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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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The 3, 6 and 9 aethyrs are most important in the system. They teach us about movement and stillness. Anatomically, these are represented by the sexual organs, stomach or gut and the brain. These three aethyrs are the driving forces of the human existence. Not to mention the numbers for the Lord are 666 and 999. King is 369.

Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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4 of Swords 3 of Pentacles Justice 8 of Pentacles
I don’t think you’ll pursue love at all next month you’ll just focus of working and doing something else, there won’t be any real opportunities and you won’t be going out of your way to look for them either
Seven of Coins
Two of Wands
This really depends on you and how much you're willing to stay disciplined in this matter and stick to what they have told you to do for the treatment. It will go well if you follow instructions properly .
next gf
what's urs

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>solves everything
>has never been refutedw
why arent you buddhist yet?
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I've tried, it just doesn't line up with what I believe
>Egyptian mysticism and beliefs were really popular in Greece at the time,
I imagine the ancient greek equivalent of modern Soccer Karens simping over muh oriental spirituality and rejecting the "patriarchal Western" religion of greek polytheism
If I didn't had medical condition I would probably already be an ascetic Buddhist monk in the wild.
>The teaching is a raft, you leave it behind once you've reached the other side.
If only I knew it before, I wouldn't come back from there.
i prefer tantra. buddhists hate this world and want to escape. tantras want to live this life to the best.

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Has anything happened to you that made you a believer in Christ?
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I used to get sleep paralysis really bad and sensed evil entities similar to the Grays around me. Since I started praying, specifically calling out to Jesus, I've not had any further episodes of this phenomena.
The story itself is enough for me and the fact i can read it on parchment
Oddly enough, this method works for me too. When sleep paralysis happens to me, I know what it is, but I still can’t shake the feeling that I’m ‘vulnerable’ in a sense. Also the other night while I was sleeping, I felt as if something was shaking my body, immediately said the Jesus prayer to myself and it ceased and I calmed down and fell to sleep very quickly again. Also since I started going to church I’ve been having scary and negative dreams..as if there are forces that are disapproving of my decision to pursue Christ?
Learn to meditate: >>37821399

Watch ghost videos:


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As the subject says. We are two healers working together in this thread and will take on cases to the best of our combined talents, knowledge and skills.

We have done this before and know it can be a challenge to keep track of who says what. To help us in this, start all your posts with the two first letters in your first name. Or any other two letters you want to be identified with in this thread.

Beside your initials we need to know WHERE you think it hurts and WHY you think it hurts there.

When we commence doing what we do, we will say we are starting, and also give an estimate of how long time it will take.

AFTER that time has passed, we will really really appreciate hearing how you feel then. This is crucial to judging how our effort went and to motivate us to return another time. Remember, in this case, even negative feedback is preferable to no feedback.

Finally, keep in mind that everything we try to do here is impossible according to most schoolbooks. We can guarantee nothing except for one thing - we will not knowingly cause harm.
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Hi Cross, weirdly enough, yeah. this morning's porcelain throne operation was completed satisfactorily without using b.soda.

and i went 2 more times to the bathroom afterwards unloading a lot, which is very rare (usually i only go to the bathroom 1 time per day, 2 if lucky, and when i was really sick a couple years ago it was 1-2 times per week)

thanks for your insights, Anon. unfortunately b.soda has become a needed staple. I only re-achieved regularity like 10 months ago by using betaine HCL before eating ( a really controlled diet) and baking soda before bed (away from digestion times) + in the morning (as needed) to “force” the bowel movements.

i do control my main electrolytes by consuming pink salt with foods + magnesium at night, it is true that my body does not retain them too well at all.

And as you say, my body has been dealing with a lot of toxicity over the years, even my liver has been affected (has "benign" lesion), and for some reason, my body is also unable to produce nitric oxide (or have muscle pumps after physical activity) and this has been the case for years, way before i implemented the baking soda strat.

in any case, your interest and insight are really appreciated and I can provide more info if you feel curious about this miserable horrible condition.

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I feel different somehow. Can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's because I have a 3 day weekend after today or something else. My mind feels lighter. Cross and Zenith how do you do what you do?

This isn't health related but I think I might become homeless soon and if I do I'll almost certainly immediately kill myself.
I live at my parent's house and I was told he's probably going to sell the house soon. I have no friends, rarely speak to my family and I have no money.
Is there anything you can do to help me?

Hello. My brain has schizophrenia. I could use some help. I hear voices. Is this something you can help me with? I think it hurts because I took mushrooms. I tried to have a religious experience, all I ended up with was voices in my head. They are mean. I wish they would go away.
Here for a response from last nights post about my back injury affecting my bowels. I emptied my bowels today with no complications like before. I’m going to take it and say that the healing worked? I just want this habit of emptying myself to be consistent without any complications like any other normal person. Thank you for your work!

