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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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107 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
>I also asked to add war content to base campaign
Nice, me too
>laws against capital flight
Doesn't stop the Lotherberg Group.
It does, if you nationalize both assholes. You DID nationalize them, right? And weren't a cuck to capitalist swine?

I've been using the guides on neoseeker.

>fully deregulate the energy market
>more energy sources will save us!
That's like expecting that adding more lanes will solve traffic. I doubt I even need to check. These aren't those kinds of devs.

Also, privatizing drops the quality of healthcare/education, so if you didn't boost funding to them - whoops.
I did nationalise them. They still pulled off capital flight, somehow.
Did you do Anti-Corruption/State Secret Police?

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I'm very curious if Pink Panzer has learned anything since TNO. Has he finally learned to respect his players' time by not bothering them with unnecessary text in a strategy game, or has the new game given him new opportunities to spread his unbridled need for graphomania?
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blame pacifica
>Aautokratir restoration LARP
Depends. Do you want it to do the easy way or the hard way?
nigga how is an arverserian re-establishing the arverserian state a larp
LonelyNiggress is extremely insistent that any resurgent Aversarian state will be one only in name, it institutions forever gone and the cultures that once formed it having already hopelessly diverged by that point. He set out to mock the RETVRN crowd by making it impossible to RETVRN. So clever!
That's not how institutions work.

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Unlike historical Russian race, right?
Get fucked Ivan.
That would be hillarious.
Not really. That is necessary for middle ages but EU timeline is about state centralsisation and moving away from feudal houses to abstract idea of a state. From Plantagents to Great Britain. It's importat for certain events like wars of Spanish succession but it shouldn't be the central theme.
well then the borders are fucked
How so?

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What am I in for?
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Oh, here is the best part
>One of the next missions literally has a timer visible
Why didn't they do that in this mission, then take away control from me when it ran out? Would have been peachy then because I would have a grasp on how much time I have to prepare
actually most missions have some sort of hidden timers and you get medals for being fast (Medals matter because each medal gives you a chunk of XP to spend on your characters, even the no savescum bonus). Some even go far enough to directly impact the next mission if you're too slow. Visible timers are mostly when you have a very clear goal (no building, destroy the enemy base or collect crates)
>often violating established lore
Didn't play it but I'm curious.
Dude, Idk but I remeber beating US campaing when I was 11 or so. At that time my family didn't even have an access to the internet so no guides, no walkthrough. Game really is not that hard until last two or three missions. If I remember correctly (which I can't vouche for) you have to attack Russian base before they take away your command. Basically you have to take initiative and not follow orders blindly.
>It also doesn't have voice acting
positive desu

No matter what I do, I lose.
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Sounds like a skill issue to me.
Just finished a Hegemon run
Japan is pure fucking AIDs btw, railroading you to Interventionism and Protectionism instead of Laisse-Fair and Free Trade.
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vgh.... if only...
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>play Prussia
>set wood, fish and mines to auto-expand
>get Britain as ally
>start any war
>spend 1 minute setting every general to defensive
>5 seconds later
>spend 1 minute setting every general to offensive
>no I don't know if this works nor why I win wars, the front number flipflops constantly

>peace out Austria
>half of Germany is annexed off screen
>feel nothing
>the AI's states are awful
>Saxony has everything in it for some reason
>Luxemburg is ATROCIOUS

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>Send armies to the front
>Set up naval invasions
>Watch naval invasion stall for no reason
>Can't cancel the naval invasion
>Eventually, 6 months later, they end up landing
>Shitty irrelevant cobeligerant peaces out
>All armies decide to leave their front
>They're still engaged in battles so I can't immediately order them back to the front
>My beachhead get recaptured
>Need to set up an invasion again
>AI made progress while my front was deserted
>Need to grind them down again
lmao this version of warfare is even worse than release. At least back then I could just teleport armies to counteract the bugs.
>>farms won't hire workers because food is at rock bottom prices
>>>>no-one can eat because food is too cheap
Shouldn't that cause the price to rise due to demand exceeding supply? What's going on at Paradox?

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Why is the ability to blob bad? If you don't want to do it, just don't.
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MP balance on vanilla must be the most retarded idea ever envisioned.
These niggers are the reason why colonizaton is cancer while abos have better troops than Napoleonic France.
Rent free, download m&t 11.0 if you dont like it
The French suffered their own fragmentation with their nominal vassals the dukes of Burgundy growing independent-minded and strong enough to pursue their own policies to the detriment of the French crown.
And the only motivation in that case was the alienation of the Burgundy-Valois from the royal inner circle, no foreign power needed.
Not the same thing though, those were europeans dealing with other europeans oppressing them, unlike subhumans from other continents who have no IQ to deal with europeans without foreign interference
>Only thing to do in game is to blob
>Just don't blob lol
Yeah that's why I no longer play paradox's games

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Why is it that when I play a medium distance away from a major, so that I'm not able to hamstring them early, they always turbo blob to the point I know it's going to be torture later on.

