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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92674335
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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Banshees wearing shades edition

Last Thread: >>92679615

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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Crusader and Templar at least have vaguely Knightly names.

I'm surprised there isn't a mech called the Lionheart
Damn, it's really weird to hear this as someone used to the modern day industry, where you can commission a bit of art and have it delivered in under a month, usually a under a week, for only the lower end of 3 figures. Mind, those old oils do look a *lot* better.
Thanks for this insight NEA.

As amusing as your zoomed mindset is, please try to remember that the Internet, as we know it, is relatively new, and only about 30 years old.

Nah, it was far worse. "Here's my oc whose the bio daughter of a clanner true born legend but she hates the clans and is the best gunner and pilot ever of all time and pilots a mech that shouldn't exist, let alone have been taken on the exodus because all were destroyed by the SLDF, but she got it from civilians on a Clan world who were hiding it. Oh, and everyone loves her and she's the best established and only the bad guys hate her"
By all means, create oc, but don't go that far into the sue realm, please.

Oh boy. The Shogun was an SLDF mech, but it was pretty bad and production halted on it. The surviving chassis were all but destroyed in the succession wars, and it wasn't till the Dragoons brought some that it was seen again.
You might find one in a Star League cache, and the Comguard probably had a few in storage, and you might salvage one from the Dragoons, but that's it.
Yeah, mine just has the pledged amount but nothing in the shipping cost. They'll probably prioritize shipping to backers in US first since that'd be logistically easier.
Yes, if you're playing after the Amaris Civil War but before the Dark Age. Move to the current era and Sea Fox is making them for whoever wants to buy them.
Mine went from $188 to $195 $60 in postage, and the rest in taxes and "VAT". £152 total, in real money. I'm calling utter bullahit on that, it's a joke.
I've posted on the discord, @ing rem. If they give me the address of the depot, I'll go and collect my parcel myself, and any other Norf's whom wants me to, but I doubt they'll let me. CGL highups need new porches after all.

Scouts Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Tau Rules:

>Emperor's Children Index is coming:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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Mahogany brown with Desert Yellow highlights
yeah but it only works if its hands free. Go get a bad dragon bud.
It's more glossy than clear, and almost as good as lahmian medium but I ain't going to sugar coat
im a whore for lahmian medium so that should work
How can they un-shit the Nids?
If you just kill their Biovore they are fucking useless and get bullied off the table in less than two turns.

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Yu-Gi-Oh! General #539

TCG exclusive? Edition

Previous Thread: >>92563962

Most Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Post OC, write dumb fanfics with bad CAC in them, duel each other, have fun, etc.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Play
Automated Sims:
●EDOPro website:https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●YGO Omega:https://discord.gg/duelistsunite
●Dueling Nexus:https://duelingnexus.com/
●Master Duel:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel/

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I want to get into tcg, what are some decent water decks? I was thinking about armored xyz but I lost a lot while I was testing it on MD
modern yugioh is shit. give me forbidden memories and old alpha beta stuff from the gameboy and playstation era.
Hey paperboys I only play masterduel but I'm curious if you guys could tell me, what the hell does horus even do?
And I don't mean the card effects I've read them all, I know you can make level 8 XYZs with them and all but like, does anything even run it?
TCG tearlament since there's no better options? What else? I heard orcust does but what role does it fill there?
Master duel is getting horus and I'm just curious because I like that they summon themselves back from grave
Horus doesn't see play because it's eclipsed by Snake-Eye meta. It has a place in Tearlament since it gives them their Kitkallos at Home, but widespread experimentation doesn't happen when we're in the middle of a Tier 1 meta that's about to be overtaken by a different Tier 1 meta.
>What can it do?
Catapult Turtle FTK off of 1 card activation
>What role does it serve in Orcust?
Going into Zombie Vampire to mill World Chalice/Orcust cards while also thinning your deck in the process. It pairs well with the upcoming Lightsworn support, which is also used in Orcust to mill their essentials.
I tried zombieworld lightsworn horus on edopro and it was... alright, kinda cool
I like the new lightsworn cards

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I love oldschool dungeons and I love the craft of making these maps. But OSR dungeons and even a lot of newer slop makes zero sense due to acoustics. Even if the doors are heavy wood, the sound is going to echo through literally half this map at the first combat. Swords smashing on metal and shouting and the entire dungeon will know the PCs are there almost instantly.
Why do so many OSR crawls have rooms right next to each other separated by a single door and the monsters don't come out when you're killing their buddies within earshot?
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Went looking for more of his maps and found this.
Could be something like
>hand draw map
>scan, clean up
>layer ontop of hatching you did once and scanned
Sucks this dungeon never got made. I love dungeons which don’t just spiral into corridor spaghetti or are just boxes in the shape of an empty house.
youre pathetic
The word you're looking for is "I like jelqed dungeons".
This is just wrong and you couldn't tell an old school dungeon from a supermarket.

