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I'm almost 27 old and I feel like I just want to start over again, like I feel I'm just now starting to pay attention to how I feel and like reflecting about myself, who am I really are, my thoughts and what things I like and trying to decipher why I have postponed to do so many things in life that I wanted.

Like I always wanted to be into reading books or roleplay games, but all I ever did was mindlessly use the internet and play shooters.

Sometimes it feels like I have wasted my life, like I never found myself along the way and before realising I had grown older, mom had become old, my dogs closer to die, I'm closer to my 30s, in the blink of an eye the trip of life is gonna be over. Sometimes I feel life is inherently sad
You can read a book or play an rpg right now dipshit go do that if that’s what you want to do
Welcome to contemplation, welcome to life. it only gets worse....... Unless you're filthy rich.
That's the thing

I want to do it but at the same time I feel a friction, I feel I don't want to, that is a chore, I feel like this with a lot of things that require some sort of "mental" investment or something

But then if I manage to do them I enjoy and find myself having a good time, but it's the equivalent of studying. I don't know wht the fuck is wrong with me

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I’ve developed an intense, constant, dull sensation of self hate. Mostly stemming from my race (Indian) which causes me to hate all my compatriots and their habits, and my own lack of positive qualities. I’m not tall, good looking, shit tier race, or athletic. I can’t really even say what I like about myself. It’s burdensome to live with it, I wish I could be happy in my own skin but it’s almost impossible now
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Indians aren't that bad man.
>not tall
Can't change it, don't need to be tall either.
>good looking
Looks aren't everything. And if you were good looking you'd find something to nitpick and be self critical about.
>shit tier race
At least you're not black or Jewish dude. I've known some total bros that were Indian.
>not athletic
Something you actually can change. Start working out and eating better fren. And seek therapy if you're able to get it. Unironically. Find friends, it sounds like you don't have any. And if you do figure out why you don't feel their appreciation for you.
You need to set goals for yourself that will improve you.

Working out.
Learn something.
Any kind of skill: music, drawing, whatever it is as long as it's something positive.

You don't have to shit in the streets.

You don't have to rape anyone.

Give yourself a reason not to hate yourself.

Far too much worthless breathers today. You don't have to be one of them.
>hate my compatriots
You should care about individuals and your immediate environment instead of faceless groups and faraway places
>not tall or good looking and shit tier race
Shallow and immutable gene shit, you could have been an ant and chad will end up as a dust cloud just like you, so might as well make something of life and focus on personality
>Not athletic

You only have you, be nice to yourself, we live in a society, everything is relative, yada yada

If it helps you cope, you could view yourself as a spirit that has to do the best job it can guiding your body. Not saying that's how things work, but that's basically how it works out. Be a bit less self-critical and a bit more supportive, maybe work on pitching yourself. Good luck anon.
implying indians have feelings

>me and gf meeting up tomorrow for smesh
>she tells me she wants to roleplay r@pe
>I think it'd be a complete mood killer for me
>she once told me she got sexually assaulted by uncle when she was young
Do I need to nope the fuck out here? We've been together two months
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She seemd so perfect... so red flag aside am I bitch for getting turned off by this?
No, I'd probably be extremely turned off too. But as you can imagine, this girl is carrying some trauma. Doesn't mean she's a bad person, she's just having a hard time coping with her past.
How would you proceed? Maybe I just need to be a little more dominant with sex maybe a little more assertive too like pulling her hair when doggy or throwing her into different positions but I don't wanna enable to weird fetish like this
forget mood, the bitch is setting you up, ghost

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/f/jrw9j (expired?)
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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I read 'Models: Attract Women Through Honesty' and this page changed my whole perception on women, and maybe it will for you.

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Girlfriend is pregnant and angry because I asked for a paternity test. What now? She is very upset.

Two days ago, I had the day off, so I woke up early and headed to my best friend's place for some beers and breakfast. It was a typical weekend spent watching musical videos and MMA. Upon returning home, I found my girlfriend still in bed, feeling terrible. I helped her get dressed and called a taxi to take us to the nearest hospital.

We wait until it was her turn to see the doctor. (Personally, I dislike hospitals; they always seem like pits of misery). I accompanied her during the examination, where the doctor asked routine questions and ordered some tests. we received the results about 30 minutes later and the doctor told us my girlfriend is pregnant. She broke down instantly repeating over and over that her career was over and she just a promotion some months ago (she is a financial analyst)
Then I asked the doctor if he knew the price of the NIPP test (the NIPP is a prenatal paternity test) and she lost her shit even further.

