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Has the boymoder mating season begun? I have seen a lot of boymoders being in heat and I was wondering if it is that time of the year again.
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Extreme kissing and hardcore cuddling.
Awawawa hrshedtfdbfh >///~///< ehszdhedrfefdrh

https://unsee cc/album#J0Gw9yanbZ0p
So... when and where can I breed you?
Built to be fallen in love with, married, and cherished.

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Previous thread: >>35619909
QOTT: wahtd u have for dinner :33
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Hi, this is J's father, she is dead. Rest in peace
something something boy cried wolf
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Thanks, I like them too. The colour is called Luna by The Gel Bottle Inc
J’s dad is dead lol
I am a man with fetish lying to everyone

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Now that the anti-trans media has helped to tear apart the official medical pathways to transition, they've moved on as precited to scaremongering about DIY (the thing they have forced people to rely on). No doubt they'll be manufacturing consent for some dodgy policy to try and clamp down on it, now that holding trans healthcare to a separate standard than literally all other medicine has become acceptable.
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what a nothing of an article, unironically gonna do nothing but make this pathway more widely known.
15yo me was remoting over a local wmesh into slackware VMs running on server space rented with fake internet meme money just to score addies and xannies. I'm sure tranners can match half that effort to score DIY HRT in service of... *checks notes* their literal identity.
I am glad the guardian are having lay-offs. Hopefully they close down alltogether
NYOOOOO i injected myself with hormones i bought online myself and now regret it, we clearly need more control on importing already illegal drugs
(i definitely am responsible for my own actions)
come to the colonies instead

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A thread for lgbs who do not like t.
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anime boys kissing
cygnus x-1
my african american
Hi ma'am
I need to rest on your lap now, and you can pet me ^.^

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old >>35634491
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its a tranny whose upset we said estrogen doesnt make you look younger
Yeah bears can keep to themselves
>They probably hoped the ship had sunk as they believed it was
They were above the ship in helicopters, they would have known that it wasn't sinking.
>when the American fleet finally arrived
That didn't happen, the ship left on its own by its own power. You don't know the timeline or events.

If you blame it on military leadership incompetence, how did they cover it up so masterfully?
Wouldn't it be more likely that information was miscommunicated, and that the people in the field were incompetent?
I'm really not interested in discussing this more since you don't know what you're talking about but think about the questions I asked.
No reason they would have helped or allowed it to remain afloat if it was a deliberate attack on America.
Why do these ugly hairy dudes take pictures of themselves nude?
Israel is brutal and does warcrimes, they love those and would have done it to Egyptians too. Why didn't they sink the ship?

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What should be done to twinkhons who claim to be passoids?
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god i wish i wasn't built like a fridge
like at least maybe if i got a boob job and stayed at a very low weight then maybe i might be more attractive idfk
i hate myself
stop posting my photos
Ms may I just say

Hot damn
Is this the real Ava? Why no trip?
because you are gay and desperate to pretend other gay men are women so you can feel 'straight'

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Been trying to know if pio is actually worth it or not, thoughts opinions, experiences? where can i get it? what are the health implications?
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It has come to my attention that you have very beautiful dainty soft hands that I would like to hold and kiss. If you resist they will be removed from your body.
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Yeah, is it that surprising?
Aw thank you
Ehehe hello again!
drop your disc now, i'm italian too

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this has 2 parts, you can offer two different voices for the two different characters, or use the same one, your choice.

servant boy:

"Captain chud! There's a teeming mass of masochistic emasculation fetishist trannies gathered at the Northwest Portal over in Orlandia. They are threatening to invade. They are armed with pissjugs, estrogen, and tasers, and they have personally promised to force feminize every child in our Empire from here to Timbuktu. How do we respond?"

chud, (deep booming voice):

"Eliminate them! Our grand army will crush their feeble eunuch shock-troops and make them wish they had been born cisgendered!"
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you are supposed to read the second part too dumbass
also how hard is it to read two sentences without halting over every other word? jeebus
im not reading out your fetish fuel
it isn't fetish fuel, you have no sense of humor at all
i didnt really read your post

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how much difference can a liplift and cheek implants make for a tranny??