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Seriously, talking about living in someone's head rent-free.
This is from Necromunda: Road to Redemption that depicts Sargon of Akkad (aka Carl Benjamin) as a slave master getting killed by a character named Alin Choll.
This is like when they made Jordan Peterson the Red Skull.
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He's no different from any other American politician. The entire political system of USA is utter trash filled with corrupt cunts
I think that's funny. Sargon is a fucking retard and this mocks him for taking on such a pretentious username, meaning this can never be proven to be a personal attack.
Post your models.
>when the aesthetics are appealing to fascists and the logic or politics aren't interesting to them where they're currently at, ofc they're going to take the ambiguously pro-fascist aesthetics and run
Accurate. Everyone knows the imperium sucks to live in but it looks cool as shit and when you're playing a game made for 13 year olds that's what matters.
>every little thing in 40k interpretable as woke is now going to be turned into a spam of shit threads by offboard culture war raiders
I hate it.

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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modelling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep your prints about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed newfags
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)
- Look after small artists/studios
- Buy something from or tip an artist/studio you like

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I just got an stl but it came in a bunch of different parts of a model apparently. I don't have a viewer, but if someone makes an stl like that, is it because you're meant to print the whole thing separately and then glue the parts together, or should I somehow smash the parts together in modelling software and then make another stl? I don't have a printer myself, I'm getting something printed
>It also does not hold sharp details like standard resin can.

Oh, are we making up things again?
Where is the proof?
You are supposed to print the pieces and they should fit, they should have pegs and holes for that.
Also some times the creator will include the full model version
I'll give it to the guy and see I guess. Thanks anon
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1. You need to either raise or lower your dosage
2. Fuck off back to your discord safespace tranny

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Why can't GW help themselves?

Why did they make the Bretonnian Knights on Foot so busy looking, so modern CAD wank, when they knew they were going to release them alongside the much plainer mounted Knights of the Realm from ~1998?

Does nobody care about how the army actually looks overall? Is it nu-designers who want to wank off about how much CAD they can CAD?

Why can't they just take a chill pill for TOW at least and made some new models that would fit with 2000s plastics?

If you actually look at the army releases for the Old World there's often little army cohesion. 80s metal Dwarfs alongside the 7th edition CAD slop Gyrobombers and such.
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>suit social media painters rather than players
Just want to say fucking this, YouTube painting guides are ruined by these display painters who don’t actually play games or collect full armies.
Pic related spends an entire model bitching about the tomb kings skeletons despite the fact he’s never played a game of old world and only paints this one for the video
That's why I like Darren Latham, he generally sticks to traditional painting methods. All the other painters seem to just do the following:
>"Over your ZENITHAL"
>le ebic slapchop
> £10,000 airbrush more complex than a fucking nuclear reactor
>Obscure pigment only made by a single babushka inexplicably located in Belgium
>Le airbroosh, who even has time for gloves and a mask?
>Slobber contrast over it all anyway
>Airbroosh once more just because
>Oh but it saves time, it only took fifteen minutes to make a mini that looked like it was painted in fifteen minutes.

I'm a hobbyist so sitting nicely with a paintbrush and an audiobook is more important to me than the kind of semi-industrial setup you need to get all that shit working. For a huge nid army or something sure, but I think they forget that not everyone is making 50,000 point guard armies.
Jesus christ, James. Go to bed.
>>Le airbroosh, who even has time for gloves and a mask?
this always shits me off, they never wear any protective gear at all. especially when sanding resin
I dont get the appeal for the older models at all.

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The Newbie Didn't See a Thread and Made One Edition

Tell us about your horror settings, games, etc. Share inspirational art, prompts, etc.

>List of games:
Call of Cthulhu, Chill, Cold and Dark, Degenesis, Delta Green, Don't Rest Your Head, Dread, Esoterrorists/Fear Itself+Book of Unremitting Horror, Fall of Delta Green, GORE, Into The Shadows, KULT, Little Fears, Mothership RPG, Nemesis (free on Arc Dream's website), Nights Black Agents, Silent Legions (Mostly for the tables), Stalker: The SciFi RPG, Symbaroum, Ten Candles, Trail of Cthulhu, Unisystem (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Witchcraft, Conspiracy X, etc.), Unknown Armies, The Whispering Vault, Vaesen

>Inspirational stuff:
Caitlin R Kiernan, Castlevania, Doom Watch, Fear & Hunger, George Romero, Ghostwatch, House of Leaves, I Am In Eskew, John Carpenter, Kolchak the Nightstalker, Laird Barron, John Langan, M.R. James, Nick Cutter, Old Gods of Appalachia, Quatermass, Ramsey Campbell, Remedy Series (Alan Wake, Control), SCP Foundation, Scarfolk Council, Shaun Hutson, Silent Hill, Stand Still Stay Silent, The Evil Dead, The Magnus Archives, The Secret World, The Stone Tapes, Anatomy, Thomas Ligotti, Twin Peaks, Vault of Evil forums, toomuchhorrorfiction

Other News:
"The Fall of Delta Green" has been reprinted.

