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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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Weeb Gun Edition

Discuss your overpriced guns that you would never dare shoot.

Previous: >>61456425
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There's also these, off the top of my head.
>Gustloff Volkssturmgewehr
>Kbsp wz. 1938M
>Japanese Pederson Trials Rifle
Am I missing something about this rifle? Swedish Mauser, 1917, seems to be matching serials, and I have the highest bid at $280 and has held it for days.
Nah it looks good anon, I had two swede mausers at one point, they're cool and easy shooting. What does the disc say?
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Just acquired a hakim
There's no close-up pics of it.

I'm just worried, usually quality milsurp at least has a couple of other bidders, but I'm the only one who's bid on it.

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/brg/ never dies editon

Post wood (furniture)
(but seriesously post wood)
Tips and tricks for guns smithing found here
Is WVLRN good or JAM city? Stay tuned!
All the best frens stick around post 310. Mr Morris is not welcomed

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/oaJQrfTo46Y?si=jasr2tdnVaWxNrvB

As Always No Trips, No Traps, No airsoft. Anime and middle aged anon life advice always appreciated

Previous thread: >>61450161
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>I did. It's the primers that fuck you up
Assuming you don't use lead free primers (which have gotten better if not all the way there yet) they still have like 40-60x less lead emissino then what gets vaporized off the end of firing FMJ. It's really genuinely minimal, and I say that as someone pretty concerned myself.

Of course if you go to a range even if you're clean there's everyone else. But none of this matters purely for holding ammo in your hand.
I'm certain that if we post benis instead of booba, nothing will get scrubbed
what's really cool is that there's like no good research on this. you'd think there would be papers quantifying the level of exposure, given soldiers and shit are shooting and then eating food and whatever.
i haven't found many in-depth papers discussing it.
I sold my battle rifle
farewell, faggots
I wish I bought that one hakim

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Are there any secrets left to be learned from this vehicle?

Or is all this decades old tech from the US pretty common nowadays. Is this a real "get" for them or just a feather in cap trophy with no real exploitations to glean?
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No real human being would ever oppose the military aid to Ukraine, you got us here. Here's your (You).
Maaam I tell you again my name is David and I'm a white american manager of a Bank of America.
>The one thing you'll never do, is man up, grab a rifle and defend the country you shill so hard for. Worthless faggot.
I hope you're typing it from Avdiivka, worthless faggot.
This pasta is still new enough to catch a dozen replies. BZ, anon.
>are there any secrets left to be learned from this vehicle?
Most "secrets" they could learn are worthless to them because they do not have the material science to replicate them.
The chinese might be able to, but I doubt it.
It's like when you give some natives in the jungle an iphone and are scared they will copy it.

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What weapons related hijinks will this original odd couple get into now?
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I'm the first guy he replied but you put my toughts into words perfectly
>my country does this too
>/k/ either doesn't say shit or actively endorses it
>literally haven't seen TID typed out here a single time since october 7th
feels good to be king
>Russian government doesn't abide by Geneva
>Therefore all Russians must die
Good luck with that.
There's a video post-2022 where a Russian and an American convoy cross paths in (I think) Syria. The Americans honk and the Russian filming is seething "Faggots, we'll kill you once we're done with Ukraine"
Because browns killing browns is just regular third world things
It's dreams that make man strive for a better world.

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What if the Navy seal could teleport and also turn Invisible?
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>gen Z
what's an MMORPG?
Synths are entirely disposable. Teleport a Gen 2 synth in with a ton of fatman shells on a vest linked to a Deadman switch. The synth gets shot to shit because of course it does like the useless bucket of bolts it is, except oh wait it just accidentally'ed your whole base gg; no re &ez.
3 really is an abomination, I'm not even a fallout fan, only played about 5 hours of fo1 really recently, but 3 just fails as a game in every aspect
VtMB > Fallout 1 > Deus Ex for top three easily. Morrowind is better than Fallout 2, but New Vegas easily solos it.

