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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vmg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

How the fuck is NOBODY on this board talking about slice and dice?
>Demo with One IAP to unlock full game, can even buy on itch.io and get a windows copy and android in one purchase
>Absolute fuckloads of content with plenty of characters, enemies, items and modes
>Tight game and good design despite RNG
Maybe its just early days for me but this is the first game I have played since Slay the Spire or Dream Quest that has captured the "magic" of those games, and if anyone on this gacha ridden board knows what im talking about, that alone should make you go play the demo of this game NOW.
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>Poet now has a mana cantrip and a spell that boost 1 the whole party
>New red T1 - Gardener, has a side that grows ALL it's faces, spell poison for 1 for 2 mana and is single use
>Forgot to add that enchanter now has a spell that flip the dice face to the other one
>You now pick your party at the beginning with the classic party being one and having 2 other different choices, this is the only way to access greens
>Crones aren't in the game anymore
>Z0mbie is not in the game anymore sadly
>Mimics now are less evil and only summon 2 HP slimes rather than bones
>New monster, Militia, hits hard but automatically fleeds if you shield their target for 5
>New monster, shade, become invincible for the turn after being hit once, hits really hard, really fucks you up if you have
>New boss, coffin, like a giant mimic that drops a T5 item if defeated
>New boss wendigo, turns one of your party members into a traitor who you have to use against your party
>New boss inevitable, becomes invincible for the turn every 5 HP dealt, becomes stronger for every turn that passes

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If I skip my last T2 hero and leave him at T1, will he get T3 eventually or am I forced to upgrade him to T2 next time a level up happens?

Forced, you can't get T3 heroes if your whole party ain't T2, that's one of the downsides of playing with coffin and one of the upsides of playing with housecat
It seems like there's more chatter between characters. A small detail but cool.
Sucks ass

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Temesia edition
(what team setup is good for her?)
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Having Temesia on a horse follow you in Remnant Peak maps is peak Journey.
Oh. Contact CS, I guess.
Where to spend Hollister coin?
There's a NPC in town, I think his name is Keith or something?
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Buu lost. Cooler lost. GODhan won.
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I really want int buu but I don't want to blow all of my stones before anniversary. Will he be back on those banners?
No, on WWC a month later.
I want any Buu saga LR except Kid Buu. He deserves a DDF or Carnival.
agreed, we need standalone lr buuhan. he's literally the mightiest majin.

Do you like Konomi Suzuki and her songs for She is Legend?
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Can't even DP break againt this event's secret boss. I guess I can say goodbye to those quartz
>2 dead weeks
Is the game really doing that well for them to not give a shit after chapter 5 came out?
they know the game is dying
eos imminent
Well it is, but it doesn't seem out of the usual anyway
>2 dead weeks
The new event/gacha started last week, and they still added the hard mode upgrade and a few shit banners this week, what the fuck do you want. People were expecting another gacha today because doing back to back gachas on Golden Week to drain people's resources is a cancer thing gachas sometimes do, not because they're supposed to release new styles every week.

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Tick tock, genkeks. Basically a month left until the new open-world gacha will take you out of the conversation.
>Superior combat
>Superior endgame
>Superior multiplayer
>Skip button that respects your time
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How much porn do you have saved of him?
I didn't find any
the two right most ones are fine
the rest look like copypasted chinaslop with a different color applied
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>5"6 King
Very happy with how expressive the cutscenes have been. Hoping it ignites the fanart scene when the game releases.

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Units this shit don't deserve any pull, not even for free
farm chaos colos with 10th anni ship and double PSY Marco for ridiculous exp gains
Do they give out more exp per stamina point than those shitty character recruitment quests?
Also: lol, exp.
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honestly grinding your pirate level at this point will probably just hamper your friendlist
increasing your stamina doesn't really matter much anymore now that every mode has its own separate resource to play
>new rumble RR Chopper has a shit special
I'm really curious why the recent Rumble Zoro and Brook both have like, actual specials only for them to back step into having a garbage special with Chopper.
It almost seems like Brook and Zoro were created as regular RR before getting pushed into the rumble banner
maybe I'm just overthinking it

All my favorite Dolphins are Gunners
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>Defense Rider and Gunner
Definite skip.
Not sure what they were thinking when they have to compete with Senrans for the same element/positions.
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Managed to get Utae. Was a bit surprised to see others on the banners in the diorama but I guess I wasn't paying enough attention. >>1461302
Looks like it's Tomo and Eines for the next part of the event? Is Tomo always this massive? It's the only reason I don't think it's her even though the eyes seem to match.
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>Tomo and Eines
That makes a bit more sense now that I look at them more
>Is Tomo always this massive
Always has been

Curious how they're more or less saying there will be a Part 2 compared to the other collabs.
Glad I'm not the only one who thought this.