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Has anyone on /x had a consistent daily diet of lions mane mushrooms? So many studies are showing that it grows and expands braincells and clears brain clog. Does lions mane help you expand consciousness spiritually as well? I'm planning on buying some and seeing if it has long term effects or if it's just a temporary growth like a type of steroids. SERIOUS THREAD
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If you're good at cooking, it's quite easy to get a nice lobster-seafood flavour. Lion's Mane Po'Boy sandwiches are amazing.
>>37825696 #
>>462044984 #
I do not care what you say or what anyone else says. I don't care what links you post or what images or info graphs you post, it simply is not true.
What phylum of fungus are we talking about?
Fungus can grow in or on a human body but it's not ever going to be Michoryzal or Saphrotrophic because those types of fungus (mushroom fruiting bodies) need specific substrate and dead organic matter to form a literal block of Mycelium. Your body would need to be made out of decaying cellulose for this to even be remotely possible. Is your body made up of decaying cellulose? No? I didn't think so.
Fungus that grows in humans would be more akin to mold. It'd be largely invisible and would occur at the subermal level.
>>462045003 #
Yes, that's correct. I am a mushroom farmer. I've got some Mycelium growing right now actually, it smells very nice.
I wouldn't mind having some
Can you buy this at a grocery store

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Where are all the threads about the eclipse and the bloodstained horse? Surely all sorts of revolutionary happenings must be happening now: anti-christ, aliens, nuclear war, dollar collapse, worker's uprising, conscious AI, dawn of the new age...
...please show me the happenings.

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Post your spookiest /x/ greentexts.
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I totally get you. /x/ used to be my favorite board.
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does anyone have the one about the afterlife being introduced with all of your ancestors scowling at you after being forced to watch your life in its entirety and then having to do the same thing alongside them for your own descendants, and then realizing why they were scowling at you? always got a chuckle out of me, but I can't seem to find it
This one i really like
Good catch maybe typo maybe bad memory maybe fake
Nice try

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What made them so great?
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They were deceived and manipulated by a (sub)-racial group-soul. Many are still repeating their mistake.
Neither blood nor flesh can ever enter the Kingdom of Heaven, nor bar the entrance.

Hitler, Himmler, and the SS made irreversible pacts with the Satanic forces. They lost of course, and destroyed Germany.

Ponder on it, I guess.
>Satanic forces
what does the look like, where the wheels hit the road?
whites come from the pure white light of spirit. any mixture causes impurity
We wuz hyborian atlantian kangs ayylmao

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Welcome to the Semen Retention General

Ready for war edition.

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation, ejaculation and sex, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive magnetic presence when abstaining from sex.

Completely abstain from masturbation and sex to get all the benefits.
If you don't ejaculate, but still spend time touching yourself, you will lose it.

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Good God, almost all of you anons that say you've been "in love" it was probably lust. It took me my early 20s, and a lot of degenerate shit to learn the difference. But I don't think any of you have ever really experienced love. My current girlfriend is I think the only girl I've actually loved, not even my sons mother. It's cool to be a cool hard ass that hates women. But a good girl that really loves you is something that you can't buy. God just has to make you cross paths, and take the chance. I also understand that %95 of women are trash human beings, but go to church or something.
Semen retention is about becoming your best self. You may originally go into it looking for women to fuck. Then after you go through the process and finally do have sex with a woman you didn’t really care about, it leaves you feeling more empty and shameful. You realize that semen retention is the single hardest thing you can possibly do in life and if you can do it for yourself and not some woman then you literally start to gain superpowers. That’s when the quality women, not just the sluts and whores notice you, somebody you could actually spend your life with. But that’s not even the best part, it’s like reality literally starts breaking because you are so powerful. I honestly believe that all those people in those LOA threads that are failing because they’re not doing semen retention. It’s like the missing key that nearly every philosopher and most geniuses since the beginning of recorded history and likely before has talked about or mentioned. It’s been an open secret for 1000s of years but 99.9999% of people will never understand or even attempt to try it because it does sound ridiculous, how can not cumming and not looking at porn cause you to become a superhero? That sounds stupid as fuck, but it’s fucking real.
thats just faith, so dictated by your choice. which is still pretty lucky. I need help. I had a falling out recently with a person who i thought genuinely loved me... i decided to go no contact, because i'm going crazy without ever getting to feel them in the flesh and spirit. So i told them i wanna go no contact, and right after that they became super cold in my messages. so i deleted them on all my contacts. now what? will they magically just come back to me. we both expressed crazy attraction towards each other
I'd ignore and move the fuck on. I just went through this recently as well. Started talking to a girl while I was away on business. Good convos at first, then her crazy started coming out because I turned of my online status and read status on Messenger.

This bitch lived on her phone and social media, I didn't realize how bad it was. I have a profile but never really post.

And once I said fuck that and pulled away, that is when the nudes came lol. Total Succubus.

Didn't bother responding. If there is trouble in a text relationship, imagine it in a flesh one. Crazy not worth it.

