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Australian Shepherd Edition

cont. from >>4770582


Ray Allen Manufacturing: Tactical Dog Gear | Police and Military K9 (https://www.rayallen.com)

Kurgo: High Quality Outdoor Adventure Dog Gear Products (https://www.kurgo.com)

AVOID: Weight Pull/Sledding Harnesses as They Encourage Pulling Which Can Lead To Death

ALWAYS: Size Correctly

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how to quickly kill a worthless shit eating mutt? I want it gone fast. barking overgrown rat. sick of them being put above people, fuck disney. just going to start fucking up your property if they annoy me.
sorry anon, that's rough
The vet said at this stage it's nonfatal, but how do I make sure it stays that way? She wants him on a prescription diet, and I asked plenty of questions and googled even more, but if anything else I should know or you guys know and want to tell me, please share. Thanks so much.
My dog chooses to sleep next to my mom's bed downstairs than on my bed upstairs when given the option, does she love her more than me? Is it just some other factor?
It's called a gun you retard.

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"Vultures of the sea".
Just as misunderstood, just as threatened.
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Terror birds are fucking overrated predators. Only reason why people obsess over them is because they're the only hypercarnivore terrestrial bird, the closest thing to Dinosaur raptors. People keep glazing these birds because they're annoyed that mammals dominate the current age. But frankly, terror birds are terrible predators compared to mammals.

>On average, terror birds weigh less than mammalian apex predator.
>Sharp beaks but are not as useful or powerful as toothed jaws.
>No teeth means can't hold down large prey with mouth like canines, felines, and bears can.
>Reduced forelimbs means less weapons for hunting and combat unlike cats and bears that can use all four limbs.
>Can't wrestle nor jump on backs like cats and bears do which allows them to take down big preys like bovines.
>No evidence for pack hunting or high intelligence like canines. Canines can compete against bears and felines because of their numbers.
>Pathetic hollow bones means they're very robust.
The North and South American interchange resulted in these birds being bullied and displaced by chad mammals. They aren't as good as hunters as cats nor can they beat one in combat unless they have significant weight advantage. Felines, Canines (with numbers), and Bears have a good chance at taking down large herbivore preys but terror birds? They're way to weak and lack the weaponry. Terror birds only hunted small or medium sized prey animals.
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Oh absolutely an Arctodus would fuck up Titanis if it came to that, but I was trying to say that Arctodus is a bear and most research I've seen seems to place it as an omnivore, so they're not competing for the same food source and thus Titanis probably doesn't compete with Arctodus.
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Course it probably wasn't suffocating prey, but that is probably not how it hunted, their beaks were tightly fused and hooked towards the end so they were likely for slashing/cutting and while their bite itself was probably not generating a ton of force on its own, a thing not talked about is that a lot of the force from an animal's bite actually does come from the neck and not just the jaws. Phorusrhacids did indeed have powerful necks and I could absolutely see a peck or a slash from one being a serious injury or cause a lot of blood loss to a prey animal (Not breaking the skulls and into the braincases of animals though, that shit is retarded)

Also, dromaeosaur claws were almost certainly built for gripping and not for slashing/cutting so idk if they are apt comparisons (Although I don't know if anyone has looked into the kicks for phorusrhacids).

Also this is treading on covered ground, but Titanis' existence alone questions the idea that they couldn't compete or were not successful.The GABI is believed to have occurred 2-3 million years ago, and Titanis was exclusively a North American species that appears in the fossil record 5 million years, before it happened. Smilodon didn't even get bigger until after Titanis kicked the bucket.

It's like the idea that megalodon went extinct due to competition with livyatan, when we know that livyatan actually died out before megalodon did.
5 million years ago, not 5 mil before the GABI
Thing is, the Titanis's method of killing just isn't as effective as taking down large prey the same way cats, bears, and dogs can. I never claimed or believed that the terror birds couldn't coexist with mammal predators, just that they aren't as good as taking down large prey as apex mammals can. The same way snakes can coexist with tigers but can't really take down a bull the same way a tiger can. Its killing implements just isn't as well suited.
I don't see them really being diffent than modern predatory bird method. Grab it thrash it about until something breaks or bludgeon it with the ground until it's incapacitated. Then probably tug pieces off like vultures or eagles. Probably prioritizing young over full growns anyway like most predators.

It's not uncommon to hear people say that animals must have souls because clearly their dog, cat, horse or whatever has a distinct personality, emotions they can understand and relate to and so on. But if that's the case where do you draw the line? At cattle? Reptiles? Fish? Insects and other invertebrates? Amoebas?
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If you didn’t say Bible I would’ve sworn you were talking about Muslims because they do all of those things already but I think I can venture a guess that you don’t feel the same way about them
>the crusades
Now I’m very curious what you think the Crusades were
>I say this with no bigotry or hate.
I do. It’s patently retarded and deserves to be called out as such.
>Now it's just /pol/-lite.
Better than leftypol-lite
Kek based /x/
No you retard, having faith in the scientific process is not the same as having faith in god. One frequently yields accurate predictions and results, and has dramatically improved our lives, the other is cringe larpers who cry about their dad working for nintendo in every dispute. See, this is why your lying is such a fucking brain parasite. You don't even know what faith is. You're incapable of understanding because you're totally mindfucked. I have faith the sun will rise tomorrow. I have faith that gravity will keep the Earth together. I have faith in my friends and family, that we'll look after each other. I have no faith in religion because it's all straight bullshit which feeds on the lives of humans and only pretends to give things in return. Praying is the ultimate parasocial activity. At least trying to get into a streamer's pants has greater than 0 probability of success. People who put their highest faith in obviously untrue things are either idiots, crazy, or scammers, and in a more perfect world we'd be teaching kids how to defend themselves against the manipulation tactics of religions (skills which are useful against many kinds of scammer).