Upon returning home, she had a complete meltdown, "you want to test to see if it's yours, because you suspect it might not be, and that really pisses me off because im losing everything for you and you repay me with distrust, I will never forgive or forget this"

I mean what's the issue? If she is certain the baby is mine she shouldn't be bothered by a DNA test. If she isn't hiding anything what's the issue right? I won't pay for someone else bastard children, I just want to make sure it's mine and I'll marry her afterwards.
Anyway, now she keeps looking at me with hatred in her eyes. I'm getting worried. Do you have any advice?
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A woman and man's opinion.
Yes, and I specifically picked that word in order to ridicule people who lack knowledge of basic cause and effect. The fact that you still didn't get this after my last post is astonishing.
Doesn't matter, there are men who had no reason to believe it would happen to them and it did. A test is the only way to know for sure.
>Why would you even be with someone that you dont trust?

Put it like this, if you owned a record label, would you take it personally that your sister/brother wanted a contract to ensure they would be paid for their music, or would you expect them to be okay with taking your word for it? This is a scenario with much lower stakes, but even greater reason to trust because its blood family, yet you wouldn't take it personally. People who share you perspective actually have a very childish view of relationships where they can't even factor in the very real reality that sometimes the people you love and trust can backstab you.
You’re retarded
You and your girl get life changing news that she’s clearly not handling well and your first thought is to to imply she might be cheating on you? Are you actually mentally retarded? No shit she’s fucking angry. Holy shit learn some tact.

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I have autism because my whore mother listened to a bunch of quacks. It basically destroyed my childhood and now my adulthood. How do I cure it?
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We're overdosing on sugar and unhealthy vegetable oils in our food, and animals raised on hormones are larger in size while containing only a fraction of the nutritional value. If you want to know more about this, read the book Deep Nutrition, it shits all over the food industry and big pharma which are literally killing us.
>a magical happuning happun after weewoo2
Yeah it's called finding out what shit actually is after studying it and giving it a name when you discover it, dumbass.

You have autism because your genes are fucked, retard. Not because of medicine.
He's blaming muh vaccines. This is propaganda and OP is a shill in addition to being a fag.
Overvaccination is a mistake of newly meds (pun intended at shitty GPs and idiot pediatric docs). There exists a schedule to WAIT for Side Effect checks, meaning yeah, vaccines have those, and they wait for any to subside, or deal with them. And then, move onto the next in series CAREFULLY. It is a science, doctors learn by experimenting with you (unless they have 15-20 years into full-time residency). When you get a good one (like I had as a kid), they wait and wait between doses. Then if there's no adverse shit, they progress. I think I personally turned out fine in a way, but you don't have to take my word.
Best guess is probably not going outside/lack of exposure to allergens. I think for a time the guidance was to avoid exposing young children to allergens thinking that would prevent allergies but if anything it increased them. That and the fucked hyper processed diets of modernity leading to various GI issues and the fact that more people with disorders are probably surviving and reproducing than before. Allergies n all that weird shit affecting youth is more common in developed countries than underdeveloped ones or in immigrant families if I'm not mistaken

I've never had bf and I want one but the only problem is literally my whole race. The type of men I'm into are specifically from Eastern Europe which makes this even more difficult. I have nothing else going for me except for the fact that I'm skinny and never even hugged someone romantically, please help.
>another mentally ill racemixer
I literally just want to be happy :(
>Probably a gaza shill too

Maybe not the right place to ask, but please bear with me.

I have been a domme in my private life for years, and lately I'm thinking more and more about turning it into a profession. While I have other marketable skills, bdsm is the thing I'm really passionate about, and I honestly can't imagine sitting in an office crunching numbers all day for the rest of my life.

I'm good at domming, and people often tell me that I have the vibe down while being very authentic in the role. I love talking to others about their sexual fantasies, and helping them let go of their shame.

Unlike other kinds of sex work, I will be able to do it basically until I retire. But, while it is legal in my country and my friends and partner support me, sex work is still stigmatized. I also worry that some customers will be real creeps, causing me to lose enjoyment in domming itself. This might change with the price point though. I also wonder if I can make enough money to live from it.

