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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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just played through the intro and it's kind of meh. is it worth playing through this?
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da2 blew all the goodwill the franchise built up in origins, inquisition is just the shambling corpse
Depends, are you gay and really like cock,? If the answer is yes then I'd say, go for it.
God no. It's an exercise in busy work. Just go watch Lord of the Rings or something instead.
I love it for the exploration and for the first time its a Dragon Age game with actual DRAGONS in it.

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>Have played through Underrail about 12 times now and have all of the achievements
>Find out, after 600 hours, that there's a fucking locker in the arena with all of the drops from the fights you've been in
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orb is the most important skill you have and you get it in core city after doing gorsky's quests
easiest way to get plasma beam is doing the pirate lighthouse in expedition but it's hard to do that without plasma beam
i feel like it was there in 2017
>Have played through Underrail about 12 times now
Imagine having that level of autism to play a game more than once.
that's actually quite understandable, considering it's location right next to Lanista it kind of looks like it's his personal locker and that interacting with it would be theft
Game doesn't want to give me a walking fish, I've spent a couple of hours fishing all over the place, lots of demon squids for some reason.

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April is the month of Uula. Be nice to her.
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Great idea anon. That worked perfectly.
Sadly it doesn't seem like the L.Depth, Innocent Rules or Innocent Rules 2 wikis are backed up there.
holy blessed
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Prim wants a piggyback ride from Uula. Wagies get no breaks.
I'd give Prim a piggyback any time she wants.

>Title: False GamerGater
Play as a woman who infiltrates a major game studio (as a re-education officer), to find her missing husband who is a developer there.

Learn about the corruption and anti-gamer sentiments plaguing the studio. And free it from the mind virus that infects it.

>Download Link
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Can you tell her she killed the /vrpg/ dev community by bringing drama to the board?
Ethnic Cleansing came out in the 90s, it wasn't high-budget, it was basically like wolf3d.exe but you took out the jews controlling media as a whole.
> Game Clip

All dialogues with the Games Localizer in False GamerGater (with examples of bastardization)

> Video
>Ethnic Cleansing came out in the 90s
>it was basically like wolf3d.exe
> but you took out the jews controlling media as a whole.
Oh- wow wow.... wow!
>If there's anything in the game's narrative, that you find unclear after you played through it.
It's a simple yes or no question though :) I'd love to know!

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When did you grow out of jrpgs?
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True, it shows how pretentious and try hard wrpgfags are
Chie is only best girl in the anime. She's awful in the game.
Rogue-likes by design are ill-suited to be party-based. Saying that tho - brogue has companion mechanics and you can build your character around that if you're lucky. Including breaking the game in half with army of slimes.
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oh hey its one of those threads again
I'd add Infra Arcana, a horror/lovecraft roguelike but it's very high difficulty, and DRL (Doom roguelike)

DCSS and ToME have massive replay value, the former because the devs are constantly changing the fucking game and the latter because there's a huge variety of race, class & skill combinations, and hundreds of unique items and weapons.

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How come this game is utterly unknown??
It is really good even if you ignore fan service, and that part is also great.
I have problem with finding guides or understanding how to perform attacks. That Juicing skill, you are supposed to somehow trigger it and it should cause HP damage, but I just get overrun by goblins and raped to death.
I find it crazy that game like Fear and Hunger is all over the jewtube, but this one, it is like only russians and chinese are playing it. Whole first level is literally anime adaptation.
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i leveled up magic to max and went into the meat creature pit and incinerated everything there. The game should give you an alternate ending.
The game does give you alternative ending slides if you kill the right abomination hive.
>nothing checks companion from friendly-firing NPCs
>this is just a part of the challenge bro you dont understand

You're not gonna tell me this is an oversight, it's basic enough they probably left it. I haven't even mentioned enemies still moving during forced dialogue scene and bodyblocking you
contain footjobs?
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You can mod out friendly fire. But in reality friendly fire is useful, because it also works for making hostile NPCs fight each other.
>enemies still moving during forced dialogue scene and bodyblocking you
I don't think that happens in the recent versions. Or at least I'm not aware of a dialogue scene that does it, scripting on most events / missions is pretty well done.

Not yet, work in progress. Rumor has it some footfag paid substantial sum of money to have it added.

Have been playing ff6 and ff9 in the coop mode where one person drives while a second player can battle along side with a second controller with my little cousin. However as we reach near disk 3 of ff9 I'm wondering what other games have this sort of system? My little cousin is a little too dumb to walk around and do story progression. Any other games with a coop kinda focus you all would recommend?

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This is essentially the REAL Gothic 3.
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fuck off incel it's really not and it is fat superior to anything you will ever make
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>This is essentially the REAL Gothic 3
isn't Gothic 3 a sandbox and takes place on an entire continent
Archolos is an island
Can I play this with Polish voices but English subtitles? I don't want to hear complete silence.
use russian voices instead unless you want your ears raped by shhhhshsh sounds constantly

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Name 1(one) good game made in rpg maker
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skill issue
Fear & Hunger... broke me...........
There have been funny ones but I wouldn't call any of them good
Just finished that a couple months back, great fun
pokemon infinite fusion

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With the recent interest in Fallout, I decided to pick up Fallout 3 again. I'm planning a Moira-centric run using the Craterside Enterprises mod, and I am wondering what NSFW mods would work best with it. I have heard of the Quo Vagis and Seducing Women mods, but I'm not big on the idea of banging anyone other than Moira.