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So how is the mega mooth event going for you jp players, do you think you will be able to beat it before it ends ?

game is battle cats btw
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For Revival of Origin, should i get Naala or Doron TF first?
I've been trying to do it with Balrog, but as soon as monkey gets down to 33% he starts oneshotting him.
I'm bleeding money like crazy too, even with Rich Cat.
Ideally you'd get both, they're both really really good.
Doron is a great way of regaining ground throughout the fight, naala is one of the best DPS options against the monkey.
Throw in Dogumaru too as well.
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>still no izanami
We'll probably have to wait for the anniversary again like we did for KOD Phono.
Damn, Kasli looks like that?

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Thoughts about the upcoming champs?
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are fabled good now???
Graves and Tryndamere are oddly too.

Maybe it easier to port skins for them.
The game's balance really has gone to dogshit. I see Chinese players complaining about this too, right now the game is so fast paced, everyone is oneshotting everyone else (unless you pick mundo or urgot or something).

Which Rioter thought these new Armor boots or Lethality boots are healthy for the game?

Why do we need MORE movement speed on every single champion, when the map is TINY, and flash can be used every 1-2 minutes?

We just want League of Legends adapted to mobile, not an entirely different game.
Some of new boots are pretty retarded desu.

Mages hit such a ridiculously strong powers pike after only 900 gold in lane because the Mages boots gives way too many good stats
Why's Jarvan so fucking ass?

His damage is totally pathetic, his ult is garbage since everyone can get out of it, and he explodes way too easily

He just feels like a half-finisbed champ and they slashed everything in half

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SF6 has just ended, what are your hopes and fears for the next year?
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Don't be pressured to waste them. It's them just shitposting. Who really knows what's going to happen, I just found it funny.
I had a dream I logged into this game, then I woke up. Glad it wasn't real
just quit faggot make everyone else who actually likes the game happier
this god game is better than any other trash out there
all of you faggots can piss off like that crybaby discuck admin
>It's eating too much time daily, especially during events
This. At least half an hour to do dailies even if you use normal skip tickets everywhere applicable. And you can't use these skip tickets on rush dungeon without shelling out dosh.
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Anyone playing this game? I started this game recently and been having fun with it but have no one to talk about it with
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>if you have a legitimate question how about just fuck off
???? This is not a shitpost since i read about it somewhere. Im not going to touch a game that seemingly baits you with its promo materials while not sticking with the actual premise.
This is the last reply you'll get from me.
If you're not interested in game discussion then fuck off. This isn't /v/ and there's no space for your retardation in this board.
Short answer yes
Long answer yes there are literally characters whose skill burst/ultimate/whatever you wanna call it animated CGs include them having sex with other men on screen. Brown dust 1 had a nameable protagonist who the chicks were all in love with, Brown dust 2 is straight up cuckshit and shipshit (enjoy half the women salivating over Gray every time he's on screen)
Thanks for the real answer. Sometimes I can't help but hate chan culture for this reason alone.
it's just one, and she's a literal prostitute
but yeah, none of the girls in this game are for (You), it's a shame because the game has some semblance of decent gameplay and story

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Welcome to my thread, here we recommend games that follow some of these crtieria
>no ads
>no energy system
>no microtranscactions
>no online requirement
>no gachashit

Tower defense
>PvZ 2 Eclise / Grind Thousand
>Infinitode 2

>Phantom Rose
>Night Of The Full Moon

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>Emerald Beyond is out on mobile
sweet, now to wait for someone to crack it because i'm poor
Funny how some Japanese games have these big 50 dollar price tags when most mobile devs can hardly get people to buy theirs for as little as two bucks.
Some fans revived Black Survival, android test client just released. PvE only right now.
recommending Harvest 101, small pve deckbuilder. it's not as replayable as other card games because it's level based and not run based, but fun nonetheless. Though there's paid stuff and ads they are both unobtrusive and not needed to complete the game so I reckon it fits the thread's theme
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Any good ecchi /lewd games that are actually fun?

Are you still waiting for goblal?
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The skin was made by Tsukasa Jun himself. The collab announcement said he was gonna make skins for both Koyori and Kaen
It also mentioned these skins were gonna be time-limited, but given the huge delay for even one skin to come out, they might have scrapped that idea
Damn, his style changed a lot over time
Tourist here, I've always wanted to play this slop due to the art, but I've been holding back on account of a possible global release. It's never gonna happen, is it?
Now is the time we truly won’t know for sure. LO got sold to Valofe, which is a company that either heavily monetizes or lets their games stagnate.
But the irony is the previous companies were godawful at managing games and themselves. So Valofe is actually the closest shot to a Global one.
If you wanna check out, you could download either version and patch it to english. Game is pretty generous with the units, nearly all of them are farmable. They make money via the skins instead.
Yes, that includes Cerestia, the big mommy elf.
I tried brown dust 2 the art is really good but the game was slow AF. Thanks for the rec but can't play due to how slow the battles were. Shame.
Anything else that's lewd and fun?

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How bout that Hypercharge Event, huh?
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Supercell needs to hire this man ASAP
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Tomorrow's patch notes.
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>Mutation modifiers would occasionally disappear when a new event started.
I thought that was intentional... Hope the rest fixs the gamemode though.
Considering the game has become incredibly p2w, this isn't surprising. You basically have to throw money at SuperJew to keep up. I still refuse to give them a dime.

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