I got FFS but no liplift or cheek work

i look off

my philtrum is huge
so is my midface

I wonder if its just a waste of time
like itll be a marginal improvement and ill still be ugly
Didn’t get a lip lift but I get filler done occasionally and I think it really helps me pass - just make sure you go to a aesthetician who is just trying to balance your features, rather than just giving you a lip lift for no reason
I've been thinking about this recently. I want orbital work, genioplasty, probably a rhino too. I'm on the fence about a lip lift...

I've seen pictures of lip lifts that look super unnatural. I don't want to look bogged. Fillers are a no go for me because they're temporary and leave residue. I pretty much only want one to minimise the philtrum anyways.
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all trans women should have lips and side profile like madison beer DOE, she has a relatively longish/strong face for a woman yet is incredibly hot and one of the most beautiful people to ever live without looking too bogged.
she looks like shes had buccal fat pad removal... hmm

What do you think about this?
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mogs me, i go cry
>wedding picture in background
ok I'm fully convinced this is just an AGP in full denial
He looks good
mogs me
brick, no ass but still based and his makeup is on point
he mogs me as a guy but I would still top him

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Maybe I am not trans but an autistic ADHD failed bottom male that is into tranny-tier fandoms (Touhou, NGE, Breakcore, Metalcore, etc) and that found girls like Spherehunter cute and thus wanted to be his own GF?
cute feet... where can i find more?

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I'm quitting smoking to make HRT work better and therefore I hate you all and wish you would die. Someone talk to me to keep me company but also shut up because everything you say is causing me pain. I need cuddles so fuck off an leave me alone. Am I making myself clear?
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>dude weed dude
nta or a hippy stoner faggot like that anon but its legit advice. better a loser pot head than a shitty smelling cigarette sucking nigger
Or I can strike at zero hour
With overwhelming firepower
I'm fueled by the fear in my enemy's eyes
It's a shock troop infiltration
With a violent destination
9 o'clock. This will be my first smoke free day in 10 years or so.
Celebrate by having sex with me

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>cis male who's been dating a trans girl for four years
>two years ago I ask her if she's okay with having an open relationship because I want to sleep around
>she says "I don't really want to, but if it's the only way to keep you, okay"
>I just run with that because I don't want her to change her mind
>had sex with over 20 girls since then
>hear her sobbing to someone on Discord last night saying that the relationship's open status has always hurt her and that for almost the past year I've been neglecting her in favor of other girls I'm seeing
I feel like an asshole... if I return the relationship to being a normal monogamous relationship right now and never sleep with another girl again, can this relationship be saved? Or are her emotional scars permanent? I want to fully heal every last bit of pain I've caused her.
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>chances are extremely high you will
If by 'extremely high' you mean 'zero percent,' yeah. I'm not a cheater.

I care about her a lot. I want to marry her. I'm empathetic, I just often need things spelled out to me so that I know what to be empathetic about.
>>had sex with over 20 girls since then
fucking cap LMAO
Yes? A lot of them were former fwbs, I live in a heavily populated city, etc

Anyway I'm going to bed, night all
take a hypothetical leap with me for a moment anon. let's say for this exercise i'm your gf before any of this happened, and i have just said i want to open the relationship so i can fuck 20 dudes. do you think if your answer was "I don't really want to, but if it's the only way to keep you, okay", that really means you're ok with it? do you think there would be any point after that where you would be ok with her fucking twenty dudes? the problem is that you wanted something, she very much did not, you took what should have clearly resounded to you as a no at face value, and then spent two years ignoring her hurt. there's no way anyone sane can conceive of a way for you to fix that. this is something that will be a crushing emotional weight on her for every moment you are together.
We'll see, people can heal given enough time, we have some things to work through but it might not be impossible to do so

>can you recognize your local bird species? how many?
>have you ever bird watched?

Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads.

Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi

old threat:
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cool are you getting any special cut?

it's lunchtime silly
What hallucinogenic drugs should I take to help me leave the closet?
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nigga drugs don't do shit. you have to find the inner strength to stop being such a coward.
Birds suck. Inverts are more interesting

are there any well known trannies or even trips that you would fuck? 'Straight' excludes bisexual chasers for this question
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why do gay men have straight men and trannies living rent free in their heads? are you not satisfied with your zesty pool of fags? stay in your lane lil fag bro
>straight chasers

not really, i don't really feel the desire to have sex with someone unless i have a emotional bond with them
Want to do a Japanese new wave movie marathon

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