This thread was made by an idiot and you are an idiot. You don't get any respect just from being all cordial and claiming we're on equal footing. We aren't. You are pushing bullshit, your beliefs are simply wrong, and this thread is off topic. There are no souls. It's make believe. Fuck off.

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Discuss the animal homo sapien.
How we feeling about our species, pretty apes?
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>Discuss the animal homo sapien.
that's not an animal
bad idea jannies nuke it before it’s too late
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Guy's, what the hell? I got these two humans. They appear to be sexually mature. I put them both in the same enclosure and even gave them a single (1) nest that can fit both of them for comfortable mating, but they refuse to court each other. They almost never interact directly with each other despite spending all their time within close proximity, and when they do interact it's very brief and seems almost standoffish. What gives? Why won't they breed? These things were pretty pricey so I was hoping to get a sizable colony through breeding. I'd really appreciate some helpful advice on this. Thanks.
tend to happen if you make it too comfortable, see, i’ve been noticing when they have a high infant mortality they breed like crazy, yet, if you supply them comfort and a stable life they tend of ween off and become depressed

would recommend you shake them up a little, introduce a little fight and they’ll be back to normal
Plus you need to give them a religious and tradicional lifestyle where their main objective is creating a family and not buying things and feel pleasure.

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Land Whale edition

Previous Thread >>4685883

Speculative evolution is the exploration and imagining of how life might evolve in the future or could have evolved in alternate pasts. It's a multimedia sci-fi genre that harnesses scientific principles to create detailed and plausible hypothetical creatures, ecosystems, and evolutionary histories.

>One-stop shop for relevant background information for starting a project

>Fantastic blog covering all sorts of spec evo topics in-depth


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New Kaimere Video
Why was the other post deleted but not this one? The other post was talking about the project while this one is completely off-topic.
the finale of Alien Biospheres
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I'm ready.

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ITT: Products that trigger /an/
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cletus you keep them antifreeze buckets away from our youngins you hear
slimy piece of shit

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Welcome to /plant/, the happy green place on this blue board, where growers, gardeners and horticulturists share their love for things that grow.

Newbies and amateurs are very welcome, and we’ll always try to answer your questions.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

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I mean some people would pay to have their bamboo removed. And nurseries charge absurd prices.
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Should I invest in this tree? do they have ornamental value?
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>Should I invest in this tree?
Don't know, ask /biz/ if you don't want any profit.
>do they have ornamental value?
Female trees' "fruits" stink, but leaves in autumn are pure kino experience.

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Horse General

Lonely Commute Edition

>>4769672 - Old Grey Mare
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To troll the people who couldn't RTFM
>reading manuals for beverage
Depends on the horse. Some horse bite, some nibble, some don't give a damn about your hand, and some will lick it and never bite. If they bite or nibble, it should be corrected.
I once bumped into a horse at night when I was putting out hay in a paddock. It was really overcast so there was very little light and my eyes hadn't adjusted, so I had no idea the horse was there. They are surprisingly quiet for their size. Imagine walking down your hallway and hitting and invisible wall. That's kind of what it was like for a split second.
They are Horsecerers that dropped out of Horse Magicollege.

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Toadlines of the Slamuminati edition

Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here
Previous: >>4780283
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This is just demented. Looks like the pre-death throes of an animal ready to drop dead. Megamind in dog form. Yakub reborn.
Honestly they do really resemble toads, including intelligence
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oh thank you I was wondering where my Cranidos went
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Post your favorite picture of an animal right fucking now.
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I cant help but make up stories about these guys whenever I look at this picture
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Ever gone out to look for a bird, and while you didn't find it, you were rewarded for your effort with an unexpected surprise lifer?
While it wasn't picrel, this happened to me today and I was glad I forced myself to get up early and at least put myself in a position to see something.
I did the same and observed a Prothonotary_warbler. Got so excited I had to pee
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Nice bird. Mine was a Hermit Warbler, cute little things but they don't make it easy hopping around 50 feet up in the trees.

Wrasse edition

Welcome to /rstg/, the ultimate destination for reef and saltwater enthusiasts. Discuss anything related to your marine paradise here, whether it's your thriving coral colonies, vibrant fish, or aquascaping.

Saltwater Aquarium Setups:


Tank Cycling and Maintenance:


Fundamentals of Acropora care:

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I have a Spectra Aqua Knight V3 and it's pretty good. At max setting it gives, like, 900 PAR on the corals near the top. I run mine at 20ish % strenght (it has individual channel intensity control). A better option would be an Aquaillumination prime, I guess but it would be a huge overkill.
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Always forget how tiny new fishies are.
sigh left my nitrate going accidentally and now its 50ppm up from 2
Time to bust out the chaeto factory and put traces on speed dial.
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Zoas super happy, GSP and nems are a bit bleh.
Salifert NO3- test.
>Topdown is 1:1 reading
>Sideon is 1:10 reading
5ppm +/- right?
Salinity a touch low at 1.023, pH 8.2-8.3, alk 10.5, PO4 unknown as I do not have a test kit for it. Recently had a bacterial bloom. Fish fine.

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