Would also appreciate advice on other recommended Fallout 3 mods.(And no, I am not doing a ToTW run, this is just Fallout 3 alone as Craterside Enterprises is not ToTW- compatible)
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>no guys you're all wrong!
>Akcshually Todd Howard is FINALLY having his great artistic awakening at age 54, right now!
>come on now, did you not all see how BASED the new Fallout TV show is??
>obviously the most impressive Televison show of all time, amirite? Todd can NOT stop winning!
Thank you for narrating your phoney apologetic story to us sir, what a fantastic speech
I'll simp for moira all day. Must protecc autist chick.
Keep making things up, they won't be true anyway.
Go preach your Earth is Flat crap and your Todd is God crap elsewhere you cretin. He failed us, Todd fell off the horse and broke his back, it is as Wulf said "the Empire is old and dying now" and it's time for something new. Bethesda has given us great times in the past but now the time has come for the beast to die
>Todd Howard is pretty based and successful
>Because Starfield was a based complete 100% wholesome success, prove me wrong
Oh yeah?? Well actually Starfield was GAY!! What do you have to say to that, shill?

Heh...check and mate, kid

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Let's settle this once and for all.
Is it worth playing?
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yes, the hacks are worried that they won't get a free pass for their slop anymore.
My take is that Obsidian needs to be pushed into doing something interesting. PoE is a perfect example of RPG developers getting way too comfortable doing rote, predictable things.
>PoE is a perfect example of RPG developers getting way too comfortable doing rote, predictable things.
Except Deadfire is not that at all.
And how would you describe it?Deadfire was one of them most boring fantasy settings I have ever played.
Nah, the world building is decent, nothing creative but decent and more consistent than Golarion or Faerûn.
The Polynesian influence was exotic and I did really liked Hazanui Karū.

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What's the most memorable procedural generation present in any rpg ever made
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Something like Terraria is a great normie-palatable product with still a pretty big combinatorical frontier item wise. Generation it's identical to minecraft in just being X number of biomes.
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Maybe NMS can get the visual award but even there I still have big problems with some of the algorithms
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Shit like this was inter-planet species variation as late as 2022
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The gameplay is even less diverse than t he flora/fauna. Gameplay wise all planets are identical

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>Reddit: The Character
Why are plebbitors always fawning about this basic bish?
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>skyrim: white elves
>hammerfell: chocolate elves??
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>Chocolate elf
We have a reason why they're unplayable in Skyrim, those are all extinct, the Yokudans killed the Left Handed Elves over 40 centuries ago because Lore reasons and shit, actually they were mostly right handed ton, and Left Handed Elf is essentially just a polite way of saying Nigger Elf from an in-universe meta POV. As if in irl you were to start calling black people Left Handed-Americans because you don't want to be rude or offensive by calling them Nigger-Americans or what have you

Oh no! Whatever, idc
>The Dawnguard questline is only internally consistent for evil daedra-worshiping assholes
Hmm yes, deep roleplay options.
>Dawnguard have no clue where Harkon's castle was
This is honestly kind of a plot hole on its own. It's a fuckoff huge castle on the coast that's been there for like a thousand years. It's right next to Skyrim's main sea route to the Empire. Anyone could have found it at any time.
>It's a fuckoff huge castle on the coast that's been there for like a thousand years. It's right next to Skyrim's main sea route to the Empire. Anyone could have found it at any time.
Just joined the Legion with a new character and they send me to go clear out bandits from a fort that's 30 seconds horse ride away from Solitude, and what do I see?
>So now, less than three eras later, you can go up on a steep hill in Skyrim and look North, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark—that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back.
>There are 200 popular RPG classes
>198 of these RPG classes are literal evil Daedra worshipping swine, having little-to-no reason to murder Serana obviously
>2 of these popular RPG classes are Paladin and Cleric, they're the ONLY two classes who have any reason to murder Serana obviously
Are you trying to say I said that? Because that's not quite what I was getting at, and I even gave some basic examples of why neutral oriented classes and goodie-two-shoes classes might wanna decide to spare Serana too in the post you replied to

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This gaming franchise has so much potential man. It's clear that Cyberpunk 2077 people are still hungry for the Cyberpunk genre. We need more.
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For me it was almost bethesda experience, sometimes game crashes after 4-5 hours, sometimes after 30 minutes. Played it few months ago.
Yeah I did like the combat in HK more than DF so the module is probably the way to go for me
Did you play in co-op? A quick google says that most crashes apparently happen in that, which they never bothered fixing lmao
Either way, if anyone wants to try out Ascent, probably pirate it if it's that prone to crashing
Played it in single player and game still crashed.
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You'll want to go in with a squad for corpo runs. Not only that hop around Johnson's and call whoever you have numbers for so you can get important inventory items. Even something like a fake ID can help against roaming guards. It's always worth checking up on computers in the runs to disable cameras and to find where your target is located in. You can also purchase maglocks from contacts so you don't need to blast doors down with frag grenades and alert guards. High tier corpo runs can be deadly with invisible enemies and people that see through your fake ID.

Puyallup Barrens has a lot of black market merchandise. Illegal fire arms, software, and hardware. Beware, random encounters happen a lot here. Gang members harassing you, assassins gunning for you, or even just trying to enter a bar will sweep you up into a bar brawl that goes outside.

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