Does anyone here have experience with being a sex worker, or visiting sex workers? Maybe a dominatrix in particular? Onlyfans etc counts too.
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Some tips:
1. If you are going to try to dominate people full time, start part time first and gradually pivot into it as opportunity arises.
2. Use a pseudonym. If the cat ever gets out of the bag, don't try to deny it, but still it is always better to keep that shit on a separate identity.
>I also worry that some customers will be real creeps
Yes, they will be. We are talking about a form of prostitution, and moreover one that deals with the most mentally ill and miserable people out there. Even street prostitutes are not known for discriminating, BDSM ones all the less so. As a dominatrix, I imagine in the vast vast majority of the cases you will always feel "in control", but you will still have to engage with a myriad of bizarre, absurd, and possibly extremely repulsive personalities and fetishes. In many cases, you will have to humour these people and fetishes, in acts or words, and in any event you will need to discuss them before or during your sessions in order to be able to do your job. If that seems like it'll take the joy of domming out of the equation, perhaps consider another career, or doing this as a hobby, or perhaps at most trying it out to see if you can do this kind of thing or not.
May God bless you.
>visiting sex workers?
I travel most of the time and have fucked escorts in around 25 different countries, usually about 2 girls a week, but I don't have any interest in dominatrixes so I don't know how much help I can be
I am a virgin but always wanted to try getting dommed by woman. it seems so rare though.
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Lemme guess you can't develop a marketable skill so you default on your back bare flesh for the camera to recieve. You can choose whatever you want, we aren't your Dad. You don't need our approval. Maybe you'll make a grand, but sell every inch in yourself. Are you really worth 20 dollars?

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Two years ago I developed an intrusive thought that is rather benign in itself (nothing graphic, traumatic, or sexual) but all the same annoys me. It has now associated itself with my very sensation of pleasure, thereby cutting enjoyable experiences short. The idea usually pops up, becomes inescapable for some days, then fades away over the following week only to pop up some months later, but this time it just won't go away. My current approach is to recognize it as something outside of my control (and therefore doesn't define my character nor interests) and while I can't control when it appears, I can choose to respond with indifference or statements like "this too shall pass". This has lessened the agony, and maybe it will gradually fizzle out, but is there anything else I should do? because it sometimes feels like the thought will never let up.
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You are welcome.
Remember, ALL thoughts go away - each thought only lasts a couple of seconds, serving as a bridge to the next. Any time an intrusive thought arises, you can be absolutely certain that it will pass away shortly. Similarly, the source of the intrusive thoughts will also pass away when it loses access to your mental energy.
Another funny thing that you can do with intrusive thoughts is you can use them as reminders. In your case, you said that pleasure acts as a trigger and a reminder of intrusive thoughts, but do you know that you can make the intrusive thoughts themselves a trigger for something else? For example, a reminder to think of God, or the imperishability of Heaven, or of Buddhist awareness of the body. So every time an intrusive thought appears, you can even use it to "divert" the energy into something else that you want. If mulling over something cerebral gets your mind away, you can even make the intrusive thoughts a reminder for something like math, or a hard philosophical problem you like, or something religious that you want to contemplate.
Finally, meditation may also help, since it teaches you to still the mind. Try Shamatha.

Poor advice, intrusive thoughts shouldn’t be ignored or written off—Your brain is literally trying to protect you from trauma you’ve experienced by stopping you from taking risks associated with past traumas. Filling your head with doubt and and making you isolate from experiences you actually want to experience.

When you feel this way and think this way; You have to know WHY, if you don’t know why you can’t stop it.
You don't understand this problem at all, and you probably can't. Presumably, your intrusive thoughts are triggered by specific situations and encounters, and that makes you think that they indicate something important about trauma or personality, because this is how they function in your case. Well, that's not necessarily how they function for everyone.
Wow very good advice, thanks.
I've had intrusive thoughts that are horrible toward people I love and things that mean a lot to me, the thoughts occur solely and entirely because they shouldn't and I am trying to figure out why psychologically I do that. I do have a complex around disappointing people who are important to me. And so I usually imagine any possibly good situation or relationship somehow getting horribly sabotaged. It's awful,