Also general EU4 thread, post your maps!
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>N I G G E R
fucking racist bastard
Based Chuck?
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Why does the eu4 wiki look like this for me now?
quit acting so pretentious with your shallow game you eu4 nigger baby

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What are some good borderline table top like WWII war games?
Why would you cast a steel hex? That sounds like a boon honestly. You should cast hexes like impotence, pain, disfigurement and so on.
The digital version of Pavlov's House is a fun actual tabletop WW2 game. Same dudes are currently making a digital version of Unaunted Normandy which is on early access.
Armored Commander II
you could also play actual tabletop hex and chit WGs like Empire of the Sun on VASSAL, but then you either need to play both sides or find a fellow autist
Lock 'n Load Tactical is underrated. Though be advised that the base game is basically just a paid demo, you need to buy DLC battlepacks of whatever campaigns interest you to get proper amount of content.

>please refrain from playing the game and realizing how bad it is
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Yeah they get a bit too patchy. Nothing but the most optimal desire paths. I could fence things off but eh.
looks gay
looks like 2d mmo's from 2000s
looks like the autistic chinese cultivation simulator game to me
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You all made him rich and now he has absolutely no incentive to finish the game. (Implying he was going to in the first place)

Now that you all got scammed, You can post your Kneel.jpg's below.

Schizo bros, Come harvest the salt mines with me, and watch Copium prices skyrocket in real time.


Also reminder its your fault the game is crashing: https://www.gamesradar.com/games/city-builder/manor-lords-dev-hits-back-at-players-complaining-over-crash-reports-99-so-far-are-old-drivers/

(if only he knew that everyone has automatic driver updates now and not everyone whos game crashed submitted a log)

Manuretrannies BTFO

>Inb4 Muh sales

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>You all made him rich and now he has absolutely no incentive to finish the game.
That's a reach, but he's certainly more keen on blog-posting than working on the game.
There aren't even any real knights since there is no cavalry
if you trusted resonant or any other youtube grifter on anything, you're simply low iq
i want the game to come out and be good so i can play it but i also kind of want it to become this board's star shitizen for the lulz
is this some kind of outrage marketing OP is doing?

Will you finally buy it?

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If you're posting that to try and show that the model in Rebellion is more detailed, then I was right in thinking you don't know what detailed means. Now you could definitely make an argument for ships in Rebellion being more aesthetically designed. I'd go with that.
sins 2 just has a better shader and lighting. Higher res textures too.
Honestly, I've been playing more of the eve online mod recently and I can't wait for the complete sins 2 upgrade.

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This technically counts as a strategy game right?
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OP asked whether it technically counts.
That's the technical answer.
What this game is like? KSP with lasers?
>2 days later and not a single word from the developers
KSP2 really is dead, just like that. I was kinda expecting it to limp along for a while longer with a couple devs working for peanuts just to keep the grift going. Seems KSP2 was so shit it wasn't even worth that.
>Can you refuel along the way with a space station or something like that?
Not really. You should refuel in orbit before heading out but refueling between planets would be quite inefficient due to how orbital energy works and extremely difficult due to long orbital periods on varying planes.

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Since there isn't a thread up
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>spent several weeks playing starsector to fix a bug that would constantly crash my game
>finally fix it
>super happy to use all my mods again
>get burnt out by the time I get a colony up and running

Cursed monkey's paw.
the more time goes by the more i'm thinking the reason we have monopolies isn't because we fuck them over, it's because the concurrence just keeps taking itself out
>by the time I get a colony up and running
the trick is to never do this
The colony doesn't have much to do with it. I get excited to clear through a laundry list of bounties and IBB missions, not to mention a whole bunch of stuff to find and building up an army, but once you construct the perfect army, you just burn out. The moment I got the Altagrave EX, nothing in the game could hurt me.
>capture then recycle everything
Do you get more materials like that? I thought the game just auto scuttles any ship that you don't recover and it's the same

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This game look cool, never played it before. I know the newer ones have bad reception, but is Disciples 1 still worth playing with it's own merits or is 2 just an overall improvement?
You only play 1 if you want the story. 2 is just a straight upgrade.

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