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>A little more than a month older
>Already utterly forgotten and memoryholed
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Yeah it's as if releasing a dysfunctional single player game with shitty microtransactions is a bad thing.
havin a blast
this issue is happening even for 14900k + 4090s dipshit
>retard can't glance at a horrifically inconsistent frametime graph and realize it would feel like utter shit to play
my performance is even worse in the open world
I have motion blur turned off and it still feels like it's on
my computer is worse than that and it still runs the game fine

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>game requires additional peripherals to play
>it's actually well integrated and not a shitty ploy to sell a gimmick
Night of Sacrifice will forever remain a hidden gem because fatfuck gamers never bought a Wii Balance Board.
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>penis inspection day
>it's actually an anal circumference measurer
Consistency and shape goes hand in hand with taste. Spaghetti tastes different to Macaroni and both taste different to pasta that's all mushed into a gel. Lettuce doesn't have that much taste, but adding lettuce to a sandwich will enhance the taste of the whole thing purely because of the crunch it gives
Where do you get a spaghetti this thick?
>tfw can't even fit in 3 adults hole
It's over

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Post you're critiques of the game
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Unless you're an ERP troon or autismpilled collectionist you can essentially do 80-90% of content that's relevant to you over ALL the expansions thus far within two years while playing this as your main mmo so the moment this happens you're left with utterly predictable and dogshit drip fed content most of which either doesn't apply to you or you again beat it within a week or two. WoW has it's fair share of dogshit flaws but at least they have more scalable midcore content and reinvent the wheel (for better or worse) every year or two. Endwalker in particular was such a shit expansion content-wise that the moment post-2020 player exhausted content like Bozja, Eureka, old Extremes, old Savage raids, 4-5 ultimates there was no more content that keeps you logged in or paying the sub unless you like ERP'ing with catgirls.
XIV's combat is boring and doesn't feel good to play. 13's combat being bad is a meme and even XV's combat is better.
It can hardly be called a job system. There's no customization or reward for leveling multiple jobs like in FFV (a SNES game). Even XI did it better with subjobs. XIV's implementation is more like picking a TF2 character. Oh wait TF2 has all kinds of weapons you can get to customize your experience so XIV's job system can't even live up to that.
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Like dis?
>Post you're critiques of the game
I don't have it
>XV's combat is better
as boring as xivs class design is it still beats pressing literally 1 button to win

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Do you clutter your desktop with vidya shortcuts?
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I didn't change the wallpaper. It's the default one. Pretty sure that's the most boomer thing ever.
>Someone that actually install epic free games
if you dont have the recycle bin isolated at the bottom right you're a psychopath, simple as
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37 yo here and I just launch everything through Steam, even stuff like emulators (you can add anything you want as a non-Steam game). There's no functional difference, you alt+tab to desktop, I alt-tab to Steam, it's the same thing in the end, but my desktop doesn't look like vomit.
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Did you buy Helldivers 2?
Did you get bored of the game, want to play something else, or just feel like getting your money back?
Good news! The developers have just kindly allowed every PC player to refund the game on Steam regardless of playtime or purchase date. Just press the "support" button on the game's page in your library and you can file a refund and get your $50 back.
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Don't forget to get your money back
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I buyed
I don't play FOTM trash. Heckdrivers doesn't do anything that another game hasn't done better before. I am not playing a game just because it becomes the top seller on steam.
Maybe i will, the retarded balancing and lack of bug fixing was already making me tired of the game, forcing me to make an account for a console i don't even own despite the fact it worked for 3 months witout it just seems scummy to me
I haven't played in months and only vaguely know this controversy going on
What kinda bullshit can I type up for Steam Support to think I'm mad at this shit change or whatever? I don't really care but I'll take the money back

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Comfy thread, discuss the game. I got to the Great Desert and the game had a MASSIVE difficulty spike, like holy shit. I do no damage, and everything hits like a truck, having fun though. It's weird because my weapon is like level 13 and just unlocked DUEL WELDO exospines and I still take so much damage and deal low damage, but my weapon is level 13

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I just got to Xion, finally Lily showed up. She's exceptionally cute. I took out Gigas in a couple of tries and one of them was me just being dumb, but Corruptor stomped me like a dozen times. Did anyone else have trouble with that boss?
Not really, I thought corruptor was pretty easy. I think the first half of the game is overall quite easy, some bosses toward the end are a pain though.
I should get it then, looks great. Shame it got butchered a bit with that shitty censoring.
Well for whatever reason I couldn't get a handle on parrying him consistently, his movements were hard to read, unlike Gigas and Abaddon. So I was having to stay away from him and dip in and out instead of getting up in his face. Gigas I was parrying no problem.

