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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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I've put probably 120 hours in this and the best I can do is a 3 credit clear. This game is so bullshit hard it's unreal
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I could 1CC this game but I can't consistently do no deaths. Allen O'Neil is my major no death killer.
By the way, how's the Playstation ports of Metal Slug 1 and X? I might try those just for the combat school.
Both of those are much harder than MS1, which is what OP's issue was
>That’s because MS1 is a bad game.
Shut your whore mouth
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Skill issue. I could 1cc it back in the days of Finalburn/Winkawaks... what was it, 23 years ago?

Last level of MS3 is not difficult as long as you do not fuck up any of the parts early on (like losing your plane, losing the spaceship, etc). If you do it right you'll enter the hard part of the spaceship with something like 50 grenades so you can just spam 'nades to quickly kill all of the alien walkers. The fake last boss is piss easy (dodge left, right, repeat), the zombie chamber just needs you to be quick, and if you don't get killed in the escape and skip the drop shot you can hit the final boss with a full ammo flame chop or shotgun which alone is enough to remove over half of its HP.
also, tip for the MS3 final boss, you can cancel a melee attack by turning around while crouching. So if you alternate between 3A,1A you can melee twice as fast as normal. Though, if you have to resort to melee against that boss, you are fucked anyhow, you should be killing it with the full shotgun/flame chop and 30-40 grenades you pull from the spaceship.
>Allen O'Neil is my major no death killer.
You have to stay either directly below him or directly above him. He can only attack forward and at angles (with the gun, or by throwing 'nades). You can also try knifing him, but you have to time it just right because he can also knife you back - you can dodge that by jumping, but it's risky.

>By the way, how's the Playstation ports of Metal Slug 1 and X? I might try those just for the combat school.
PSX ports were all horrible, avoid them. 2/3ds of the animation is missing, the sound is shit, and you have loading every 10-20 seconds into a level.
Saturn port is also horrible, it's only missing 1/3rds of the animation but in return it requires the RAM cart and has horrible slowdown. Some people argue that using a genuine 1mb cart (instead of the action replay) helps, but I tried it that way and it made no difference whatsoever. And the slowdown isn't like on the Neogeo original, it is much worse. The first twenty seconds of mission one play fine, after that the game is down to maybe 15fps at best. The only saving grace is that it has a hi-res art gallery, and a vocal version of the 2P ending song. It also has a bug in the combat school so you can't get the highest rank.

If you want to play it for the combat school, play it on Neogeo CD. But do note that every console port including NGCD is a later revision of the game and some item placements are different.

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What games could've fit into a hypothetical 128MB N64 cartridge?
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A Soul Reaver port on N64 would've been viable even on a 32mb cart with the FMV's turned into still images and sound compressed. It wouldn't have been a great port but it would've been doable. Gex 3 was on N64 and ran on the same engine after all.
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>Hey wait a minute why didn't n64 have this lock on tech?
_better_ would be a handwritten, high speed lzma decoder.
I never understood why Rare didn't just have BK save to the Memory Pak to unlock stuff like other games did.

So is it modular?
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Great idea, sit on my face from below me. Do you even think before you post?
Instead of having her sit on your face, why not lay on her slit instead?
fully functional
Capcom knew what they were doing when they brought her back for X8 and beyond
X-DiVE may have turned into a gacha game but fuck did it do wonders for Alia

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Any other retro games with fan made multiplayer mode?
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The n64 mario party's I believe. Maybe through net64?
Nope. This is it. You found the single one.
mario party, MM and OOT multiplayer randomizers, potentially BK and BT as well, and basically any multiplayer game on the N64 that didnt have online capabilities but got them anyway cause why not
I know Pokemon has a Revenge of Bottles-style hack where Player 2 controls all of the enemy Pokemon.
>tfw when no online /vrcade/

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Collector bros....we've been haggled!

>collecting fakes
This doesn't affect anyone who didn't deserve it.
I like broken CD-R versions of classics though
Collectors cant help themselves, there will be no backlash and business will continue as normal.
ok but why not post in the other thread

If you had to use only one (1) controller
for all your games
for the rest of Life
what controller would it be?
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A bitchin’ SG, of course. Why the fuck would I want to play games on anything besides a tool for rocking out?
Probably keyboard.
>it qualifies as one controller
How so?
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Isn't this more of a /v/ question?
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The Xbox 360 guitar for Guitar Hero 2 had a d-pad on it so you actually could play some games with it if you tried.
>Gibson Explorer doubles as a perfectly functional controller

How does the randomizer work? You don't need items to beat the game.
Nobody cared about your niche transsexual fetish hobbies in your last thread.
Just end it.
It's over.

