduce pressure?
>Are all shower valves like this?
a lot of them are, but not all
>Should I return it?
no, what would be the point?

That valve is adequate for its purpose and hundreds of millions of others like it are doing just fine.
Why? It's a smaller hole.
>a lot of them are, but not all
Why do they do this?
Drill it out a bit. I did that to the showerhead I bought and it was a great choice. That thing blasts. Fuck the water bill. notmyproblem.bmp
Just buy a valve thats not designed for showers, or one that has a little plastic insert flow reducer instead. Those can be removed.

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