Still get texts/nudes every month or so.
for me it was, at the start it was literally 'i love you' 'i love you' 'we are meant to be' which sounds like NPD love-bombing. We would talk and talk about anything that came on-topic, but it never went anywhere. indirect hints that they wanna visit... then it became 'you should talk to me less and talk to others' this was after i expressed my love for them, and said i wanna go no contact. This is also the same thing that happened to me in HS, every time i would show interest to my crush she would just become distant and lose any interest towards me. Then she would come running back. An NPD game of cat and mice. they even said they feel safe saying shit to me, but it became 'i dont wanna talk about it' about everything. I think if you genuinely have an interest in visiting someone you would be direct about it and be honest, if the other person truly misses you...

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i've been visited by a gryphon who hates cleanliness. i suspect hes been dosing me with pixie dust to prevent me from cleaning, because every time i pick up a broom my eyes get tired. this isn't my first interaction with this gryphon. hes been speaking to me for 6 months. i just found a picture of a bird, the gryphon looks way different.
So if I stop shitposting you'll be able to clean my brain up?
i just tried for the 123rd time to do my dishes. and i felt something hit me. i leaned back. eyes drooped. almost fell to the floor. this mainly only happens with cleaning things. he seems interested in me. i will continue my research into this.
The laziness gryphon
Yea I know it
You need another entity to fight it on your behalf. Do you know one already you cam contact?
Read textbooks and make money. Leave the housekeeping to those concerned or hired professionals. Cultivate IQ instead of worrying about janitorial duties.

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>>Book Recommendations

>>Load your Chart [Exact Birth Time]

>>Additional Resources:
https://sevenstarsastrology.com/ - methods
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general

previous - >>37772448
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>In your case, by the way, the Sun is one of the possible candidates for the essence. Aries is ruled by Mars, but it is also place of exaltation for the Sun
appreciate you anon thanks
I wasnt asking for looks advices, i just want to know if im rising Leo or rising Virgo since i was born the exact minute it changes. The other anon told by looks along with questions may have a clue. LoL i got burned for free
>"just curious how fucked my chart is!"
>Jupiter on the ascendant
Your chart looks pretty good actually lol. Main problem is that Venus-Saturn square, but that's not all that bad on its own.
>Jupiter on the ascendant
>Fat fuck
Yeah, it's truly a good placement, hahaha.
threadly reminder that if you have a masculine mars sign you're a nigger. you get your shit kicked in and cross the wrong people every single time you exhibit your bravado, obnoxious behavior. you lead head first into everything and you end up crossing the wrong person and then you have a real issue on your hands that you don't know how to maneuver because you've relied on your masculine mars sign to carry you through everything in life

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Since this is a thread of free will, let me ask you this.

Let's say I wanted to manifest a specific person that I already know (e.g. ex or something). Would it be against their free will if I manifested them to love or like me? The cope I keep hearing from LoA general is that you're only manifesting a "version" of them that already loves you. It sounds like some BS multiverse theory, and I don't buy it? If there's no multiverse, and you're trying to get someone to like you through witchcraft, that's naturally against their free will, and there's bound to be karmic consquences for such actions (which is why entities will do something to you or someone else if you go doing this stuff too much).
No, by contrast determinism is entirely relient on the illusion of a single linear time
you would have created a what if scenario and that creates a multiverse branch
You will incur karma thats all i can say
Nope. Pilot wave. Everything happening now is dictated by what happened before and dictates what will happen next. You may seem to have a choice at a fork but only one outcome is possible. You can never take both paths.

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pagancuck eliminates the abramics but discovers that 99 percent of the powerful alien races have a universalist philosophy and are basically space globalists, and that the only alien race that is nationalis and powerful are atheist who want to transcend nature, what wonderful twist
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>want to transcend nature
transcend an absence of agency. to have the potential to undeniably wield nature by having total relevance to and for natures current needs. embracing reincarnation.
look at nature as a reflection of the universe

crystalline identity (universal, totalitarian, utopian, etc) creates entropy through static perception. there's no radical shift in perception and experience. that's what the tower of babel is about. its to maintain the infinite.
everything has its own form of power. it just comes down to relevance, and the needs of space.
came here to say this
Hail Woden
"We" aren't interested in the elimination of the Abrahamics. "We" are trying to counter the Christcuck's closed-minded arrogant proselytizations and insufferable and obnoxious behaviors here. Since they're a fanatical bunch of irrational ignoramuses, they can't be persuaded to stop their petty threats and dark 'magick' ("You're going to Hell [for disagreeing with me]" and "I'll pray for you!") or their insistence that "we" should give a damn about their "Jesus is King" blurbs when they must know that it won't lead to what they want -- converts.
BTW, being "ignorant" means not knowing about the subject; an ignoramus is someone who chooses not to want to know anything about it.
Is it zoomers? Are zoomers the reason is full of shit tier christcuck discourse these days?

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