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>game has a obvious choice with bad ending
>90% of playerbase pick the wrong choice
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Pinkoids raped and killed more people than any ethnicity. Their history of genocide, colonization, and ethnic replacement is plentiful.
Nobody can 1v1 a real bear, your black bears aren't real bears mutt.
I'm pretty sure I'm misremembering but it had to do with your innards and a very very painful and slow death.
ok nigger
He never said you aren't allowed to bring a weapon

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>100s of hours on a dlc the size of limgrave
You must be either very retarded or very bad at games
grafted blade consumable tank
>Nothing in the game suggest's Morgott holds resentment towards his brother
Because them being brothers was a last minute change, Mohg was just some nameless demented sewer omen. Makes you wonder what the hell Mohgwyn Palance was going to be originally or if it even existed since it's a disconnected area with zero unique enemies.
succulent miquella bussy
The fact that Mohg was originally designed as a boss for the subterranean shunning grounds and then later repurposed as a proper demigod does not mean it was a "last minute" change. This is obvious by the fact that he has a big level themed after himself and an entire second phase that wouldn't work in the sewers cause none of the rooms were big enough.

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This is my game of the year for many many years. We need more pure dumb innocent fun games. When will the industry answer the demand?
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I only wish Mimosa was hot and in her 20s and not a chubby hag.
What's even the point in posting if you don't get anally punished for retarded dimwit opinions.
I wouldn't say that it's even a "rhythm game", it has some rhythm game elements and they significantly add to combat experience. I'm a DMC fan and never had this much of a blast, comboing and parrying in rhythm to music. Shit is really good and It should be more common.
>never had this much of a blast
Found the marketer.
He says about the game, which literally had no marketing whatsoever and nobody even knew it's coming out 2 days before release. Retard nigger.

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Pic rel is by far the best h-game out right now and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
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Stop arguing about NTR games and list some good ones.
every female belongs to me by default
You will never be Mars.
Is that the quest 3? I have the 2, is upgrading worth it?
Define good

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Is this the most based moment in all of games? Not even just the immense seethe it caused but it’s metacommentary on criminals/drug addicts.
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Because it’s rockstar straight up telling you: hey, these games are just a moment in these guys lives. In reality when the game is said and done they get shot over nothing, they get hooked on drugs, they get stomped on by a meth addict.
I played Lost and The Damned before playing gta5, but I still felt like the moment was lost on me. I truly did not give a fuck, but the seethe it caused was funny. No one even liked The Lost and The Damned before Johnny died.
Trevor was a cringey, shit character only made so people could be 'lolsorandom' and stay in character.
This scene kind of annoys me because just kinda retcons Johnny's whole development but I guess some people end up going back to bad relationships
Trevor is canonically bisexual so this wouldn't be out of character for him
>huge blubbering cuck junkie
Meth, not even once.
Also the heeb was always a whiney cunt.

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>female teammate
>throw match
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I'm sure you're a well adjusted member of society.
Society tells me to worship women and niggers which is inherently unhealthy for me
Based FBI time waster.

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Hey PC bois

Enjoy your bans ;)

Love xx Sony
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Hotmail is 27 years old, closing in on 3 decades
When did it become a contest to prove who can take most corpo cock in the ass?
I got 70 hours out of it and I feel like I'm done with it. Almost every change since release they've made has decreased the fun factor. It's whatever to me at this point I don't think I'll play it again.
>massive refunding
>valve takes sony to court

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How did your Dogmeat die?
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died off-screen I guess, just wasn't there one day.
I don't know
I had him one moment
the next I realized he wasn't there
I checked stats and it says I killed 1 dog
I guess friendly fire or someshit
cant see shit in this garbage game
Dogmeat: Incinerated
Ian: Never Recruited
Tycho: Tricked him into murdering half of Junktown, then killed in a Minigun burst
Katya: Died due to forcefields
I didn't. He doesn't run directly next to enemies while I am burst firing like a fat retard.
I don't use companions.