May the 4th is coming
Let's talk about /vr/ Star Wars videogames.
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t. trekkie
your loss
>>There isn't a good game for episode 2 is there?
You can play either Star Wars Commando or Star Wars The Clone Wars. The former is a cool FPS and the later is a decent vehicle action game.
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Is this game actually good? Asking for myself of course in fact of course I'd be asking for myself.
not a Trekkie, just a real SW fan
No, the whole focus on taking down opponents is not fun because the combat sucks (it boils down to ramming yourself into everyone until they explode) and the racing isn't nearly as fast as EP1 Racer.

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It is now possible and a total game changer. Pretty impressive for ps1 games.
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Don't let the gaslighting in this thread distract you from the fact that DOOM was meant to be played with only the keyboard.
I tried to play darkwatch with this mouse injector and the game fov was unbearable
How does this work?
It was possible for years using PCSX2 mouse plugin (they are backwards compatible with PS1 emulators).
It's not as clean as a proper mouse injector of course, but it made me actually try out original MoH at the time and man, those games are pretty damn impressive.
They're extremely good. Both the first and Underground. They actually have modern dual stick controls which makes them very comfortable to play today, but the levels are creative, fun and very well done as are the enemy combatants who have all these clever tricks and gags that make every fight something fresh.

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Any recommendations for good sprite-based horror? Just played through Clock Tower and while it's a neat curio and solid all around I found it kinda lacking.

>ruins your desire to game
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That is true considering the closing angle bracket appears like an arrow pointing towards a referenced string, really it comes down to context as you'd look silly quoting a line from nobody relevant to the conversation. Personally I don't believe quotations inside the bracket is needed so long as the quote is at least tangentially relevant to what you wrote.
>The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them. - Mark Twain
god /vr/-tan is so fucking badass
You raise a fair point anon, I guess it was fine the way I used it, just feels a bit off though. Whats your opinion on the mutation of it via imagebaords like this one and others?
like the
>be me
I'm going to fucking kill myself
Aren't a lot of Telnet/BBS linked up into USENET itself either directly or through UUCP or Fidonet?

>In addition to UUCP, early Usenet traffic was also exchanged with Fidonet and other dial-up BBS networks. By the mid-1990s there were almost 40,000 FidoNet systems in operation, and it was possible to communicate with millions of users around the world, with only local telephone service. Widespread use of Usenet by the BBS community was facilitated by the introduction of UUCP feeds made possible by MS-DOS implementations of UUCP, such as UFGATE (UUCP to FidoNet Gateway), FSUUCP and UUPC. In 1986, RFC 977 provided the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) specification for distribution of Usenet articles over TCP/IP as a more flexible alternative to informal Internet transfers of UUCP traffic. Since the Internet boom of the 1990s, almost all Usenet distribution is over NNTP.[49]

So... whenever it appeared it probably did so relatively simultaneously on them all.
But I think early BBS did top posting quotes like email initially then shifted more over time. Hell, emails also seemed to shift to inline quote prefixing/top posting hybrid and then get shifted even more towards editing for line attribution over time when needed for clarification and ease.

>Aren't a lot of Telnet/BBS linked up into USENET itself either directly or through UUCP or Fidonet?
Yes but Telnet predates usenet by a decade.

Post a cropped pic of any game screen and anons try to guess where it's from.
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hint: golf
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Marble Madness.
Shao-lin's road
hint: it's from a sega arcade game

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>5 random bats at the start of the game are actually the most important characters
i didn't expect this game to be kino
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Oh, that would be a neat idea. Sadly I think the truth is that it's a teleporter at the top of the tower.
yeah it's a neat idea, but it is teleportation, which is a sci-fi thing that's just as impressive.
the possibility of there being a city around the tower that was probably just wiped off the map is something i never thought of, kinda makes sense.
>teleportation, which is a sci-fi thing
uh huh magical teleportation totally isn't a thing in fiction
teleportation that requires a cube of technology from a robot that fell from the space station.
anyways, with the possibility of that area not being desert before, lufenia being mostly destroyed and just being a tiny town, and the sunken shrine, the fiends showing up must have been like dropping nukes all over the planet.
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Sadly though its not what you'd think. Was not a war, it was Kraken having a bad day iirc for the backstory. The tower was not a tech tower, but had tech in it from the Leafenish when the Sky Castle was their original dwelling. Also, you will never be Bahamut in armor wielding the weapons from WarMech blasting the beejeezus out of Tiamat.

It would be nice if we could discuss web gamed like gaia, neopets, habbo hotel, tinierme etc.

like it or not these were part of internet culture and even if only just for the sake of "trolling" 4chan has been involved in a lot of them
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Gaia Online is why we have character customization on ROBLOX. Thanks Gaia.
>Gaia Online
You mean Go-Gaia?
I just want to play Neopets Deck Ball game again.

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