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This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
  • Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
  • Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.

Do not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").

Personal army requests of any form are strictly forbidden.

WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

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I have this laptop since 2018 and I have just now first took it apart for cleaning and to install ram/ssd.

In the process, I had to remove a paper/plastic piece near the fan of this lenovo y520 laptop.

As such I must wonder what is the use for this sticky paper/plastic piece?

would it be bad if I were not to put it back in where it was from? It's barely even sticky at this point, not sure how I could have got it off without ripping some of the adhesive layer off

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Hello, requesting instructions on how to mirror what's on a USB to my PC so I can put it on a different one in the future in case the first USB dies. I've recently made a Batocera bootable USB but made a lot of changes directly in it, and I don't want to have to do all that again in the future. Thank you.
HDD Raw Copy
Make an image of your USB drive, write said image to other USB drive of equal or larger size
Hello and thank you anon. I don't want to fuck up my hard drive though, and upon choosing the USB as Source and my HDD as Target, I get a warning that Target's (HDD) contents will be wiped. How can I avoid this?
Oh, you selected that you'd like to copy over your HDD. You need to target a file, not the entire drive. I forget the exact options, I'm not at my PC to take screenshots. There should be a pulldown or something
Found a guide
Do make yourself a compressed .imgc, your image is for storage, not data recovery

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Hello, can anyone share some techno, DnB, ambient, soundpools for Magix Music Maker? Thank you!

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Do you mind to share it anon? i need to do something about this porn addiction before its too late and its slowly killing me
Try go distract your self
https://filterlists.com/ there's a NSFW category
search for "nsfw filter browser extension" and set it to 65 for starters

remember, you gotta make the decision to stop in your mind first bro, when u get the urge, channel that energy towards doing someting else, good luck

Please webm this news clip with the image thumbnail, and with Dark Souls boss music.


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I have been looking for a late night radio show that aired on the Spanish radio station "560am, La Tremenda"

It was hosted by Marco Denis "Dennis" (La Hora De El Misterio)

does anyone else remember or get a chance to record some?

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who are they
Giant Robo
Yes, It's great

Sometimes when I'm searching something it shows me an album name/movies/tv show etc.
Is there anyway to disable or at the very least reduce these results?
google scholar?
or make a -reddit -facebook etc copypasta with all the sites you don't want to see like entertainment media aggregators, and just add it to all your searches
taxi driver -nigger

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I've decided to use my own site as a repository and added a new route for this: https://www.litechan.org/litehub/eppgo
This template still needs polishing, but I'm kind of stuck with viewing files that have the .go extension. If you try doing so by clicking on the magnifying glass icon, you'll be stuck with the pop-up unless you refresh the page.
What is causing this behavior and how can I fix it? Every other text file extension works as intended (epp, py, txt), just not go.
Actually, it took me changing [code]document.getElementsByClassName("close")[index][/code] to [code]document.getElementById("close-{index}")[/code] for everything to work.
As someone who mostly uses Python and Go, is this just a JavaScript thing? I still have no clue since all the closing buttons were labeled as being of class "close".
I'll update the site soon, but if anyone knows what caused this behavior, I'll be glad to know.

im trying to find this https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4139928/

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i am not underage, i'm just inept at probability

we have a pin code made up of 4 *distinct* numbers, guessing the first digit has a probability of 1/10, guessing the next should have a probability of 1/9 and so on (because the numbers are distinct), therefore the probability of someone guessing the code by inputting random digits is 1/(10*9*8*7), is this correct?

moreover the probability of someone guessing all digits but not necessarily in the correct position should be the previous probability multiplied by 4! because that's all the possible combinations of the digits one can try, correct?

finally someone guessing at least 2 numbers in the correct position should be (1/(10*9) * (1/8*7)*2!) because it's the probability of guessing 2 digits in 2 correct positions * all possible combinations of the remaining digits, is this correct?
That makes no sense though. Is it not possible for a pin to be the same 4 digits? Wouldn't it be 10x10x10x10 and not 10x9x8x7 as there is a chance that the numbers don't vary within the code
sorry i was perhaps a bit unclear, the problem states that the digits are distinct

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Does anyone who's into VRChat know who made this avatar? I've seen it being used in like 5 different streams and just wanna know the creator / what it's called. I can't ask people on Twitch because I don't have an account, I just watch it.
to clarify, both the ones in this pic are made off the same avatar base

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looking for the original footage of colbert raving

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Goes smth like this
"bach y u r flying plain"
"cuz am have autism"

will dump cool tattoos and edgy tumblr yandere-core until my request is done
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ty for the GET mr 4chan
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