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Most often it feels that the positive things in my life only existe to coerce me into continuing to exist to extend this suffering that is life.
The color of my soul is the vantablack of a room with the lights turned out with the sound of a man softly weeping. <////////4
Good night, anon <3
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I just wasted 4 years of my life on the internet again after I thought I learned my lesson after doing that in high-school. I keep lying to myself and avoiding what I know needs to change.
I'm a degenerate, an animal, subhuman. ADHD my ass, the pills never worked and just almost gave me a heart attack instead. I'm either worked up with my heart trying to walk out of my chest over some basic task or I'm the most unbelievably indolent layabout parasite. I've always been wrong, even the fact I avoid drinking like my father is bullshit. I realized he has the same unreasonable anxiety and tendencies toward laziness as me, he just drinks as cope/reward. So great, my only chance at success is to end up like him. I was cheated from the start.
>Negative self-talk, stop it.
I try to stay objective about this, and don't feel like I'm a "fundamentally bad person", but I can't see the way I have responded up to this point, the story of my life, as telling me anything else than I have something deeply wrong with me that destroys my chance at achieving the goals I wanted. That the path I thought I wanted is just unachievable and now I don't know what to do. The best I can think is start small and just try and fix the fundamentals: fix my social life and plan time even if I don't enjoy it, fix my body so I'm prepared if someone tries to hurt anyone I love, and just keep treating myself like the dog I am to restrict and control my bad habits because I lack any amount of raw willpower or discipline. I'm not even sure if this is the best I can do, or if I really am lazy in the sense I really could just do better. I don't know. I have no confidence in my ability to control my own body, so maybe I shouldn't have any confidence in my ability to repress emotion either. I'll just be a sensitive child forever after all and there's nothing I can actually do about it. God damn you.
I think I'm getting close to attempting again. But I've only got shitty meds to try on this time and as far as I can tell the dose *should* be lethal, but I'm hesitating this time because my dose last time should have also been lethal but here I am.

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Where do zoomers hang out in real life? I am a 19 year old worker with no friends. My coworkers are in their fourties and fifties, and despite having friendly relations, we're too different from one another to become friends.
I can find my fellow zoomers online, but I cannot say the same for real life. At work, there are only middle aged men aside from myself, and I do not go to school.
So, good men of /adv/, where can I find my peers to befriend?
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im also 21 at college and ive tried as hard as i can to make friends but im still completely alone
It just happens on its own
I ask help from tutors, and asking help from the same tutors mean they kinda of get to know me
It helps a lot if the people you talk at the library are in the same class as you,
I was like that though i had a couple high school friends
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I've gone back to school and the environment is pretty different nowadays (obviously).
Some changes I've noticed:

1) Popular people tend to be very active online
1a) On the other hand, Nerds tend to have better face-to-face conversational skills now than normies; quite a role reversal. Normal people tend to shut down or run out of conversation if they don't have a screen nearby.
Nerds can be a nervous wreck, but get them talking about something they like and you can go for hours

2) Gen Z around here is uncomfortable with impromptu events; they prefer specific purpose-made plans where people agree upon what to do and who will be there. When they are not outside in specific pre-planned situations, they are online at home. Not to be seen offline

3) Less alcohol = Less propensity to socialize openly and overcome initial awkwardness. [uncomfortable truth. People don't drink as much, but popular culture spread by older gens still pretends like they do]

4) Talking to members of the opposite sex, on its own, is now considered flirting. (???)

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No you don't
Many said it best, I'll recap, meet and greet, bump into people at clubs, say hi, talk to other humans.

You'll find how equally difficult and easy it is to talk to the (respectively) bad and good ones out there!

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I just want to cheat on my wife once, maybe twice, with an asian whore. Is that so wrong? Just one sordid raceplay encounter with a tiny gook choking on my cock, and then back to being a loving husband to my wife. Dammit why can't I stop thinking about using asian women's faces as cum receptacles.
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based. big halal cock redomesticating women is the future of western civ.
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I´m 100% serious this is not an exaggeration. It´s happening in Germany because women voted this way. White women are the biggest retards in history worse than niggers.
I have a muslim friend who wants to travel to Swedistan for this exact reason.
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Last time I tried to ask a woman out I got so petrified I legit froze up, but faggots like you are acting all sad because you CAN'T cheat? Kill yourself.

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I have a friend I have known for around a year now who I have already had to go through hell and back for.
Someone who I am only now, after they have distanced himself from me, I have realised they arent a good influence on me.

Why I don't think he is good for me:
-He showed me how to purge (make myself throw up) so I could lose weight, He wanted me to have an eating disorder and was happy when I got because he felt less alone now that I had to deal with one.
-when I vented to him about my self harm, I talked about how my parents wouldnt let me use sharpeners anymore because of it. His solution was to take me to bunnings to get me a box cutter to use instead.
-for months I thought he was dead, believing he had killed himself and spent all of my work breaks on call with his mother crying with her. (She was crying because he moved to another state, I was crying because I thought he died)

I am so tired and I want to get better but everytime I message him he makes me worse. He wants me to be in pain so he can feel better and it's going to kill me one day.

The reason I am struggling to leave is because he truly is my only friend.
I am not good at talking to people and because I am autistic and live in a very low populated part of Australia it's hard for me to even talk to people without being bullied for it. He is the only person like me here that is my age yet he brings out the worst in me.
I want to leave but I'm scared of being alone.