>reinstall Fallout 4
>last time played it during launch
>3 hours and 22 minutes into the game
>already have power armor, minigun, fatman, an unique laser rifle plus tons of ammo
This doesn't feel like a real post-apoc RPG, not when you can get best shit immediately after starting out.
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>play NV
>walk out the door of the doc's place

i wonder if they'll fix the infinite synth spawning in the Arc Jet mission, everytime im doing a energy build run i let them pile up for an hour to get all those sweet sweet fusion cells
Yeah, that was handled stupidly, but then again how would they do it? It's DLC for the main game, and back when it was new people would jump back into the game after how many months, just to play the DLC. I guess the best case would be for you to find them by yourself somehow, or to only unlock after you get to a specific point in the mainline story, but when really?
Fallout 4 (and I guess the others too, but it seems extra pronounced in 4 I think) is kind of like a game that really believes that it is one thing, but only because it clings to really useless and nonsense game systems or ideas that have no real effect or don't even show up in play at all.

Like, the game ostensibly wants you to believe in the fantasy of being in this scrappy, post-apoc world where everyone is desperate for even just a drop of clean water, but at the same time actually building a water purifier requires no skill of any variety and can be done with a handful of scrap you pulled out of a box on the floor. I sure as fuck don't know how my character knows how to build a water purifier, and if somehow someone in the settlement does, why didn't they do it before?

It's the same thing with guns and ammo. The game wants you to roleplay that you're scrounging for every bullet and in this real scarce wasteland, but there's ammo containers everywhere, you are showered in guns that give you ammo and also caps to buy more ammo, and unless you're playing on Hyper Hardcore Max Difficulty Survival Mode where every enemy is an over-inflated bullet sponge that takes 100 shots to down, then you're barely ever using more than a few bullets per encounter so it's impossible to ever run out.
Use the horizon mod.

Dont know if anything works after the shitty new F4 patch.

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How would you fix the MMORPG genre?
Any good MMO updates? What MMO are you playing?
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>buying the game twice
crazy how you fucking waste money
I have a feeling I might like Eve, but spaceships do nothing for me.
You can't datamine the servers retard. It's the one genre that can take years to figure the workings of a game. People thought the compass direction affected crafting rates in ffxi until the devs said it wasn't true a decade later. Private servers still code it in sometimes because of how established the belief was
>I only play an mmo once in a while and like I said it's a brief affair.
this is probably the best way to enjoy the genre today with so many f2p games out. when you get an itch just install the game of choice, play it for however long you want and then move on. gw2, ff14, lotro, secret world, etc.
Correct, it's made the habit much healthier for me.
Downside is no community aspect, but that's mostly been designed out of MMO's at this point anyway so, can't lose what's gone.

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Even the cover of stellar gook looks awful, looks like they told the intern at the last moment to make a cover and he just slapped the model on blender and rotated it.
What an embarrassing game
all of these games will end up on steam and will be played at modern resolutions unlike the poor person gaystation
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Rebirth is better than the other 3 combined.
>2 japanese games, 1 korean game and 1 swedish game

its america that has forgotten how to make good games
>FF flopbirth
>Stellar Censor
>BanDivers 2
>rise of the literally who
lmao even

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if you faggots love freedom so much, then why do you not fight for it?
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nothing else, just that you use Linux and free and open source software softwares
>freedom to have a chinese backdoor
I use pirated Windows and play pirated games. Problem? And no, I don't compromise with your shitty emulators and workaround crap.
your intelligence is not my problem, no.
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I use Lubuntu and foss software. Use aegis for confirmation codes, signal for messaging with family, duckduckgo app for browsing but I am still stuck on gmail, dont know how to switch. Use the mullvad browser and vpn from time to time.

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The new WOW models look insanely good. I think the next expansion really will be the one to bring everyone back.
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The race war happened, it just didn't go the way Jaina wanted it to
>WoW player never played any other game in 20 years
>Wow, the new models looks insanely good!
>Barely average looking model
Wow, MMO players really are the worst, even gacha players aren't that bad.
I Can see she's going to get a sandwich too.
you know it
They all fuck Human men, anon.

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ITT: Books that deserve vidya adaptations.
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All I know about him is that he seethed hard when he found out GRRM helped FROM with Elden Ring, and he probably shat all over WoT since he wrote the official fanfic ending.
>fiction is better than fiction most of the time
What did he mean by this
The core of the story is that women and men are different on some level, but ultimately the same on the inside and only by working together can lasting happiness and goodness be achieved. The magic system doesn't derail from that, it explicitly works with it
I assume he means, fiction made specifically to be sold as a product is worse than fiction that came about because of people's actual beliefs about the world around them and the world beyond, because soul or something
I guess no fantasy or sci-fi (fantasy in space) examplesreally is like DMD mode

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