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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


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installed after hearing about it here, key is to keep blocking ppl you arent interested in so the bottles do not send to you again. Which makes more space for better matches.
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Ever get any responses to the bottles you send?
bro what the fuck do I even say in my letter
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Ehh I don't think so
Already getting messages from people trying to learn english off me.
i got blocked for being short, i knew i should have lied about my height fuck my life

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Bumble recently changed their service so now men can make the first move. If it's not apparent why they did this it's because not enough men are using it. Online dating is already difficult enough for average / below average men, and Bumble's "women make the first move" policy basically made it impossible. The entire business model for dating apps is selling boosts and other perks to these undesirable men. The problem is that sooner or later these men will pick up on the grift and realize that no amount of boosts will make them desirable. In other words there's not enough carrot on the stick for the men to want to chase it. I imagine in the coming months / years we'll start seeing more and more changes to make these services more beneficial to men. Now I don't necessarily think they will matter as at the end of the day these men are still undesirable, but it'll still be nice to see these apps slowly and slowly die.
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I've been on there for years and got barely any likes, when compared to Tinder, OkC and FB Dating.
Shit, even my recently re-registered PoF profile has gotten a few likes.
Sadly, my likes never speak and usually unmatch or block. If they really wanted me, they'd message first, but they're all in Chad's inbox.
Bumble's blurring of likes and jumbling of their photos is so bad that I can't tell who my likes are. I missed out on a couple of matches.
I don't swipe much on anything anymore.
After a day your profile is buried, it doesn't matter if you stay for 6 months.
lol, this shit?, it looks so lame

thats the thing I have come to realize about zoomers, they use these faggy nerd tier apps more than organically meeting people.
the more stupid the app the more its being used.
Ur actually a pedophile if you use yubo
I used that shit when I was 16 it is ONLY young teens in highschool
Kys anon

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>start chatting with 16yo girl (legal age in my country)
>she is super nice and we share the same niche interests (classical literature and 19th century history and astethics)
>she is absolutely into me from the first second
>have the best convos I ever had with a human (including men)
>find out she is not a virgin

What the fuck do I have to do to get a girl who sees me worthy of taking her innocence? Do I have to start hitting on 14 year olds or what? If I don't find a single woman who gives her innocence to me before I hit 30 I'm going to suicide. Life is a fucking joke anons. Snow white has already been fucked by all seven dwarves, there is no princess waiting for any of us in the tower, there are only whores.

I unironically wish I was an alcoholic or a druggie instead of desiring love so much, as the first two are way easier to get. I tried alcohol but it just doesn't do it for me, I never get hooked to it like other people.
You're a predator
It's over, it's impossibru to find a woman that is not used goods
i actually do know what the other card in your hand is OP. you eat like shit and never gain any weight.
This OP. Youre interested in post pubertal women who are of legal age and sound mind? God, what a disgusting pedophile you are!
What's the matter big guy? You can't get girls your age?

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Time Travel Edition

Previous thread : >>77343529

Rules: Ignore annoying moids

>If you could travel to any historical period, which one would you choose and why?
>If you had to design the time machine what would it look like? How would it operate?
>What advice would you give to your younger self?
>What historical figure would you like to meet?
>Would you explore alternate timelines or focus solely on your own?
>you're creating a time capsule to be opened in 50 years. What items would you include?
>If you could bring any gadget or technology from the future, what would it be? Would you share it? What would you use it for?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Old man took out all his years of angst on a random Chad, RIP
That's a lesbian couple from china, it was all over the news
Or he just failed and didn't get it. Nice try.
Since the nonas are asleep, which one is your favorite and would you fugg?
The one with the biggest tits

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Detachment from the paradigm is a must. Things that you feel insecure about should not be cared about.

From now on, my "waifu" is real and so is yours.

I realize that the imagination is the higher reality, with the material world being a mere medium extended from the consciousness. There is no truth except for my truth.

I will become a "fantasymaxxer" and the bulk of my happiness will come from my imagination. The pursuit and indulgence of the magic will take precedent over all. I implore you to do the same. Most of /r9k/'s issues have to do with the inability to fulfill a socially ingrained """virtue""" like dating or whatever. It's only a ritual and a fabrication of your "self-interest".
Very high energy post

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Being a size queen is womens rights
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>very specific range. No bigger and no smaller
Which is?
I have only ever met and interacted with one "size queen" (that's a fag term by the way) in real life, and her minimum size was a pretty reasonable 7 inches. We never fucked because I said joked bedroom was dirty and she got super offended (it was filthy, exposed mattress and clutter everywhere). Not really a big loss on my end. Also, any chick who says they need "at least eight inches" has never actually seen or had an eight inch dick, and a chick who says her preference is above that has DEFINITELY never seen a dick over 8 inches.
stoics need to cope harder because you just gave the campaign away
I am 6 foot 5 with a 4 inch dick
I still have sex pretty often and have a gf now
Really insecure abt the size though
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And no more than 6" circumference girth!