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I'm starting to really hate women that are sluts and it's really taking a big toll on my mental health, I want to try to figure out why I feel this way, maybe it can help, I'm desperate for some relief

My ex-gf and I argued about this all the time. Her body count was 30 when we dated, and that caused me turmoil all the time. She was a strong feminist and was pro sexual liberation, and would often tell me that a woman's bodycount has nothing to do with her worth. When we broke up, she wanted to bitter and told me, "btw I never told you this, but when I was 17, I fucked 2 guys in one day once", and that absolutely ripped the soul out of me.

Why do I feel this way, and why does it have such a strong reaction/grip on me? It genuinely makes me hate women.

Is it jealousy deep down? Am I maybe just insecure because I feel less than, so it manifests as jealously?

I really don't know but I need help with this, it's killing me mentally.

Pic unrelated
>Is it jealousy deep down? Am I maybe just insecure because I feel less than, so it manifests as jealously?
The fact you're introspecting like this means you put more thought into little things than that girl ever did in her entire life.
People like her live a hedonistic and unprincipled lifestyle. They hate the cognitive dissonance necessary to reflect on the meaning of what they're doing and if it's the right thing to do, so they simply go with the classic "I'm perfect the way I am" and go about their day. They are creatures of instinct, arguably less than human.
Principles are what make us human. The less principled you are, the less human. You are human. It's only natural for a human to feel superior to an irrational animal who can do nothing but satisfy their most basic primal desires. It's only natural for you to feel superior to hoes.
I have the same feeling, and although I wouldn't go as far as to say that I hate women, I don't blame you if you do. Lots of women are like that, but men are too. You don't seem all that principled yourself considering you went for that bitch in the first place.
Besides, I think most people are at least a little bit repulsed by sluts so I don't know why you're thinking it might be so wrong to hate them.
You have an abandonment complex. This could be related to your upbringing, but I personally think that men intrinsically have this fear more than women do, because of our biological wiring. Women have their wombs, so they are instilled with a sense of self-worth at a very early age, while men don't have such a thing in their lives; we grow up seeing and believing that men are only worth what they can achieve, and if they can't achieve anything, then they are worthless and expendable. We also intuitively understand that 1 man could repopulate an entire community alone with 100 different women, which means each woman is valuable to society, while only the top tier men technically are. This only further deepens the abandonment complex we all carry with us.

You need to build integrity and overcome that fear, and you need to learn that women are much more shallow than you are and not worth putting on a pedestal. Our ancestors treated them like animals because that's all they really are.

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I just can’t grasp the fact that people die. Every time I visit my grandparents i become extremely worried about my own mortality. It’s obvious they’re lonely and want us to spend more time with them, but it only reminds me how fleeting life is and I feel like im wasting my time in a way. I cry every time after I see them and I keep thinking of my great grandmother who died. I really just wish she wouldn’t die, I wish I would never get old.

Why the fuck do people think it’s ok to bring people onto earth and have them suffer the same fate?

You’re not passing shit down, we all have the same fate and we’re all going into the earth. There is no justice for anyone in the end.

I’m currently unemployed and seeing so many people dying just makes me want to neet and enjoy life while I can, but at the same time I can’t help but keep thinking of the fact that my time is ticking every second and I too soon will die.

I generally don’t enjoy the company of other people, so I can’t think of a way i could look back at my life and be proud of myself or feel like I contributed anything of value. In a way I kind of just want to be hedonistic and “waste” my life because ultimately what’s the point of slaving away? Nothing makes sense to me. I need advice.
>Why the fuck do people think it’s ok to bring people onto earth and have them suffer the same fate?
If you mean me personally it's because I'm cool with people (incl. me) ending.
Your emotional reaction is all in your head bro.
>we all have the same fate and we’re all going into the earth. There is no justice for anyone in the end.
Yeah I know. Just be cool with it.
>I can’t think of a way i could look back at my life and be proud of myself or feel like I contributed anything of value.
Do what I do, just be proud of existing as yourself and know that me being me has value. Other ppl may disagree but that's just their opinion.
>In a way I kind of just want to be hedonistic and “waste” my life
You can do that. Personally I like my morals and values but you don't have to.
>Nothing makes sense to me. I need advice.
Stop trying to have meaning in life, that's a mind trap. Just enjoy and value being yourself.
y'all are sad.
people have spiritual experiences every day.

you can dismiss all that and claim it's all a product of brain function (without truly understanding how or why let alone the fundamentals of consciousness), or, you can acknowledge that life is a beautiful mystery and there is a meaning even if we don't always know what it is.

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