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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

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New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous: >>2718306
Fruit thinning allows your plant to allocate its resources more efficiently. Each leaf is a source, and each fruit is a sink. If you have too many sinks, the sources will not be able to provide.
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bees can't help pollinate
Well my xie shan and miho wase arrived today, they look a little worse for wear from the shipping but I guess that's life.
So jealous of all of you. I have one raised bed in my tiny yard to use..
Definitely looks like some sort of pest fuckery. Some faggot let 2 domesticated rabbits loose in my area and a family behind me started feeding them. They tore up my cabbage and it looked just like this.
we all started with one bed in a tiny space.

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What's the longest you've been /out/ ?

I was away solo 3 weeks last summer wild camping, planning a 6 week trip this summer.

How do you cope with the fatigue and loneliness, I enjoy it but at the same time I find myself going a bit crazy, talking to myself etc.
Thinking of food and showers usually keeps me going.
What do you do to keep yourself sane?
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>talking to myself
This is what humans do if they are alone for long times. The only cure is to interact with humans.
i think theres a loser just hitting f5 on and putting a retarded comment on every post like this. how about YOU go out
I did a 2 month stay in Nichole national forest

The parks department sent a search party after me only to discover my camp and me smoking some fresh caught Brown Trout buck ass naked.
how did you spend 2 months straight /out/? were you catching and foraging all your food?
50% of my food was foraged. Had a fishing and small game licence so Squirrels, rabbits and the occasional grouse came by. Fishing for Pike, Bluegill, perch, and walleye. Or fish a stream for trout. But I was buzzing into Eagle River like once a week for nessisities and Id bump into other people occasions on marked trails. My problems came from me just not telling anyone when I would be back.

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whats your EDC?
for me its a sheffield 16 in 1
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pin could be important for insurance "bump" key and a hammer can get you into most locks
Have that exact one in red, it's so GOATed
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>it's so GOATed
>it's so greatest of all time ed
You zoomers are beyond help.
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The Rambler or the Rally is superior in every way

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What is the tried and true bivy. Light/durable/inexpensive etc
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Depends on your preferences. For me it was keeping the fabric off my face and body where possible.
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I also like this one from Alton, but if it is raining then your stuff will get a bit wet as you get out, but when it's not, it is probably the best bivy to actually get in and out of
Probably the dutch army hooped bivy or the snugpack strato(if you can get it for cheap)
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I'm trying to understand the benefits of each setup for solo adventures.

Are far as I understand these are the main categories:
1: bivy net with tarp above
2: bivy sack
3: bivy tent. essentially a small tent.
4: 1 man tent (many types exist)

Is there anyone with experience that could help me choose which path to take? Or recommendations for specific products to look into?

Thank you in advance
Thank you for the recommendations :)

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Alright wtf are these zoomer talking about
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To emphasize the point of the first sentence. I can see how that overcomplicates it; next time I'll stick to three monosyllabic words per sentence to make it easier on you.
What a fag.
I take walks at night just to make people cross the road when they meet me
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Statistically your odds of being injured in a bear in an encounter is like 1 in 2 million, which is a lot less than your odds of being injured by a person, let alone specifically a man.
That said, it’s still a retarded question, cuz it’s not dudes who go hiking that are the ones doing the raping.
It’s a nigger problem, and I would absolutely choose a bear over a nigger.
You can also turn this around and question them about dudes in dresses being allowed in women’s bathrooms, because most likely the man haters taking about the Bear question support that, and it would cause some cognitive dissonance perhaps.
>bothering strangers in nature gets him glared at
>stopped hiking four years ago
>got fat
>"this completely unrelated women moment completely validates my experience of being a lardass and not going outside anymore"
This guy ain't right. If people don't respond to your "Hello!", they just don't want to be bothered. No need to weave a whole theory around it. I'm one of those fuckers. I'm in nature for the sake of nature, not social interaction.
it's always the redditors who claim to be "big, burly, tattooed and with a thick beard" who say the most gay shit

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I've tried asking on 'dog' forums but I get nothing but a bunch of hysterical fucking pearl clutching faggots who start throwing accusations and character defamation around because I may not be of the opinion that dogs are actually human babies.