VtMB and Fallout 1 are Leonard Boyarsky’s magnum opuses
3 is bad because of a dumb story in a drab and boring world.
4 is just straight up retarded in every way. The more you think about the Institute the less sense anything makes.
>we can construct an adult synthetic human in a couple of minutes but we can’t treat my cancer because we need the emotional death bed scene to happen, we watched Interstellar and it’s like that but way worse

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So I guess the US is also able to enjoy a war economy without actually being at war.
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You are assuming he has a job to begin with, anon. Rookie mistake
Ukraine no longer require their own men the Boris Johnson clone plants are fully operational.
Russia is about to get rugby tackled like a Japanese kid in a touch rugby game.
War economy coukd also help fighting obesity in US and Global Warming?
Obesity yes, global warming no.
Instead of being burnt in vehicles that must have catalytic converters and meet emission standards it's going into military vehicles that have no regulations.
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Someone explain to me how America can spend so much on their military year after year but didn't produce more arty shells?

>be soldier in the XI Corps on May 2, 1863
>be sitting down for dinner
>suddenly rabbits and foxes come hopping through your camp from the nearby woods, first a handful, then dozens
>look out towards the woods
>there can't possibly be anything out there
>see the top of a flag start appearing over the horizon
>suddenly, autistic screeching, the likes of you've never conceived of before, echos literally everywhere
>hundreds of Confederate soldiers burst out of the trees, bayonets fixed, running right at you

What do?
wait until they shoot their best general by mistake later that night
Well if I'm a gay yankee then I'm going to poop my pants and commit seppuku but i don't even have the balls to do that so as I plead with the rebels and try to explain how warped their ideology is and that this great country will one day send billions of dollars to poopoo shitukraine, I just take a bayonet through my mouth and out the back of my head.
>get scared because american soldiers come out of the bushes
>instantly get reliefed when I realize it's only the inbred losers
>use the VN20s 30mm autocannon to turn them into mulch

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Not sure how to better ask, but I'm working on a game project where the protagonist is out in the woods as part of a gubbermint job overseeing a very large forest that allegedly has bears and mountain lions plus potentially the occasional undesirable non-bear/mountain lion. To appropriately prepare him for threats without arming him to easily kill people, they provide a shotgun (Probably some kind of simple pump action) with the idea being the only shells he has are a very small gauge in a configuration that would - in the event of say, a bear or a wild cat, hurt them that in combination with the noise would spook them off, but anything short of a full dump of what's loaded directly into their face wouldn't kill them, and the idea for humans being about the same plus the fact they'd be warded off by the player having a gun.

What would be a good kind of ammunition for this? Based on my very minimal nogunz knowledge I was thinking some kind of very low grain 20 gauge bird shot but I'm certain I'm missing an obvious better answer. I do want it to be an actual gun since I do want players to look at it from a perspective of "This is effective, it can at least partially protect me" and the average player won't look at something like a pepper ball gun and think the same thing.
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The problem is that anything strong enough to dissuade large predators is strong enough to kill Humans, even birdshot from a .410 at close range is deadly.
>Second, the point of showing that skull is to show the permeability of even large animals to small caliber, low velocity ammunition, even through bone.
If that was your point you utterly failed because you didnt account for angle. Bella Twin shot a grizz through the thin bone of its temple. Meanwhile if you read sixguns by Keith he describes bouncing a dozen 22's off a deer's skull from a less effective angle.

>I'd fire wolverine the x man at the bear out of a WW2 siege mortar.
what if we pretend stupid nonsense answers aren't allowed?
Used to work on a dude ranch in Colorado. Whenever black bear would come fuck around with the horses or the dumpster my boss would put #7.5 shot target loads (standard birdshot) in his shotgun& shoot the bear from like 20-30yd away. Just scared em off, never left behind any blood so i reckon it didn't break the skin. Dean was a mean sonuvabitch I think he enjoyed shooting those bears with birdshot
I seen a first 48 where a groid gets shot with a birdshot load and croaks. Birdshot can easily be lethal
At indoor ranges birdshot will fuck you up because it's all hitting together (probably in the cup) and hasn't lost momentum to the air. On the other hand at about 50 yards with a thick coat you'll barely notice it anywhere but your eye. That's sort of the whole point of birdshot, it's the only thing you can shoot upwards and be confident it's not going to cause problems on the way down.

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Oh shit all those training videos you watched are about to come out. What are you doing?
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what furniture is on that?
>Feel my fingers in your
Kinda gay
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Anon I posted this as a terrible example of what to do in a defensive situation lmao, you really are 007s

Rate this one...
Laugh as you touch my cock while fingering my pockets because I cut those out of every pair of pants I own so I can masturbate in public. Then with my dying breath" nigga, you gay"

How will the use of chemical weapons effect the current stalemate now that the gloves are off
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Time to give Ukraine napalm and our remaining VX stockpiles.
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zigger mentality
I hope Ukraine's allies actually allow Ukraine to take their gloves off.

