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The /mu/ Wiki:

Discover music:

Check the catalog before making a new thread >>>/mu/catalog

Personal music/band projects should go in Bandcamp/Soundcloud general threads.

>If the Feels brought you here, search in the catalog before starting a new thread. If they aren't vaguely music related, go to >>>/r9k/

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kbs cams are so shit
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or this one?

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Which of them had undeniable talent, if any? Or were they just manufactured by the media?
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They're famous mostly due to marketing though. Some critics and stoners will shit their pants over mostly Magical Mystery Tour and Sgt.Pepper Era Beatles regardless but The Velvet Underground and Jimi Hendrix both did way crazier shit as did CAN. The reason you still know and care about them is because of Sgt.Pepper and Magical Mystery Tour Era but they started as a heavily manufactured pop act. It's like if BTS suddenly started releasing Neofolk Albums so yeah it genuinely is a pretty varied Discography too but verymuch like the generic brand version of Psych in a lot of ways. Kinda bland to me at least. John Lennon also got really really really into heroin between Boy Band Beatles and Sporkcore Beatles which was 100% not incidental. Being on smack on stage probably makes doing something you can really dance to a bit hard.
>Everly Bros
If you wanna say The Beatles are a standard pop act from their time then big up the fucking Everly Bros, I don't know what to say. What's next? The Four Seasons?
>Beatles are slightly boring to me
I like Zappa, but even if I didn’t, I’d still like him more than the Shittles for this very reason.
The WORST possible thing art can be is boring. If art doesn’t make you feel anything, even negative emotions, it’s bad art. That’s why bands like them and their ripoffs are all terrible and a cancer on the industry. They have no soul. Their “music” was made to sell a product.
At least Zappa had some actual integrity, even if you may not personally find his music pleasing.
Love was a Psych Rock Band moreso. I actually like Love more than The Beatles and would argue they pushed music forward further. Not sure where you got the idea they were pop standard for that time. They were doing some pretty dark shit in there too.
Do you not know that Frankie Valli was in the Four Seasons?
Yes, they’re better than the Beatles. Most artists are.

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do you like Jimmy Hendrix?
We've not met.
No. He never wrote a single good song in his life.
of course i like jimi hendrix
of course
No, he has no good songs.
Of course not, I am not american or a redditor (they both fetishise black people)

what's his problem?
His solo career has been complete DOGSHIT his albums literally all FILLER hasn't written a good song in 30 YEARS released 20 that were not only artistic failures but commercial too (they FLOPPED BIG TIME) I don't know what Frank BLACKED was thinking why would anyone release shit OVER AND OVER AGAIN? it's one thing to fuck up once but 20 times? Jesus christ did this nigga have a contract with a major label that he wanted to get out of and took the neil young route or something? Geez
He looks like Divine from the John Waters movies but not in drag on that album cover
He's basically an angry nerd who looks like one and who built a career out of making music for angry nerds and their sikrit speshul club that is totally not mainstream at all, that would be anathema

Punk rock credentials and all

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3x3 WEEK
for recent listens
guess what
recommend when

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numbers.... too hard!!
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I didn’t listen to much music recently but I really like the Peacocks it’s one of my favorite jazz albums already
That you have to learn joint from Nina Simone was so depressing the first time I heard it I couldn’t finish it, but became a favorite of mine on later replays. Just like this Tony Bennett track

+the beach boys
Did you listen to that ten year anniversary Yours Truly?
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>That you have to learn joint from Nina Simone was so depressing the first time I heard it I couldn’t finish it, but became a favorite of mine on later replays. Just like this Tony Bennett track
many such casses
nina shines in her live stuff the most I think
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Yo nigga listen to a Clarence Carter greatest hits or something you may like it