I need a dog that can tolerate at the minimum sleeping overnight on its own, in a dedicated plush outhouse of its own, but still with some good guarding instincts and physical capabilities.

All the personal protection breeds are faggots who will start whining and crying and pissing themselves if they're physically separated from their owners and forced into the indignity of not sleeping in your house according to the literature.

Which rules out the otherwise ideal breeds ie Dobermanns, GSD. Any Anons had experience with dogs that are still down to ride like a Dobe/GSD but don't suffer separation anxieties?

Thanks outists.
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There is plenty of halacha relating to dogs and on dog ownership you dumb cunt.
They are genetically almost identical
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German shorthaired pointer. Dumb as rocks but extremely loyal. Get a puppy and train it properly. They're equally good house pets and outside working dogs.

They can carry large loads for large distances, extremely tough dogs with very high pain threshold, which would be somewhat of a drawback it it was an aggressive shit breed like pitbulls but they're not.

Also try to get one before they dock the tail, docked tails are for faggots who can't handle a couple of love taps from their quite powerful tails
I'd love to know what got posted that got jannies butt hurt enough to delete this post but leave up all the racism posts.
jannie sociopath who can watch countless being slaughtered but has an emotional melt down if they see one film where a dog dies or gets hurt

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And what do they do to protect the woods from weekend warrior citidiots?
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I'm ruled by HOA's who think they own the fucking beach and ocean as we cater to the ultra wealthy. Welcome to the panhandle of gulf coast Florida...
>Bases his understanding of animals on walt Disney
>gets into the asswreker9001
>straps self in
>pushes the start button
>pushes the "This will wreck your ass, are you sure you wish to continue?" button
>"oh no! I'm getting my ass wrecked, how did this happen!"
> locals are friendly
> hate FIBS with a passion no mear out of state mortal could possibly fathom
> tons of forest, lakes and rivers
> DNR are total bros if your local boy
> got on first name basis with them after working a deer registration station
> free to fuck about as you please.

God I fucking love northern WI!
The Bible, dribbling retard. Something about the apple of knowledge of good and evil - something animals clearly have no concept of, whether you believe in the Bible or not. Ergo: fundamental innocence.

Not everything is a pop culture reference, nerd.

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Bit of a stupid question. Are crampons sold as a set or individually?
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Buy a $70 forty degree quilt and spend the other $30 on a compression dry bag. That should be fine for summer except above the treeline. Pic shown is 4Monster down camping blanket that I doubt uses ethically-sourced down but it's available on Amazon cheap.
Ah you got me!
You really shouldn't be hiking/camping in shirts you care about. Any of those fancy shirts are a meme.

If you must wear fancy shirts or ones you care about, putting wash clothes between the strap and your shirt should protect it.
Don't over plan. Pick no more than five things you have to see, and everything else stumble around. You'll have a lot more fun randomly discovering something than running a check list.
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Recently transitioned over to a propane firepit because I'm tired of buying overpriced wood and hauling it. It's a small setup with a 5 lb propane tank. I live in an apartment and don't have outside storage for the tank, so my plan was to use it all or bleed it empty before returning home and storing it in doors. Everything I see about propane storage says not to store it indoors, even when empty. I should be alright to keep it inside, right? Even if there are residuals, the amount would be so small to not be an issue.

I heard Europeans find our forests to be woefully underdeveloped, our grasslands astonishingly mundane, our swamps horrifically useless, our plains ridiculously boring, our badlands pitifully impractical, our deserts outlandishly dangerous, our mountains hilariously unusable, and our canyons disgustingly red. Is this true?
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I'm just happy I need not worry about unexploded ordnance innawoods unlike in Europe, where you just never can tell when the ground might detonate under your feet and shred you. Also, Europe is fake and gay.
So basically Euros cannot leave the city, got it.
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Euroserfs' #1 criticism of America is that it isn't europe
Whatever keeps them back in Europe.