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I spent my entire youth morbidly obese
Hell I'm 31 and just trying to fix it now
Oh yeah it really fucks with your psychology. I lost most of it in time for university, but I was and still am a self hating, insecure shyboy and pretty much incapable of speaking to people. It probably messed up my hormones during puberty too. I wonder what my parents were thinking watching their only son bloatmaxx at 12 years old.

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>Femcels cannot exis-ACK
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You completely do not understand how sexual attraction works, especially for men.
Cry, cope, seethe and mald. When the only information you have is a photo of course you're going to be superficial. Stop being retarded femcel
She was great as the monster in REC
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oh shit nigga
>its amazing how men will simultaneously fuck anything but also be insanely superficial about it

Men are visual, when are you going to get the memo?

Women want a situation... a buildup. A private jet, a dinner in a high class restaurant in Europe, a lifestyle.

So why is it ok for an 18 year old girl to have casual sex, have sugar daddies, etc but wrong for her to have a loving relationship with a man in his 20s?
I never understood this
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Well yea, it makes sense for a guy not to date a girl who is older than him. But a 21 year old guy isnt any older than an 18 year old girl biologically speaking really. Dont call me old zoomzoom
Yeah ik. Im gonna visit my ex tomorrow anyways and fuck her brains out. Im not desperate enough to dox myself for fembot digital pussy
>it makes sense for a guy not to date a girl who is older than him
Maybe if the guy is insecure.
Yea I dont really care. No worries fembot : )

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how does one rasp up their voice? im tired of having a femboy voice and being mistaken for a child online (im almost 30)
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The one compliment I get is that I have a radio voice and I by the time I started getting it I was at 2 packs a week
does alcohol permanently fuck it up? it used to feel like I had strep every morning when I woke up

Whenever you're driving make the engine noises with your throat. VRRRRRRMMMMM. It's a reliable way to find the time and build consistency in your voice training. Just enough to do a little vocal cord damage, which causes them to thicken as they recover.

Yes, this sounds like a joke. It is not a joke. It's an autistic thing I used to do to keep occupied while driving and I swear I. made a significant difference. You've gotta be doing damage and recovering from it.
Let's hear your voice OP, no bully I promise
No keep your voice and use it while i obliterate your asshole

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If youre a moid, incel, or a nice guys read this
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well ladies... would you fuck a guy like this?
like I said it pretty easy to pick these guys out
> your mates
Irrelevant from the first line.
These guys get laid like crazy. If you actually confronted one of them in real life, you'd be shamed and ridiculed by his army of girlfriends and female simps.
Kind of tells you who is actually responsible for the problem
I don't have any male friends. The only friend I have is a woman and she lives thousands of miles away from me. I would protect her with my life, but most people can fuck themselves. Most men and women deserve what's coming to you, you horrible, narcissistic, ignorant cunts.

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new MBTI and socionics server with minimal rules
don't be annoying to people and do post about jungian psychology
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holy shit man what a bunch of fucking losers and literal degenerates. can't believe they harbored Princess and her tendencies for so long. can't believe anyone would use dicksword nor converse with anyone who would use it.
miss turnip
What is even the point of this place. Doesn't even seem like it's about mbti anymore.
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>VII - Never Feel Nausea [FIRST DEMO]
Fi types lack of specific social awareness makes it more easy to look at them like biological machines but Fe with its relatable style of speech invokes a sense of presence beyond and above that, but it's all bullshit because it's still a meatsuit doing their silly little thing!

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The biggest tragedy of /r9k/ being completely taken over by tiktok teens is that all the ditzy trendercels won't ever witness the depths of robotdom. I remember the first suicide thread after the word of this board got out, kids having actual panic attacks while OP got less and less coherent.
RIP to Elliot Smith anon. Old boys pour one out for the lost ones if you're still here. Shame this board is just soulless slop like the rest of it all but it was fun while it lasted, hope my brothers from the drinking threads are hanging in there.
It unironically makes me sad bros. For a while, you could see little traces of the old magic here and there. Anons used to hear one another and it made you feel good to know you weren't the only robot out there.

Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my greentexts, and my shitposts, even my pepe. The forum I've lost, the anons I've lost... won't stop hurting. It's like they're all still there. You feel it too, don't you?
I'm gonna make them give back our forum. Take back ALL THE MEMES that we lost. And I won't rest... Until we do.
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Sorry boss, I forgot the image.
I keep coming back on and off but the noise is just too loud by this point. Every post is lathered in so much irony and brainrot that it begins to feel like there's a bord rule against sincerity. I remember things these kids wouldn't believe. Campsite brush on fire off the coast of Mexico. I watched ruptured perineums glitter in the dark near the stemcel general. All those moments will be lost. Like ponies in a lee thread.

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