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Why are their fans such massive retards? Is it because they can't accept that The Beatles' "music" is actual corporate slop with no actual artistic merit that is only successful due to mass-marketing to feeble-minded sheep? The Beatles always fucking sucked, they never innovated, they never made anything that could be considered even remotely close to art. If you think otherwise, you either have taste so shallow it has less depth than a puddle or you're actually fucking mentally disabled. Your favorite 60s boy band sucks. Deal with it. If you genuinely believe these hacks are the greatest band ever, actually fucking kill yourself. I'm not kidding. Draw a bath, get in, then slam a toaster into the water because you're stealing valuable oxygen with every braindead take you make.
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The Beatles
Did John Lennon sleep with your mother?
Hopefully the other 2 faggots die this year

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>Sex, sleep, eat, drink, dream
>Primal, tribal, apple, egg, vegetable, eel
>I have a new canoe but it does not have a wheel
>Sex, sleep, eat, drink, dream
>Sex, sleep, eat, drink, dream
>Private, velvet, animal, Oldsmobile mind
>I'm sitting in the fireplace burning up my time
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90s Crimson is based and your autistic hatred for it won't change that

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Whats xer name, again?
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It's "he/r," you fucker
Genesis was so depraved that they wrapped back around to being based. Kind of like GG Allin
hateful fag
janis joplin
>creates an open source cult
>runs it like an authoritarian
what did they mean by this?

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Why does /mu/ favor experimentation of specialization?

Is the artist that constantly reinvents himself really more worthy of praise than the bluesman or the traditionalist?
Is broad mediocrity truly better than single-minded excellence?
*of = over
Depends if that specialist is truly innovative and creates a new genre or if they’re derivative in any substantial way.
What's wrong with being derivative? Everything is derivative, even artists that entirely establish new genres like Bill Monroe with bluegrass -- completely derivative of old-time and Jimmie Rodgers

Also what about something like this:
There's no avoiding it, this song is 1000% derivative of Hank Williams but it's a legendarily great song in its own right.
I feel like if you're worried about innovation to a certain degree, you're willing to just walk right past songs like this and that's a real shame.

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>This mindfucks the average /mupol/fag
Stop thinking of RYM charts as a definitive list of the best albums. Think of it as a collection of albums commonly loved by a big chunk of people loosely ordered for the most part.

If it were ordered then Remain In Light would be #1.
>teenaged RYM trannies have shit taste
/mu/bros, how will we ever recover?
my fav album of all time has a 2.11 score on rym so yeah I don’t care what they think
Why are there so many rym threads nowadays? People barely used to post this shit site here
Why the fuck is your favourite album Make Believe by Weezer?

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>and just like that, I am forgotten
These guys were like Ed Sheeran but good.
What happened to them?
they're still at it

Actually boring af (except One and Dyers Eve).
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>the guitar tuning is horrible
you mean the guitar TONE.
tuning is the same for the first 5 albums (E standard for all songs except The Thing that Should not Be, Sad But True and The God that Failed)
Yeah, I like the intro, it sounds really good on a non shitty stero cranked up.

you're welcome

Yes the tone not tuning
Harvester>Shortest Straw>Dyer's Eve>Blackened>AJFA>One>Frayed Ends>Beholder>To Live Is To Die

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Everyone else hates this guy too right?
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I remember watching Fantano in the early youtube era when he had like probably a few thousand views, he was basically the only music reviewer on the platform, he worked as a pizza maker at the time and then he exploded in views over the years. He wasn't that insufferable back then, also he didn't use to make the tired stupid jokes about changing his name and glitching shit, he just said ''Internet's busiest music nerd'' at the start of his videos, but still he only became popular because he was the only one doing that stuff on youtube
I used to like Fantano before Fader buck broke him and he went mental by constantly trying to show how much of a twitter-progressive he is. But a lot of his reviews are still all right. It's just when he does shit like trying to paint that one Oliver Anthony song as being secretly about supporting confederacy, or when he collaborates with an anti-white racist or a terrorist supporter, that the brain rot starts to show.
Never watched any of his videos, never will
His fans on /mu/ are even bigger cucks.

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R.I.P. Kendrick
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Drake doesn’t portray himself as some black power guy.
He should just take a page out of his fellow light skins playbook

hippity hoppity has to be the gayest genre of all time
Kendrick sales better
Not music.

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