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Is there any chinkgear out there that's actually a good value for the money?
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best cheap amazon tents for my dad and I? hes a drunk and I want to get him out of the house.
Amazon has notoriously bad value for tents. You're probably better off if you buy from a sports store, AliExpress or even reputable supermarket chain. If you do buy from Amazon, buy branded products (you'll pay a premium for Amazon shipping) and pray you don't get a fake one.
It's not "cheap" per se, but the naturehike cloud up 2 is decently cheap for the performance, best bought on AliExpress or their website. You can go much cheaper though, especially if you are car camping. Good for you for trying to do something with your dad anon.
Maybe list what you want to use it for (car camping/backpacking, seasons, price expectations, pack size, features etc).
Everything purchased from Amazon is the fake version
You’re mentally fucking retarded all the losses accrued from idiots like you stealing are passed on to the customers via higher prices
thanks for your thoughtful response

Hy Ya'll

Currently preparing for my first camping trip,we gonna stay a couple days,in the wilderness.
there are three of us,none of us ever went camping,
We are planning on bringin our own food,and cooking on fire.
What are the most essential supplies and gear we gonna need?

We are planning on camping next to a huge river,but i think we need to bring our own water.
The other two guys are software engineers,i'm a ranchand,so planning the trip comes down to me because they have no idea what to bring but to be honest,i don't have much idea myself.

So far,i'm planning on bringing
Cookware(kettle,coffe pot, pans)
Metal grate for grilling
Lots of smoked meat,salted beef,pork etc.

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It's much easier to first figure out what -you- need and work from there, for three people. You'd like a blanket? Bring three. Single-person tent? Three, I guess. But it's a bit bizarre that you're responsible for their gear and their food. Sounds like babysitting.

You've listed (more than) the essentials, but are you car camping or hiking in? Lot of shit to haul in on your back.

Also, bring a BIC lighter or similar disposable in addition to your matches. Matches get wet. You might also want to consider bringing a water filter.

Fuck (you).
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First aid kits. More water or a filter. Focus on how you will sleep. Consider hammocks, sleeping pads, sleeping bags, and cots. Consider how you will store your food to be safe from insects and woodland critters. Bring battery packs to charge your phones, but also a book or frisbee for entertainment without batteries. If you are making a campfire consider a silky saw for processing firewood. Consider a radio for ambiance or weather broadcasts.
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Ziplock bags to hold your trash. Trowels and tp for when nature calls.

A great pair of boots and extra socks.
Go to a local park and simulate. Get to know everything in your pack and how you will organize. Does the river have fish? Easy way to spend a day. Crocs for water shoes if you plan to cross or enter river.
Where are going to poop? Need to dig a hole for that and later bury it. At least 200 feet away from the river. How you going to protect your food from the wildlife? Not just the larger critters but tiny ones will chew through, too. You're staying by a river? That's where the biting bugs prefer. What if somebody goes off and gets lost? Is there mobile phone service there? What if the batteries are dead, do you have a power bank with each of you, cable? Paper map and compass you know how to use. Recipes? Do you know how to build a cooking fire versus a general fire? Do you know what a widowmaker is? What if one of you gets the chts, do you have electrolyte and anti-diarreahl? Wipes? Toielt paper? Rain jackets?

And you do know wearing cotton kills, right?

BTW 10 imperial gallons of water weighs almost 80 pounds. A water filter weighs only about a pound. But you need to store the water.

Do you have a tarp if it pours rain? Hats?

You got some learning to do before you go /out/. You can't just wing it. Lots of good resources for beginners on the web. Best start reading up. The good news is that us retards were beginners once too. Get out there and have fun.
You should go car camping, first. Remote "wilderness" camping would be a disaster at this phase. You don't know what you are doing. Let the car carry all the weight you are bringing for now.