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Well that was fast
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It trägs schwere waffens
>another fucking LAV chassis
This shit is going to be the MT-LB of the 2070s, isn't it?
more like the BTR but modern
MT-LBs are artillery tractors
LAV-25 and similar are APCs or IFVs
>LAV chassis
>is limited to solid roads
I've seen them do offroad tests. They can go pretty much everywhere, they even drove one through 2 feet of mud. Although it looked more like it was swimming.

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I have done over 600 hours of firearm research and determined that an oil filter suppressed ruger 10/22 sbr firing walmart brand 22lr is the ultimate criminal weapon.

>difficult to trace ballistics
>easily concealable under a jacket
>usable with one hand
>fits in a normal looking toolbox
>will not arouse suspicion if found in a search
>suppressor disposable at any autozone, gas station garbage can, or local landfill
>can cheaply change the barrel for every job
>3D printable receiver

prove me wrong
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Do you realize there's 22lr handguns and sealed revolvers in various better calibers? A sealed revolver with suppressor in a common caliber would be quiet, concealable, and not leave casings.
>Abercrombie and Snitch
>thinks up a way to murder people and get away with it,
>posts it on a site where it will surely be read by LE
>the perfect crime!
This is why I cant leave this place.
No, you right. You used to be able to get oil filter thread adaptors off wish right alongside the glock switches, but nobody on /k/ ever saw one because whiteboys are all buckbroken by feds and would reflexively hand in their guns if so much as a girlscout knocked on their door. Meanwhile brothers are normalizing select fire glocks and Draco SBRs, the spirit of the 2nd amendment is literally carried by the black community.
Frog not found?
/v/ermin not around
Frog is near?
/v/ermin are here!

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>Marine Lt. Col. Michael Pruden, head of the Marine Air Command and Control Integration Branch of the Air Combat Element Division within the service's Combat Development and Integration Command (CD&I), provided details about the IDF's experiences to The War Zone and other attendees during a talk at the annual Modern Day Marine exposition yesterday. The Marine Corps is separately in the process of significantly expanding its air and missile defense forces and their capabilities, with a particular eye toward growing drone threats, as you can read more about here.

>"Something interesting that comes from Israel, 40 percent, 40 percent [this figure was repeated for emphasis], of the UASs ... knocked out" by Israel are instances of "friendly fire," Pruden said.

>"As Israel's engaging in Gaza, and they're on their front line, they see a small UAS, what are they going to do if it's not identified immediately?" Pruden also said. "They're going to shoot it down."

>In his talk, the Marine officer laid out a core problem as his service sees it: "How am I putting a small UAS in the sky, thousands of these things, and not telling anybody about it, especially your ground-based air defense and counter-UAS [elements]?"

>Regardless, Pruden's remarks yesterday make clear that rapidly discriminating between friendly and hostile UASs is a major issue for the IDF. It is also one that the Marine Corps and the rest of the U.S. military will increasingly have to contend with. Just in February, the German Navy's Sachsen class frigate FGS Hessen almost shot down a U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone flying over the Red Sea in a case of mistaken identity, underscoring the complexities that present in future operations, including ones involving foreign coalition partners
If I recall, that US base that got attacked by a Iranian drones and led to 3 KIA was because at the time there was a friendly US drone that was about to land.
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TKD is fine too, I don't really have strong opinions on (((them))) so if someone accidentally nukes Israel eh whatever, but there's no denying Palis are literally too retarded to be left alive and the kikes kicking them in the nuts with iron boots after their chimpout is entirely justified. (Even if said chimpout was probably deliberately allowed to happen by them in the first place)
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IIRC, Ukraine was reporting a big issue with drone fratricide last year as well, especially in regards to jamming. To get a bit meta, we've dealt with enough zigger spam that we've conditioned ourselves to think that OP is saying "Russia isn't reporting this issue, so they must not be having it xaxaxaxaxaxa" whenever something like this is brought up, and that's not a good place to be in.
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F noble ratto
What was old is new again. Time to dress everything in brightly and recognizable colors so the autonomous killer bot knows you're on its side (for now)
For the drones:
If it wasn't a children's hospital than fake news

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