Current Book Club Topic:

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I do think it's something he got better at with his later stories, perhaps influenced by other pulp writers like Robert E. Howard. At the Mountains of Madness ends with a chase by a Shoggoth. The Haunter of the Dark has the main character personally getting hunted by the titular villain. The Shadow Out of Time has the encounter with the flying polyp at the end.
Not always the case, but he got better at making his stories entertaining as well as intellectually fascinating.
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I thought the Twilight Abysses were really similar to the feel of Steve Dikto Doctor Strange art. Pretty cool stuff.
The horror from cosmic horror doesn't come from interacting with cosmic entities in any direct way. It's not about "can I punch Azathoth in the face" or "maybe Azathoth could eat me."

The horror comes from the simple realization of how insignificant you are/humanity is.
I'm pretty sure they name the winners each year, which are usually good (though sometimes that's the voting community picking a scenario that does something new and interesting rather than flat good.
Black Buzz, A Flame Unto My Path, 46 Second Preview, Apoptosis and An Excitable Girl were good from 2023.
Thank you!

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How do you like em?
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like villains and evil, but with pride and personality.
that hobbit is cute
Below ground is Tolkien orcs, they're sickly and depraved but rather cunning, above ground is Warcraft orcs and they're sanguine and muscular but a bit dim. A minority of the above-ground orcs are noble savages (i.e. they won't kill you unless they think it's self-defense). This fulfills Tolkien's desire to show orcs growing up in a better environment and choosing to be better. It's also a commentary on what happens if you spend too much time in the dungeon.
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>naval potency, basically the only ones that dare to sail on a regular basis through a monster-infested ocean
>do raids along the coast, sometimes into the continent just as vikings or polynesian peoples
>live for battle; perform hakas, use spears and shields that make up for lack of heavy armor, sometimes axes; but never swords.
>have knowledge of bows but their preferred ranged weapons are spears (thrown). This ports to their other profession: Whaling.
>their settlements live on fish and monster meat mostly. Their women are highly skilled artisans who make armor and work on ship construction; tend the lighthouses and perform shamanistic duties (male orcs never take magical ocupations). Their islands have little adult males as most of them are outside warring or dead
>have +2 str, -2 int (i use d&d)
>amongst their tactics are shield walls, covering their skin in ash by rolling over bonfires to be colorless at night or to scare their enemies (as if it was necessary)
>cannot conquer lands for long because usually they have inner fights, also they lack women in-land and must kidnap them from the locals
>their elite warriors are berserks, which are feared even among orcs
>orc navigation charts are very valuable for sailors and cartographers. Normally they are tattoed on the back of a prisoner as it is much more durable than parchment.

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Some *anons* are not so good for *games*
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*Jumping Peppers!* I am *squirting* more *nice colors*.
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This is the third time you *silly cow* made a thread about Orz this week. You have become too close. I am *squeezing the juice*.
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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

Downtime edition.

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg
Previous thread: >>92588976

>Thread Question: What antics do your characters get up to in their downtime?
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>wrapped up another game in 8 scenes
It's a weird feeling when everything goes well.
what's a good standalone dice roller
I made a dice tray out of a shitty wooden printer paper box and a piece of cardboard with some felt stapled to it that one's my favorite
lol this is why suggestive tables rock
A man needs a prompt

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Previously: >>92674017

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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I love grixis nicol bolas mirrors
how to do aggro
Fynn the fangbearer or Atarka, World Render
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This is the deck I'm disassembling and I plan to use most of it, including Ilharg. I will make it a basic combo with Zealous Conscripts, the orc pirate one, Thornbite Staff, sac outlets and whatever, the old school Kiki-Jiki combo, with some new synergistic pieces.
The Ilharg deck is terrible and all over the place so pay no mind on how bad it is, I'm just using it as framework.
I also have Rionya, but I think that she's good as is, since while it's somewhat similar, it's different enough.
One cool thing to do with Kiki-Jiki, is that if you copy Humble Defector and use it's ability, the token will stick on the battlefield unless it returns to your control somehow during the same turn. It's because you can't sacrifice things that you don't control.
Ramp decks are already degenerate as is, they don't need one of the most powerful creatures ever printed to assist.

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