If you are bringing knives, bring tourniquets and first aid bandages. At least one of you is going you slice himself or worse, fall on a blade.

Uncured pork goes bad fast.

Bring flashlight or headlamps plus extra batteries for each of you. Each carries a whistle.

What are you using to carry all this? Divide it up.

Ten gallons water next to a water source?

Go car camping, anon. And for fewer than 4 days/3 nights. What you describe tends not to end well.

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Opinions and facts about cheap high quality forests to live near.
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Here, put these on.
a lot of nice scenic places mentioned but the real killer is the gun and knife laws, here in ohio i can go camping with a 50 cal, two swords, and a pair of nunchuks...
northern michigan has plenty of beautiful forest
and i haven't even seen the upper peninsula yet.
one day i'll be a billionaire and reforest the entirety of ohio and reintroduce buffalo like we had in the 1700s before the entire state was razed for farmland...
rip america's old forests i can't even imagine what the continent looked like before the masses made it out west
A better question is what the hell is an expensive forest to live next to?
for just the USA. anywhere in hawaii, anywhere in alaska south of the copper river meridian (61d north) lake tahoe area, western washington, northwest montana, north idaho, south central idaho, and jackson, wy area. never been but i assume upstate new york and new hampshire, vermont, and western maine are also expensive.
how risky is out in a lot of the recommended states with the rise of fracking and mining, wv, ky, oh...all their forests are being fracked to shit that water could be pretty lethal if you depend on a well

Current boat vessel is an intex sea hawk 3 inflatable which I have a 3 stroke honda gx35 air cooled motor mounted when going out. It works a dream on choppy and rough waters and its only 2HP, Its light and durable and fast.

The other day I took it out to a river where im from called the Hunter River an hour before sun set. The water was very choppy which then calmed as the tide start coming up. I went a little bit further out than usual. Whilst attempting to return I was unable to get back maybe 300 meters from the boat ramp,

I thought it may have been a the tide and my engine wasnt powerful enough, however I would float with the current and 20 meters down I could start the engine back up and power against the current then get stuck again at that certain spot and just not move. I attempted to row even with the motor going but the raft would not go any further. I tried different part of the water but it just would not let me through. I tried to for hours trying to get back. I put my oar into the water and it wasnt shallow, the engine would cut out after sitting in the sport for 10 seconds and just cut out when id slowly float with the current then Id start the engine and power back up

What cause this? I ended up having to get someone to meet me at a different point 600 meters away.
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it was a river, but there are shallow parts i guess and i got stuck there

yeh im going to try at carrington
even if the water looks likes its moving under you and you're going forward, you can be moving farther away.

water is weird, its extremely hard to tell if your actually moving forwards or backwards

basically, you have a shit boat, and a shit engine, and you are putting way too much faith in it, you could easily die in a storm and you shouldn't go anywhere more than 100m from a shore with that, maybe even much less
They're not a bad engine and the Intex inflatables are okay too, my mate has one and they're really good for power to weight ratio
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god i hope you're wearing a life jacket on that toy
>I have a 3 stroke honda
Explain yourself?

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>Hi there, can I see your Angel's Landing National Parks hiking permit please?
>Oh, you don't have a permit?
>That'll be $200 + tip
>Good luck on the permit lottery tomorrow!

What do, /out/?
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add way more parking, add way more paved paths, end the permit system entirely
You already made this thread though? Why are there two of these in the catalogue right now?
Every board needs a schizo. Just be grateful this one is relatively tame in comparison.
This wouldn't be the worst. Channel Islands and North Cascades are car free and the difference between them and the others is night and day.
Imagining carless Yosemite and Arches makes me fucking cum.
this is the way
I have a National Parks annual permit. I paid $80. It entitles access, you dizzy broad. Now let me pass or I fart.

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